OBJECTIVE: This research aims to design and evaluate an enteric-coated hard capsule dosage form for targeted delivery of biological materials, such as FMT (fecal microbiota transplant) or live microbes, to the distal parts of the GIT. The capsules are designed to be internally protected against destruction by hydrophilic filling during passage through the digestive tract. METHODS: Hard gelatin capsules and DRcapsTMcapsules based on HPMC and gellan were used to encapsulate a hydrophilic body temperature-liquefying gelatin hydrogel with caffeine or insoluble iron oxide mixture. Different combinations of polymers were tested for the internal (ethylcellulose, Eudragit® E, and polyvinyl acetate) and external (Eudragit® S, Acryl-EZE®, and cellacefate) coating. The external protects against the acidic gastric environment, while the internal protects against the liquid hydrophilic filling during passage. Coated capsules were evaluated using standard disintegration and modified dissolution methods for delayed-release dosage forms. RESULTS: Combining suitable internal (ethylcellulose 1.0 %) and external (Eudragit® S 20.0 %) coating of DRcapsTM capsules with the wiping and immersion method achieved colonic release times. While most coated capsules met the pharmaceutical requirements for delayed release, one combination stood out. Colonic times were indicated by the dissolution of soluble caffeine (during 120-720 min) measured by the dissolution method, and capsule rupture was indicated by the release of insoluble iron oxide (after 480 min) measured by the disintegration method. This promising result demonstrates the composition's suitability and potential to protect the content until it's released, inspiring hope for the future of colon-targeted delivery systems and its potential for the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. CONCLUSION: Innovative and easy capsule coatings offer significant potential for targeted drugs, especially FMT water suspension, to the GIT, preferably the colon. The administration method is robust and not considerably affected by the quantity of internal or external coatings. It can be performed in regular laboratories without specialized individual and personalized treatment equipment, making it a practical and feasible method for drug delivery.
- MeSH
- bakteriální polysacharidy chemie MeSH
- biokompatibilní materiály chemie MeSH
- celulosa * chemie analogy a deriváty MeSH
- deriváty hypromelózy chemie MeSH
- hydrofobní a hydrofilní interakce * MeSH
- hydrogely chemie MeSH
- kofein chemie aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- kolon * metabolismus MeSH
- kyseliny polymethakrylové chemie MeSH
- léky s prodlouženým účinkem chemie MeSH
- polymery chemie MeSH
- polyvinyly chemie MeSH
- systémy cílené aplikace léků * metody MeSH
- tobolky * MeSH
- uvolňování léčiv * MeSH
- želatina * chemie MeSH
- železité sloučeniny chemie aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
The technological process of production of biosimilars determines the degree of biosimilarity to the original biological drug. In particular, the focus is on the similarity of immunogenic responses. The primary endpoint of our retrospective study was to find the differences in SARS-CoV-2 antibody amount between patients treated with original adalimumab and biosimilar adalimumab MSB11022 (Idacio) and the differences in the SARS-CoV-2 antibody amount between patients treated with and without biological treatment. We collected the gender, autoimmune disease type, age, and treatment data of the patients in the outpatient clinic MEDICAL PLUS, s.r.o., Uherske Hradiste. These patients suffer from autoimmune rheumatic diseases. All patients received the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer/BioNTech - BNT162b2), with a 21-day (interquartile range, 21-24) gap between the two vaccinations. Patients receiving adalimumab were able to develop cellular immune responses after the second vaccination dose, as well as the individuals without adalimumab. In the period of 6-23 weeks after the second vaccination dose (D63 - D182), the SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels did not change significantly in the patients receiving the original adalimumab, while in the patients receiving biosimilar adalimumab a significant decrease was revealed. A statistically significant difference in the SARS-CoV-2 antibody amount between the patients without biological treatment (median: 504.3 U/mL) and with biological treatment (Original and Biosimilar - median: 47.2 and 28.2 U/mL, respectively) was confirmed on day 182. According to our observation, the effect of the treatment type on the increase/decrease of antibodies over time is dominant, while the impact of other variables (gender, methotrexate treatment, autoimmune disease type, and age) was confirmed as insignificant or minor.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Treating oral diseases remains challenging as API is quickly washed out of the application site by saliva turnover and mouth movements. In situ gels are a class of application forms that present sol-gel transition's ability as a response to stimuli. Their tunable properties are provided using smart polymers responsible for stimuli sensitivity, often providing mucoadhesivity. In this study, antimicrobial in situ gels of thermosensitive and pH-sensitive polymers loaded with silver nanoparticles were prepared and evaluated. The nanoparticles were prepared by green synthesis using Agrimonia eupatoria L. extract. According to the data analysis, the in situ gel with the most promising profile contained 15 % of Pluronic® F-127, 0.25 % of methylcellulose, and 0.1 % of Noveon® AA-1. Pluronic® F-127 and methylcellulose significantly increased the viscosity of in situ gels at 37 °C and shear rates similar to speaking and swallowing. At 20 °C, a behavior close to a Newtonian fluid was observed while being easily injectable (injection force 13.455 ± 1.973 N). The viscosity of the formulation increased with temperature and reached 2962.77 ± 63.37 mPa·s (37 °C). A temperature increase led to increased adhesiveness and rigidity of the formulation. The critical sol-gel transition temperature at physiological pH was 32.65 ± 0.35 °C. 96.77 ± 3.26 % of Ag NPs were released by erosion and dissolution of the gel after 40 min. The determination of MIC showed effect against E. coli and S. aureus (0.0625 mM and 0.5000 mM, respectively). The relative inhibition zone diameter of the in situ gel was 73.32 ± 11.06 % compared to gentamicin sulfate. This work discusses the optimization of the formulation of novel antibacterial in situ gel for oromucosal delivery, analyses the impact of the concentration of excipients on the dependent variables, and suggests appropriate evaluation of the formulation in terms of its indication. This study offers a promising dosage form for local treatment of oral diseases.
Probiotics have been used in human and veterinary medicine to increase resistance to pathogens and provide protection against external impacts for many years. Pathogens are often transmitted to humans through animal product consumption. Therefore, it is assumed that probiotics protecting animals may also protect the humans who consume them. Many tested strains of probiotic bacteria can be used for individualized therapy. The recently isolated Lactobacillus plantarum R2 BiocenolTM has proven to be preferential in aquaculture, and potential benefits in humans are expected. A simple oral dosage form should be developed to test this hypothesis by a suitable preparation method, i.e., lyophilization, allowing the bacteria to survive longer. Lyophilizates were formed from silicates (Neusilin® NS2N; US2), cellulose derivates (Avicel® PH-101), and saccharides (inulin; saccharose; modified starch® 1500). They were evaluated for their physicochemical properties (pH leachate, moisture content, water absorption, wetting time, DSC tests, densities, and flow properties); their bacterial viability was determined in conditions including relevant studies over 6 months at 4 °C and scanned under an electron microscope. Lyophilizate composed of Neusilin® NS2N and saccharose appeared to be the most advantageous in terms of viability without any significant decrease. Its physicochemical properties are also suitable for capsule encapsulation, subsequent clinical evaluation, and individualized therapy.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Inhalation is used for local therapy of the lungs and as an alternative route for systemic drug delivery. Modern powder inhalation systems try to target the required site of action/absorption in the respiratory tract. Large porous particles (LPPs) with a size >5 μm and a low mass density (usually measured as bulk or tapped) of <0.4 g/cm3 can avoid protective lung mechanisms. Their suitable aerodynamic properties make them perspective formulations for deep lung deposition. This experiment studied the effect of spray-drying process parameters on LPP properties. An experimental design of twelve experiments with a central point was realized using the Box-Behnken method. Three process parameters (drying temperature, pump speed, and air speed) were combined on three levels. Particles were formed from a D-mannitol solution, representing a perspective material for lung microparticles. The microparticles were characterized in terms of physical size (laser diffraction), aerodynamic diameter (aerodynamic particle sizer), morphology (SEM), and densities. The novelty and main goal of this research were to describe how the complex parameters of the spray-drying process affect the properties of mannitol LPPs. New findings can provide valuable data to other researchers, leading to the easy tuning of the properties of spray-dried particles by changing the process setup.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Filmy jsou tenké, flexibilní a transparentní prostředky na rány. Mohou být připraveny jak ze syntetických, tak i přírodních materiálů. V praxi jednoznačně dominuje syntetický polyuretan, avšak výzkum se zaměřuje především na látky přírodního původu. Látkou tělu vlastní, s výbornými filmotvornými vlastnostmi, účastnící se procesu hojení ran je kolagen. Samotné kolagenové filmy však mají slabé mechanické vlastnosti, které lze mimo jiné vylepšit kombinací s dalším materiálem. Takovým materiálem by mohla být karboxymethylcelulosa s prokázaným příznivým účinkem na hojení ran. Filmy tvořené pouze CMC také naráží na slabé mechanické vlastnosti, tudíž by se kombinace obou materiálů mohla jevit jako vhodné řešení daných problémů a navíc by mohlo vzniknout směsné filmové krytí s mnoha výhodnými vlastnostmi pro hojení ran. Cílem našeho experimentu bylo vytvořit směsné filmy pro účely terapie ran tvořené kombinací kolagenu a CMC. Filmy byly připraveny metodou odpaření rozpouštědla a jejich vlastnosti byly porovnávány s vlastnostmi samotných filmů tvořených pouze CMC. V obou případech vznikaly filmy vhodných organoleptických, fyzikálně-chemických i aplikačních vlastností pro uplatnění v terapii ran. Směsné filmy měly v porovnání s těmi tvořenými pouze CMC nižší absorpční kapacitu a lepší mechanickou odolnost. Kombinace kolagenu a CMC pro vytvoření směsných filmů určených k terapii ran tak vedla ke zlepšení vlastností výsledného krytí a má potenciál pro další výzkum.
Films are thin, flexible, and transparent wound dressings. They can be prepared from both synthetic and natural materials. In practice, synthetic polyurethane dominates, but research is mainly focused on substances of natural origin. An endogenous substance with excellent filmforming properties, which is involved in the wound healing process, is collagen. However, collagen films themselves have weak mechanical properties, which can be improved by, among other things, combining collagen with other materials. Such material could be carboxymethylcellulose, which has been shown to affect wound healing positively. Films consisting only of CMC also have weak mechanical properties, so combining both materials seems to be a suitable solution to the given problems, and a wound dressing with many beneficial properties for wound healing could be created. Therefore, our experiment aimed to prepare composite films for wound therapy consisting of a combination of collagen and CMC. The films were prepared by the solvent evaporation method, and their properties were compared with those formed only by CMC. In both cases, films with suitable organoleptic, physicochemical, and application properties for wound therapy were produced. The composite films showed lower absorption capacity and better mechanical resistance compared to those formed only by CMC. The combination of collagen and CMC in composite films intended for wound therapy has thus resulted in improved properties of the resulting dressing and holds potential for further research.
- Klíčová slova
- filmové obvazy, směsné filmy,
- MeSH
- hojení ran MeSH
- klinická studie jako téma MeSH
- kolagen * aplikace a dávkování farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- obvazy * MeSH
- sodná sůl karboxymethylcelulosy aplikace a dávkování farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Pharmaceutical technology offers several options for protecting substances from acidic environments, such as encapsulation in enteric capsules or dosage form with enteric coating. However, commercial enteric capsules do not always meet limits for pharmacopeial delayed release, and the coating process is generally challenging. Preparing small enteric batches suitable for clinical use is, therefore, an unsolved problem. This experiment offers a simple coating process of DRcapsTM capsules based on hypromellose (HPMC) and gellan gum to achieve small intestine administration. In addition, DRcapsTM capsules were compared to hard gelatin capsules to evaluate the suitability of the coating method. Both capsules were immersed in dispersions of Eudragit® S 100, Acryl-EZE®, and Cellacefate at concentrations of 10.0, 15.0, and 20.0% and dried. Coated capsules were evaluated by electron microscopy, disintegration, and dissolution test with a two-step pH change (from 1.2 to 6.8, then to 7.5) to simulate passage through the digestive tract. DRcapsTM capsules coated with Eudragit® S and Cellacefate achieved acid resistance. While samples coated with Eudragit® S released their contents within 360 min at pH 6.8 (small intestine), regardless of polymer concentration, capsules with 15.0 and 20.0% coatings of Cellacefate released content at pH 7.5 (colon) within 435 and 495 min, respectively.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Collagen is essential as a physiological material in wound healing, so it is often used in wound management, mainly as a lyophilisate. Collagen also has excellent film-forming properties; unfortunately, however, its utilisation as a film wound dressing is limited because of its weak mechanical properties, especially in its wet state. For this reason, modifications or combinations with different materials are investigated. The combination of collagen with partially modified microfibrillar carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), which has not previously been described, provided a new possibility for strengthening collagen films and was the aim of this work. The collagen-CMC films based on three types of collagens, two plasticizers and two collagen. Plasticiser ratios were prepared using the solvent casting method; partially modified CMC served here as both a film-forming agent and a filler, without compromising the transparency of the films. The presence of microfibrils was confirmed microscopically by SEM. Organoleptic and physicochemical evaluation, especially in terms of practical application on wounds, demonstrated that all the samples had satisfactory properties for this purpose even after wetting. All the films retained acidic pH values even after 24 h, with a maximum of 6.27 ± 0.17, and showed a mild degree of swelling, with a maximum of about 6 after 24 h.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Orodispersible films are an innovative dosage form. Their main advantages are the application comfort and the possibility of personalization. This work aimed to evaluate the influence of different drying times on the properties of orodispersible films of various thicknesses, prepared in two different semisolid extrusion 3D printing setups. In the first experiment, drying times were dependent on the overall print time of each batch. In the second setup, the drying time was set equal according to the longest one. The evaluated parameters were films' weight uniformity, thickness, moisture content, surface pH, disintegration time, hardness, and tensile strength. Upon statistical comparison, significant differences in the moisture content were found, subsequently affecting the disintegration time. Moreover, statistically significant differences in films' mechanical properties (hardness, tensile strength) were also described, proving that moisture content simultaneously affects film plasticity and related properties. In conclusion, a mutual comparison of the manufactured orodispersible films showed that the drying time affects their physical and mechanical properties. The in-process drying setup was proved to be sufficient while allowing quicker manufacturing.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
A method of preparing tablets called liquisolid technique is currently emerging. In these formulations, an important role is played by porous carriers, which are the basic building blocks of liquisolid systems (LSSs). The most common are microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), magnesium aluminometasilicates, silica aerogels, mesoporous silicates, clays, etc. In this study, magnesium aluminometasilicate is used to prepare modified LSS formulations with plant extracts as model drugs dissolved in water (W) or ethanol (E). The modification involves drying tablets in a microwave (MW) and hot air dryer (HA) for a specified period. Powder blends and tablets were evaluated for physical properties, and their antioxidant activity (AA) was measured in a modified dissolution by ferric reducing antioxidant power assay (FRAP). PLS and ANOVA were used to compare tablets properties depending on the composition and technology. The experiment is based on a previous one, in which the plant extracts were processed into tablets using a similar method. Therefore, extending the study to include more plants and the robust statistical evaluation and comparison of the products was a procedure to justify the suitability of the presented method for a wide range of liquid plant extracts. As a result, we obtained tablets with excellent physical properties, including a short disintegration and dissolution, which is problematic in tableted extracts.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH