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Hemoglobin digestion in blood-feeding ticks: mapping a multipeptidase pathway by functional proteomics

. 2009 Oct 30 ; 16 (10) : 1053-63.

Language English Country United States Media print

Document type Journal Article, Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

Grant support
R01 EB005011 NIBIB NIH HHS - United States
U54 RR020843 NCRR NIH HHS - United States
U54 RR020843-028126 NCRR NIH HHS - United States
U54-RR020843 NCRR NIH HHS - United States


PubMed 19875079
PubMed Central PMC2801564
DOI 10.1016/j.chembiol.2009.09.009
PII: S1074-5521(09)00291-9
Knihovny.cz E-resources

Hemoglobin digestion is an essential process for blood-feeding parasites. Using chemical tools, we deconvoluted the intracellular hemoglobinolytic cascade in the tick Ixodes ricinus, a vector of Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis. In tick gut tissue, a network of peptidases was demonstrated through imaging with specific activity-based probes and activity profiling with peptidic substrates and inhibitors. This peptidase network is induced upon blood feeding and degrades hemoglobin at acidic pH. Selective inhibitors were applied to dissect the roles of the individual peptidases and to determine the peptidase-specific cleavage map of the hemoglobin molecule. The degradation pathway is initiated by endopeptidases of aspartic and cysteine class (cathepsin D supported by cathepsin L and legumain) and is continued by cysteine amino- and carboxy-dipeptidases (cathepsins C and B). The identified enzymes are potential targets to developing novel anti-tick vaccines.

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