Rolling circle amplification Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Rodents are distributed throughout the world and interact with humans in many ways. They provide vital ecosystem services, some species are useful models in biomedical research and some are held as pet animals. However, many rodent species can have adverse effects such as damage to crops and stored produce, and they are of health concern because of the transmission of pathogens to humans and livestock. The first rodent viruses were discovered by isolation approaches and resulted in break-through knowledge in immunology, molecular and cell biology, and cancer research. In addition to rodent-specific viruses, rodent-borne viruses are causing a large number of zoonotic diseases. Most prominent examples are reemerging outbreaks of human hemorrhagic fever disease cases caused by arena- and hantaviruses. In addition, rodents are reservoirs for vector-borne pathogens, such as tick-borne encephalitis virus and Borrelia spp., and may carry human pathogenic agents, but likely are not involved in their transmission to human. In our days, next-generation sequencing or high-throughput sequencing (HTS) is revolutionizing the speed of the discovery of novel viruses, but other molecular approaches, such as generic RT-PCR/PCR and rolling circle amplification techniques, contribute significantly to the rapidly ongoing process. However, the current knowledge still represents only the tip of the iceberg, when comparing the known human viruses to those known for rodents, the mammalian taxon with the largest species number. The diagnostic potential of HTS-based metagenomic approaches is illustrated by their use in the discovery and complete genome determination of novel borna- and adenoviruses as causative disease agents in squirrels. In conclusion, HTS, in combination with conventional RT-PCR/PCR-based approaches, resulted in a drastically increased knowledge of the diversity of rodent viruses. Future improvements of the used workflows, including bioinformatics analysis, will further enhance our knowledge and preparedness in case of the emergence of novel viruses. Classical virological and additional molecular approaches are needed for genome annotation and functional characterization of novel viruses, discovered by these technologies, and evaluation of their zoonotic potential.
- MeSH
- diagnostické techniky molekulární metody MeSH
- hlodavci virologie MeSH
- metagenomika metody MeSH
- techniky amplifikace nukleových kyselin metody MeSH
- virové nemoci epidemiologie veterinární virologie MeSH
- viry klasifikace genetika izolace a purifikace MeSH
- vysoce účinné nukleotidové sekvenování metody MeSH
- zoonózy epidemiologie virologie MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Molecular diagnostics may provide tailored and cost efficient treatment for infectious disease and cancer. Rolling circle amplification (RCA) of padlock probes guarantees high specificity to identify nucleic acid targets down to single nucleotide resolution in a multiplex fashion. This makes the assay suitable for molecular analysis of various diseases, and interesting to integrate into automated devices for point-of-care analysis. A critical prerequisite for many molecular assays is (i) target-specific isolation from complex clinical samples and (ii) removal of reagents, inhibitors and contaminants between reaction steps. Efficient solid supports are therefore essential to enable multi-step, multi-analyte protocols. Superparamagnetic micro- and nanoparticles, with large surface area and rapid liquid-phase kinetics, are attractive for multi-step protocols. Recently, streptavidin-modified magnetic monodispersed poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (STV-mag.PHEMA) microspheres were developed by multiple swelling polymerization. They are easily separated by a magnet and exhibit low non-specific protein sorption. In this study, the performance and the binding efficiency of STV-mag.PHEMA was addressed by circle-to-circle amplification (C2CA). A lower number of RCA products were detected as compared to the gold standard Dynabeads. Nevertheless, this study was the first to successfully adapt STV-mag.PHEMA microspheres as solid support in a DNA-based protocol, which is an important finding. The STV-mag.PHEMA microspheres were larger with about 16 times less surface area as compared to the Dynabeads, which might partly explain the lower rolling circle product (RCP) count obtained. Further research is currently ongoing comparing particles of similar sizes and optimizing reaction conditions to establish their full utility in the field. Ultimately, low cost and versatile particles are a great resource to facilitate future clinical molecular diagnostics.
- MeSH
- DNA chemie metabolismus MeSH
- imobilizované proteiny chemie metabolismus MeSH
- magnetismus MeSH
- mikrosféry * MeSH
- mikroskopie elektronová rastrovací MeSH
- polyhydroxyethylmethakrylát chemie MeSH
- spektroskopie infračervená s Fourierovou transformací MeSH
- streptavidin chemie metabolismus MeSH
- techniky amplifikace nukleových kyselin MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Pro správné pochopení fyziologických procesů v buňce a případně jejich odchylek jsou molekulárně‑biologické analýzy nezbytným nástrojem využívaným v biomedicínském výzkumu a také v klinické diagnostice. Existuje množství technik, které umožňují určit lokalizaci studovaných proteinů a jejich interakční aktivitu. Tyto přístupy využívají především interakce specificky se vážících molekul s cílovými proteiny (protilátky) nebo synteticky připravené rekombinantní proteiny (GFP fúzní protein; metody fluorescenčního/bioluminiscenčního rezonančního přenosu energie). „Proximity ligation assay“ (PLA) in situ představuje novou techniku zobrazující proteiny na úrovni jednotlivých buněk a tkání s využitím reportérové molekuly DNA a DNA modifikujících procesů. Tato metoda umožňuje přímou vizualizaci proteinů, jejich hladiny, modifikace a interakce v jednotlivých fixovaných buňkách a tkáních. Sondy jsou tvořeny specifickými protilátkami s navázaným oligonukleotidem, který slouží jako reportérová molekula. Pokud dojde k navázání sond v těsné blízkosti, následuje vznik kružnicové DNA, jež slouží jako templát pro amplifikaci otáčivou kružnicí. Amplifikační reakce umožňuje vizualizaci sledované interakce. Ve srovnání s dostupnými molekulárně‑biologickými metodami vycházejícími z genového inženýrství, PLA in situ umožňuje studovat endogenní proteiny v jejich přirozených podmínkách, a může být tudíž použita pro studium klinického materiálu. PLA in situ je využitelná v jakékoliv výzkumné oblasti zaměřené na studium proteinových interakcí, jako je studium buněčných signálních drah, identifikace cílů farmakologicky účinných látek či v onkologické diagnostice.
To understand cellular processes and events responsible for their perturbations, proteomic analyses are needed in biomedical research and clinical diagnostics. Several techniques based on specifically binding reagents (antibodies) or recombinant proteins (GFP fusion protein, methods of fluorescence/bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) are generally used to study protein location and activity resulting from secondary modifications and interactions. The in situ proximity ligation assay represents a novel technique of in situ protein imaging using DNA as a reporter molecule and DNA amplification processes. This method enables direct visualization of single molecules, their levels, modifications and pattern of interactions in individual fixed cells and tissues. Proximity probes consist of specific antibody with attached oligonucleotides that are used as reporter molecules for identification of such events. Proximity probes guide the formation of a circular DNA strand when bound in close proximity. The DNA circle after that serves as a template for rolling‑circle amplification allowing the interaction to be visualized. Compared to available proteomic techniques benefiting from genetic engineering, in situ PLA enables study of endogenous proteins in their natural environment and thus can be used for clinical specimens. The areas of applicability where proximity ligation procedure can be used include any research field where protein interaction measurements are important, such as signaling pathway studies, monitoring of pharmacological treatment targets and oncological diagnostics. Key words: in situ PLA – protein interaction – protein detection methods – proximity ligation This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic (RECAMO, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0101) and by MH CZ – DRO (MMCI, 00209805) and BBMRI_CZ (LM2010004). The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers. Submitted: 31. 1. 2014 Accepted: 25. 3. 2014
- Klíčová slova
- in situ PLA, metody detekce proteinů, proteinové interakce,
- MeSH
- chemické techniky analytické * MeSH
- fyziologie buňky MeSH
- mapování interakce mezi proteiny * metody MeSH
- molekulární sondy - techniky * MeSH
- molekulární sondy MeSH
- oligonukleotidové sondy MeSH
- oligonukleotidy metabolismus MeSH
- proteiny MeSH
- protilátky MeSH
- techniky amplifikace nukleových kyselin MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Inverted repeats (IRs) can facilitate structural variation as crucibles of genomic rearrangement. Complex duplication-inverted triplication-duplication (DUP-TRP/INV-DUP) rearrangements that contain breakpoint junctions within IRs have been recently associated with both MECP2 duplication syndrome (MIM#300260) and Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD, MIM#312080). We investigated 17 unrelated PMD subjects with copy number gains at the PLP1 locus including triplication and quadruplication of specific genomic intervals-16/17 were found to have a DUP-TRP/INV-DUP rearrangement product. An IR distal to PLP1 facilitates DUP-TRP/INV-DUP formation as well as an inversion structural variation found frequently amongst normal individuals. We show that a homology-or homeology-driven replicative mechanism of DNA repair can apparently mediate template switches within stretches of microhomology. Moreover, we provide evidence that quadruplication and potentially higher order amplification of a genomic interval can occur in a manner consistent with rolling circle amplification as predicted by the microhomology-mediated break induced replication (MMBIR) model.
- MeSH
- body zlomu chromozomu MeSH
- chromozomální inverze MeSH
- duplikace genu * MeSH
- genová dávka MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- myelinový proteolipidový protein genetika MeSH
- Pelizaeusova-Merzbacherova nemoc genetika MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural MeSH