To enhance dissolution rate of meloxicam (MX), a poorly soluble model drug, a natural polysaccharide excipient chitosan (CH) is employed in this work as a carrier to prepare binary interactive mixtures by either mixing or co-milling techniques. The MX-CH mixtures of three different drug loads were characterized for morphological, granulometric, and thermal properties as well as drug crystallinity. The relative dissolution rate of MX was determined in phosphate buffer of pH 6.8 using the USP-4 apparatus; a significant increase in MX dissolution rate was observed for both mixed and co-milled mixtures comparing to the raw drug. Higher dissolution rate of MX was evidently connected to surface activation by mixing or milling, which was pronounced by the higher specific surface energy as detected by inverse gas chromatography. In addition to the particle size reduction, the carrier effect of the CH was confirmed for co-milling by linear regression between the MX maximum relative dissolution rate and the total surface area of the mixture (R2 = 0.863). No MX amorphization or crystalline structure change were detected. The work of adhesion/cohesion ratio of 0.9 supports the existence of preferential adherence of MX to the coarse particles of CH to form stable interactive mixtures.
- MeSH
- chitosan * MeSH
- meloxikam MeSH
- pomocné látky MeSH
- rozpustnost MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Doprovodnými kožními projevy, jako jsou např. opruzeniny nebo inkontinenční dermatitida, trpí až 47 % českých a slovenských pacientů s mimovolným únikem moči nebo stolice. Prevalence a závažnost dermálních projevů se navíc až ztrojnásobuje v případě pacientů s omezenou pohyblivostí. Správná a dostatečná hygiena intimních partií inkontinentních pacientů je tedy základním předpokladem ke zlepšení jejich komfortu a s tím související kvality života. Tento článek si klade za cíl přinést přehled kosmetických přípravků určených speciálně pro tyto pacienty se zaměřením na praktické rady týkající se jejich použití a správné hygieny.
Up to 47 % of Czech and Slovak patients with involuntary leakage of urine or stool suffer from accompanying skin manifestations, such as sores or incontinence dermatitis. Moreover, the prevalence and severity of dermal manifestations triple in patients with reduced mobility. Therefore, regular and sufficient hygiene of incontinent patients' intimate parts is essential for improving their comfort and quality of life. This article, which loosely follows up a series of articles on medical devices, aims to provide an overview of cosmetics specifically designed for incontinent patients, focusing on practical advice on their use and proper hygiene.
- Klíčová slova
- hydratace pokožky,
- MeSH
- fekální inkontinence ošetřování MeSH
- inkontinence moči * ošetřování MeSH
- kosmetické přípravky * terapeutické užití MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ochranné prostředky MeSH
- péče o kůži metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
The aim of the work was to analyze the influence of process parameters of high shear granulation on the process yield and on the morphology of granules on the basis of dynamic image analysis. The amount of added granulation liquid had a significant effect on all monitored granulometric parameters and caused significant changes in the yield of the process. In regard of the shape, the most spherical granules with the smoothest surface were formed at a liquid to solid ratio of ≈1. The smallest granules were formed at an impeller speed of 700 rpm, but the granules formed at 500 rpm showed both the most desirable shape and the highest process yield. Variation in the shape factors relied not only on the process parameters, but also on the area equivalent diameter of the individual granules in the batch. A linear relationship was found between the amount of granulation liquid and the compressibility of the granules. Using response surface methodology, models for predicting the size of granules and process yield related to the amount of added liquid and the impeller speed were generated, on the basis of which the size of granules and yield can be determined with great accuracy.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Doprovodnými kožními projevy, jako jsou např. opruzeniny nebo inkontinenční dermatitida, trpí až 47 % českých a slovenských pacientů s mimovolným únikem moči nebo stolice. Prevalence a závažnost dermálních projevů se navíc až ztrojnásobuje v případě pacientů s omezenou pohyblivostí. Správná a dostatečná hygiena intimních partií inkontinentních pacientů je tedy základním předpokladem ke zlepšení jejich komfortu a s tím související kvality života. Tento článek, který volně navazuje na sérii článků o zdravotnických prostředcích určených pro pacienty trpící únikem moči či stolice, si klade za cíl přinést přehled kosmetických přípravků určených speciálně pro tyto pacienty se zaměřením na praktické rady týkající se jejich použití a správné hygieny.
Up to 47 % of Czech and Slovak patients with involuntary leakage of urine or stool suffer from accompanying skin manifestations, such as sores or incontinence dermatitis. Moreover, the prevalence and severity of dermal manifestations triple in patients with reduced mobility. Therefore, regular and sufficient hygiene of incontinent patients' intimate parts is essential for improving their comfort and quality of life. This article, which loosely follows up a series of articles on medical devices, aims to provide an overview of cosmetics specifically designed for incontinent patients, focusing on practical advice on their use and proper hygiene.
- MeSH
- fekální inkontinence ošetřování MeSH
- hygiena * MeSH
- inkontinence moči ošetřování MeSH
- kontaktní dermatitida terapie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mýdla MeSH
- ochranné látky MeSH
- péče o sebe MeSH
- zvlhčující látky MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
The aim of this systematic study was to analyze the granulometric and rheological behavior of tableting mixtures in relation to tabletability by single tablet and lab-scale batch compression with an eccentric tablet machine. Three mixtures containing 33, 50, and 66% of the cohesive drug paracetamol were prepared. The high compressibility of the powder mixtures caused problems with overcompaction or lamination in the single tablet compression method; due to jamming of the material during the filling of the die, the lab-scale batch compression was impossible. Using high shear granulation, the flow properties and tabletability were adjusted. A linear relationship between the span of granules and the specific energy measured by FT4 powder rheometer was detected. In parallel, a linear relationship between conditioned bulk density and the tensile strength of the tablets at lab-scale batch tableting was noted. The combination of dynamic image analysis and powder rheometry was useful for predicting the tabletability of pharmaceutical mixtures during the single tablet (design) compression and the lab-scale batch compression.
The utilization of co-processed excipients (CPEs) represents a novel approach to the preparation of orally disintegrating tablets by direct compression. Flow, consolidation, and compression properties of four lactose-based CPEs-Cellactose® 80, CombiLac®, MicroceLac® 100, and StarLac®-were investigated using different methods, including granulometry, powder rheometry, and tablet compaction under three pressures. Due to the similar composition and the same preparation technique (spray drying), the properties of CPEs and their compacts were generally comparable. The most pronounced differences were observed in flowability, undissolved fraction after 3 min and 24 h, energy of plastic deformation (E2), ejection force, consolidation behavior, and compact friability. Cellactose® 80 exhibited the most pronounced consolidation behavior, the lowest values of ejection force, and high friability of compacts. CombiLac® showed excellent flow properties but insufficient friability, except for compacts prepared at the highest compression pressure (182 MPa). MicroceLac® 100 displayed the poorest flow properties, lower ejection forces, and the best mechanical resistance of compacts. StarLac® showed excellent flow properties, the lowest amounts of undissolved fraction, the highest ejection force values, and the worst compact mechanical resistance. The obtained results revealed that higher compression pressures need to be used or further excipients have to be added to all tested materials in order to improve the friability and tensile strength of formed tablets, except for MicroceLac® 100.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Mimovolný únik moči nebo stolice patří mezi onemocnění, která značně snižují kvalitu života pacienta. Zdravotnické prostředky výrazně přispívají k minimalizaci nežádoucích projevů inkontinence (zápach, podráždění), a tím přispívají i ke zvýšení komfortu pacienta. Hlavní roli v terapii inkontinence sehrávají absorpční pomůcky, kterým byl věnován první díl této publikace, ale své místo zde nacházejí i pomůcky neabsorpční. Článek si proto klade za cíl přinést přehled neabsorpčních pomůcek používaných v léčbě močové či fekální inkontinence. Samozřejmostí jsou i praktické rady týkající se správného zacházení se zdravotnickými prostředky, což může lékárníkům a farmaceutickým asistentům usnadnit jejich výdej pacientům.
Involuntary leakage of urine or faeces belongs to a group of diseases that significantly reduce the patient's quality of life. Medical devices significantly contribute to the minimization of adverse effects of incontinence (odour, irritation) and increase patient comfort. Absorbent medical devices described in detail in the first part of this publication usually represent first-choice devices. However, the non-absorbent devices are not less important in the treatment of urinary and faecal incontinence. Accordingly, this article aims to provide an overview of these devices, emphasizing practical advice on the proper handling of medical devices to facilitate their dispensation by pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants.
- Klíčová slova
- urinální kondomy, intravaginální pomůcky, anální tampony,
- MeSH
- fekální inkontinence * ošetřování MeSH
- inkontinence moči * ošetřování MeSH
- kondomy MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pomůcky pro sebeobsluhu MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Albeit the preparation of liquisolid systems represents an innovative approach to enhance the dissolution of poorly soluble drugs, their broader utilization is still limited mainly due to the problematic conversion of the liquid into freely flowing and readily compressible powder. Accordingly, the presented study aims to determine the optimal carrier/coating material ratio (R value) for formulations based on magnesium aluminometasilicate (NUS2) loaded with polyethylene glycol 400. Four commercially available colloidal silica were used as coating materials in nine different R values (range of 5 - 100). The obtained results suggested that the higher R value leads to the superior properties of powder mixtures, such as better flowability, as well as compacts with higher tensile strength and lower friability. Moreover, it was observed that the type of coating material impacts the properties of liquisolid systems due to the different arrangement of particles in the liquisolid mixture. To confirm the noted dependency of R value and coating material type, the one- and two-way ANOVA, linear regression and principal component analysis (PCA) techniques were performed. In addition, a comparison of results with the properties of loaded NUS2 itself revealed that LSS with sufficient properties may be prepared even without the coating material.
- MeSH
- hořčík * MeSH
- oxid křemičitý * MeSH
- prášky, zásypy, pudry MeSH
- příprava léků MeSH
- rozpustnost MeSH
- tablety MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Inkontinence neboli samovolný únik moči či stolice je onemocnění úzce spjaté s otázkou kvality života pacientů trpících tímto onemocněním, jelikož je vylučuje z řady společenských, pracovních i osobních aktivit. Dlouhodobé neřešení tohoto problému způsobuje nejen diskomfort pacienta, ale může vést až k tělesné i duševní invaliditě. Cílem tohoto článku je proto představit základní typy absorpčních zdravotnických prostředků, které lze poskytnout pacientům s močovou/fekální inkontinencí, se zřetelem na správné zacházení a používání těchto pomůcek.
Incontinence (spontaneous leakage of urine or stool) is a disease closely related to patients' quality of life as it excludes patients from a lot of social, work, and personal activities. A long-term overlooking of this problem causes discomfort to patients and can also lead to physical and mental invalidity. This article aims to present the basic types of absorbent medical devices that can be provided to patients with urinary/faecal incontinence, with a particular focus on the proper handling and use of these devices.
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH