The term laterality refers to the preference or dominance of the lateral asymmetry of the human body. The prevalence of left-handedness is reported to be 10–13%, but in some interactive sports (e.g., fencing, racquet sports), the proportion of left-handers is higher. The left-handedness is considered an advantage in tennis; however, the one-sided load can cause muscular dysbalances leading to injuries. The research aim was to assess bilateral differences in handgrip strength youth male tennis players under-14 as to injury prevention (n = 232). In the study 12.5% were left-handed players. Handgrip strength was tested using a digital hand dynamometer (TKK 5401). A significant difference in grip strength in favor of the dominant hand was found between all players and right-handed players, only a non-significant difference was found between left-handed players. Regarding injury prevention, a difference between dominant hand and non-dominant hand force of >15% was found in 5.6% of players (high risk of injury) and >20% in 1.3% of players (very high risk). This predicts an increased risk of injury, so it is desirable to pay attention to both sides of the training load and to include compensatory or strengthening exercises.
Článek se zabývá problematikou dysfagie u starších pacientů, která je častou komplikací s významným dopadem na kvalitu života. Zaměřuje se na inovativní metody rehabilitace, zejména na využití elektrostimulace hyoidních svalů jako moderní přístup k léčbě dysfagií. Tradiční metody léčby dysfagií zahrnují dietní úpravy, cvičení polykacích svalů a kompenzační techniky. Elektrostimulace hyoidních svalů je perspektivní metodou v rehabilitaci dysfagie, která zlepšuje svalovou sílu polykacích svalů a koordinaci při polykání.
The article deals with dysphagia in elderly patients, which is a common complication with a significant impact on quality of life. It focuses on innovative methods of rehabilitation, especially the use of electrostimulation of hyoid muscles as a modern approach to the treatment of dysphagia. Traditional methods of treating dysphagia include dietary modifications, swallowing muscle exercises and compensatory techniques. Hyoid muscle electrical stimulation is a promising method in dysphagia rehabilitation that improves swallowing muscle strength and coordination.
Úvod: Tužkový úchop se považuje za jeden z ukazatelů vyspělosti jedince v rámci grafomotoriky. Úchop tužky a dovednost jejího používání se vyvíjí postupně, v průběhu zrání centrálního nervového systému, a je spojen s kognitivními funkcemi, motivací a učením. Zpočátku dítě používá hrubý úchop, ale s přibývajícím věkem a tréninkem tužkový úchop vyzrává do některé ze svých základních podob. Cíl: Analyzovat aktuálně používané typy tužkových úchopů u vysokoškolských studentů. Metodika: Pomocí videografie byly zjišťovány typické způsoby úchopu psacího náčiní v závislosti na rychlosti psaní u souboru 100 studentů Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci ve věku 19–25 let. Výsledky: Bylo zjištěno, že čeští vysokoškolští studenti používají v současnosti nejčastěji modifikované špetkové úchopy – tříprstou přitaženou špetku a tříprstou otevřenou špetku. K psaní nejčastěji používají kuličkové psací pomůcky. Některé signifikantní rozdíly v úchopech byly zaznamenány při změně rychlosti psaní.
Introduction: A pencil grip is considered as one of the indicators of graphomotoric maturity of an individual. The pencil grip and skills for its use develop gradually during the neuromaturation of the central nervous system as it is connected with cognitive functions, motivation and learning. A child uses initially a palmar grip only, but with age it evolves into one of its final forms. Aim: To analyse currently used types of pencil grips in university students. Methods: Videography was used to monitor the commonly used types of pencil grips depending on the writing speed in the cohort of 100 students of Palacký University in Olomouc aged 19–25 years. Results: The findings show that modifications of digital grips, modified dynamic tripod and open web space tripod are currently the most common pencil grips used in the Czech university students. The most frequently used writing tool is a roller pen. Several significant changes in a pencil grip occurred with changing the speed of handwriting. Conclusion: Currently the most frequently used types of pencil grips in Czech university students are modified tripod digital grips.
Úvod: Laryngokéla je vzácné onemocnění vzniklé vychlípením vnitřního prostoru hrtanu. Může být buď vrozené, nebo získané vlivem dlouhodobě nepříznivě působícího nadměrného tlaku v daném místě. Léčba laryngokél je operativní. Odvíjí se od konkrétních případů a následná prognóza závisí velkou měrou na spolupráci pacienta s lékařem a terapeutem. Cíl: Cílem práce je představit kazuistiku pacienta s laryngokélou a úskalí diagnostiky a léčby. Metoda: Ve článku popisujeme kazuistiku 61letého horníka a současně muzikanta hrajícího na trubku, u kterého se onemocnění rozvinulo a bylo řešeno. Autoři popisují předoperační stav včetně hlasové analýzy a efekt pooperační rehabilitace. Výsledky: Objektivně endolaryngeálně pooperačně byl prokázán fyziologický nález, bez recidivy onemocnění, objektivně se zlepšily výsledky hlasové analýzy po operaci a fyzioterapeutické intervenci.
Introduction: Laryngocele is a very rare disease resulting from an abnormal dilatation of the laryngeal saccule. It may be congenital or acquired after prolonged increased air pressure on the tissue. The vast majority of laryngocele cases are treated surgically; the course of the disease is very individual and the prognosis is highly dependent on the patient’s cooperation with their doctor and therapist. Aim: The aim is to present the case study of a patient with the laryngocele and the difficulties of diagnostics and treatment. Method: We present the case study of a 61-year-old miner and musician who plays the trumpet. In this specific patient, the laryngocele was surgically treated, with follow-up physiotherapy treatment. The authors describe the pre-surgery status of the voice analysis and the effect of post-surgery rehabilitation. Results: Objectively, a physiological endolaryngeal finding was demonstrated after the surgery, without recurrence of the disease, the results of voice analysis objectively improved after the surgery and physiotherapy intervention.
- Klíčová slova
- trénink hlasu,
- MeSH
- laryngocele * chirurgie rehabilitace MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- poruchy hlasu etiologie rehabilitace MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
1. vydání 189 stran : barevné ilustrace ; 24 cm
Publikace se zaměřuje na pohybovou aktivitu v rehabilitaci a prevenci kardiovaskulárních a dalších vnitřních nemocí. Určeno odborné veřejnosti.
The term laterality refers to the preference or dominance of the lateral asymmetry of the human body. The prevalence of left-handedness is reported to be 10–13%, but in some sports (e.g. boxing, ice hockey, tennis), the proportion of left-handers is higher. The left-handedness is considered an advantage in tennis; however, the one-sided load can cause muscular dysbalances leading to injuries. The research aim was to assess bilateral differences in handgrip strength in top Czech female tennis players U12 as to injury prevention. The participants were tennis players (n = 165) aged 11.0–12.9 years taking part in the regular testing by the Czech Tennis Association using the TENDIAG1 test battery between 2000 and 2018. 87.3% of all players were right-handed (RH) and only 12.7% left-handed (LH). Bilateral differences between the right- and left-hand strength of all players were medium significant in favor of the right hand. The assessment of differences between RH and LH players showed only small differences in favor of LH players. There was a medium significant difference between RH and LH players in favor of the dominant hand (DH) over the non-dominant one (NDH). As to injury prevention, it is surprising that a difference between DH and NDH strength >15% was found in 40.91% of RH players and even in 40.06% of LH players. This predicts an increased risk of injury, so it is desirable to pay attention to both sides of the training load and to include compensatory or strengthening exercises.
Molecular hydrogen (H2) is potentially a novel therapeutic gas for acute post-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients because it has antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptosis, and antifatigue properties. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of 14 days of H2 inhalation on the respiratory and physical fitness status of acute post-COVID-19 patients. This randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study included 26 males (44 ± 17 years) and 24 females (38 ± 12 years), who performed a 6-min walking test (6 MWT) and pulmonary function test, specifically forced vital capacity (FVC) and expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1). Symptomatic participants were recruited between 21 and 33 days after a positive polymerase chain reaction test. The experiment consisted of H2/placebo inhalation, 2 × 60 min/day for 14 days. Results showed that H2 therapy, compared with placebo, significantly increased 6 MWT distance by 64 ± 39 m, FVC by 0.19 ± 0.24 L, and, in FEV1, by 0.11 ± 0.28 L (all p ≤ 0.025). In conclusion, H2 inhalation had beneficial health effects in terms of improved physical and respiratory function in acute post-COVID-19 patients. Therefore, H2 inhalation may represent a safe, effective approach for accelerating early function restoration in post-COVID-19 patients.
- MeSH
- COVID-19 * MeSH
- jednoduchá slepá metoda MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- respirační funkční testy MeSH
- usilovný výdechový objem MeSH
- vodík terapeutické užití MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie MeSH
PURPOSE: Durable pulmonary vein (PV) isolation (PVI) determines the clinical success of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. In this randomized study, we investigated whether the temporally discontiguous deployment of ablation lesions adversely affected the acute efficacy of PVI. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive patients with drug-refractory paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (aged 59 ± 11, 58% males) were randomized 1:1 to either discontiguous (D-PVI) or contiguous (C-PVI) encircling radiofrequency (RF) lesions around ipsilateral PVs. A contact force-sensing catheter was used targeting a final interlesion distance < 6 mm and the ablation index of 400-450 (anterior wall) and 300-350 (posterior wall). The study endpoint was defined as failure of first-pass PVI or acute PV reconnection during a waiting time (> 30 min) followed by adenosine challenge. RESULTS: The total RF time, number of RF lesions, and mean interlesion distance were comparable in both groups. Total endpoint rates were 1/36 (3%) in the D-PVI vs 4/36 (11%) in the C-PVI groups; P = 0.34 for superiority, P = 0.008 for non-inferiority. Adenosine-induced reconnection of right PVs was the only endpoint in the D-PVI group. In the C-PVI group, first-pass PVI failed in 2 right PVs and spontaneous reconnection occurred in 2 other circles (left and right PVs). CONCLUSION: Temporally discontiguous deployment of RF lesions is not associated with lower procedural PVI efficacy when strict criteria for interlesion distance and ablation index are applied. The development of local edema around each ablation site does not prevent effective RF lesion formation at adjacent positions. TRIAL REGISTRATION: (NCT03332862).