PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The study aims to determine the incidence of fracture-related infection (hereinafter referred to as the FRI) at a Level I trauma centre over a three-year period. It also aimed to determine the risk factors, to observe confirmatory and suggestive criteria in line with the applicable recommendations, and to evaluate the bacterial spectrum in a diagnosed FRI. MATERIAL AND METHODS It is a retrospective-prospective study carried out through studying the documentation. The study included all patients diagnosed with FRI and treated between 2019 and 2021, except for the patients with hand fractures since minor phalangeal fractures of the fingers were largely treated by the outpatient department, no osteosynthesis was performed in the operating room, and these patients were not followed up at our department. RESULTS The FRI incidence was 2.33% of all osteosyntheses performed at the Level 1 trauma centre in the period 2019-2021. The FRI was most often caused by pyogenic cocci agents and the FRI developed most frequently within 6 months after osteosynthesis. The site at risk was the lower limb region. The FRI incidence was most often indicated by suggestive clinical criteria (redness, secretion, pain) and radiological criteria (delayed healing, non-union). Overall, 42.19% of treated nonunions were later diagnosed as FRI. At the time of FRI diagnosis, the CRP values were normal in 21.7% of patients. DISCUSSION The FRI incidence rate in 2019-2021 was 2.33%, which corresponds with the values reported in other papers focusing on the incidence of infectious complications after osteosynthesis. Fang and Depypere reported 1-2% of infectious complications. The most common risk factors are open fractures, which account for 20.16% in our cohort. Ktistakis and Depypere describe the incidence of osteomyelitis in 30% of treated open fractures. In our cohort, the incidence of FRI was significantly higher in lower limb fractures. Bezstarosti, Wang and Pesch published similar results, with some deviations. The time from osteosynthesis to final FRI diagnosis varied from a few weeks to several years. In more than half of the patients the FRI developed within 6 months after performed osteosynthesis. Metsemakers and Fang refer to the very same trend. The CRP levels in the study population varied a lot. Xing-qi Zhao describes CRP as a less sensitive (sensitivity 65.6%) but more specific marker (specificity 75.4%). According to the available literature, the most common agents causing infectious complications of osteosynthesis are gram-positive cocci, S. aureus in particular. In our study, G+ pyogenic cocci were clearly the most commonly detected, which is consistent with the results of studies by Fang and Depypere, focused on the incidence of infectious complications. The most common FRI clinical manifestations included wound secretion, redness, swelling and pain. Furthermore, suggestive radiological criteria, especially delayed healing and non-union also indicated the FRI occurrence. According to Fang, the most common clinical manifestations of infectious complications include pain, swelling, redness and wound dehiscence. Fang reports that the most common radiologic findings are the periosteal reaction, loosening of the implant and delayed healing or non-union, which is consistent with our cohort. In the cohort of non-unions surgically treated at our department, FRI was subsequently confirmed in 42.19% of cases. CONCLUSIONS The incidence of FRI at Level 1 trauma centre was 2.33% of operated fractures in 2019-2021, with pyogenic cocci being the most common infectious agents. The FRI usually developed within 6 months after osteosynthesis. The typical site for the FRI development was the lower limb region, the ongoing FRI was indicated by suggestive clinical criteria (redness, secretion, pain) and radiological criteria (delayed healing and a non-union). Overall, 42.19% of treated non-unions were later diagnosed as FRI. Key words: fracture-related infection, FRI, suggestive criteria, confirmatory criteria, FRI diagnosis, microbial, microbiology spectrum, osteosynthesis, complications, non-union.
BACKGROUND: Femoral posterior hip dislocation with associated femoral head fractures (Pipkin fractures) are rare high-energy injuries. Published treatment modalities involve conservative treatment, head fragment resection, open reduction and internal fixation, and total hip replacement. The experience with mini-invasive screw osteosynthesis of these fractures is the main focus of our study. METHODS: Seven Pipkin fractures (five Pipkin II and two Pipkin I) in six patients were treated by closed reduction of hip dislocation, followed by minimal invasive lag screw osteosynthesis. Cancellous screw(s) were inserted from the incision on the lateral hip through the femoral neck to the reduced fracture fragment. In all patients, postoperative CT was performed to check the quality of surgery. Active physiotherapy with immediate toe-touch weight bearing was the routine postoperative protocol. In all patients, radiological and clinical results were evaluated with the Thompson Epstein, Merle d'Aubigne and Postel score, and Harris hip score. RESULTS: All fractures united, and all femoral heads survived. Infectious complications were not observed, and no secondary surgery was needed. After an average follow-up of 18.4 months, the average Merle d'Aubigne and Postel score was 17.7 points, while the mean Harris hip score reached 98.1 points. The majority of patients achieved an excellent Thompson-Epstein clinical and radiological outcome. All patients returned to their original occupation. CONCLUSIONS: Mini-invasive screw osteosynthesis can be used for the treatment of Pipkin type I-II femoral head fractures. Successful reduction of hip dislocation and head fracture is necessary for using this technique. Long-term follow-up is necessary to confirm this technique.
- MeSH
- fraktury femuru * komplikace chirurgie MeSH
- fraktury kyčle * diagnostické zobrazování chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- hlavice femuru diagnostické zobrazování chirurgie zranění MeSH
- kostní šrouby škodlivé účinky MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- luxace kyčle * komplikace chirurgie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
The performance of the current bottom-up liquid chromatography hyphenated with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analyses has undoubtedly been fueled by spectacular progress in mass spectrometry. It is thus not surprising that the MS instrument attracts the most attention during LC-MS method development, whereas optimizing conditions for peptide separation using reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) remains somewhat in its shadow. Consequently, the wisdom of the fundaments of chromatography is slowly vanishing from some laboratories. However, the full potential of advanced MS instruments cannot be achieved without highly efficient RPLC. This is impossible to attain without understanding fundamental processes in the chromatographic system and the properties of peptides important for their chromatographic behavior. We wrote this tutorial intending to give practitioners an overview of critical aspects of peptide separation using RPLC to facilitate setting the LC parameters so that they can leverage the full capabilities of their MS instruments. After briefly introducing the gradient separation of peptides, we discuss their properties that affect the quality of LC-MS chromatograms the most. Next, we address the in-column and extra-column broadening. The last section is devoted to key parameters of LC-MS methods. We also extracted trends in practice from recent bottom-up proteomics studies and correlated them with the current knowledge on peptide RPLC separation.
PURPOSE: The appropriate treatment of pulseless pink supracondylar humerus fractures (SCHF) remains controversial. In this study, the outcomes of two treatment approaches (with and without vascular surgery) were compared. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a retrospective multicenter study of patients with pulseless pink SCHFs treated in ten pediatric surgery, trauma, or orthopedics departments in the Czech and Slovak Republic between 2014 and 2018. RESULTS: Of the total 3608 cases of displaced SCHF, 125 had the pulseless pink SCHF. Of those, 91% (114/125) did not undergo vascular surgery and 9% (11/125) underwent vascular surgery. The patients who did undergo vascular surgery had radial artery pulsation restored more frequently in the operating room (73% vs. 36%; p = 0.02), within 6 h (91% vs. 45%; p = 0.004), and within 24 h of surgery (91% vs. 57%; p = 0.05). However, 72 h after surgery, there was no significant difference in palpable radial artery pulsation between the vascular surgery and the non-vascular surgery groups (91% vs. 74%; p = 0.24). Additionally, no significant differences in long-term neurological (9% vs. 22%; p = 0.46) or circulatory (9% vs. 7%; p = 0.57) deficits were found between the two groups. CONCLUSION: While vascular surgery in patients with pulseless pink SCHFs is associated with a more prompt restoration of radial artery pulsation, no statistical significant differences in terms of the restoration of neurological deficits or the risks of long-term neurological or circulatory deficits were found between patients with and without vascular surgery.
Pavel Jandera was a world-leading analytical chemist who devoted his entire professional life to research in the field of high-performance liquid chromatography. During his scientific career, he worked at the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. His greatest contribution to the field of liquid chromatography was the introduction of a comprehensive theory of liquid chromatography with programmed elution conditions. He was also involved in the research of gradient elution techniques in preparative chromatography, modeling of retention and selectivity in various phase systems, preparation of organic monolithic microcolumns, and, last but not least, in the development of theory and practical applications of two-dimensional liquid chromatography, mainly in the comprehensive form. In this review article, we have tried to capture the highlights of his scientific career and provide the readers with a detailed overview of Pavel Jandera's contribution to the evolution of separation sciences.
- MeSH
- chromatografie kapalinová * metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- vysokoúčinná kapalinová chromatografie metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Giant-cell tumor of bone (GCTB) is an intermediate type of primary bone tumor characterized by locally aggressive growth with metastatic potential. The aim of this study was to identify new druggable targets among the cell signaling molecules involved in GCTB tumorigenesis. Profiles of activated signaling proteins in fresh-frozen tumor samples and tumor-derived cell lines were determined using phosphoprotein arrays. Analysis of the obtained data revealed epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFRβ) as potential targets, but only the PDGFR inhibitor sunitinib caused a considerable decrease in stromal cell viability in vitro. Furthermore, in the case of a 17-year-old patient suffering from GCTB, we showed that the addition of sunitinib to the standard treatment of GCTB with the monoclonal antibody denosumab resulted in the complete depletion of multinucleated giant cells and mononuclear stromal cells in the tumor tissue. To summarize, the obtained data showed that a specific receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling pattern is activated in GCTB cells and plays an important role in the regulation of cell proliferation. Thus, activated RTKs and their downstream signaling pathways represent useful targets for precision treatment with low-molecular-weight inhibitors or with other types of modern biological therapy.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
A device with four parallel channels was designed and manufactured by 3D printing in titanium. A simple experimental setup allowed splitting of the mobile phase in four parallel streams, such that a single sample could be analysed four times simultaneously. The four capillary channels were filled with a monolithic stationary phase, prepared using a zwitterionic functional monomer in combination with various dimethacrylate cross-linkers. The resulting stationary phases were applicable in both reversed-phase and hydrophilic-interaction retention mechanisms. The mobile-phase composition was optimized by means of a window diagram so as to obtain the highest possible resolution of dopamine precursors and metabolites on all columns. Miniaturized electrochemical detectors with carbon fibres as working electrodes and silver micro-wires as reference electrodes were integrated in the device at the end of each column. Experimental separations were successfully compared with those predicted by a three-parameter retention model. Finally, dopamine was determined in human urine to further confirm applicability of the developed device.
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The clinical prospective study presents the results of minimally invasive harvesting of cancellous bone tissue in trauma indications. We focused on evaluating the clinical outcomes of this technique, particularly on the amount of cancellous bone harvested, the effectiveness of its use and complications. The pain in the bone graft harvest site is evaluated and compared with the pain after a standard harvest from the iliac crest. MATERIAL AND METHODS All the patients aged 18-90 years, in whom cancellous bone was harvested by minimally invasive technique using a bone cutter were included prospectively in the study. It was used to fill the defect in treating a fracture or in surgical treatment of non-union. The patients, in whom the grafts harvested in this manner were combined with another substitute, were not included in the study. Thus, 57 adult patients (40 men, 17 women) were included in the group in the period from March 2012 to March 2016. 37 patients, i.e. 65% of the total number of 57 patients, arrived for the evaluation of the clinical outcome. The minimally invasive graft harvesting was performed using the Aesculap® cutters. The graft was harvested either from the skeleton directly in the area of surgical wound or by a mini incision above the harvest site in the area under surgical drapes. The diameter of the cutter was selected based on the planned necessary number of grafts and with account taken of the harvest site. There were 6 harvest sites selected - proximal humerus, proximal ulna, iliac crest, greater trochanter of femur, distal femur and proximal tibia. The age and gender of patients, harvest site, type of the used cutter and the total number of harvested grafts were recorded in the study. The patients underwent a clinical follow-up at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year postoperatively. The healing of the fracture or non-union was assessed on radiographs and in case of any doubt a CT scan was indicated. The pain at the graft harvest site was quantified with the use of the VAS score. A possible correlation between the age and the harvest site pain was explored by means of the Pearson s correlation coefficient. RESULTS In surgical management of fractures, 10.98 cm³ of bone marrow (σ 5.32) was harvested on average, in non-unions it was 10.85 cm³ (σ 5.52). With the above described technique, the mean healing time of lower extremity fractures was 26 weeks, in upper extremity it was 22 weeks. The non-unions of lower extremity and upper extremity healed after 28 weeks and 19 weeks, respectively. The average pain at the harvest site was 4.08 (σ 2.21, p ˂ 0.001). By calculating the Pearson's correlation coefficient it was confirmed that there is no correlation between the age and pain VAS score at the harvest site (r = -0.05). No early complications at the graft harvest site were observed in our group of patients. DISCUSSION On average, 10.98 cm³ of bone marrow was harvested in treated fractures, which in comparison to standard harvests from the iliac crest offers sufficient amount of tissue to treat complicated fractures and non-unions. Technically, the standard harvest site of cancellous bone tissue from the iliac crest is replaceable. The harvesting technique offers an interesting alternative also in terms of the duration of surgery and material. CONCLUSIONS Our study confirmed that by the minimally invasive technique of bone graft harvesting adequate amount of tissue to treat defect fractures and non-unions can be harvested. Spongioplasty using grafts harvested in this manner is effective, with a minimum percentage of non-unions. The advantage of this technique is the proximity of the harvest site and the operative field and low level of pain. The minimally invasive graft harvesting represents a technique with a low risk of postoperative and late complications. Key words: bone graft, autografts, minimally invasive surgery, ilium, pain.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- fraktury kostí chirurgie MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- miniinvazivní chirurgické výkony MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- nezhojené fraktury chirurgie MeSH
- odběr tkání a orgánů metody MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- trabekulární kostní tkáň transplantace MeSH
- transplantace kostí metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- klinická studie MeSH
Seven retention models have been selected to describe a dual-retention behavior of ten dopamine-related compounds on polymer-based monolithic stationary phase with zwitterion sulfobetaine functionality. Regression quality, as well as a statistical significance of individual regression parameters, have been evaluated. Better regression performance showed two four-parameter models when compared to three-parameter models. On the other hand, limited number of experimental points disqualified statistical robustness of four-parameter models. Among three-parameter models, retention description introduced by Horváth and Liang provided comparable quality of regression at significantly improved robustness. Multivariate analysis of the best three-parameter models provided the description of physicochemical properties of dopamine precursors and metabolites. Principal component analysis and logistic regression allowed structural characterization of dopamine-related compounds based solely on regression parameters extracted from an isocratic elution data. Both polarity and type of functional groups has been correctly assigned for 3-methoxytyramine that has not been part of an evaluation study. Among applied dual-retention models, Horváth´s model, initially developed to describe a retention of ionic compounds on nonpolar stationary phases, provided robust regression of experimental data and allowed an extraction of structural characteristics of dopamine-related compounds.
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of the study was to assess two therapeutic procedures of temporary fixation of displaced ankle fractures, namely the plaster fixation or Kirschner wire (KW) transfixation via the sole of the foot. MATERIAL AND METHODS Group of patients The randomised prospective study conducted in the period 02/2016-02/2017 compared two methods of temporary fixation of displaced ankle fractures. In total, 38 patients were included in the study (18 patients treated with plaster fixation, 20 patients treated with KW). Methods During the randomisation (by envelopes, drawing of lots by the patient), in one group of patients, temporary stabilisation by plaster fixation was performed, whereas the other group was treated by percutaneously inserted KWs. The attention was focused on the quality of achieved reduction, its retention until the final treatment, and soft tissue status. After one year, the final examination was performed, in which we focused on the assessment of the clinical condition of the ankle joint with the use of the Olerud-Molander Ankle Score (OMAS), the AOFAS (American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society) score, and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) measuring the overall satisfaction. Moreover, in both the methods potential incidence of arthritic changes was monitored on radiographs. RESULTS Both the methods achieved 100% successful reduction rate. The group with plaster fixation reported a loss of reduction in six patients (33.3%) as against the KW group where no loss of reduction occurred. This difference was significant (p = 0.007). In plaster fixation method, after its removal local complications occurred on skin in 56%, of which skin necrosis in 16.7%, and it always occurred in association with the loss of reduction, which was statistically significant (p = 0.245). In KW method, local complications on skin were present in 25% only. In the group of patients with KW, there was not a single case of surface or deep infection reported. No KW migration was observed. DISCUSSION Potential complications of conservative treatment of displaced fractures with plaster fixation include the migration of fragments and widening of the ankle fork during the further course which may threaten the vitality of soft tissues. A total of six patients (33.3%) treated with plaster fixation showed a failure of reduction, which is by approximately 10% more than described in literature. In seven cases after the plaster fixation removal bullae were observed (38.9%) and in three cases skin necrosis was present (16.7%), which occurred in re-displaced fractures only. The bullae were present whether the reduction was successfully maintained or not. In literature, local complications after plaster fixation removal are reported in roughly 14%. Temporary percutaneous ankle KW transfixation is applied to maintain the reduced fracture in a favourable position and to facilitate monitoring and treating the soft tissues. Prior to the final surgical solution, bullae were observedin four cases (20%), of which skin necrosis in one case (5%). Bullae formation and necrosis are most likely related to the initial damage to soft tissues due to the injury and were not caused by the KW insertion. The literature describes local complications in 7% with respect to the KW technique, however, the type of complications is not specified. In our group, at a one-year follow-up arthritic changes grade I and II according to Kellgren and Lawrence scale were reported in 70% of cases with KW technique. Whether the osteoarthritis was caused by fixation or the fracture itself and what would be the percentage of individual types of osteoarthritis after several years of follow-up is a question. CONCLUSIONS Plaster fixation or Kirschner wires for temporal fixation of displaced ankle fractures shall be applied on a case by case basis. Based on our findings, the application of plaster fixation to displaced ankle fractures does not provide adequate stability of the reduced fracture and in case of re-displacement the status of soft tissues deteriorates. The impossibility to control the status of soft tissues in plaster fixation and the lower complication rate in fixation with K wires constitute additional reasons why this fixation technique via the sole of the foot appears to reap more benefits. Key words:displaced ankle fractures, temporal fixation, plaster fixation, Kirschner wire transfixation, complications.