Digitální zdraví je fenomén, který odstartoval změny v poskytování zdravotní péče a v medicínské praxi. Digitalizace a demokratizace zdravotnictví usnadňuje tuto technologickou a kulturní transformaci zdravotní péče. Digitální zdraví iniciuje a umožňuje rozvoj „e-pacientů“, kteří mají přístup k informacím, lékařským znalostem a vlastním zdravotním údajům, které před digitální érou nebylo možné získat. Online vyhledávaná témata jsou různorodá a zahrnují především informace o nemocech, výživě, léčbě, fyzickém a duševním zdraví. Kromě poskytování medicínských informací internet pacientům nabízí zdroje sociální podpory a pomáhá jim v jejich pokusech porozumět svým zážitkům s nemocí. Role ve vztahu lékař-pacient se mění, stále více se zdůrazňuje participace pacienta na zdravotní péči, včetně pacientského rozhodování. Se vznikem e-pacientů se od lékařů vyžaduje biopsychosociálně-digitální přístup. Již dnes a v blízké budoucnosti budou muset lékaři plnit složitější úkoly spojené se zdravotní informační technologií, pomáhat s digitální orientací pacientů a filtrovat pro ně informace. Lékaři a tvůrci politik mají obrovskou odpovědnost za zapojení pacientů jako partnerů při navrhování zdravotní péče, rozhodování či jejich vedení při používání digitálních zdravotnických technologií.
Digital health is a phenomenon that has started changes in providing of health care and medical practice. The digitalization and democratization of healthcare facilitate this technological and cultural transformation of healthcare. Digital health initiates and enables the development of“e-patients” who have access to information, medical knowledge and their own health data that were not available before the digital era. The topics searched online are diverse and mainly include information about diseases, nutrition, treatment, physical and mental health. In addition to providing medical information, the Internet offers patients sources of social support and assists them in their attempts to understand their illness experiences. The role in the physician–patient relationship is changing, the patient's participation in health care, including patient decision-making, is increasingly emphasized. With the emergence of e-patients, a biopsychosocial-digital approach is required from physicians. Already today and in the near future, physicians will have to perform more complex tasks associated with health information technology, help with the digital orientation of patients and filter information for them. Physicians and policymakers have a huge responsibility in engaging patients as partners in health care design and decision-making or guidance in the use of digital health technologies.
- MeSH
- Digital Health MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Telemedicine * MeSH
- Physician-Patient Relations * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
BACKGROUND: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and subsequent COVID-19 has spread world-wide and become pandemic with about 7 million deaths reported so far. Interethnic variability of the disease has been described, but a significant part of the differences remain unexplained and may be attributable to genetic factors. AIM: To analyse genetic factors potentially influencing COVID-19 susceptibility and severity in European Roma minority. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Two genetic determinants, within OAS-1 (2-prime,5-prime-oligoadenylate synthetase 1, a key protein in the defence against viral infection; it activates RNases that degrade viral RNAs; rs4767027 has been analysed) and LZTFL1 (leucine zipper transcription factor-like 1, expressed in the lung respiratory epithelium; rs35044562 has been analysed) genes were screened in a population-sample of Czech Roma (N = 302) and majority population (N = 2,559). RESULTS: For both polymorphisms, Roma subjects were more likely carriers of at least one risky allele for both rs4767027-C (p < 0.001) and rs35044562-G (p < 0.00001) polymorphism. There were only 5.3% Roma subjects without at least one risky allele in comparison with 10.1% in the majority population (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: It is possible that different genetic background plays an important role in increased prevalence of COVID-19 in the Roma minority.
- MeSH
- 2',5'-Oligoadenylate Synthetase genetics MeSH
- COVID-19 * genetics epidemiology MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Genetic Predisposition to Disease MeSH
- Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Mutation MeSH
- Neanderthals * genetics MeSH
- Prevalence MeSH
- Roma * genetics MeSH
- SARS-CoV-2 * MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Transcription Factors genetics MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
Aim: The study aimed to describe nurses' roles, map their views, knowledge, and experiences, and clarify the factors influencing their work and personal life during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic. Design: A descriptive and cross-sectional design was used for the study. Methods: A representative sociological survey was conducted. A non-standardized questionnaire was used to collect data; the primary objective was to survey nurses' views, knowledge, and experiences gained during the Covid-19 pandemic and identify essential issues that must be addressed before the next pandemic. The questionnaire contained a total of 57 questions. The sample was constructed by quota sampling; the criteria for inclusion in the sample were the respondents' gender, age, and region. These characteristics were established as representative. The sample consisted of 1,197 nurses. Results: The most commonly reported factor influencing the work of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic was fear of transmitting the infection (63.6%). Fear of the unknown (59%) and increased workload (54.7%) were also frequently reported to be strong influencers. The responses of nurses were statistically significantly influenced by the type of medical facility in which they worked (p < 0.05) and where they worked during the Covid-19 pandemic (p < 0.001). Most respondents (89.6%) said Covid-19 represented increased physical and mental burdens. Almost the same proportion of respondents (88.4%) felt Covid-19 affected their social lives, and 76.7% reported that it also affected their personal lives. Conclusion: Healthcare facility management should ensure sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) is available before pandemics and pay close attention to the needs of staff regarding psychological counselling and crisis intervention during pandemics.
- MeSH
- COVID-19 * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Workload MeSH
- Surveys and Questionnaires MeSH
- Nurse's Role MeSH
- Nurses * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
Aim: The period after the First World War was very challenging for countries across the whole of Europe. The health condition and health literacy of inhabitants in the First Czechoslovak Republic were poor. Design: Historical research. Methods: Direct, indirect, and progressive methods were chosen to describe community care and public health care. Archival sources were found in selected archives in the Czech and Slovak republics. Results: It is evident that many changes related to preventing infectious and non-infectious diseases. Ethnic and socioeconomic diversity was a factor that influenced the health condition and knowledge of the population, and the success of preventive measures. Therefore, the involvement of professional and voluntary organizations, and government institutions was essential. Public health care arose from the idea that a healthy population was the basis of the newly-formed republic. Conclusion: The literature and archival sources discovered show the importance of the health condition of the population to the newly-formed Czechoslovak state. To improve the health condition of the population, interventions were realized in cooperation with various organizations. Concurrently, there was an appreciable effort to enhance the health literacy of the population.
- MeSH
- History, 20th Century MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Public Health Administration * history MeSH
- Public Health * history MeSH
- Check Tag
- History, 20th Century MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Historical Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czechoslovakia MeSH
BACKGROUND: A clear need for the development of new comprehensive, reliable, sensitive and valid measurement tools to adequately asses the cultural competence and cultural sensitivity of nursing students exists. This study aimed to develop a new measurement tool to assess the nursing students' cultural competence and sensitivity. METHODS: This cross-sectional, instrument development study's first phase included postgraduate nursing students (n = 60) for the piloting study, and the second one included undergraduate nursing students (n = 459) for the main survey. This study used two data collection forms: The Student Descriptive Information Form and the Better and Effective Nursing Education for Improving Transcultural Nursing Skills Cultural Competence and Cultural Sensitivity Assessment Tool (BENEFITS-CCCSAT) draft. The content validity index was calculated using the Davis method. Cronbach's α coefficient and the item total correlation were calculated during the reliability analysis. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient test, Bartlett significance test, and explanatory factor analysis (EFA) were used to evaluate the validity of the assessment tool. RESULTS: Scale validity and reliability analyses showed that the BENEFITS-CCCSAT included 26 items and five sub-dimensions: respect for cultural diversity; culturally sensitive communication; achieving cultural competence; challenges and barriers in providing culturally competent care; and perceived meaning of cultural care. CONCLUSION: The BENEFITS-CCCSAT appears to be a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the cultural sensitivity and cultural competence of nursing students. This can be of great use, especially before attending clinical areas, and can offer both students and faculty reliable information to promote reflective and critical thinking, especially in areas where improvement is needed.
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
A complex epidemiological situation marked the health system at the time of the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic. Reducing the number of infectious diseases was an essential task of the State Administration of Health. It required new legislation and various steps directed at reducing infectious diseases. Serious infectious diseases, such as scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid, dysentery, smallpox, and malaria, were among the most significant health problems in Czechoslovakia. In 1920, Act No. 412 Coll. regarding compulsory smallpox vaccination was issued, as well as government Regulation No. 298, which describes vaccination obligations and stipulated proper isolation of patients with infectious diseases. Other steps that led to improvements included establishing the National Institute of Health and mobile disinfectant units. Conclusion: The systematic development of new legislation contributed to the new Republic's proficiency at the task and the gradual reduction in the number of infectious diseases.
- MeSH
- World War I MeSH
- Academies and Institutes MeSH
- Typhoid Fever * prevention & control MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Smallpox * prevention & control MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Aim: The aim of the research was to ascertain the feelings of frontline nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Design: Qualitative research using a phenomenological approach. Methods: Qualitative research using a phenomenological approach was carried out with eight nurses working with Covid-19 patients in a hospital and in a seniors home in Kladno, in the Central Bohemia region of the Czech Republic. Two diagrams, which show ties between identified categories, were generated based on results. Results: External stresses during the first wave were: lack of information, lack of protective equipment, different attitudes towards the pandemic management. During the third wave, they were: lack of nurses and other medical personnel, overwhelming of the healthcare system, too much administrative work, and long working hours spent in protective gear. The stress-reducing factors revealed after the first wave were: solidarity and gratitude expressed by society. During the third wave, nurses noted greater self-confidence and pride, better interpersonal relationships. Conclusion: The effective management of stressors in the pandemic period can contribute to better healthcare. Therefore, we should pay more attention to describe of them in future.
- MeSH
- COVID-19 * psychology MeSH
- Homes for the Aged MeSH
- Mental Health * MeSH
- Emotions MeSH
- Qualitative Research MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Hospitals MeSH
- Protective Factors MeSH
- Stress, Psychological etiology MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Nurses psychology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
Úvod: V roce 1918 ustavený samostatný československý stát se musel v řadě svých oblastí vyrovnávat se svým mnohonárodnostním aspektem, kdy ke státotvornému československému národu patřilo jen 65 % obyvatelstva, zbytek tvořily národnostní menšiny, z nichž nejvýraznější podíl ve výši téměř 24 % patřil Němcům. Mnohonárodnostní aspekt státu tak ovlivňoval všechny složky života státu, včetně zdravotnictví i zdravotnického vzdělávání. Cíl: Cílem studia je analyzovat primární a sekundární historické zdroje týkající se vzdělávání sester a porodních asistentek se zvláštním ohledem na německou národnostní menšinu. Metodika: Sběr historických údajů jsme realizovali v archivech Česká Lípa, Most, Děčín, Karlovy Vary, Opava, Cheb, ve vybraných řeholních archivech, v Národním archivu a v digitální knihovně Kramerius Národní knihovny České republiky. Výsledky: Nová Československá republika umožnila příslušníkům německé menšiny se plnohodnotně vzdělávat v porodní asistenci a ošetřovatelství v rodném jazyce, čímž byl příslušníkům německé menšiny zajištěn jazykově plnohodnotný přístup k porodní asistenci a ošetřovatelské péči. Závěr: Na základě historické sondy můžeme konstatovat, že vzdělávání v první Československé republice v porodní asistenci na samostatných školách pro porodní asistentky probíhalo v českém, slovenském a německém jazyce. V případě vzdělávání v ošetřovatelství byl nabídnut ještě větší prostor příslušníkům národnostní menšiny, a to především díky soukromým řádovým zdravotnickým školám.
Introduction: The independent Czechoslovak state, established in 1918, had to cope with the multi-ethnic aspect of its many areas. Only 65% of the population belonged to the state that made up the Czechoslovak nation; the rest were national minorities, most of whom were Germans (24%). The multi-ethnic aspect of the state affected all aspects of state life, including health care and medical education. Aim: The aim of this study was a historical analysis of contemporary primary and secondary sources dealing with the issue of education of national minorities in selected non-medical professions in the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic (during the 1920s). Methods: Historical data were collected in the archives of Most, Děčín, Karlovy Vary, Opava, Cheb, Košice-Rožňava selected monastic archives, the National Archives, and the Kramerius digital library of the National Library of the Czech Republic. Results: The new Czechoslovak Republic made it possible for members of the national minority to receive full training in midwifery and nursing in their native language, thus ensuring full linguistic access to midwifery and nursing care. Conclusions: Midwifery education in the First Czechoslovak Republic was conducted in Czech, Slovak, German and Hungarian, at separate midwifery schools. In the case of nursing education, even more space was offered to members of the national minority, mainly thanks to private order nursing schools.
- MeSH
- Midwifery * history education MeSH
- History, 20th Century MeSH
- Ethnic and Racial Minorities history education MeSH
- Cultural Diversity MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Students, Health Occupations history MeSH
- Education, Nursing * history MeSH
- Check Tag
- History, 20th Century MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czechoslovakia MeSH
Péče o hluchoněmé děti v sobě zahrnuje vícevrstevnou péči, a to péči zdravotní, sociální a školní. Pouze spolupráce odborníků ze všech oblastí vedla k nastolení správného směru komplexní péče - vznikaly nové ústavy, sjednocovaly se postupy práce ve výuce, v komunikaci a preventivní péči. Cílem příspěvku je seznámit čtenáře na základě historické analýzy primárních a sekundárních zdrojů s významnými kroky ve vývoji a se změnami, které vedly ke zkvalitnění péče o hluchoněmé děti v období první Československé republiky, kdy byly položeny základy moderní zdravotní a sociální péče o obyvatelstvo.
The care of deaf-mute children involves multi-layered care, namely health, social and school care. Only the collaboration of experts from all fields led to setting up to the right direction for comprehensive care - new institutes were created, the procedures of work in teaching, communication and preventive care were unified. The aim of the paper is to introduce the reader on the basis of a historical analysis of primary and secondary sources the significant steps in the development and changes that led to the improvement of care for deaf-mute children in the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic, when the foundations of modern health and social care for the population were laid.
- MeSH
- History, 20th Century MeSH
- Child, Institutionalized * history MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Deafness * history nursing MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Education of Hearing Disabled history MeSH
- Check Tag
- History, 20th Century MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czechoslovakia MeSH