BACKGROUND: The escalating global prevalence of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes presents a major public health challenge. Physical activity plays a critical role in managing (pre)diabetes; however, adherence to physical activity recommendations remains low. The ENERGISED trial was designed to address these challenges by integrating mHealth tools into the routine practice of general practitioners, aiming for a significant, scalable impact in (pre)diabetes patient care through increased physical activity and reduced sedentary behaviour. METHODS: The mHealth intervention for the ENERGISED trial was developed according to the mHealth development and evaluation framework, which includes the active participation of (pre)diabetes patients. This iterative process encompasses four sequential phases: (a) conceptualisation to identify key aspects of the intervention; (b) formative research including two focus groups with (pre)diabetes patients (n = 14) to tailor the intervention to the needs and preferences of the target population; (c) pre-testing using think-aloud patient interviews (n = 7) to optimise the intervention components; and (d) piloting (n = 10) to refine the intervention to its final form. RESULTS: The final intervention comprises six types of text messages, each embodying different behaviour change techniques. Some of the messages, such as those providing interim reviews of the patients' weekly step goal or feedback on their weekly performance, are delivered at fixed times of the week. Others are triggered just in time by specific physical behaviour events as detected by the Fitbit activity tracker: for example, prompts to increase walking pace are triggered after 5 min of continuous walking; and prompts to interrupt sitting following 30 min of uninterrupted sitting. For patients without a smartphone or reliable internet connection, the intervention is adapted to ensure inclusivity. Patients receive on average three to six messages per week for 12 months. During the first six months, the text messaging is supplemented with monthly phone counselling to enable personalisation of the intervention, assistance with technical issues, and enhancement of adherence. CONCLUSIONS: The participatory development of the ENERGISED mHealth intervention, incorporating just-in-time prompts, has the potential to significantly enhance the capacity of general practitioners for personalised behavioural counselling on physical activity in (pre)diabetes patients, with implications for broader applications in primary care.
Východiska: Chůze na sněžnicích je v zimní přírodě základní pohybová schopnost. Jedná se o aktivitu fyzicky náročnější než běžná chůze. Tato lokomoce byla zkoumána z různých aspektů (fyziologických, biomechanických či spirituálních). Validační studie ověřujících fitness náramky byly doposud realizované pouze na pevném povrchu. Žádná práce nezkoumala měřící vlastnosti fitness náramků v autentických podmínkách zimní krajiny. Cíle: Hlavním cílem studie je ověřit využitelnost fitness náramku Garmin Vívofit pro monitoring pohybové aktivity při chůzi na sněžnicích v horském prostředí. Metodika: Studie se v rámci dvanáctidenního kurzu pobytu v zimní přírodě, organizovaného zážitkovou školou Lipnice, zúčastnilo 35 respondentů (22 můžu a 13 žen). Naměřená data byla získána z náramků Garmin Vívofit a jejich validita byla ověřena prostřednictvím GPS loggeru a odečtem vzdálenosti mapových portálů. Výsledky: Hodnoty z náramku Garmin Vívofit byly v deseti z dvanácti monitorovaných dnů statisticky významně nepřesné. Hodnoty z GPS loggeru doplněné mapovou analýzou poukazují, že průměrná denní překonaná vzdálenost byla o 3,44 km kratší (9,42 ± 2,88 km). Náramek měřil ve všech měřených dnech vyšší hodnoty (v km), než jsou GPS a mapové údaje. Závěry: V případě nevyužití hrudního pásu pro snímání tepové frekvence, nepovažujeme přístroj Garmin Vívofit za vhodný pro objektivní monitoring chůze na sněžnicích. Na základě našich výsledků doporučujeme monitoring za pomoci tepové frekvence, která není ovlivněna délkou kroků.
Background: Walking on snowshoes is the basic motor ability in winter nature. This activity is more physically demanding than normal walking and this locomotion has been studied from various aspects (physiological, biomechanical or spiritual). So far, validation studies on fitness bracelets have only been performed on solid surfaces. No study has examined the measuring characteristics of fitness bracelets in authentic winter landscape conditions. Objective: The main aim of this study is to determine whether the Garmin Vívofit bracelet is a suitable snowshoe gauging device. Methods: 35 respondents (22 men and 13 women) participated in this study within the 12-day Winter Nature Course organized by the Lipnice Adventure School. The measured data were obtained from Garmin Vívofit bracelets and their validity was verified by the GPS logger and online maps. Results: Garmin Vívofit bracelet values were statistically inaccurate in ten of the twelve monitored days. GPS logger data supplemented with map analysis show that the average daily distance traveled was 3.44 km shorter (9.42 ± 2.88 km). Conclusions: Without heart rate monitoring, Garmin Vívofit bracelets are not suitable for objective snowshoe walking monitoring. Based on our results, we recommend heart rate monitoring, which is not affected by the length of steps.
- MeSH
- analýza chůze * MeSH
- chůze MeSH
- elektronika MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pohybová aktivita * MeSH
- srdeční frekvence MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
The title method was used for phytoremediation of soils. The experiments were performed with leaves of willow (S. smithiana, S. alba, S. rubens and S. dasyclados) grown in soil contaminated with heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Pb), The ability of the leaves to accumulate these metals was confirmed. The total contents of metals in 0.02 mol l?1 Tris buffer (pH 7.5) and in 1 mol l?1 sodium hydroxide extracts were determined. Size exclusion chromatography combined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used for separation and determination of metals in the extracts. The metals in the extracts are present mainly in low-molecular-weight fractions (M ? 2 kDa). These fractions were obtained by preparative size exclusion chromatography and refined by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. The compounds in the fractions were analyzed by amino acid analysis and MALDI mass spectrometry. The results show that majority of heavy metals in willow biomass remained in insoluble residue whereas the extracts contain substantial amounts of chelating agents, which suggests their role in metal detoxication processes in willow plants.
- MeSH
- chromatografie afinitní metody MeSH
- financování organizované MeSH
- látky znečišťující půdu analýza MeSH
- listy rostlin chemie MeSH
- monitorování životního prostředí MeSH
- regenerace a remediace životního prostředí metody MeSH
- Salix metabolismus růst a vývoj MeSH
- stopové prvky izolace a purifikace MeSH
- těžké kovy analýza MeSH