Iodine is a milk micronutrient whose concentration is highly variable and depends on several factors. The aim of this work was to monitor the prevailing concentration of iodine in raw goat (n = 71) and sheep (n = 68) milk from farms in the Czech Republic, to assess the variation in iodine levels and evaluate them with farming practices, herd size, breed and season. Iodine was determined by a spectrophotometric method according to Sandell-Kolthoff. The mean prevailing iodine concentration in goat and sheep milk was 249.73 and 264.21 μg/L, respectively. In addition to inter-species variability, we found statistically significant differences depending on the both sheep and goat herd size. The differences between conventional and organic farming were relatively minor and without statistical significance.
Obštrukčné spánkové apnoe predstavuje časté ochorenie, ktoré postihuje približne jednu štvrtinu bežnej populácie. Jeho prevalencia je ešte vyššia v populáciách s vysokým vaskulárnym rizikom. Obštrukčné spánkové apnoe predstavuje významný rizikový faktor pre vznik arteriálnej hypertenzie, pričom arteriálnou hypertenziou trpí až 50% pacientov so spánkovým apnoe. Napriek jasne dokázanej asociácii medzi obštrukčným spánkovým apnoe a arteriálnou hypertenziou, doposiaľ nie sú jednoznačne objasnené patomechanizmy, ktoré spájajú obe tieto ochorenia. Predpokladá sa významná úloha aktivácie sympatikového nervového systému, stimulácie systému renín- angiotenzín- aldosterón a endoteliálnej dysfunkcie. Neustále však pribúdajú dôkazy, ktoré svedčia aj o úlohe črevnej dysbiózy v tomto procese. Tento článok uvádza možné mechanizmy, ktoré spájajú obštrukčné spánkové apnoe so vznikom arteriálnej hypertenzie, pričom detailnejšiu pozornosť venuje práve úlohe črevného mikrobiómu.
Obstructive sleep apnea is common disorder affecting approximately one quarter of the common population. Prevalence is even higher in a population with increased vascular risk. Obstructive sleep apnea is a significant risk factor for hypertension, with approximately 50% of obstructive sleep apnea patients suffering hypertension. While the relationship between sleep apnea and hypertension has been firmly established, mechanisms linking these disorders are still poorly understood. Importance of sympathetic nervous system and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system hyperactivity as well as endothelial dysfunction is suspected. There is increasing evidence supporting gut dysbiosis as one of the underlying mechanisms. Current article describes possible mechanisms linking obstructive sleep apnea with the development of hypertension. The role of gut microbiota in this process is discussed more closely.
- MeSH
- hypertenze MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- obstrukční spánková apnoe * patofyziologie MeSH
- střevní mikroflóra MeSH
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- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Fatty acids (FAs) of milk fat are considered to be important nutritional components of the diets of a significant portion of the human population and substantially affect human health. With regard to dairy farming, the FA profile is also seen as an important factor in the technological quality of raw milk. In this sense, making targeted modifications to the FA profile has the potential to significantly contribute to the production of dairy products with higher added value. Thus, FAs also have economic importance. Current developments in analytical methods and their increasing efficiency enable the study of FA profiles not only for scientific purposes but also in terms of practical technological applications. It is important to study the sources of variability of FAs in milk, which include population genetics, type of farming, and targeted animal nutrition. It is equally important to study the health and technological impacts of FAs. This review summarizes current knowledge in the field regarding sources of FA variability, including the impact of factors such as: animal nutrition, seasonal feed changes, type of animal farming (conventional and organic), genetic parameters (influence of breed), animal individuality, lactation, and milk yield. Potential practical applications (to improve food technology and consumer health) of FA profile information are also reviewed.
15 s. : tab., grafy ; 30 cm