Based on previously published data, the Czech Republic is regarded an endemic country of the onchocercid nematodes Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856) and Dirofilaria repens Railliet et Henry, 1911. Nevertheless, while cases of D. repens are commonly reported from dogs in South Moravia, no recent records of D. immitis are available. Therefore, the present study was performed to clarify the occurrence of both species of Dirofilaria Railliet et Henry, 1910. Blood samples of 551 dogs sampled during 2015 and 2016 were analysed microscopically for presence of microfilariae and blood sera were examined by IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test (IDEXX, USA). DNA from blood of microscopically positive dogs was extracted and PCR protocol amplifying fragment of cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene was performed; PCR products were then sequenced. All dogs from the Bohemian part of the Czech Republic were negative. The prevalence of D. repens in the Moravian region was 5.7 % (27/476). BLAST analyses of obtained sequences confirmed the presence of D. repens (99-100% identical to KX265049). All sampled animals showed a negative result for D. immitis antigen in IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test. Our study confirmed the previously reported occurrence of D. repens in South Moravia and revealed its spreading from the epicentre to the north and west. PCR with subsequent sequencing together with negative results for D. immitis antigen in IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test revealed only D. repens infection. A previously published autochthonous infection of dogs with D. immitis in South Moravia was not confirmed.
- MeSH
- Dirofilaria immitis * genetics MeSH
- Dirofilaria repens * genetics MeSH
- Dirofilariasis * epidemiology MeSH
- Dog Diseases * epidemiology MeSH
- Dogs MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Dogs MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
Interplay between conserved host specificity and occasional host switches is an important process determining the evolution of host-parasite systems. Here, we address the dynamics of host switches at the population level in rodent-associated Eimeria. Focusing mainly on two ecologically similar host groups, Murinae and Arvicolinae, we show that the Eimeria infecting those hosts form a complex system of many genetic lineages with different host specificities. The broad geographic distribution of lineages indicates that they are well-established genetic forms which retained their host specificities while spreading across large geographic areas. We also demonstrate that genetic structure is only partially reflected by morphological traits.
- MeSH
- Arvicolinae MeSH
- Eimeria * MeSH
- Phylogeny MeSH
- Host Specificity MeSH
- Host-Parasite Interactions MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Murinae MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Lyme borreliosis (LB), caused by spirochetes of the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) complex, is one of the most common vector-borne zoonotic diseases in Europe. Knowledge about the enzootic circulation of Borrelia pathogens between ticks and their vertebrate hosts is epidemiologically important and enables assessment of the health risk for the human population. In our project, we focused on the following vertebrate species: European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), Northern white-breasted hedgehog (E. roumanicus), Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), and Common blackbird (Turdus merula). The cadavers of accidentally killed animals used in this study constitute an available source of biological material, and we have confirmed its potential for wide monitoring of B. burgdorferi s.l. presence and genospecies diversity in the urban environment. High infection rates (90% for E. erinaceus, 73% for E. roumanicus, 91% for S. vulgaris, and 68% for T. merula) were observed in all four target host species; mixed infections by several genospecies were detected on the level of individuals, as well as in particular tissue samples. These findings show the usefulness of multiple tissue sampling as tool for revealing the occurrence of several genospecies within one animal and the risk of missing particular B. burgdorferi s.l. genospecies when looking in one organ alone.
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
The Javan ferret-badger Melogale orientalis (Carnivora: Mustelidae: Helictidinae) is a small carnivore endemic to Indonesia. In the family Mustelidae, 10 Eimeria, 12 Cystoisopora, one Isospora, and one Hammondia species are known, but no eimeriid coccidia has been yet described in the subfamily Helictinidae (ferret badgers). Coproscopic examination of Javan ferret-badgers imported into the Czech Republic revealed the presence of coccidian oocysts. Sporulated oocysts differ from other Eimeria known in the family Mustelidae by their small size (12.4-16.1 × 10.4-13.4 μm) and ovoidal shape. Morphological data and phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA and COI genes indicated a new species of Eimeria found in faecal samples of Javan ferret badgers. The species is described as E. melogale n. sp.
- MeSH
- Species Specificity MeSH
- Eimeria classification cytology genetics MeSH
- Feces parasitology MeSH
- Phylogeny * MeSH
- Mustelidae parasitology MeSH
- Oocysts cytology MeSH
- RNA, Ribosomal, 18S genetics MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
Intranuclear coccidiosis of testudines (known as TINC) is an emerging disease in chelonians. Although endogenous stages were repeatedly detected in various tissues, attempts to find the oocysts in faeces failed, leaving the question of the transmission and classification of the causative agent of TINC unresolved. We recorded small spherical oocysts (∼6-7 μm in diameter) of an eimeriid coccidium in faeces of a leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis). Sporulated oocysts were used for the experimental oral inoculation of juvenile coccidia-free tortoises representing 5 species (S. pardalis, Testudo graeca, T. hermanni, T. horsfieldii, and Geochelone sulcata). The oocysts' association with TINC was confirmed based on clinical signs, histopathological findings of intranuclear endogenous stages of the coccidium in many organs (including intestine), and by the partial 18S rDNA sequence analysis of the DNA isolated from organs of the experimentally infected animals and from a single naturally infected as well as from all experimentally infected tortoises. Breeding colonies of chelonians should be screened for this pathogen in order to prevent its further spread and unwanted introduction into endangered free-ranging chelonian populations.
- MeSH
- Eimeriidae classification genetics isolation & purification physiology MeSH
- Feces parasitology MeSH
- Coccidiosis parasitology prevention & control transmission veterinary MeSH
- Oocysts MeSH
- Parasitic Diseases, Animal parasitology prevention & control transmission MeSH
- RNA, Ribosomal, 18S genetics MeSH
- Turtles parasitology MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- MeSH
- Antinematodal Agents pharmacology therapeutic use MeSH
- Insect Vectors MeSH
- Eye Infections, Parasitic drug therapy classification transmission MeSH
- Protozoan Infections, Animal epidemiology drug therapy classification MeSH
- Dogs MeSH
- Thelazioidea * isolation & purification pathogenicity drug effects MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Dogs MeSH
- Animals MeSH
Hedgehogs (Mammalia: Erinaceidae) are omnivorous nocturnal animals typically living in anthropogenic areas. They may be suitable as sentinels for a wide range of zoonotic infections. Only a few studies have investigated hedgehogs (and then as representative wildlife species) to establish their role in the life cycle of such tissue parasites with zoonotic potential as Toxoplasma gondii or Trichinella spp. Working with frozen hedgehog cadavers, we tested for these parasites using T. gondii DNA-specific magnetic capture isolation plus polymerase chain reaction and Trichinella spp. digestion assay. All of 50 examined hedgehogs were negative for Trichinella spp. larvae in their muscles, but brain tissue from 5 out of 26 Erinaceus europaeus (19.2%) and 4 out of 24 E. roumanicus (16.6%) tested positive for T. gondii DNA. Frequency of T. gondii for both hedgehog species was equal, as was distribution between males and females and across age categories. Although a few studies have suggested the possibility of Trichinella spp. infection in hedgehogs, the zero prevalence in the tested hedgehogs is not surprising in view of the generally low prevalence of Trichinella spp. in Central Europe. Our results show that hedgehogs are susceptible to infection by T. gondii and can be used as indicator wildlife animal species in anthropogenic ecosystems.
- MeSH
- Animals, Wild parasitology MeSH
- Hedgehogs parasitology MeSH
- Larva genetics MeSH
- Polymerase Chain Reaction MeSH
- DNA, Protozoan genetics MeSH
- Toxoplasma genetics isolation & purification MeSH
- Toxoplasmosis, Animal epidemiology parasitology MeSH
- Trichinella classification genetics isolation & purification MeSH
- Trichinellosis epidemiology parasitology veterinary MeSH
- Zoonoses MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
- Europe MeSH
The need for an effective treatment against cryptosporidiosis has triggered studies in the search for a working in vitro model. The peculiar niche of cryptosporidia at the brush border of host epithelial cells has been the subject of extensive debates. Despite extensive research on the invasion process, it remains enigmatic whether cryptosporidian host-parasite interactions result from an active invasion process or through encapsulation. We used HCT-8 and HT-29 cell lines for in vitro cultivation of the gastric parasite Cryptosporidium proliferans strain TS03. Using electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy, observations were carried out 24, 48 and 72 h after inoculation with a mixture of C. proliferans oocysts and sporozoites. Free sporozoites and putative merozoites were observed apparently searching for an appropriate infection site. Advanced stages, corresponding to trophozoites and meronts/gamonts enveloped by parasitophorous sac, and emptied sacs were detected. As our observations showed that even unexcysted oocysts became enveloped by cultured cell projections, using polystyrene microspheres, we evaluated the response of cell lines to simulated inoculation with cryptosporidian oocysts to verify innate and parasite-induced behaviour. We found that cultured cell encapsulation of oocysts is induced by parasite antigens, independent of any active invasion/motility.