BACKGROUND: Patients with severe aortic stenosis present frequently (∼50%) with concomitant obstructive coronary artery disease. Current guidelines recommend combined surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) as the preferred treatment. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) and fractional flow reserve (FFR)-guided percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) represent a valid treatment alternative. We aimed to test the non-inferiority of FFR-guided PCI plus TAVI versus SAVR plus CABG in patients with severe aortic stenosis and complex coronary artery disease. METHODS: This international, multicentre, prospective, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial was conducted at 18 tertiary medical centres across Europe. Patients (aged ≥70 years) with severe aortic stenosis and complex coronary artery disease, deemed feasible for percutaneous or surgical treatment according to the on-site Heart Team, were randomly assigned (1:1) to FFR-guided PCI plus TAVI or SAVR plus CABG according to a computer-generated sequence with random permuted blocks sizes stratified by site. The primary endpoint was a composite of all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, disabling stroke, clinically driven target-vessel revascularisation, valve reintervention, and life-threatening or disabling bleeding at 1 year post-treatment. The trial was powered for non-inferiority (with a margin of 15%) and if met, for superiority. The primary and safety analyses were done per an intention-to-treat principle. This trial is registered with (NCT03424941) and is closed. FINDINGS: Between May 31, 2018, and June 30, 2023, 172 patients were enrolled, of whom 91 were assigned to the FFR-guided PCI plus TAVI group and 81 to the SAVR plus CABG group. The mean age of patients was 76·5 years (SD 3·9). 118 (69%) of 172 patients were male and 54 (31%) patients were female. FFR-guided PCI plus TAVI resulted in favourable outcomes for the primary endpoint (four [4%] of 91 patients) versus SAVR plus CABG (17 [23%] of 77 patients; risk difference -18·5 [90% CI -27·8 to -9·7]), which was below the 15% prespecified non-inferiority margin (pnon-inferiority<0·001). FFR-guided PCI plus TAVI was superior to SAVR plus CABG (hazard ratio 0·17 [95% CI 0·06-0·51]; psuperiority<0·001), which was driven mainly by all-cause mortality (none [0%] of 91 patients vs seven (10%) of 77 patients; p=0·0025) and life-threatening bleeding (two [2%] vs nine [12%]; p=0·010). INTERPRETATION: The TCW trial is the first trial to compare percutaneous treatment versus surgical treatment in patients with severe aortic stenosis and complex coronary artery disease, showing favourable primary endpoint and mortality outcomes with percutaneous treatment. FUNDING: Isala Heart Centre and Medtronic.
- MeSH
- aortální stenóza * chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- chirurgická náhrada chlopně metody MeSH
- frakční průtoková rezerva myokardu * MeSH
- koronární angioplastika * metody MeSH
- koronární bypass * metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nemoci koronárních tepen * chirurgie komplikace terapie MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- transkatetrální implantace aortální chlopně * metody MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- hodnocení ekvivalence MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- srovnávací studie MeSH
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gastric restriction techniques have recently emerged as minimally invasive bariatric procedures. Endoscopic sutured gastroplasty (ESG) with the Endomina (Endo Tools Therapeutics, Gosselies, Belgium) triangulation platform proved to be safe and effective for the treatment of class I and II obesity in prospective studies. In this registry, we aimed to further assess on a larger scale the safety and efficacy of the procedure in routine practice with a dedicated device. METHODS: This was a multicenter, observational, prospective post-market study including patients with obesity undergoing Endomina ESG. The primary safety outcome was the occurrence of serious adverse device effects (SADEs) at 12 months. The primary efficacy outcome was the technical success defined by completing the procedure without premature abortion owing to technical issues. The rates of procedure-related adverse events, weight loss outcomes, and quality of life changes were collected. RESULTS: A total of 142 patients underwent ESG in 3 centers from July 2020 to March 2023. Of these, 67 (mean body mass index, 38.5 ± 6.3 kg/m2) reached at least 12 months of follow-up up to October 2022. Technical success was 100%. No SADEs occurred. Seven mild procedure-related adverse events were reported overall. Mean percentage of excess weight loss and total body weight loss at 12 months' follow-up were 48.5% ± 38.6 and 15.3% ± 10.6, respectively (n = 67). Improved quality of life was observed following ESG. CONCLUSIONS: ESG is safe and effective, thus offering a satisfactory therapeutic option for a wide range of obese patients on a large scale.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- gastroplastika * metody škodlivé účinky MeSH
- gastroskopie metody MeSH
- hmotnostní úbytek MeSH
- kvalita života MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- morbidní obezita chirurgie MeSH
- obezita chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- pooperační komplikace MeSH
- postmarketingový dozor * MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- pozorovací studie MeSH
The pertinent literature widely describes ultrasound-guided procedures targeting the retrocalcaneal bursa and the tendon tissue to manage insertional Achilles tendinopathy. Synovial bursae and cutaneous nerves of the superficial retrocalcaneal pad are often overlooked pain generators and are poorly considered by clinicians and surgeons. A layer-by-layer dissection of the superficial soft tissues in the retrocalcaneal region of two fresh frozen cadavers was matched with historical anatomical tables of the textbook Traite d'Anatomie Topographique Avec Applications Médico-Chirurgicales (1909 by Testut and Jacob). An accurate and detailed description of the superficial retrocalcaneal pad with its synovial bursae and cutaneous nerves was provided. Cadaveric dissections confirmed the compartmentalized architecture of the superficial retrocalcaneal fat pad and its histological continuum with the superficial lamina of the crural fascia. Superficial synovial tissue islands have been demonstrated on the posterior aspect of the Achilles tendon in one cadaver and on the posterolateral surface of the tendon in the other one. Digitalization of the original anatomical tables of the textbook Traite d'Anatomie Topographique Avec Applications Médico-Chirurgicales (1909 by Testut and Jacob) showed five potential locations of the superficial calcaneal bursa and a superficial retrocalcaneal nerve plexus within the Achilles tendon-fat pad interface. In clinical practice, in addition to the previously described interventions regarding the retrocalcaneal bursa and the tendon tissue, ultrasound-guided procedures targeting the synovial and neural tissues of the superficial retrocalcaneal pad should be considered to optimize the management of insertional Achilles tendinopathy.
- MeSH
- Achillova šlacha * anatomie a histologie diagnostické zobrazování MeSH
- bursa synovialis * anatomie a histologie diagnostické zobrazování MeSH
- intervenční ultrasonografie metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mrtvola * MeSH
- patní kost * anatomie a histologie inervace diagnostické zobrazování MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Spontánní intracerebrální hemoragie (SICH) jsou spojeny s řadou rizikových faktorů, které můžeme rozdělit na faktory ovlivnitelné a neovlivnitelné. Jejich nejvýznamnějším rizikovým faktorem je arteriální hypertenze. Péče o pacienty se SICH musí být komplexní a multidisciplinární. V akutní fázi se stává imperativem snaha o co nejrychlejší korekci arteriální hypertenze a zvrácení účinku antikoagulační terapie. Do budoucna lze recentně očekávat dosažení lepšího výsledného klinického stavu u vybraných pacientů se supratentoriální (především lobární) SICH operovaných do 24 h s využitím minimálně invazivní parafascikulární chirurgie.
Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages (SICH) are associated with a number of risk factors, which can be divided into controllable and uncontrollable factors. Their most important risk factor is arterial hypertension. The care for patients with SICH must be complex and multidisciplinary. In the acute phase, it becomes imperative to try to correct arterial hypertension and reverse the effect of anticoagulant therapy as quickly as possible. In the future, a better clinical outcome can recently be expected in selected patients with supratentorial (mainly lobar) SICH operated on within 24 h using minimally invasive parafascicular surgery.
- Klíčová slova
- spontánní intracerebrální hemoragie,
- MeSH
- antikoagulancia škodlivé účinky terapeutické užití MeSH
- cévní mozková příhoda diagnóza etiologie farmakoterapie klasifikace MeSH
- hypertenze diagnóza klasifikace komplikace MeSH
- intrakraniální krvácení * diagnóza farmakoterapie prevence a kontrola MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- management nemoci MeSH
- miniinvazivní chirurgické výkony klasifikace metody MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Ischemické cievne mozgové príhody v zadnej cirkulácii predstavujú 20 % až 25 % všetkých ischemických mozgových príhod. Stanovenie diagnózy znamená výzvu najmä pri nešpecifickom a menej závažnom klinickom obraze. Môže byť ovplyvnené aj nízkou senzitivitou CT vyšetrenia v akútnej fáze mozgovej príhody. Nesprávna alebo oneskorená diagnostika ohrozuje pacientov vysokým rizikom skorej recidívy a zhoršuje ich výsledný klinický stav. Všeobecné zásady liečby sú rovnaké ako u pacientov s postihnutím prednej mozgovej cirkulácie. Intravenózna trombolýza zlepšila prognózu pacientov bez zvýšeného rizika komplikácií. Endovaskulárna liečba oklúzie arteria basilaris znížila úmrtnosť a mieru invalidizácie pacientov, stále však prevažná časť pacientov prežíva s rôznou mierou invalidizácie alebo zomiera.
Ischemic strokes in the posterior circulation represent 20 % to 25 % of all ischemic strokes. Making the diagnosis could be difficult, especially with a non-specific and less serious clinical picture. Low sensitivity of CT examination in the acute phase of stroke can complicate diagnosis. Incorrect or delayed diagnosis puts patients at high risk of early recurrence and worsens their clinical condition. The general principles of treatment are the same as for patients with lesions of the anterior cerebral circulation. Intravenous thrombolysis improved the prognosis of patients without an increased risk of complications. Endovascular treatment of basilar artery occlusion has reduced patient mortality and disability rates, but most patients nonetheless either survive with varying degrees of disability or die.
- MeSH
- arteria basilaris * patologie účinky léků MeSH
- endovaskulární výkony klasifikace metody MeSH
- ischemická cévní mozková příhoda * diagnóza farmakoterapie klasifikace MeSH
- klinická studie jako téma MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- počítačová rentgenová tomografie metody MeSH
- trombolytická terapie klasifikace metody MeSH
- vertebrobazilární insuficience diagnóza etiologie farmakoterapie klasifikace MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Trigger finger (TF), also known as stenosing flexor tenosynovitis, is a common pathology of the fingers causing functional deficit of the hand. In recent years, new therapeutic approaches such as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and ultrasound-guided (USG) procedures have joined the most traditional conservative treatments as the adaptation of daily activities involving the affected hand and the orthosis. Likewise, the ultrasound (US) examination of the affected finger using modern high-frequency probes has progressively become part of the comprehensive assessment of patients with TF coupled with the medical history, the physical examination, and the functional scales. In this sense, considering the technological advances in both diagnostic and therapeutic fields, the non-surgical strategies have progressively grown defining a rehabilitation panel more complex than in the past. The present manuscript aims to provide an updated practical guide for clinicians and surgeons reviewing the state-of-art of both the assessment and the treatments of patients with TF to plan tailored rehabilitation management taking advantage of the matching of traditional and novel techniques.
- MeSH
- intervenční ultrasonografie metody MeSH
- léčba mimotělní rázovou vlnou metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- lupavý prst * diagnóza rehabilitace MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Spektrum cievnych anomálií s rôznym biologickým správaním je veľmi široké. Vaskulárne anomálie sa rozdeľujú na vaskulárne malformácie a vaskulárne nádory – hemangiómy. Hoci mnohé z nich vyzerajú podobne, ich klinická manifestácia je rozmanitá – od nezávažného samolimitujúceho priebehu po život ohrozujúce komplikácie vyžadujúce intenzívny multidisciplinárny terapeutický prístup. Nezriedka sa aj v odbornej praxi všetky cievne anomálie nesprávne nazývajú hemangiómy. Je veľmi dôležité správne klasifikovať a pomenovať cievnu anomáliu, aby sme mohli zvoliť správnu liečbu a zabrániť vzniku závažných komplikácií. Z vaskulárnych nádorov sa u detí najčastejšie vyskytuje infantilný hemangióm (IH). Je to lézia s úplne typickým biologickým správaním a na jej odlíšenie od iných cievnych anomálií zvyčajne stačí dobre odobratá anamnéza. Iba malá časť IH predstavuje pre dieťa riziko a vyžaduje systémovú alebo kombinovanú multimodálnu liečbu. Vaskulárne malformácie predstavujú heterogénnu skupinu zvyčajne vývinových odchýlok cievneho systému a môžu postihovať ktorýkoľvek typ ciev. Často ide o zmiešané cievne lézie. Symptomatické vaskulárne malformácie sú u detí zriedkavé a mnohokrát predstavujú pre lekárov diagnosticko-terapeutickú výzvu. Prinášame kazuistiku nesyndrómového pacienta, u ktorého sa vyskytli dve zriedkavé symptomatické cievne anomálie vyžadujúce multiodborovú starostlivosť. Korešpondenčná autorka: MUDr. Michaela Murgašová Klinika detí a dorastu JLF UK a UNM Kollárova 2 036 01 Martin Slovenská republika
The spectrum of vascular anomalies with different biological behavior is very wide. They are divided into vascular malformations and vascular tumors – hemangiomas. Although many of them look similar, their clinical manifestation is different – from a mild self-limiting course to life-threatening complications requiring an intensive multidisciplinary therapeutic approach. Frequently, even in professional practice, all vascular anomalies are incorrectly called hemangiomas. It is very important to classify and name the vascular anomaly correctly so that we can choose the right treatment and prevent serious complications. Infantile hemangioma (IH) is the most common vascular tumor in children. It is a lesion with a completely typical biological behavior and a well-taken history is usually sufficient to distinguish it from other vascular anomalies. Only a small part of IH represents a risk to the child and requires systemic or combined multimodal treatment. Vascular malformations represent a heterogeneous group of usually developmental abnormalities of the vascular system and can affect any type of vessels. These are often mixed vascular lesions. Symptomatic vascular malformations are rare in children and often are diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for doctors. We present a case report of a non-syndromic patient with two rare symptomatic vascular anomalies requiring multidisciplinary care.
- MeSH
- cévní malformace diagnóza klasifikace MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- endovaskulární výkony klasifikace metody MeSH
- kapilární hemangiom * diagnostické zobrazování diagnóza MeSH
- karotido-kavernózní píštěl * diagnostické zobrazování diagnóza klasifikace komplikace MeSH
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- magnetická rezonanční angiografie metody MeSH
- metoprolol farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- novorozenec MeSH
- prednison farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- novorozenec MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) has recognized the need to formalize and enhance training in diagnostic endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). This manuscript represents the outcome of a formal Delphi process resulting in an official Position Statement of the ESGE and provides a framework to develop and maintain skills in diagnostic EUS. This curriculum is set out in terms of the prerequisites prior to training; the recommended steps of training to a defined syllabus; the quality of training; and how competence should be defined and evidenced before independent practice. 1: Trainees should have achieved competence in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy before training in diagnostic EUS. 2: The development of diagnostic EUS skills by methods that do not involve patients is advisable, but not mandatory, prior to commencing formal training in diagnostic EUS. 3: A trainee's principal trainer should be performing adequate volumes of diagnostic EUSs to demonstrate maintenance of their own competence. 4: Training centers for diagnostic EUS should offer expertise, as well as a high volume of procedures per year, to ensure an optimal level of quality for training. Under these conditions, training centers should be able to provide trainees with a sufficient wealth of experience in diagnostic EUS for at least 12 months. 5: Trainees should engage in formal training and supplement this with a range of learning resources for diagnostic EUS, including EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration and biopsy (FNA/FNB). 6: EUS training should follow a structured syllabus to guide the learning program. 7: A minimum procedure volume should be offered to trainees during diagnostic EUS training to ensure that they have the opportunity to achieve competence in the technique. To evaluate competence in diagnostic EUS, trainees should have completed a minimum of 250 supervised EUS procedures: 80 for luminal tumors, 20 for subepithelial lesions, and 150 for pancreaticobiliary lesions. At least 75 EUS-FNA/FNBs should be performed, including mostly pancreaticobiliary lesions. 8: Competence assessment in diagnostic EUS should take into consideration not only technical skills, but also cognitive and integrative skills. A reliable valid assessment tool should be used regularly during diagnostic EUS training to track the acquisition of competence and to support trainee feedback. 9: A period of supervised practice should follow the start of independent activity. Supervision can be delivered either on site if other colleagues are already practicing EUS or by maintaining contacts with the training center and/or other EUS experts. 10: Key performance measures including the annual number of procedures, frequency of obtaining a diagnostic sample during EUS-FNA/FNB, and adverse events should be recorded within an electronic documentation system and evaluated.
- MeSH
- biopsie tenkou jehlou pod endosonografickou kontrolou MeSH
- endosonografie metody MeSH
- gastrointestinální endoskopie * výchova MeSH
- kurikulum * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Evropa MeSH
In light of recently published international guidelines concerning the diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare of urethral strictures and stenoses, the objective of this study was to synthesize an overview of guideline recommendations provided by the American Urological Association (AUA, 2023), the Société Internationale d'Urologie (SIU, 2010), and the European Association of Urology (EAU, 2023). The recommendations offered by these three associations, as well as the guidelines addressing urethral trauma from the EAU, AUA, and the Urological Society of India (USI), were assessed in terms of their guidance on posterior urethral stenosis. On the whole, the recommendations from the various guidelines exhibit considerable alignment. However, SIU and EAU place a stronger emphasis on the role of repeated endoscopic treatment compared to AUA. The preferred approach for managing radiation-induced bulbomembranous stenosis remains a subject of debate. Furthermore, endoscopic treatments enhanced with intralesional therapies may potentially serve as a significant treatment modality for addressing even fully obliterated stenoses.
- MeSH
- endoskopie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- stenóza diagnóza MeSH
- striktura uretry * diagnóza MeSH
- uretra zranění MeSH
- urologie * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- anglický abstrakt MeSH
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Spojené státy americké MeSH
BACKGROUND: STARDUST, a phase 3b randomised trial, compared ustekinumab therapeutic strategies in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) using early endoscopic assessment and treat-to-target (T2T) versus standard of care (SoC). AIM: To assess the efficacy of ustekinumab extended treatment in a long-term extension (LTE) of up to 104 weeks with dosing adapted according to clinical, biomarker and endoscopy outcomes. METHODS: Adults with moderately-to-severely active CD received intravenous ustekinumab approximating 6 mg/kg at Week 0 and subcutaneous ustekinumab 90 mg at Week 8. At Week 16, 440 ≥70-point responders were randomised to T2T or SoC and 323 entered the LTE. At Week 48, a unified, protocol-defined ustekinumab dose frequency escalation/de-escalation was applied based on achieving endoscopic remission and corticosteroid-free clinical remission. Achieving corticosteroid-free clinical remission and biomarker remission at consecutive visits determined ustekinumab dosing frequency. Dichotomous variables were analysed using non-responder imputation. RESULTS: Among patients who entered the LTE, 7.7%, 48.6% and 43.7% received doses every 4, 8 and 12 weeks, respectively. Ustekinumab dose frequency was escalated in 23.5% and de-escalated in 19.7%. Endoscopic response and remission rates were 28.9% and 10.73% (all randomised) and 39.3% and 14.6% (patients entering the LTE), respectively, at Week 104. Clinical remissiona rates at week 104 were 50.2% (all randomised) and 68.4% (patients entering the LTE). There were no new safety signals. CONCLUSION: STARDUST LTE is the first interventional ustekinumab efficacy study to show a favourable benefit-risk profile with preservation of clinical and endoscopic outcomes through Week 104 using flexible, algorithm-driven dose adjustment including de-escalation.
- MeSH
- biologické markery analýza MeSH
- Crohnova nemoc * farmakoterapie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- gastrointestinální endoskopie MeSH
- indukce remise MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ustekinumab * terapeutické užití MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- klinické zkoušky, fáze III MeSH