Erv14, a conserved cargo receptor of COPII vesicles, helps the proper trafficking of many but not all transporters to the yeast plasma membrane, for example, three out of five alkali-metal-cation transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Among them, the Nha1 cation/proton antiporter, which participates in cell cation and pH homeostasis, is a large membrane protein (985 aa) possessing a long hydrophilic C-terminus (552 aa) containing six conserved regions (C1-C6) with unknown function. A short Nha1 version, lacking almost the entire C-terminus, still binds to Erv14 but does not need it to be targeted to the plasma membrane. Comparing the localization and function of ScNha1 variants shortened at its C-terminus in cells with or without Erv14 reveals that only ScNha1 versions possessing the complete C5 region are dependent on Erv14. In addition, our broad evolutionary conservation analysis of fungal Na+ /H+ antiporters identified new conserved regions in their C-termini, and our experiments newly show C5 and other, so far unknown, regions of the C-terminus, to be involved in the functionality and substrate specificity of ScNha1. Taken together, our results reveal that also relatively small hydrophilic parts of some yeast membrane proteins underlie their need to interact with the Erv14 cargo receptor.
- MeSH
- Antiporters genetics metabolism MeSH
- Cell Membrane metabolism MeSH
- COP-Coated Vesicles genetics metabolism MeSH
- Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolism MeSH
- Membrane Proteins metabolism physiology MeSH
- Cation Transport Proteins metabolism MeSH
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins genetics metabolism physiology MeSH
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism MeSH
- Sodium metabolism MeSH
- Protein Transport MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Autoři předkládají kazuistiku „antibiomanie“ u 55leté pacientky s emočně nestabilní poruchou osobnosti a mentální anorexií v anamnéze, nyní dlouhodobě ambulantně léčenou pro úzkostnou a depresivní symptomatologii, související se závažnou somatickou nemocí manžela. Přesmyk do mánie nastal po druhé 500mg dávce klarithromycinu. Nicméně ten byl již třetím podaným antibiotikem v intervalu posledních čtyř měsíců. Manické symptomy dosáhly takové intenzity, že byla nutná nedobrovolná hospitalizace v psychiatrické nemocnici. Zde příznaky odezněly do týdne. Autoři nabízejí hypotézu patogeneze manického zvratu. Předpokládají, že přesmyk mohl nastat primárně v důsledku alterace střevního mikrobiomu antibiotiky. Další patogenetická cesta může vést buď přes přímé vagové dráždění, nebo přes zvýšenou propustnost střevní bariéry pro falešné neurotransmitery.
The authors present a case of antibiomania in 55years woman with borderline personality, anorexia nervosa in personal history, and long lasting anxious and depressive symptomatology associated with husband´s serious illness. Switch to mania occured after two 500mg doses of clarithromycin. However, clarithromycin was the third antibiotic administered in the last four months. Manic symptoms were so severe that involuntary hospitalization was required. Signs of mania disappeared within a week on psychiatric ward. The authors submit the hypothesis that the pathogenetic pathway of sudden reversal into mania may be triggered by intestinal dysmicrobia after clarithromycine administration and then proceeded to CNS through either a leaky gut or direct stimulation of the nervus vagus.
- MeSH
- Medical History Taking MeSH
- Bipolar Disorder * diagnosis etiology chemically induced therapy MeSH
- Depressive Disorder MeSH
- Hospitalization MeSH
- Interpersonal Relations MeSH
- Clarithromycin * adverse effects therapeutic use MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Microbiota drug effects MeSH
- Anorexia MeSH
- Nervous System MeSH
- Psychotherapy methods MeSH
- Family MeSH
- Hospitals, Psychiatric MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Check Tag
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
Tato kazuistika představuje vcelku raritní případ mladého pacienta s opakovaným akutním infarktem myokardu při aneuryzmatu koronární tepny.
This case report presents fairly rare case of a young patient with recurrent acute myocardial infarction on the basis of coronary artery aneurysma.
- MeSH
- Acute Disease MeSH
- Echocardiography MeSH
- Myocardial Infarction * diagnosis etiology therapy MeSH
- Coronary Angiography MeSH
- Coronary Vessels pathology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Recurrence MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
- Keywords
- expatrioti, adaptace, interkulturní tréninky,
- MeSH
- Adaptation, Psychological MeSH
- Acculturation * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Career Mobility * MeSH
- Social Adjustment * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH