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Encyclopedia of Family A DNA Polymerases Localized in Organelles: Evolutionary Contribution of Bacteria Including the Proto-Mitochondrion

. 2024 Feb 01 ; 41 (2) : .

Language English Country United States Media print

Document type Journal Article

Grant support
18KK0203 Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences projects
21-19664S Czech Science Foundation
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
National Institute of Genetics
University of Tsukuba

DNA polymerases synthesize DNA from deoxyribonucleotides in a semiconservative manner and serve as the core of DNA replication and repair machinery. In eukaryotic cells, there are 2 genome-containing organelles, mitochondria, and plastids, which were derived from an alphaproteobacterium and a cyanobacterium, respectively. Except for rare cases of genome-lacking mitochondria and plastids, both organelles must be served by nucleus-encoded DNA polymerases that localize and work in them to maintain their genomes. The evolution of organellar DNA polymerases has yet to be fully understood because of 2 unsettled issues. First, the diversity of organellar DNA polymerases has not been elucidated in the full spectrum of eukaryotes. Second, it is unclear when the DNA polymerases that were used originally in the endosymbiotic bacteria giving rise to mitochondria and plastids were discarded, as the organellar DNA polymerases known to date show no phylogenetic affinity to those of the extant alphaproteobacteria or cyanobacteria. In this study, we identified from diverse eukaryotes 134 family A DNA polymerase sequences, which were classified into 10 novel types, and explored their evolutionary origins. The subcellular localizations of selected DNA polymerases were further examined experimentally. The results presented here suggest that the diversity of organellar DNA polymerases has been shaped by multiple transfers of the PolI gene from phylogenetically broad bacteria, and their occurrence in eukaryotes was additionally impacted by secondary plastid endosymbioses. Finally, we propose that the last eukaryotic common ancestor may have possessed 2 mitochondrial DNA polymerases, POP, and a candidate of the direct descendant of the proto-mitochondrial DNA polymerase I, rdxPolA, identified in this study.

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