Objectives Sinonasal mucosal melanoma (SNMM) is an extremely rare and challenging sinonasal malignancy with a poor prognosis. Standard treatment involves complete surgical resection, but the role of adjuvant therapy remains unclear. Crucially, our understanding of its clinical presentation, course, and optimal treatment remains limited, and few advancements in improving its management have been made in the recent past. Methods We conducted an international multicenter retrospective analysis of 505 SNMM cases from 11 institutions across the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, and continental Europe. Data on clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and clinical outcomes were assessed. Results One-, three-, and five-year recurrence-free and overall survival were 61.4, 30.6, and 22.0%, and 77.6, 49.2, and 38.3%, respectively. Compared with disease confined to the nasal cavity, sinus involvement confers significantly worse survival; based on this, further stratifying the T3 stage was highly prognostic ( p < 0.001) with implications for a potential modification to the current TNM staging system. There was a statistically significant survival benefit for patients who received adjuvant radiotherapy, compared with those who underwent surgery alone (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.74, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.57-0.96, p = 0.021). Immune checkpoint blockade for the management of recurrent or persistent disease, with or without distant metastasis, conferred longer survival (HR = 0.50, 95% CI: 0.25-1.00, p = 0.036). Conclusions We present findings from the largest cohort of SNMM reported to date. We demonstrate the potential utility of further stratifying the T3 stage by sinus involvement and present promising data on the benefit of immune checkpoint inhibitors for recurrent, persistent, or metastatic disease with implications for future clinical trials in this field.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Východiská: Lynchov syndróm (LS) je autozomálne dominantné dedičné ochorenie, ktoré sa prejavuje zvýšením rizika vzniku nádorových ochorení, a to predovšetkým kolorektálneho a endometriálneho karcinómu. Nedávne štúdie preukázali aj asociáciu medzi LS a nádorovým ochorením prsníka. Cieľom tejto štúdie je poukázať na možný výskyt prítomnosti mutácií v génoch asociovaných s LS u pacientov s rakovinou prsníka a na potrebu zahrnúť vyšetrenie Lynch asociovaných génov u pacientov s familiárnym a opakovaným výskytom rakoviny prsníka ako aj s výskytom ďalších Lynch asociovaných nádorových ochorení. Materiál a metódy: Analyzovali sme vzorky nádorového tkaniva od 78 pacientov s primárnym nádorom prsníka. U pacientov sme analyzovali panel génov asociovaný s rizikom vzniku rakoviny prsníka, pričom sme sa v rámci našej štúdie sústredili primárne na výskyt mutácií v mismatch-repair génoch. DNA izolovaná z nádorového tkaniva bola sekvenovaná pomocou metódy sekvenovania novej generácie (next generation sequencing – NGS) a podrobená analýze pomocou nástroja Ingenuity Variant Analysis. Na potvrdenie zárodočnej mutácie sme vyšetrili krvnú vzorku pacientky pomocou NGS. Výsledky: V rámci našej analýzy sa nám v nádorovom tkanive prsníka podarilo identifikovať variant v géne PMS2 u jednej pacientky. Prítomnosť mutácie naznačuje, že vzniknuté nádorové ochorenie môže byť následkom LS. Z hľadiska patogenity sa jednalo o pravdepodobne patogénny variant, nakoľko sme odhalili deléciu v exónovej oblasti, ktorá viedla k frameshift mutácii. Navyše sme identifikovali aj jednonukleotidové patogénne varianty v génoch TP53 a PIK3CA. Pre definitívne stanovenie diagnózy LS u pacientky sme vyšetrili krvnú vzorku, kde sme tiež identifikovali mutáciu génu PMS2. Záver: LS je u mnohých Lynch asociovaných nádorových ochorení poddiagnostikovaný. V prípade familiárneho výskytu rakoviny prsníka a ďalších Lynch asociovaných génov je však dôležité myslieť aj na možnú diagnózu LS a v prípade, že pacient spĺňa diagnostické kritéria, uskutočniť aj genetické vyšetrenie Lynch asociovaných génov.
Background: Lynch syndrome (LS) is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder which causes an increased risk of cancer, especially colorectal and endometrial carcinomas. Recent studies have shown an association between LS and breast cancer as well. The aim of our study is to highlight the possible presence of mutations in genes associated with LS in patients with breast cancer and the need to include the examination of Lynch-associated genes in patients with a family history of breast cancer as well as in patients with recurrent breast cancer, as well as with the occurrence of other Lynch-associated cancer. Materials and methods: We analyzed tumor tissue samples from 78 patients with primary breast cancer. Our samples were tested with a gene panel associated with the risk of developing breast cancer, while in our study we focused primarily on the occurrence of mutations in mismatch-repair genes. DNA isolated from tumor tissue was sequenced using next generation sequencing (NGS) and analyzed using the Ingenuity Variant Analysis tool. To confirm the germline mutation, we examined the patient‘s blood sample using NGS sequencing. Results: As a result of our analysis, we managed to identify a mutation in the PMS2 gene in one patient‘s breast tumor tissue. The presence of this mutation indicates that the resulting cancer may be a consequence of LS. As for pathogenicity, this was probably a pathogenic variant, as we detected deletions in the exon region, which led to frameshift mutation. Moreover, we also identified single-nucleotide pathogenic variants in the TP53 and PIK3CA genes. To definitively establish the diagnosis of LS in the patient, we examined a blood sample, where we also identified a mutation of the PMS2 gene. Conclusion: LS is underdiagnosed in many Lynch-associated cancers. However, in the case of a familial occurrence of breast cancer and other Lynch-associated genes, it is important to think about a possible diagnosis of LS and, if the patient meets the diagnostic criteria, to carry out a genetic examination of Lynch-associated genes.
- MeSH
- dědičné nepolypózní kolorektální nádory diagnóza genetika patologie MeSH
- genetická predispozice k nemoci MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mismatch repair endonukleáza PMS2 genetika MeSH
- mutace MeSH
- nádory prsu * genetika MeSH
- pilotní projekty MeSH
- zárodečné mutace MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH