- MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Intestinal Fistula diet therapy etiology surgery MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Congress MeSH
- Comparative Study MeSH
Autori vo svojej práci popisujú neobvyklý prípad lokalizovanej formy idiopatickej retroperitoneálnej fibrózy U 70ročného pacienta. Tumor v pravom podbrušku rozmerov 20x 18x10cm považovali za malígny. Prekvapivý bol výsledok histologického vyšetrenia - morbus Ormond. Proces bolo možné odstrániť za cenu poškodeiúa artéria iliaca communis. Jednouchá sutura steny cievy sa ukázala nevýhodnou. V pooperačnom období došlo k uzáveru tepny, ktorý bol uspokojivo vyriešený aorto-femorálnym by passom. Pol roka od operácie pacient je bez recidívy ochorenia.
The authors describe an uncommon case of a localized form of idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis in a 70-yearold patient. They considered the tumour in the right hypogastrium (20x18x10 cm) malignant. The result of histological examination was surprising - Ormonďs disease. The process could not be removed without damaging the common iliac artery. Simple suture of the artery proved unsuitable. During the postoperative period occlusion of the artery developed which was successfully resolved by an aorto-femoral bypass. Half a year after surgery the patient did not suffer a relapse.
- MeSH
- Iliac Artery surgery MeSH
- Arterial Occlusive Diseases etiology surgery MeSH
- Arteriovenous Shunt, Surgical MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Postoperative Period MeSH
- Retroperitoneal Fibrosis diagnosis surgery complications MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
[When and how we operate inguinal hernias in children]
Za 15 rokov sa na pracovisku autorov vykonalo 4 694 operácií inguinálnych hemií a hydrokél u detí vo veku 0-15 rokov Naičasteišie šlo o deti medzi 2-5 rokom (45 %). Chlapcov bolo 4,5krát viac ako dievčat a aj stranové rozdelenie zodpovedá približne literárnym údajom. Recidíva hemie sa vyskytla u 33 detí (tj. 0,7 %) operovaných na vlastnom pracovisku a u 19 detí pôvodne operovaných inde - celkový výskyt recidív v súbore 1,1 %. U 25 detí boli zistené faktory, ktoré predisponujú vznik recidívy. Táto vznikla najčastejšie u detí operovaných do jedného roka veku (52 %). Preto autori doporučujú operácie práve tejto kategórie zveriť detskému chirurgovi.
In the course of 15 years in the authors department 4 694 operations of inguinal hernias and hydrocele were performed in children at the age of 0 -15 years. Most frequently children aged 2-5 years were involved (45 %). There were 4.5 times more boys than girls and the lateral distribution was also consistent with data in the iterature. A relapse of hernia occurred in 33 children (i.e. 0.7 %) operated in the authors department and in 19 children originally operated elsewhere. The total percentage of relapses in the group is 1.1 %. In 25 children factors were identified which predispose for relapses. Relapses were most frequent in children operated before the age of one year (52 %). The authors recommend therefore that operations of these children should be entrusted to a paediatric surgeon.