6 záznamů v Medvik Filtry
. 2022 ; 50 (50) : 22-24. (9th Postgradual and 7th Postdoctoral Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles Univerzity, Hradec Králové, 23-24 January 2019)

. 2021 ; 90 (3) : 307-314.

. 2012 ; 5 (Suppl. 1) : 73-74. (17th Interdisciplinary toxicological conference & advanced toxicological course)
. 2012 ; () : 73-74.

. 2011 ; 57 (1) : 76-83.

. 2010 ; 55 (5) : 468-473.

. 2008 ; 53 (4) : 333-341.