An expedition was undertaken to French Guiana in search of amphibian parasites. Of the 23 anuran species collected and screened for polystomes, the toad Rhinella margaritifera (Laurenti) was the sole species found to be infected with a polystome, namely Wetapolystoma almae Gray, 1983. Of the two caecilian species collected, a new species of Nanopolystoma du Preez, Huyse et Wilkinson, 2008 was discovered from the urinary bladder of the aquatic caecilian Typhlonectes compressicauda (Duméril et Bibron). The small size of the mature worm, two non-diverticulated caeca of equal length that are non-confluent posteriorly, vitelline follicles in two dense lateral fields, a single follicular testis in the middle of the body, small ovary and a single operculated egg in utero, vaginae present and the caecilian host allowed the identification of the specimen as Nanopolystoma. Larger body size, hamulus length, egg diameter and occurrence in the caecilian family Typhlonectidae distinguishes the new species from the two other known polystomes in Nanopolystoma; thus, the description of Nanopolystoma tinsleyi sp. n. is provided within this paper.
- MeSH
- Biodiversity MeSH
- Species Specificity MeSH
- Trematode Infections epidemiology veterinary MeSH
- Amphibians parasitology MeSH
- Platyhelminths anatomy & histology classification MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- French Guiana MeSH
A checklist of records of aspidogastrean trematodes (Aspidogastrea) is provided on the basis of a comprehensive survey of the literature since 1826, when the first aspidogastrean species was reported, until December 2014. We list 61 species representing 13 genera within 4 families and 2 orders of aspidogastreans associated with 298 species of invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. The majority of records include bivalves (44% of the total number of host-parasite associations), whereas records from bony fishes represent 32% of host-parasite associations. The aspidogastreans have worldwide distribution, with the highest number of records in the Neartic Region for freshwater hosts and the North Atlantic Ocean for marine ones. The checklist includes a parasite-host list with data on host habitat, site of infection and distribution area of parasites, and a host-parasite list. A limited number of molecular studies on aspidogastreans does not allow us to unravel phylogenetic relationships within the Aspidogastrea.
- MeSH
- Ecosystem MeSH
- Checklist MeSH
- Platyhelminths classification MeSH
- Animal Distribution MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
The systematic position and phylogenetic relationships of the family Cortrematidae Yamaguti, 1958 have always been controversial. In the present study, the phylogenetic relationships of this family and its constituent genera and families within the superfamily Microphalloidea were evaluated using previously published and newly obtained sequences of 28S rDNA of Cortrema magnicaudata (Bykhovskaya-Pavlovskaya, 1950) (Cortrematidae), Phaneropsolus praomydis Baer, 1971 and Microtrema barusi Sitko, 2013 (Phaneropsolidae). Results clearly demonstrate that the genus Cortrema Tang, 1951 is closest to Gyrabascus Macy 1935, both genera forming one of the clades within the family Pleurogenidae in the superfamily Microphalloidea and sharing several important morphological features. Thus, the family Cortrematidae should be considered among synonyms of the Pleurogenidae. Based on the analysis of morphology, C. corti Tang, 1951, C. testilobata (Bykhovskaya-Pavlovskaya, 1953) and C. niloticus Ashour, Ahmed et Lewis, 1994 are considered junior synonyms of C. magnicaudata. The phylogenetic position of P. praomydis as a family-level branch not showing close relationships with other families of the Microphalloidea, supports the status of the Phaneropsolidae as an independent family. The genus Parabascus Looss, 1907 previously considered within the Phaneropsolidae clearly belongs to the Pleurogenidae. In addition, the molecular phylogeny has demonstrated that the recently described phaneropsolid Microtrema barusi belongs to the microphallid genus Microphallus Ward, 1901. Therefore, Microtrema Sitko, 2013 is considered a junior synonym of Microphallus. Our analysis has also confirmed the status of Collyriclidae as a family within the Microphalloidea. Not yet sequenced representatives of other families within the Microphalloidea (e.g. Anenterotrematidae, Eumegacetidae, Renschtrematidae, Stomylotrematidae, etc.) need to be included in future molecular phylogenetic studies to better unravel the taxonomic structure and content of this diverse digenean superfamily.
- MeSH
- DNA, Helminth genetics MeSH
- Phylogeny MeSH
- Platyhelminths classification genetics MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. MeSH
BACKGROUND: The flatworms (Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes) are one of the major phyla of invertebrates but their interrelationships are still not well understood including unravelling the most closely related taxon of the Neodermata, which includes exclusively obligate parasites of all main groups of vertebrates with some 60,000 estimated species. Recent phylogenomic studies indicate that the freshwater 'microturbellarian' Bothrioplana semperi may be the closest ancestor to the Neodermata, but this hypothesis receives little morphological support. Therefore, additional morphological and ultrastructural characters that might help understand interrelations within the Neodermata are needed. METHODS: Ultrastructure of the excretory ducts of representatives of the most basal parasitic flatworms (Neodermata), namely monocotylid (Monopisthocotylea) and chimaericolid (Polyopisthocotylea) monogeneans, aspidogastreans (Trematoda), as well as gyrocotylidean and amphilinidean tapeworms (Cestoda), were studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). RESULTS: The present study revealed the same pattern of the cytoarchitecture of excretory ducts in all studied species of the basal neodermatans. This pattern is characterised by the presence of septate junctions between the adjacent epithelial cells and lateral ciliary flames along different levels of the excretory ducts. Additionally, a new character was observed in the protonephridial terminal cell of Gyrocotyle urna, namely a septate junction between terminal and adjacent duct cells at the level of the distal extremity of the flame tuft. In Amphilina foliacea, a new type of protonephridial cell with multiple flame bulbs and unique character of its weir, which consists of a single row of the ribs, is described. A remarkable difference has been observed between the structure of the luminal surface of the excretory ducts of the studied basal neodermatan groups and B. semperi. CONCLUSIONS: The present study does not provide ultrastructural support for a close relationship between the Neodermata and B. semperi.
- MeSH
- Biological Evolution MeSH
- Cestoda anatomy & histology ultrastructure MeSH
- Phylogeny MeSH
- Platyhelminths anatomy & histology ultrastructure MeSH
- Microscopy, Electron, Transmission MeSH
- Trematoda anatomy & histology ultrastructure MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Species identification based on the morphometry of opisthaptoral hard parts, in combination with internal transcribed spacer ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA) region sequences, confirmed the presence of four viviparous Gyrodactylus von Nordman, 1832 (Plathyhelminthes, Monogenea) species on Nototheniid fish from the Prince Gustav Channel (Weddell Sea, Antarctica). Gyrodactylus antarcticus Gusev, 1967 was found mostly on Trematomus newnesi Boulenger (93 specimens) but also on T. bernacchii Boulenger (one specimen), the latter representing a new host record for this species. Gyrodactylus byrdi Hargis & Dillon, 1968 and G. coriicepsi Rokicka, Lumme & Ziętara, 2009 were recorded on their type hosts, T. newnesi and Notothenia coriiceps Richardson, respectively. Gyrodactylus wilkesi Hargis & Dillon, 1968 was found mostly on the fins of T. bernacchii (29 specimens), but also on T. hansoni Boulenger (one specimen) and T. newnesi (three specimens). The finding of G. wilkesi on T. newnesi represents a new host record. The low number of Gyrodactylus specimens may indicate an accidental infection. The occurence of all four Gyrodactylus species in the Prince Gustav Channel represents a new locality record. According to phylogentic methods, the newly redescribed monogeneans belong to the Antarctic lineage, forming a sister group to North American and European marine Gyrodactylus species, and consist of two species groups, one comprising G. coriicepsi and G. nudifronsi Rokicka, Lumme & Ziętara, 2009, and the other G. anarcticus and G. wilkesi.
- MeSH
- Cestode Infections parasitology veterinary MeSH
- DNA, Helminth genetics MeSH
- Phylogeny MeSH
- Fish Diseases parasitology MeSH
- Perciformes parasitology MeSH
- Platyhelminths classification genetics isolation & purification MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Antarctic Regions MeSH
BACKGROUND: The genus Diplostomum (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda: Diplostomidae) is a diverse group of freshwater parasites with complex life-cycles and global distribution. The larval stages are important pathogens causing eye fluke disease implicated in substantial impacts on natural fish populations and losses in aquaculture. However, the problematic species delimitation and difficulties in the identification of larval stages hamper the assessment of the distributional and host ranges of Diplostomum spp. and their transmission ecology. METHODS: Total genomic DNA was isolated from adult worms and shotgun sequenced using Illumina MiSeq technology. Mitochondrial (mt) genomes and nuclear ribosomal RNA (rRNA) operons were assembled using established bioinformatic tools and fully annotated. Mt protein-coding genes and nuclear rRNA genes were subjected to phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood and the resulting topologies compared. RESULTS: We characterised novel complete mt genomes and nuclear rRNA operons of two closely related species, Diplostomum spathaceum and D. pseudospathaceum. Comparative mt genome assessment revealed that the cox1 gene and its 'barcode' region used for molecular identification are the most conserved regions; instead, nad4 and nad5 genes were identified as most promising molecular diagnostic markers. Using the novel data, we provide the first genome wide estimation of the phylogenetic relationships of the order Diplostomida, one of the two fundamental lineages of the Digenea. Analyses of the mitogenomic data invariably recovered the Diplostomidae as a sister lineage of the order Plagiorchiida rather than as a basal lineage of the Diplostomida as inferred in rDNA phylogenies; this was concordant with the mt gene order of Diplostomum spp. exhibiting closer match to the conserved gene order of the Plagiorchiida. CONCLUSIONS: Complete sequences of the mt genome and rRNA operon of two species of Diplostomum provide a valuable resource for novel genetic markers for species delineation and large-scale molecular epidemiology and disease ecology studies based on the most accessible life-cycle stages of eye flukes.
- MeSH
- Cestode Infections epidemiology parasitology veterinary MeSH
- Phylogeny MeSH
- Genome, Mitochondrial * MeSH
- Genome, Helminth * MeSH
- Fish Diseases epidemiology parasitology MeSH
- Operon MeSH
- Platyhelminths classification genetics isolation & purification MeSH
- RNA, Helminth genetics MeSH
- RNA, Ribosomal genetics MeSH
- Fishes MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Taxonomic issues within Trypanorhyncha, e.g., the inaccurate light microscopic visualisation of the hook patterns, are solvable by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). We applied CLSM imaging to study Trygonicola macropora (Shipley et Hornell, 1906) and Dollfusiella michiae (Southwell, 1929) from Neotrygon caeruliopunctata Last, White et Séret from Bali, Indonesia. To illustrate the strength and limitations of CLSM, images of Otobothrium cysticum (Mayer, 1842) and Symbothriorhynchus tigaminacantha Palm, 2004, both permanent mounts from a collection, were also processed. The CLSM created image stacks of many layers, and edited with IMARIS Software, these layers resulted in three-dimensional images of the armature patterns and internal organs of both species. BABB (benzylalcohol and benzylbenzuolate) clearing was applied to T. macropora. We conclude that trypanorhynch cestodes stained with Mayer-Schuberg's acetic carmine permanently mounted in Canada balsam are suitable for CLSM, allowing detailed analyses of museum type-material as well as freshly collected and processed worms. BABB resulted in imaging the testes in detail, suggesting other stains to be used for CLSM in trypanorhynch cestode research. Application of CLSM for studies of other cestode groups is highly recommended.
- MeSH
- Cestoda * MeSH
- Microscopy, Confocal * MeSH
- Museums MeSH
- Platyhelminths * MeSH
- Skates, Fish * MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
BACKGROUND: Platyhelminthes are common parasites of diurnal birds of prey, including common buzzard (Buteo buteo). They are widely distributed in Europe. Despite the extensive study of flatworms across the continent, this study represents the first report for Romania and extends the biogeographic knowledge of Platyhelminthes in diurnal raptors. It also identifies common buzzards as a new host of Parastrigea flexilis in Europe. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 2017 and 2020, 63 common buzzards (Buteo buteo) found road killed or dead due to other causes were collected from Romania. All specimens were necropsied and examined for internal helminths, which were preserved in ethanol for molecular identification and formaldehyde for morphological identification. RESULTS: Species identified included Cestoda: Cladotaenia globifera (33.3%) and five species of Trematoda: Neodiplostomum attenuatum (12.7%), Strigea falconis (6.4%), Parastrigea flexilis (3.2%), Neodiplostomum spathoides (3.2%) and Brachylaima fuscata (1.6%). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new data about diversity, phylogenetics and geographical distribution of Platyhelminthes parasitizing Buteo buteo in Romania. To our best knowledge, it identifies B. buteo as a new host of Parastrigea flexilis and reports the first genetic sequence of Neodiplostomum spathoides.
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
BACKGROUND: Monogenean flatworms are the main ectoparasites of fishes. Representatives of the species-rich families Gyrodactylidae and Dactylogyridae, especially those infecting cichlid fishes and clariid catfishes, are important parasites in African aquaculture, even more so due to the massive anthropogenic translocation of their hosts worldwide. Several questions on their evolution, such as the phylogenetic position of Macrogyrodactylus and the highly speciose Gyrodactylus, remain unresolved with available molecular markers. Also, diagnostics and population-level research would benefit from the development of higher-resolution genetic markers. We aim to offer genetic resources for work on African monogeneans by providing mitogenomic data of four species (two belonging to Gyrodactylidae, two to Dactylogyridae), and analysing their gene sequences and gene order from a phylogenetic perspective. RESULTS: Using Illumina technology, the first four mitochondrial genomes of African monogeneans were assembled and annotated for the cichlid parasites Gyrodactylus nyanzae, Cichlidogyrus halli, Cichlidogyrus mbirizei (near-complete mitogenome) and the catfish parasite Macrogyrodactylus karibae (near-complete mitogenome). Complete nuclear ribosomal operons were also retrieved, as molecular vouchers. The start codon TTG is new for Gyrodactylus and for Dactylogyridae, as is the incomplete stop codon TA for Dactylogyridae. Especially the nad2 gene is promising for primer development. Gene order was identical for protein-coding genes and differed between the African representatives of these families only in a tRNA gene transposition. A mitochondrial phylogeny based on an alignment of nearly 12,500 bp including 12 protein-coding and two ribosomal RNA genes confirms that the Neotropical oviparous Aglaiogyrodactylus forficulatus takes a sister group position with respect to the other gyrodactylids, instead of the supposedly 'primitive' African Macrogyrodactylus. Inclusion of the African Gyrodactylus nyanzae confirms the paraphyly of Gyrodactylus. The position of the African dactylogyrid Cichlidogyrus is unresolved, although gene order suggests it is closely related to marine ancyrocephalines. CONCLUSIONS: The amount of mitogenomic data available for gyrodactylids and dactylogyrids is increased by roughly one-third. Our study underscores the potential of mitochondrial genes and gene order in flatworm phylogenetics, and of next-generation sequencing for marker development for these non-model helminths for which few primers are available.
- MeSH
- Cichlids parasitology MeSH
- Phylogeny MeSH
- Genome, Mitochondrial MeSH
- Mitochondria classification genetics MeSH
- Platyhelminths genetics MeSH
- Gene Order MeSH
- DNA, Protozoan chemistry isolation & purification metabolism MeSH
- Protozoan Proteins classification genetics MeSH
- RNA, Ribosomal classification genetics MeSH
- Sequence Analysis, DNA MeSH
- High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
The recently erected cestode order Diphyllobothriidea is unique among all tapeworm orders in that its species infect all major groups of tetrapods, including man. In the present paper, the vitellogenesis of representatives of all three currently recognized families of this order was evaluated, based on ultrastructural (transmission electron microscopy) and cytochemical (detection of glycogen) observations. Vitelline follicles of all taxa studied, i.e. Cephalochlamys namaquensis from clawed frogs (Xenopus), Duthiersia expansa from monitors (Varanus) and Schistocephalus solidus that matures in fish-eating birds, contain vitelline cells at various stages of development and interstitial cells. Developing vitellocytes are characterized by the presence of mitochondria, granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes involved in the synthesis of shell globules and formation of shell globule clusters. Mature vitellocytes contain lipids and glycogen in different proportions. The most significant differences among the three diphyllobothriidean families were found in the presence or absence of lamellar bodies. Variations of vitelline clusters morphology and types of lipid droplets are described and discussed in relation to the presumed evolutionary history of diphyllobothriideans, which belong to the most basal cestode groups.
- MeSH
- Cestoda cytology physiology MeSH
- Cestode Infections parasitology MeSH
- Glycogen metabolism MeSH
- Lipids chemistry MeSH
- Microscopy, Electron, Transmission MeSH
- Vitellins metabolism MeSH
- Vitellogenesis physiology MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH