OBJECTIVE: Both panic disorder (PD) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are frequent conditions that can be comorbid. This article reviews the current state of knowledge about the comorbidity of PD and OSA and the effectiveness of therapy in patients with this comorbidity. METHOD: Articles obtained via PubMed and Web of Science search were selected; the publishing date was between January 1990 and December 2022. The applied search terms were: obstructive sleep apnea; panic disorder; CPAP; antidepressants; anxiolytics; antipsychotics. Eighty-one articles were chosen by primary search via keywords. After a complete assessment of the full texts, 60 papers were chosen. Secondary papers from the references of the primary documents were investigated, evaluated for suitability, and included in the list of documents (n = 18). Thus, seventy-eight papers were incorporated into the review article. RESULTS: Studies describe a greater prevalence of panic disorder in OSA patients. So far, there is no data on the prevalence of OSA in PD patients. Limited evidence is found regarding the influence of CPAP treatment on PD, and this evidence suggests that CPAP can partially alleviate PD symptoms. Medication used in PD treatment can significantly impact comorbid OSA, as explored in several studies. CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between the two conditions seems bidirectional, and it is necessary to assess OSA patients for comorbid panic disorder and vice versa. Both disorders can worsen the other and must be treated with a complex approach to ensure improvement in patients' physical health and psychological well-being.
OBJECTIVE: The study worked with depressive symptoms, anxiety score and cognitive functions in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients treated with CPAP. METHODS: Eighty-one subjects with OSA and without psychiatric comorbidity were treated with CPAP for one year and completed the following scales and cognitive tests: Trail Making Test, Verbal Fluency Test, d2 Test, Beck Depression Inventory-II and Beck Anxiety Inventory. MINI ruled out psychiatric disorder. At the two months check-up, subjects were re-evaluated for depressive and anxiety symptoms, and after one year of CPAP treatment, subjects repeated cognitive tests and scales. Data about therapy adherence and effectiveness were obtained from the patient's CPAP machines. RESULTS: The study was completed by 59 CPAP adherent patients and eight non-adherent patients. CPAP therapy effectiveness was verified in all patients by decreasing the apnea-hypopnoea index below 5 and/or 10% of baseline values. The adherent patients significantly improved depressive and anxiety symptoms. There was also an improvement in overall performance in the attention test; however, performance in many individual items did not change. The adherent patients also improved verbal fluency and in the Part B of the Trail making test. The non-adherent group significantly increased the number of mistakes made in the d2 test; other results were non-significant. CONCLUSION: According to our results, OSA patients' mood, anxiety and certain cognitive domains improved during the one-year therapy with CPAP. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT03866161.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Patients with schizophrenia commonly encounter a variety of sleep disorders. Disturbed sleep can be found in 30-80% of patients, depending on the degree of psychotic symptomatology. Difficulty falling asleep, maintaining, or achieving restful sleep is associated with symptom severity and has been reported as a prodromal symptom of psychotic relapse. Although some sleep disorders improve with antipsychotic treatment, in many cases, even during disease remission, sleep continues to be fragmented, or even different pathophysiological mechanism is causing sleep disruption. Moreover, it may be complicated if the patient needs specific treatment, such as positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy, due to sleep-disordered breathing. The article presents case reports of patients with schizophrenia with sleep disturbances. As presented in our case reports, cognitive behavioral therapy seems effective in treating comorbid insomnia, even in patients with schizophrenia. The second and third case reports emphasise the need for broader clinical considerations, a cross-diagnostic approach, and cooperation in care for patients with severe mental disorders.
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
Nespavost v různých formách patří mezi nejčastější stížnosti, které přivádí pacienta do ordinací praktických lékařů i specialistů. Prevalenční studie udávají výskyt nespavosti v dospělé populaci v širokém rozmezí až 6,2-40 % za kalendářní rok. Pokrok ve výzkumu neurobiologie spánku ukazuje nové kognitivní a neurofyziologické modely etiopatogeneze nespavosti. Moderní doporučené postupy v léčbě nespavosti pak akcentují především nutnost stupňovat terapii od méně zatěžujících, a především nefarmakologických intervencí, až po léčbu farmakologickou. Primární léčebnou intervencí by měla být psychoterapie, především kognitivně behaviorální terapie s modulem rozpracovaným speciálně pro léčbu nespavosti. Při neúspěchu nefarmakologických intervencí pak lze využít širokou řadu léčiv. Také zde dochází k posunu od tradičních a široce užívaných hypnotik 3. generace směrem k nenávykovým alternativním volbám včetně moderní resynchronizační terapie pomocí syntetického melatoninu.
Insomnia in various forms is among the most common complaints that bring patients to the offices of general practitioners and specialists. Prevalence studies indicate the incidence of insomnia in the adult population in a wide range of 6.2-40 % per calendar year. Advances in sleep neurobiology research reveal new cognitive and neurophysiological models of the etiopathogenesis of insomnia. Modern recommended guidelines in the treatment of insomnia emphasize the need to gradually take the steps in the therapy from less burdensome and mainly non-pharmacological interventions to pharmacological treatment. The primary treatment intervention should be psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy with a module developed specifically for the treatment of insomnia. When non-pharmacological interventions fail, a wide range of drugs can be used. There is also a shift away from traditional and widely used 3rd generation hypnotics towards non-addictive alternative options including modern resynchronization therapy using synthetic melatonin.
Serotoninový syndrom je potenciálně fatální komplikace způsobená léčivy či látkami ovlivňujícími serotoninový systém lidského organismu. Může vzniknout v důsledku nasazení léčiva, interakcí mezi léčivy a dalšími substancemi (především návykovými látkami) a konečně také jako důsledek úmyslného či neúmyslného předávkování. Recentní kohortová studie na vzorku 15 milionů pacientů užívajících serotoninergně působící látky udává incidenci v rozmezí 0,07-0,19 za sledované období 4 let. Příznaky serotoninové syndromu dělíme do 3 základních skupin - alterace psychického stavu, autonomní dysregulace a neuromuskulární hyperaktivita. Závažnost průběhu kolísá od mírných příznaků řešitelných vysazením serotoninergní medikace až po závažné stavy vyžadující umělou plicní ventilaci a analgosedaci. Terapie syndromu je dána závažností klinického obrazu, kromě vysazení odpovědné medikace se využívají benzodiazepiny, antikonvulziva a v případě závažnějšího průběhu symptomatická intenzivní péče směřovaná k zajištění vitálních funkcí. S výrazným nárůstem preskripce antidepresiv (především ze skupiny SSRI) souvisí i incidence serotoninového syndromu. I přes dobrý bezpečností profil preskribovaných léků je tedy vhodné mít o existenci serotoninového syndromu povědomí.
Serotonin syndrome is a potentially fatal complication caused by drugs or substances that affect the serotonin system of the human body. It can arise as a result of usage of serotonin-acting medication, interactions with other substances (especially addictive substances) and as a result of intentional or unintentional overdose. A recent cohort study of a sample of 15 million patients taking serotinin-acting agents reported an incidence in the range of 0.07-0.19 over a follow-up period of 4 years. The symptoms of serotonin syndrome are divided into 3 basic groups - alterations of the mental state, autonomic dysregulation and neuromuscular hyperactivity. The severity of the syndrom varies from mild symptoms that can be treated via discontinuation of serotonergic medication to severe conditions requiring lung intensive care unit and sedation. The therapy of the syndrome is given by the state of the patient, in addition to the discontinuation of responsible medication, benzodiazepines and anticonvulsants are also used, and in the case of a more severe course, symptomatic intensive care is aimed to stabilize vital functions. The incidence of serotonin syndrome is also related to a significant increase in prescription of antidepressants (especially SSRI group). Despite the good safety profile of prescribed drugs, it is appropriate to be aware of the existence of serotonin syndrome.
OBJECTIVE: Our study aimed to screen for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in a clinical population of psychiatric patients with affective disorders and risk factors for OSA using screening devices in psychiatric clinical environments. METHODS: Inpatients admitted with mood disorders in an inpatient psychiatric department were selected via inclusion and exclusion criteria and assessed for the risk factors of OSA. The inclusion criteria were: a diagnosis of an affective disorder confirmed by two independent psychiatrists, snoring or apnoeic pauses witnessed during regular night check-ups by nurses, and BMI > 25 kg/m2. The exclusion criteria were: a comorbid psychotic disorder, previously diagnosed OSA, intellectual disability, organic mental illness, acute coronary syndrome, acute or chronic heart failure, acute pulmonary diseases, a history of stroke, neuromuscular disorders, or a myorelaxant treatment. All included patients underwent overnight monitoring by a screening device SomnoCHECK Micro Cardio. A certified somnologist assessed obtained data. RESULTS: A total of 32 subjects (23 women and nine men) were included in the study. The mean age was 49.8 ± 8.8 years. Most participants had major depressive disorder (n = 23); another nine individuals had bipolar disorder. Diagnostic criteria for OSA were found in 50% of the sample, specifically in 88% of men and 33% of women. The correlation analysis identified several risk factors and variables. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study showed an increased risk of OSA in patients with mood disorders. Psychiatric patients with identified risk factors should be routinely screened for obstructive sleep apnoea and referred to proper treatment.
- MeSH
- bipolární porucha * diagnóza epidemiologie MeSH
- depresivní porucha unipolární * MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- obstrukční spánková apnoe * diagnóza epidemiologie terapie MeSH
- pilotní projekty MeSH
- poruchy nálady diagnóza epidemiologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Psychotická onemocnění patří mezi vážné psychiatrické poruchy s rozsáhlými negativními důsledky pro pacienta i společnost. Každý nový lék rozšiřující armamentárium, které má moderní psychiatrie k dispozici, je velkou pomocí v léčbě. Moderní antipsychotika jsou účinné a bezpečné léky, avšak terapie psychotických poruch má stále specifické oblasti a potřeby, které se nedaří ovlivnit dostatečně cíleně. V posledních třech letech byla na český trh uvedena hned 3 nová antipsychotika. Prvním z nich je kariprazin v roce 2019, druhým na jaře roku 2020 lurasidon a velmi recentně na podzim 2020 brexpiprazol. V následujícím textu jsou jednotlivá psychofarmaka diskutována z hlediska jejich farmakologického profilu, nežádoucích účinků a indikací. Součástí článku je dále zkušenost našeho pracoviště se jmenovanými léky a kazuistika.
Psychotic disorders are among the serious psychiatric disorders with far-reaching negative consequences for the patient and society. Each new drug that expands the armamentarium for modern psychiatry greatly helps in treatment. Modern antipsychotics are effective and safe drugs. However, in the therapy of psychotic disorders, there are still has specific areas that we cannot influence in a sufficiently targeted manner. In the last three years, three new antipsychotics have been introduced in the Czech Republic. The first of these is cariprazine released in 2019, second is lurasidone released in spring 2020 and, most recently, brexpiprazole in autumn 2020. In the following text, individual antipsychotics are discussed in terms of their pharmacological profile, side effects and indications. Furthermore, the article also presents our experience with the new drugs in everyday praxis, and a case report.
- Klíčová slova
- kariprazin, brexpiprazol,
- MeSH
- antipsychotika * klasifikace terapeutické užití MeSH
- hodnocení léčiv MeSH
- klinické zkoušky jako téma MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- lurasidon hydrochlorid aplikace a dávkování terapeutické užití MeSH
- piperaziny aplikace a dávkování farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- schizofrenie * farmakoterapie patofyziologie MeSH
- thiofeny aplikace a dávkování farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Objective: Both sleep disorders and BPD are prevalent in the population, and one is often a comorbidity of the other. This narrative review aims to assess contemporary literature and scientific databases to provide the current state of knowledge about sleep disorders in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and clinical suggestions for managing sleep disorders in BPD patients and future research direction. Methods: Articles were acquired via PubMed and Web of Science, and papers published between January 1980 and October 2020 were extracted. Authors made a series of literature searches using the keywords: Sleep problems, Insomnia, Nightmares, Obstructive sleep apnea, Borderline personality disorder. The inclusion criteria were: published in peer-reviewed journals; studies in humans; or reviews on the related topic; English language. The exclusion criteria were: abstracts from conferences; commentaries; subjects younger than 18 years. After an inspection of the full texts, 42 papers from 101 were selected. Secondary documents from the reference lists of the primary designated papers were searched, assessed for suitability, and included. In total, 71 papers were included in the review process. Results: Sleep disturbance is common among patients with BPD. Nevertheless, the number of investigations is limited, and the prevalence differs between 5-45%. Studies assessing objective changes in sleep architecture in BPD show inconsistent results. Some of them identify REM sleep changes and a decrease in slow-wave sleep, while other studies found no objective sleep architecture changes. There is also a higher prevalence of nightmares in patients with BPD. Untreated insomnia can worsen BPD symptoms via interference with emotional regulation. BPD itself seems to influence the subjective quality of sleep significantly. Proper diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders in patients with BPD could lead to better results in therapy. Psychotherapeutic approaches can improve both sleep disorders and BPD symptoms. Conclusion: Recognising and managing sleep disorders in patients with BPD may help alleviate the disorder's symptoms. Treatment of people with BPD may be more effective if the treatment plan explicitly addresses sleep problems. Further research is needed to reach reliable conclusions.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Objective: Up to 20% of patients treated for epileptic seizures experience psychogenic nonepileptic paroxysms (PNES). These patients present a significant burden for the health care systems because of poor treatment outcomes. The presented review aims to summarize the current state of knowledge on sleep disturbances in patients with nonepileptic seizures. Methods: Articles were acquired via PubMed and Web of Science, and papers between January 1990 and March 2020 were extracted. Inclusion criteria were (1) published in a peer-reviewed journal: (2) studies in humans only; or (3) reviews on a related topic; (4) English language. The exclusion criteria were: (1) abstracts from conferences; (2) commentaries; (3) subjects younger than 18 years. From primary assessment, 122 articles were extracted; after obtaining full texts and secondary articles from reference lists, 45 papers were used in this review. Results: Limited data are available regarding sleep disorders in PNES patients, over the last 30 years only nine original research papers addressed sleep problems in patients with PNES with only six studies assessing objectively measured changes in sleep. Current literature supports the subjective perception of the sleep disturbances with mixed results in objective pathophysiological findings. Conflicting results regarding the REM phase can be found, and studies reported both shortening and prolonging of the REM phase with methodological limitations. Poor sleep quality and shortened duration have been consistently described in most of the studies. Conclusion: Further research on a broader spectrum of patients with PNES is needed, primarily focusing on objective neurophysiological findings. Quality of life in patients suffering from PNES can be increased by good sleep habits and treatment of comorbid sleep disorders.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Onemocnění COVID-19 způsobené novým druhem koronaviru téměř dva roky tvoří nedílnou součást každodenní reality. Jeho přítomnost a propojení s psychiatrickými onemocněními je předmětem intenzivního a extenzivního výzkumu. Velmi častým problémem, který se v literatuře popisuje, jsou poruchy spánku. Spánek je esenciální děj potřebný k integraci veškerých funkcí CNS a je nezbytný pro fyzické i psychické zdraví. Studie demonstrují řadu negativních efektů spánkové deprivace a spánkových poruch. Mezi ty známé patří hypoprosexie, hypoenergie, zvýšená iritabilita a zvýšená míra anxiety. Mezi ty méně známé, ale zvláště pro onemocnění COVID-19 významné patří změny imunitní odpovědi, včetně odpovědi na aktivní imunizaci ve formě vakcinace. Předchozí setkání se zástupci koronavirů ukazují, že významnou měrou zasahují do řízení spánku a způsobují poruchy spánku u vysokého procenta pacientů, kteří se z infekce zotavili. Současné studie o novém koronaviru SaRS-CoV2 přinášejí poznatek o dvojím mechanismu vzniku poruch spánku. V prvním případě samotná pandemie jakožto významná dějinná událost zvyšuje míru stresu a anxiety v populaci. Jedinci se musejí adaptovat na spoustu nových opatření, učit se novým formám pracovní a sociální interakce. To u disponovaných jedinců může vést k rozvoji nespavosti a dalších spánkových poruch. V druhém případě se ukazuje, že samotný SaRS-CoV2 podobně jako ostatní koronaviry (MERS, SARS) zasahuje do osy řízení spánku a ve vysokém procentu případů (studie uvádějí prevalenci až 39 % pacientů) vede k rozvoji insomnie po překonání akutního stadia onemocnění. Stran terapie obou forem poruch spánku vyvolaných pandemií COVID-19 je zatím k dispozici velmi málo relevantních dat. Přesto se objevují první vodítka a možnosti, jak adaptovat terapii poruch spánku v době kovidové.
COVID-19 disease caused by a new type of coronavirus has been an integral part of everyday reality for almost two years. Its presence and connection with psychiatric diseases is the subject of intensive and extensive research. A very common problem described in the literature is sleep disorders connected to the coronavirus infection. Sleep is an essential process needed to integrate all the functions of the CNS and is essential for physical and mental health. Studies demonstrate a number of negative effects of sleep deprivation and sleep disorders. Those known include hypoprosexia, hypoenergy, increased irritability, and increased anxiety. Among the lesser known but particularly important for COVID-19 disease are changes in the immune response, including the response to active immunization in the form of vaccination. Previous meetings with coronavirus family show that they significantly interfere with sleep management and cause sleep disorders in a high percentage of patients who have recovered from the infection. Recent studies of the new coronavirus SaRS-CoV2 provide insight into a dual mechanism of sleep disorders. In the first case, the pandemic itself, as a significant historical event, increases the level of stress and anxiety in the population. Individuals have to adapt to a lot of new measures, to learn new forms of work and social interaction. This can lead to the development of insomnia and other sleep disorders in disposed individuals. In the second case, SaRS-CoV2 alone, like other coronaviruses (MERS, SARS), appears to interfere with the sleep control axis and in a high percentage of cases (studies report a prevalence of up to 39% of patients) leads to insomnia after overcoming the acute stage of the disease. So far, very limited data are available on the treatment of both forms of sleep disorders caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the first clues and possibilities for how to adapt the therapy of sleep disorders in the covid period appear.
- MeSH
- antidepresiva druhé generace farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- benzodiazepiny farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- COVID-19 epidemiologie komplikace psychologie MeSH
- mirtazapin farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- pandemie MeSH
- poruchy iniciace a udržování spánku epidemiologie patofyziologie terapie MeSH
- psychický stres komplikace MeSH
- trazodon terapeutické užití MeSH