The article examines a topical issue: the prevention of crime committed in the Czech Republic against senior citizens. It aims to describe: (1) how aware senior citizens are of the options available to prevent crime; (2) from what sources they obtained this information; and (3) how sufficient they judge this information to be. A semistructured questionnaire was distributed in October 2016 among those attending the University of the Third Age at Masaryk University in Brno. A total of 92 forms were returned, the analysis of which showed that most respondents had encountered information about crime against senior citizens, and that the bulk of this information was obtained from the media and from peers (friends etc.). The information was concerned with particular types of crime against senior citizens and tended not to involve prevention, i.e. how senior citizens might act to avoid crime. Respondents viewed the information as insufficient, with specific advice on preventive behaviour noticeably absent. On the basis of these findings the authors propose that prevention measures should be designed to cater for the specific characteristics of the various groups of senior citizens.
The article examines a topical issue: the prevention of crime committed in the Czech Republic against senior citizens. It aims to describe: (1) how aware senior citizens are of the options available to prevent crime; (2) from what sources they obtained this information; and (3) how sufficient they judge this information to be. A semistructured questionnaire was distributed in October 2016 among those attending the University of the Third Age at Masaryk University in Brno. A total of 92 forms were returned, the analysis of which showed that most respondents had encountered information about crime against senior citizens, and that the bulk of this information was obtained from the media and from peers (friends etc.). The information was concerned with particular types of crime against senior citizens and tended not to involve prevention, i.e. how senior citizens might act to avoid crime. Respondents viewed the information as insufficient, with specific advice on preventive behaviour noticeably absent. On the basis of these findings the authors propose that prevention measures should be designed to cater for the specific characteristics of the various groups of senior citizens.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- násilí klasifikace psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- oběti zločinu klasifikace psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- vystavení násilí * klasifikace prevence a kontrola psychologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
1. elektronické vydání 1 online zdroj (312 stran)
Pokuste se pomocí této knihy zorientovat v dnešním překotně se měnícím světě! Autoři se snaží jít pod povrch běžného obrazu reality, který nám předkládají média, a přinášejí odpovědi na řadu aktuálních otázek, jako jsou radikální náboženské proudy, imigrace do EU a ČR, etnické konflikty či zvládání kulturně odlišných situací.
This study explores the skinhead subculture in the Czech Republic, as reflected in the media and in the political, pedagogical, sociological, psychological, and security fields. It presents skinhead subculture on the basis of the Reports on Extremism in the Czech Republic that have been published by the Ministry of the Interior since 1997. It also describes the mechanism by which these reports are formulated and prepared, along with their history and ratification by the government. The main objective of the study is to identify security issues associated with the skinhead subculture in the Czech Republic, and the way it has been evaluated by the Ministry of the Interior in the Ministry’s internal documents. On the basis of the content analysis, basic security topics are identified that have been associated with this highly publicized subculture since the 1990s. The research question is: What security issues are associated with the skinhead subculture in the Reports on Extremism in the Czech Republic? The answer is provided via content analysis which is both quantitative and qualitative, and which covers the period from 1997 to 2013.
This study explores the skinhead subculture in the Czech Republic, as reflected in the media and in the political, pedagogical, sociological, psychological, and security fields. It presents skinhead subculture on the basis of the Reports on Extremism in the Czech Republic that have been published by the Ministry of the Interior since 1997. It also describes the mechanism by which these reports are formulated and prepared, along with their history and ratification by the government. The main objective of the study is to identify security issues associated with the skinhead subculture in the Czech Republic, and the way it has been evaluated by the Ministry of the Interior in the Ministry’s internal documents. On the basis of the content analysis, basic security topics are identified that have been associated with this highly publicized subculture since the 1990s. The research question is: What security issues are associated with the skinhead subculture in the Reports on Extremism in the Czech Republic? The answer is provided via content analysis which is both quantitative and qualitative, and which covers the period from 1997 to 2013.
- Klíčová slova
- skinheads,
- MeSH
- bezpečnost * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- sociální identifikace MeSH
- sociální problémy * MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- hodnotící studie MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
The article is focused on the topic of the quality of life of citizens in Brno (Czech Republic). In the introduction the phenomenon of quality of life is described and various methods of measurement of the quality of life are summarized. In the empirical part a questionnaire survey based on the European Commission 2013 survey is conducted that tries to determine the quality of life of Brno citizens (N = 420), it focuses on their satisfaction with, and attitudes toward, selected aspects of life in Brno. Several aspects of life in Brno, such as the parking facilities and environmental factors have been identified as a source of dissatisfaction in Brno, which is in general very low. Other factors that might contribute to lower levels of satisfaction are the difficulty in finding jobs and cheap housing, and the quality of administrative services. A comparison of the collected data with two other Czech cities (Prague and Ostrava) was also conducted.
- Klíčová slova
- Brno, spokojenost obyvatel Brna, aspekty kvality života,
- MeSH
- kvalita života MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
The article is focused on the topic of the quality of life of citizens in Brno (Czech Republic). In the introduction the phenomenon of quality of life is described and various methods of measurement of the quality of life are summarized. In the empirical part a questionnaire survey based on the European Commission 2013 survey is conducted that tries to determine the quality of life of Brno citizens (N = 420), it focuses on their satisfaction with, and attitudes toward, selected aspects of life in Brno. Several aspects of life in Brno, such as the parking facilities and environmental factors have been identified as a source of dissatisfaction in Brno, which is in general very low. Other factors that might contribute to lower levels of satisfaction are the difficulty in finding jobs and cheap housing, and the quality of administrative services. A comparison of the collected data with two other Czech cities (Prague and Ostrava) was also conducted.
- MeSH
- kvalita života * psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- městské obyvatelstvo MeSH
- městské zdravotnické služby MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- sociální prostředí MeSH
- socioekonomické faktory MeSH
- věkové rozložení MeSH
- velkoměsta MeSH
- znečištění životního prostředí MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- velkoměsta MeSH
Vydání 1. 312 stran : ilustrace ; 21 cm
Předkládaná případová studie analyzuje bezpečnostní politiku mistrovství světa ve fotbale 2014 v Brazílii. Studie si klade za cíl představit největší rizika spojená s pořádáním akce takového rozsahu a analyzovat strategický přístup Brazílie k zajištění bezpečnosti během šampionátu. Mezi největší bezpečnostní rizika šampionátu byly řazeny oblasti jako terorismus, kriminalita, sociální protesty, divácké násilí a chuligánství, kybernetické hrozby nebo zdravotní rizika. Práce se zároveň zaměřuje i na samotný průběh mistrovství a na důsledky, které s sebou přineslo.
The case study analyzes the security policy of FIFA 2014 World Cup in Brazil. This study aims to present the greatest risks associated with organizing events of such magnitude and analyze strategic Brazils approach to ensure security during the championship. Among the biggest security risks of the championship were classified areas as terrorism, crime, social protests, spectator violence and hooliganism, cyber threats and health hazards. The paper also focuses on the actual process of championships and the consequences which brought about.
1. elektronické vydání 1 online zdroj (232 stran)
Správný student mezinárodních vztahů potřebuje mít znalosti mezinárodních dějin, práva, ekonomiky a stejně tak i zahraniční politiky a mezinárodní politiky. Tato publikace je právě tím prvním krokem na cestě za poznáním mezinárodních vztahů.
1. vydání 87 stran : ilustrace, tabulky ; 21 cm