V práci sa počas dvoch vegetačných období sledovali medovky zo 17 oblastí Európy a domáci kultivarCitra. Medovky sa odlišovali výškou, olistením a obsahom silice. V sledovaných pestovateľskýchpodmienkach bolo možné urobiť dva zbery počas roka. V obidvoch pokusných rokoch vo fáze tesnepred kvetom, resp. nástupu kvitnutia v súbore prevažovali rastliny s výškou 60–80 cm. Podiel listovvo vňati bol 35–70 %. V druhom (jesennom) zbere rastliny s novovytvorenými výhonkami dosiahlivýšku 15–35 cm a mali olistenie 60–95 %. Obsah silice v listoch vo fáze tesne pred kvetom, resp.nástupu kvitnutia sa pohyboval v rozmedzí 0,06–0,16 % (V/m) a maximálny obsah silice malirastliny z druhého zberu (0,09–0,45 %). Kultivar Citra sa vyznačoval stredným vzrastom (75 až80 cm), vyrovnanými hodnotami olistenia (I. zber 55–60 % a II. zber 70–80 %) a obsahu silice (I. zber0,13 % a II. zber 0,23–0,27 %).
Within two vegetation periods, melissas from 17 European regions and the inland cultivar Citrawere examined. Melissas differed in height, foliage, and essential oil content. In the cultivatingconditions under study, two collections were possible in one year. In both experimental years at thestage just before blooming, or at the onset of blooming, plants 60–80 cm in height prevailed in theset. The share of leaves in the tops was 35–70 %. In the second repeated harvest, plants with newlyformed sprouts reached a height of 15–35 cm and had the best foliage (60–95 %). The essential oilcontent in the leaves at the stage just prior to blooming, or at the onset of blooming, ranged from0.06 to 0.16% (V/m), and the maximal essential oil content was in the plants from the secondharvest (0.09–0.45 %). The cultivar Citra was characterized by medium height (75–80 cm), stablevalues of foliage (1 st harvest 55–60 %, 2 nd harvest 70–80 %), and essential oil content (1 st harvest0.13 %, 2 nd harvest 0.23–0.27 %).