INTRODUCTION: This study was performed to compare the efficacy and safety of PreserFlo MicroShunt (PMS) implantation with mitomycin C (MMC) applied by sub-tenon injection versus conventional application by MMC-soaked sponges. METHODS: This retrospective, 1-year cohort study included 100 eyes of 100 patients with glaucoma who underwent PMS implantation with MMC (0.4 mg/ml) delivered either by sub-tenon injection (50 eyes) or via soaked sponges (50 eyes). The primary outcome measure at 1 year was intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction, with complete success defined as an IOP reduction of ≥ 20% and achieving a target IOP of ≤ 21 or 18 mmHg without the use of medication. Secondary outcomes, including corneal endothelial cell density (CECD) loss, the number of medications, and complications, were assessed and compared between the groups. RESULTS: Sustained reductions in mean IOP were observed in both groups over the 1-year follow-up, with no significant differences between the groups. The complete success rate, with a target IOP of ≤ 21 mmHg after 1 year, was 19.3% in the sponge group and 26.4% in the injection group. The qualified success rate was 59.0% and 87.4% in the sponge and injection groups, respectively. A longer survival rate was observed in the injection group than in the sponge group when IOP was below 21 mmHg. The mean CECD significantly decreased (P < 0.01) from baseline to each postoperative follow-up time point in both groups. At 1 year postoperatively, the percentage of total CECD loss was 8.1% in the sponge group and 8.0% in the injection group. However, no significant differences in mean CECD values, the number of medications, or adverse events were found between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: PMS implantation with sub-tenon injection of MMC was comparable in terms of efficacy and safety to traditional MMC delivery via soaked sponges. However, the injection group demonstrated a significantly higher success rate than the sponge group.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Cieľ: Prítomnosť intrakraniálnych aneuryziem a ich hemoragických a tromboembolických komplikácií predstavuje závažnú nozologickú jednotku, ktorá významne ohrozuje svojich nositeľov. Sú väčšinou asymptomatické až do vzniku ruptúry. V dvoch kazuistikách predstavujeme mladých pacientov so zhoršeným videním a bolesťami hlavy, u ktorých sme zistili prítomnosť intrakraniálnych aneuryziem. Materiál a metódy: Prezentácia dvoch kazuistík pacientov, ktorí prišli na naše pracovisko so zhoršením videnia a bolesťami hlavy. Na našom pracovisku pacienti podstúpili kompletné očné vyšetrenie, vrátane vyšetrenia zorného poľa. Na základe výsledkov vyšetrenia boli indikovaní na zobrazovacie vyšetrenie mozgu, ktoré odhalilo prítomnosť intrakraniálnych aneuryziem. Pacienti boli následne odoslaní do centra intervenčnej neurorádiológie, kde podstúpili neinvazívny endovaskulárny neuroembolizačný výkon s implantáciou flow divertera. Pacientov sme ďalej po výkone sledovali a výsledky vyšetrení dokumentujeme do obdobia 1 roku po výkone. Výsledky a záver: Vďaka rýchlemu záchytu, diagnostike a manažmentu oboch pacientov sme predišli vzniku ruptúry aneuryzmy a život ohrozujúceho stavu. Po endovaskulárnych výkonoch s implantáciou flow diverterta došlo k výraznému zlepšeniu zrakovej ostrosti ako aj perimetrického nálezu u oboch pacientov. Pri záchyte intakraniálnych aneuryziem do týždňa od vzniku očných príznakov a ich ošetrení do troch mesiacov, došlo v priebehu 6–12 mesiacov u našich dvoch pacientov k zlepšeniu defektov v zornom poli, u jedného z týchto pacientov až k takmer ich kompletnému vymiznutiu.
Purpose: Intracranial aneurysms and their hemorrhagic and thromboembolic complications represent a serious nosological unit that significantly endangers those afflicted. They are mostly asymptomatic until rupture occurs. In two case reports, we present our observations of young patients with impaired vision and headaches, in whom we found the presence of intracranial aneurysms. Observations: Presentation of two case reports of patients who came to our department with impaired vision and headaches. The patients underwent a complete eye examination at our center, including a visual field examination. Based on the results of the examination, they were referred for an imaging examination of the brain, which revealed the presence of intracranial aneurysms. The patients were subsequently sent to the interventional neuroradiology center, where they underwent a noninvasive endovascular neuroembolization procedure with flow diverter implantation. We continued to monitor the patients after the procedure and document the examination results up to 1 year after the procedure. Conclusions and significance: Thanks to the fast detection, diagnosis, and management of both patients, we prevented the occurrence of aneurysm rupture, thus a life-threatening complication. After endovascular procedures with flow diverter implantation, we observed a significant improvement in visual acuity as well as perimetric findings in both patients. When intracranial aneurysms are found within a week of the onset of eye symptoms and treated within three months, defects in the visual fields improved in our two patients within 6–12 months, and in one of the two patients the defects almost completely disappeared.
- Klíčová slova
- neuroembolizace,
- MeSH
- bolesti hlavy etiologie MeSH
- diagnostické techniky oftalmologické MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- endovaskulární výkony metody MeSH
- intrakraniální aneurysma * chirurgie diagnostické zobrazování klasifikace patologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- magnetická rezonanční tomografie MeSH
- mozková angiografie MeSH
- poruchy zraku chirurgie diagnostické zobrazování etiologie terapie MeSH
- terapeutická embolizace * metody MeSH
- zraková pole MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
Chemické poleptania sú zrak ohrozujúce poranenia, vyžadujúce okamžitú liečbu. Hlavným cieľom počiatočnej terapie je intenzívny a výdatný výplach spojovkového vaku, za účelom neutralizácie a eliminácie pôsobiacej chemikálie. Ďalšie terapeutické postupy, či už konzervatívne, alebo chirurgické, závisia od klinického nálezu. Cieľ: V kazuistike popisujeme priebeh a liečbu pacientky s poleptaním oboch očí zásaditou látkou. Kazuistika: V práci uvádzame kazuistiku 35-ročnej ženy, s chemickým poleptaním oboch očí alkalickým činidlom. Do troch týždňov nastala úplná reepitelizácia oboch rohoviek. Vzhľadom k tomu sme predpokladali uspokojivú prognózu hojenia, avšak na ľavom oku došlo s odstupom času k lýze rohovky. Stav sa podarilo zvládnuť, ale následne došlo na ľavom oku zrejme v súvislosti s infekciou COVID-19 k závažnej keratouveitíde s hypopyonom a lýzou rohovky, čo v konečnom dôsledku viedlo k eviscerácii postihnutého oka. Výsledky a záver: V kazuistike popisujeme management ľahkého poleptania na pravom oku a komplikovaného stredne ťažkého poleptania ľavého oka zásaditou chemikáliou. Obe oči boli do troch týždňov kompletne prehojené, no nález na ľavom oku sa skomplikoval, čo dospelo v konečnom dôsledku až k eviscerácii postihnutého oka. Ochorenie COVID-19 mohlo prispieť k zhoršeniu nálezu na rohovke alebo mohlo ísť iba o koincidenciu dvoch ochorení a keratouveitída mala závažný priebeh z dôvodu predchádzajúceho ťažkého priebehu hojenia a mnohých komplikácií po chemickom poleptaní oka.
Chemical burns are sight-threatening injuries that require immediate management. The main goal of the initial treatment is prompt and copious irrigation to neutralize and eliminate the chemical, followed by various therapeutic options (conservative and surgical) according to the individual patient’s postinjury findings. Purpose: In this case report, we describe the course and treatment of a patient with chemical alkali burns of both eyes. This study reports the outcomes of an ocular alkali burn patient who became infected with COVID-19 and where severe keratouveitis with corneal graft melting and hypopyon occurred, ultimately resulting in evisceration of the eye. Observations: We report the case of a 35-year-old woman, after an alkali burn of both eyes. Complete re-epithelialization of both corneas occurred within three weeks. Due to this observation, we assumed a satisfactory healing prognosis. However, corneal lysis occurred in the left eye over time. The condition was managed, but subsequently severe keratouveitis with hypopyon and corneal lysis occurred in the left eye, apparently in connection with the COVID-19 infection, which ultimately led to the evisceration of the affected eye. Conclusions and Importance: In the case report, we describe the management of a mild chemical alkali burn of the right eye and a complicated moderate burn of the left eye with an alkaline chemical. Both eyes were completely healed within three weeks. However, the findings on the left eye became complicated, which ultimately led to the evisceration of the affected eye. The disease of COVID-19 could have contributed to the deterioration of the findings on the cornea, or it could have just been a coincidence of two diseases, with the keratouveitis having a serious course due to the previous difficult course of healing and many complications after the chemical burn.
- Klíčová slova
- lýza rohovky,
- MeSH
- amnion transplantace MeSH
- chemické popálení * diagnóza etiologie komplikace terapie MeSH
- COVID-19 komplikace virologie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- eviscerace oka MeSH
- hydroxid sodný škodlivé účinky MeSH
- keratokonjunktivitida etiologie MeSH
- keratoplastika perforující MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- poranění oka * diagnóza etiologie komplikace terapie MeSH
- rohovka chirurgie patofyziologie patologie MeSH
- transplantace rohovky MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
With the arrival of the highly transmissible Omicron variants (BA.4 and BA.5), dentistry faces another seasonal challenge to preserve the biosafety of dental care and education. With the aim of protecting patients, students, teachers and healthcare professionals, this paper introduces a prospective sustainable biosafety setting for everyday dental care and education. The setting developed by dental clinicians, epidemiologists, and teachers of dentistry consists of a combination of modern technologies focused on the air-borne part of the viral pathway. The introduced biosafety setting has been clinically evaluated after 18 months of application in the real clinical environment. The protocol has three fundamental pillars: (1) UVC air disinfection; (2) air saturation with certified virucidal essences with nebulizing diffusers; (3) complementary solutions including telehealth and 3D printing. A pseudonymous online smart form was used as the evaluation method. The protocol operates on the premise that everybody is a hypothetical asymptomatic carrier. The results of a clinical evaluation of 115 patient feedbacks imply that no virus transmission from patient to patient or from doctor to nurse was observed or reported using this protocol, and vice versa, although nine patients retrospectively admitted that the clinic visit is likely to be infectious. Despite these promising results, a larger clinical sample and exposition to the current mutated strains are needed for reliable conclusions about protocol virucidal efficiency in current dental environments.