BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that personality traits (i.e., openness to experience, conscientiousness, and agreeableness) relate to prejudicial attitudes. However, one of the aspects of prejudice is social distance; its association with personality traits was overlooked by previous studies. Therefore, this study examines the connection between the Big Five personality traits and social distance toward certain social groups. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE: Participants from the general population were recruited through leaflets, the institutional webpage, Facebook, and through the project recruitment website and assessed via paper-and-pencil or online form. A total of 214 participants were included (of whom 68.2% were women and the mean age was 32.65, SD = 11.27, range 18-72) who completed the Bogardus Social Distance Scale and the 44-item Big Five Inventory questionnaire. RESULTS: The results showed a relationship between social distance, agreeableness, and openness to experience. Agreeableness seems to lower the social distance toward all studied groups. In comparison, openness to experience seems to lower the social distance towards groups that evoke more polarized attitudes in the majority (e.g., migrants). Furthermore, the influence of demographic characteristics (i.e., age, education level, and gender) is also significant. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that personality is significantly related to social distancing and expression of prejudicial attitudes. In particular, agreeableness and openness to experience have different effects on social distance and attitudes towards different groups. Further implications are discussed.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
In addition to the loss of life, Russian aggression against Ukraine, which began in February 2022, also brings interpersonal losses resulting from the need to emigrate. Parallel to the fighting men, women bear most of the burden of caring for the family. Using in-depth interviews supplemented by questions about adverse childhood experiences and administration of The Centrality of Events Scale and the PTSD Checklist - PCL-5 with 43 Ukrainian women (18-60 years old), we analyzed adaptation to the situation of emigration and the association of their war and earlier experiences with the level of traumatization. Women were interviewed shortly after emigration to the Czech Republic (3-42 week afterward). High levels of adverse childhood experiences and post-traumatic stress symptoms were found. The war was perceived as a currently negative central event associated with traumatic stress symptoms, and 79% of the sample expressed the opinion that the war had changed them. The results of this study suggest an intertwining of previous life experiences with the current need and ability to adapt.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
INTRODUCTION: The Communist Party's reign in Czechoslovakia (1948-1989) saw the persecution of thousands of individuals. The State Security campaign "Asanace" (meaning "sanitation") was conducted to expel critics of the regime from the country using psychological and physical terror. Although stories of dissidents are frequently presented in public spaces, little is known about the experiences of their children. METHODS: To address this gap, we conducted interpretative phenomenological analyses of semi-structured in-depth interviews with five adult descendants of Czechoslovakian dissidents. RESULTS: Our analyses revealed that while participants appreciated and were inspired by their parents' dissident activities, they tend to distance themselves from it in order not to live in their parents' shadow. Furthermore, for them, the "Asanace" campaign primarily meant emigration, which in turn affected their sense of self and (national) identity dispersion. Consequently, they experienced feelings of being uprooted and different. Furthermore, they faced challenges acculturating. However, they also recognized their resilience as being rooted in their migration experience and the legacy of their parents' dissidence. DISCUSSION: By highlighting intergenerational differences and the impact of family legacy on individuals' strengths and weaknesses, this study contributes to our understanding of the psychological consequences of living in, escaping from and adjusting to life beyond oppressive regimes.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Cíle. Neuropsychologické testy sledují v různé míře řadu kognitivních funkcí. Faktorové struktury různých neuropsychologických baterií a jejich analýzy tak vykazují jak podobnosti, tak rozdíly. Studie zkoumá českou komplexní neuropsychologickou baterii pro SuperAgery (starší osoby s vynikajícími kognitivními schopnostmi) z průřezového a longitudinálního hlediska s ohledem na její faktorovou strukturu a její stabilitu v čase. Soubor. Soubor tvořilo 361 zdravých starších osob (ve věku 60–94 let), které byly v letech 2012 a 2015 hodnoceny pomocí baterie kognitivních testů. Statistické analýzy. Data byla analyzována konfirmační faktorovou analýzou a analýzou invariance v čase s využitím několika konkurenčních modelů kognice založených na teoriích vycházejících z předchozích studií a sestávajících z 1-5 faktorů. Výsledky. Výsledky ukazují, že nejlepší model seskládá ze čtyř faktorů: verbální paměť, pozornost/pracovní paměť, exekutivní funkce a jazyk. Tento model kognice byl také nejstabilnější. Model odráží kognitivní funkce zdravých seniorů a zdůrazňuje potřebu identifikovat SuperAgery na základě výkonu ve více kognitivních oblastech. Autoři navrhují, aby tyto čtyři domény byly brány v úvahu při identifikaci SuperAgerů a aby porovnávání konkurenčních modelů bylo standardním postupem v budoucích studiích. Omezení. Ve studii nebyly zastoupeny faktory vizuálně-prostorové funkce nebo neverbální paměti s příslušnými testy. Vzorek tvořili zdraví starší dospělí.
Objectives. Neuropsychological tests employ several cognitive functions to a different extent. Thus, factor structures of various neuropsychological batteries and their analyses show both similarities and discrepancies. The study explores the Czech comprehensive neuropsychological battery for SuperAgers (older people with excellent cognition) from the cross-sectional and longitudinal point of view in respect to its factor structure and its stability over time. Sample and settings. The study sample consisted of 361 healthy older adults (age 60–94) assessed in the years 2012 and 2015 with cognitive tests battery. Statistical analyses. Data were analyzed with confirmatory factor and invariance analyses over time using multiple competing theory-driven models of cognition based on previous studies consisting of 1–5 factors. Results. The results show that the best fitting model consists of four factors: verbal memory, attention/working memory, executive functions, and language. The results also suggest that the four factorial structure of cognition in healthy older people was the most stable. This reflects their cognitive functioning and highlights the need to identify the SuperAgers on the basis of performance in multiple cognitive domains. The authors propose that these four domains should be taken into account for identifying SuperAgers and that comparing competing models should be a standard procedure in future studies. Limitations. The visuospatial or nonverbal memory factors were not represented in our study with relevant tests. Our sample consisted of healthy older adults.
BACKGROUND: SuperAging is one of the current concepts related to elite, resilient or high-functioning cognitive aging. The main aim of our study was to find possible predictors of SuperAgers (SA). METHODS: Community-dwelling older persons (N = 96) aged 80-101 years in 2018 were repeatedly tested (year 2012 and 2018). SA were defined based on their performance in 2018 as persons of 80+ years of age who recalled ≥ 9 words in the delayed recall of the Philadelphia Verbal Learning Test, and had a normal performance in non-memory tasks [the Boston Naming Test, the Trail Making Test Part B, and Category Fluency ("Animals")], which was defined as a score within or above one standard deviation from the age and education appropriate average. Three composite scores (CS; immediate memory, processing speed, and executive functions) were created from the performance in 2012, and analysed as possible predictors of SA status in 2018. RESULTS: We identified 19 SA (15 females) and 77 nonSA (42 females), groups did not significantly differ in age, years of education, and sex. The logistic regression model (p = 0.028) revealed three predictors of SA from the baseline (year 2012), including processing speed (p = 0.006; CS-speed: the Prague Stroop Test-Dots and the Digit Symbol Substitution Test), sex (p = 0.015), and age (p = 0.045). CONCLUSIONS: Thus, SA may be predicted based on the level of processing speed, which supports the hypothesis of the processing speed theory of healthy aging.
- MeSH
- exekutivní funkce MeSH
- kognice MeSH
- kognitivní poruchy * psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neuropsychologické testy MeSH
- rychlost zpracování * MeSH
- Stroopův test MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Článek se zaměřuje se na československý disent v souvislosti s aktivitami 25 psychologů, kteří podepsali Chartu 77 do roku 1989. Smyslem tohoto textu je shrnout základní informace o těchto jedincích, o jejich životě, díle a postojích. Text vychází z archivních materiálů a osobních svědectví. Popsán je tlak na adaptaci podle požadavků státní moci i snaha o vypuzení nepohodlných signatářů ze země. Stať se zaměřuje na aktivity psychologů-signatářů během normalizace v 70. a 80. letech 20. století i po roce 1989. Signatáři jsou interpretováni jako aktivní, občansky angažovaní, nezdolní a humanisticky orientovaní.
The article focuses on Czechoslovak dissent in the context of the activities of 25 psychologists who signed Charter 77 until 1989. The purpose of this text is to summarize basic information about these individuals, their life, work and attitudes. The authors draw on archival materials and personal testimonies. The pressure to adapt to the demands of state power and the efforts to expel inconvenient signatories from the country are described. The contribution focuses on the activities of psychologists-signatories during the normalization in the 1970s and 1980s and after 1989. The signatories are interpreted as active, civically engaged, resilient and humanistically oriented.
Cíl: Dospělí ve věku 80 let a více s epizodickou pamětí jako průměrný šedesátník jsou nazýváni paměťově superúspěšně stárnoucími jedinci (PSÚSJ). Cílem práce je zjistit, zda PSÚSJ mají vyšší paměťovou rezervu nebo stabilnější paměťovou údržbu. Soubor a metodika: Analyzovali jsme kognitivní výkonnost u 46 kognitivně zdravých starších dospělých během 6 let ve 3 časových bodech (T1, T2 a T3). Všichni účastníci měli 80 a více let a měli normální kognitivní výkon v T3. PSÚSJ byli definování výkonem ve spontánním oddáleném vybavení z paměti ve Filadelfském testu učení a paměti (LDFR-PVLT) ≥ devět slov (průměr zdravých osob ve věku 60–64 let) v T3. Logická paměť a PVLT suma pokusů 1–5 byly porovnávány mezi i v rámci skupin. Výsledky: V souboru bylo 20 PSÚSJ (16 žen) a 26 ne-PSÚSJ (11 žen) v T3, což znamená, že více PSÚSJ bylo mezi ženami než muži. V T3 nebyly zjištěny významné rozdíly mezi skupinami ve věku, vzdělání, depresivní symptomatice. PSÚSJ měli významně vyšší PVLT 1–5, ale nikoliv logickou paměť v T1. Jejich kognitivní rezerva byla vyšší pro verbální učení, nikoliv pro logickou paměť ve srovnání s ne-PSÚSJ. U PSÚSJ došlo během 6 let ke zlepšení v PVLT 1–5 ale nikoliv v logické paměti. Závěr: Naše výsledky naznačují, že paměťová rezerva i paměťová údržba hrají roli u PSÚSJ. Rozdíl mezi skupinami byl dán rozdílným učením nikoliv logickou pamětí. PSÚSJ jsou více mezi ženami než muži.
Aim: Memory SuperAgers (SAs) are adults aged 80+ years whose episodic memory is as good as that of sexagenarians. The aim was to determine whether SAs are people with a higher memory reserve or more stable memory maintenance. Sample and method: We analyzed cognitive performance of 46 cognitively healthy older adults over 6 years, measuring them at three time points (T1, T2 and T3). All participants were aged 80+ years and had normal cognitive performance at T3. SAs were defined as persons whose Long Delayed Free Recall score of Philadelphia Verbal Learning Test (LDFR-PVLT) was ≥ nine words (the mean for healthy age group 60–64 years) at T3. Logical memory II (LM II-delayed recall) and PVLT sum of trial 1–5 were compared between and within the groups. Results: In our sample, we found 20 SAs (16 females) and 26 non-SAs (11 females) at T3, meaning more SAs were female than male. At T3, there were no significant differences between the two groups in age, education, or depressive symptoms. At T1, SAs performed significantly better on PVLT 1–5 but not in LM II; their cognitive reserve was thus higher for verbal learning but not for logical memory in non-SAs. Over time, SAs showed improvement in PVLT 1–5 but not in logical memory. Conclusion: We suggest that both memory reserve and memory maintenance play a role in SuperAging. The differences between SAs and non-SAs were more in verbal learning than in logical memory. Our data suggest that women SuperAge more frequently than men do.
- Klíčová slova
- superagers,
- MeSH
- kognice MeSH
- kognitivní rezerva * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- paměť * MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- testy paměti a učení MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- klinická studie MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Cíl: Přechod od kategoriálních modelů poruch osobnosti k dimenzionálnímu pojetí funkčních schopností osobnosti, jak jsou konceptualizovány v DSM-5 i MKN-11, představuje pro klinickou oblast výzvu k implementaci nových diagnostických metod pro poruchy osobnosti. Zároveň se ukazuje, že koncept osobnostního fungování má širší uplatnění kvůli svým schopnostem popisovat obecně závažnost psychopatologie. České verze dvou instrumentů zaměřených na funkčních schopnosti osobnosti již prošly ověřením psychometrických vlastností, nicméně pro jejich další využívání je potřebné, aby byly podrobeny dalším výzkumům. V této studii se proto zaměřujeme na jejich schopnost diskriminovat mezi těmi bez psychiatrické diagnózy a dvěma skupinami lidí s psychiatrickou diagnózou. Materiál a metoda: Studie byla realizována na 163 respondentech, kteří pocházeli ze tří skupin: 1) pacienti s poruchami osobnosti (n = 58), 2) pacienti se zvýšeným skóre neuroticismu (n = 50), 3) běžná populace (n = 55). Funkční schopnosti osobnosti byly hodnoceny za pomocí sebeposuzovacícho dotazníku Level of Personality Functioning Scale-Brief Form 2.0 (LPFS-BF 2.0) a klinicky hodnoceným polostrukturovaným rozhovorem Semi-structured Interview for Personality Functioning DSM-5 (STiP 5.1). Výsledky: Tři sledované skupiny se lišily v osobnostním fungování. Obecně se dá říct, že lidé s poruchou osobnosti dosahovali nejvyššího narušení osobnostního fungování, zatímco nejnižší úroveň narušení osobnostního fungování měla běžná populace, mezi nimi pak byla skupina se zvýšeným neuroticismem. Zatímco rozhovor STiP-5.1 byl schopen rozlišovat i v rámci skupin pacientů, dotazník LPFS-BF 2.0 měl tuto schopnost nižší. Z demografických proměnných se ukázala jako významná korelace s věkem naznačující trend ke zralejšímu osobnostnímu fungování s vyšším věkem, dále se ukázalo, že vyšší vzdělání bylo asociováno s nižším narušením osobnostního fungování. Závěr: Polostrukturovaný rozhovor STiP-5.1 i screeningový dotazník LPFS-BF 2.0 ukázaly adekvátní schopnost diskriminovat tři zkoumané populace. Obě metody jsou uživatelsky příznivé a vzhledem k dobrým psychometrickým vlastnostem jejich českých verzí je možné obě doporučit pro výzkumné užití a s obezřetností také pro klinickou praxi. Rozšiřuje se tak repertoár moderních metod (nejen) k diagnostice poruch osobnosti v ČR.
Objective: The transition from categorical models of personality disorders to a dimensional approach of personality functioning, as conceptualized by the DSM-5 and ICD-11, represents a challenge for the clinical area to implement new diagnostic methods for personality disorders. While it also seems that the personality functioning concept has a broader application because of its ability to capture the overall severity of psychopathology. The psychometric properties of Czech versions of two instruments assessing personality functioning have been verified already. However, for their future use, they must be subjected to further research. Therefore, in this study, we focus on their ability to discriminate between those without a psychiatric diagnosis and two groups of people with a psychiatric diagnosis. Method: The study was conducted on 163 respondents from three groups: 1) patients with personality disorders (n = 58), 2) patients with increased neuroticism score (n = 50), 3) general population (n = 55). Personality functioning was assessed by self-report questionnaire Level of Personality Functioning Scale-Brief Form 2.0 (LPFS-BF 2.0) and clinician-rated Semi-structured Interview for Personality Functioning DSM-5 (STiP 5.1). Results: The three groups differed in their level of personality functioning. Generally, people with personality disorders had the highest level of personality functioning impairment, the general population had the lowest level of impairment, the group with increased neuroticism score was in the middle. While the STiP-5.1 was able to differentiate within the patients ́ groups, the ability of LPFS-BF 2.0 was limited. From the demographic variables, age correlated with personality functioning, suggesting a trend toward more mature personality functioning in older age. Also, higher education levels were associated with lower personality functioning impairment. Conclusion: The semi-structured interview STiP-5.1 and the screening questionnaire LPFS-BF 2.0 showed adequate ability to discriminate between the three study groups. Both methods are user-friendly, and given the psychometric properties of their Czech versions, they can be recommended for research proposes and with caution to use in clinical practice. Thus, the repertoire of modern methods available in the Czech Republic for assessing (not only) personality disorders is expanding.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- neuroticismus MeSH
- osobnost * MeSH
- poruchy osobnosti * diagnóza MeSH
- sebeposuzující dotazníky PHQ MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
The relationship between negative attitudes and psychopathology is not yet clear. The current shift to a dimensional approach to mental disorders, as reflected in both the DSM-5 and ICD-11 models of personality disorders, seems to enrich the traditional approach to study attitudes. This study investigates whether and how impairments in personality functioning are linked to attitudes toward minorities. A comparison of levels of impairment in global and Self and interpersonal personality functioning, negative attitudes, social distance, and racism was conducted in the sample of 127 adults from the general population group (n = 69) and a group of people with diagnosed personality disorders (n = 58). Differences between both groups were found. The personality disorders group showed higher impairment in personality functioning, scored higher on negative attitude measures, and was more prone to the blatant expression of attitudes than the general population. The association between attitudes and personality functioning did not fully reflect these trends. However, given the nature of differences, it is suspected that the proclivity to the blatant expression of negative attitudes could go beyond negative attitudes toward minorities themselves and reflect disorder-related characteristics, that is, more problematic and conflicted relationships with others in general.
- MeSH
- Diagnostický a statistický manuál mentálních poruch MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- etnické a rasové minority * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- osobnost * MeSH
- poruchy osobnosti diagnóza MeSH
- postoj MeSH
- psychopatologie MeSH
- rasismus MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Subjective wellbeing (SWB) is an important factor of global adjustment. Intergenerational satisfaction in seriously traumatized people has not been studied so far in homogenous populations of Central and Eastern Europe. This study focuses on the SWB in three generations of survivors living in the Czech Republic and Slovakia after World War II (WWII). The focal groups were Holocaust survivors (ages 71-95, n = 47), Holocaust survivors' children (ages 30-73, n = 86), and their grandchildren (ages 15-48, n = 88), and they were compared to aged-matched groups without Holocaust history. The first and second generation of Holocaust survivors scored significantly lower than the comparison groups in wellbeing, as measured using the Schwartz Outcome Scale-10 (SOS-10). There was no significant difference in life satisfaction in any of the three generations. Within the focal group, identification as Jewish or as also Jewish was comparable in all three generations of Holocaust survivors (74% in the first, 79% in the second, and 66% in the third generation). Holocaust survivors declaring Jewish identity reported lower SWB compared to survivors declaring other than Jewish identity. The focal group generated more national identities than comparisons. The outcomes are discussed in the context of the history of Central and Eastern Europe.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH