The study assessed occupationally induced chromosomal damage in hospital personnel at risk of exposure to antineoplastic drugs and/or low doses of ionizing radiation by two cytogenetic methods. Cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes of eighty-five hospital workers were examined twice over 2 to 3 years by classical chromosomal aberration analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The comparison of the 1st and the 2nd sampling of hospital workers showed a significant increase in chromatid and chromosomal aberrations (all p < .05) examined by classical chromosomal aberration analysis, and in unstable aberrations (all p < .05) detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Both cytogenetic methods were able to detect an increase of unstable aberrations in the 2nd sampling. The raised frequency of unstable cytogenetic parameters suggested higher recent exposure to genotoxic agents.
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
BACKGROUND: We examined sperm quality in a cohort of city policemen in Ostrava at the end of a period with high concentrations of air pollutants (winter) and in the same cohort at the end of a relatively low exposure period (summer). METHODS: The study group was comprised of 54 nonsmoking city policemen living and working in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Average daily air-pollutant concentrations recorded by stationary monitoring for 90 days preceding the collection of semen samples were evaluated for different city districts of Ostrava. Standard semen parameters were assessed according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (2010). The parameters were semen volume, sperm concentration, sperm morphology, sperm motility, acrosome reaction and sperm plasma membrane integrity. Sperm DNA damage was analysed by the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). Sperm motion characteristics were determined by Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). RESULTS: The concentrations of all monitored pollutants (particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, benzo[a]pyrene, benzene) were significantly increased during winter (p < 0.001), except for ozone, the concentration of which was significantly higher during summer. Sperm volume, concentration, % vitality, % sperm morphology (normal form) and % acrosome-intact sperm did not differ significantly between the monitoring periods. The percentages of total motility and progressive motility were significantly higher in March, i.e. at the end of winter (p = 0.001). However, CASA testing showed differences in sperm motion kinetics between spring and autumn samples. In the spring samples, we found a significantly lower % of straightness (p = 0.044) and the length of straight-line path (p = 0.01), while linearity and straight-line velocity were near the borderline value (p = 0.064; p = 0.054, respectively). As compared to summer, high exposure to air pollution during winter significantly increased the extent of sperm chromatin integrity damage (median 22.6 vs. 18.6%) (p = 0.003) and the proportion of immature spermatozoa (median 11.2 vs. 9.9%, p = 0.001). Sperm DNA damage negatively correlated with total motility and progressive motility (r = -0.611, -0.299; p < 0.001). The negative correlation with vitality, normal morphology and acrosome-intact sperm (r = -0.522, -0.550 and -0.511, respectively) was also significant (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The examination of the same cohort of city policemen at the end of a period of high air pollution and at the end of relatively low exposure reduced the effects of age, different lifestyles, different occupational exposures, localities and genetic polymorphism on sperm quality impairment associated with air pollution. This study did not demonstrate impaired standard semen parameters in association with exposure. It was shown that sperm chromatin damage and the percentage of immature sperm were highly sensitive to air pollution.
- MeSH
- analýza spermatu * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- motilita spermií MeSH
- sperma MeSH
- spermie MeSH
- znečištění ovzduší * statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Background: Numerous studies have investigated age-based declines in semen traits, but the impact of paternal age on semen parameter values remains inconclusive. Objectives: The aim of this study was to detect an impact of age on semen quality was studied in healthy nonsmoking men exposed to traffic air pollution. Methods: Semen samples from 150 Prague City policemen aged 23 to 63 years were examined for standard semen parameters, sperm DNA fragmentation and high DNA stainability. Results: A significant positive correlation was found between age and %DFI (r = .359, P < .001), and negative correlations were found between age and sperm vitality (r = -.247, P < .001), the % acrosome-intact sperm (r = -.202, P = .013) and the % normal sperm heads (r = -.204, P = .012). A weak but significant negative correlation was found for high DNA stainability (% HDS) vs age (r = -.161, P = .050). No significant correlation was detected between male age and the other investigated semen quality parameters. At ages of 23 to 30, 31 to 40, 41 to 50, and 51 to 63 years, the mean %DFI values were 12.7 ± 7.18, 14.7 ± 7.42, 19.6 ± 11.25, and 34.2 ± 15.08, respectively. Conclusion: Our study shows a strong relationship (P < .001) between the age of men and sperm DNA fragmentation in an occupational cohort at risk of exposure to heavy traffic-related air pollution in a large city center.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
The taxonomy and phylogenetics of Neotropical deer have been mostly based on morphological criteria and needs a critical revision on the basis of new molecular and cytogenetic markers. In this study, we used the variation in the sequence, copy number, and chromosome localization of satellite I-IV DNA to evaluate evolutionary relationships among eight Neotropical deer species. Using FISH with satI-IV probes derived from Mazama gouazoubira, we proved the presence of satellite DNA blocks in peri/centromeric regions of all analyzed deer. Satellite DNA was also detected in the interstitial chromosome regions of species of the genus Mazama with highly reduced chromosome numbers. In contrast to Blastocerus dichotomus, Ozotoceros bezoarticus, and Odocoileus virginianus, Mazama species showed high abundance of satIV DNA by FISH. The phylogenetic analysis of the satellite DNA showed close relationships between O. bezoarticus and B. dichotomus. Furthermore, the Neotropical and Nearctic populations of O. virginianus formed a single clade. However, the satellite DNA phylogeny did not allow resolving the relationships within the genus Mazama. The high abundance of the satellite DNA in centromeres probably contributes to the formation of chromosomal rearrangements, thus leading to a fast and ongoing speciation in this genus, which has not yet been reflected in the satellite DNA sequence diversification.
- MeSH
- fibroblasty MeSH
- fylogeneze * MeSH
- genetické markery MeSH
- hybridizace in situ fluorescenční MeSH
- kultivované buňky MeSH
- kůže cytologie MeSH
- primární buněčná kultura MeSH
- satelitní DNA genetika MeSH
- vysoká zvěř klasifikace genetika MeSH
- vznik druhů (genetika) MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
BACKGROUND: The mammalian Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) is a genetic region containing highly polymorphic genes with immunological functions. MHC class I and class II genes encode antigen-presenting molecules expressed on the cell surface. The MHC class II sub-region contains genes expressed in antigen presenting cells. The antigen binding site is encoded by the second exon of genes encoding antigen presenting molecules. The exon 2 sequences of these MHC genes have evolved under the selective pressure of pathogens. Interspecific differences can be observed in the class II sub-region. The family Equidae includes a variety of domesticated, and free-ranging species inhabiting a range of habitats exposed to different pathogens and represents a model for studying this important part of the immunogenome. While equine MHC class II DRA and DQA loci have received attention, the genetic diversity and effects of selection on DRB and DQB loci have been largely overlooked. This study aimed to provide the first in-depth analysis of the MHC class II DRB and DQB loci in the Equidae family. RESULTS: Three DRB and two DQB genes were identified in the genomes of all equids. The genes DRB2, DRB3 and DQB3 showed high sequence conservation, while polymorphisms were more frequent at DRB1 and DQB1 across all species analyzed. DQB2 was not found in the genome of the Asiatic asses Equus hemionus kulan and E. h. onager. The bioinformatic analysis of non-zero-coverage-bases of DRB and DQB genes in 14 equine individual genomes revealed differences among individual genes. Evidence for recombination was found for DRB1, DRB2, DQB1 and DQB2 genes. Trans-species allele sharing was identified in all genes except DRB1. Site-specific selection analysis predicted genes evolving under positive selection both at DRB and DQB loci. No selected amino acid sites were identified in DQB3. CONCLUSIONS: The organization of the MHC class II sub-region of equids is similar across all species of the family. Genomic sequences, along with phylogenetic trees suggesting effects of selection as well as trans-species polymorphism support the contention that pathogen-driven positive selection has shaped the MHC class II DRB/DQB sub-regions in the Equidae.
- MeSH
- Equidae klasifikace genetika MeSH
- fylogeneze MeSH
- hlavní histokompatibilní komplex genetika MeSH
- molekulární evoluce * MeSH
- polymorfismus genetický * MeSH
- rekombinace genetická MeSH
- selekce (genetika) * MeSH
- vznik druhů (genetika) MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Natural killer (NK) cells play important roles in innate and adaptive immunity, as well as in the reproduction of placental mammals. Ly49 (KLRA) molecules represent a lectin-like type of NK cell receptor encoded within a complex genomic region, the NK cell complex. In rodents and horses, an expansion of the genes encoding Ly49 receptors leading to the formation of a gene family was observed. High sequence similarities and frequent high polymorphism of multiple family members represent an obstacle both for their individual identification and for annotation in the reference genomes of their respective species. Here, we focused on resolving complex variation of the KLRA gene family observed in domestic and Przewalski's horses. The KLRA (LY49) genomic region contains six genes (KLRA2-KLRA7) and one putative pseudogene, KLRA1. Two types of polymorphism were observed in the horses analyzed. Copy number variation between haplotypes was documented for the gene KLRA7 by polymerase chain reaction. As expected, the major source of variation of all KLRA genes, including KLRA7, is because of single nucleotide polymorphisms, many of them being nonsynonymous substitutions. Extensive allelic variability of the expanded KLRA (LY49) genes was observed. For four out of the six functional KLRA, high numbers of novel allelic amino acid sequence variants were identified in the genes studied, suggesting that this variation might be of functional importance, especially in the context of high polymorphism of their presumed ligands encoded by major histocompatibility complex class I genes. In fact, polymorphic amino acid sites were mostly found in the ligand-binding C-type lectin-like domain of the putative receptor molecule.
- MeSH
- alely MeSH
- buňky NK MeSH
- genomika MeSH
- koně MeSH
- lektinové receptory NK-buněk MeSH
- placenta * MeSH
- těhotenství MeSH
- variabilita počtu kopií segmentů DNA * MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- těhotenství MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Východiska: Dlouhodobá profesní expozice zdravotníků cytostatikům a ionizujícímu záření je spojena s možným projevem jejich genotoxických, karcinogenních a teratogenních účinků. Jsou prezentovány výsledky vyšetření zdravotníků fluorescenční in situ hybridizací. Materiál a metody: Ve zdravotnickém zařízení orientovaném na onkologickou problematiku bylo vyšetřeno 101 zaměstnanců (někteří opakovaně) pracujících v riziku cytostatik nebo s ionizujícím zářením. Kontrolní skupinu tvořilo 119 osob bez rizikové expozice. Byla použita fluorescenční in situ hybridizace se třemi páry celochromozomových sond a pancentromerickou sondou a stanovena frekvence translokací. Výsledky: Zjištěný celkový počet chromozomálních přestaveb u zdravotníků i kontroly koreluje s věkem. Při zohlednění závislosti na věku byla zjištěna zvýšená hodnota chromozomálních přestaveb u 11 osob, z toho 10 žen, na pracovních pozicích farmaceut, všeobecná sestra, lékařka. U 9 z nich se jednalo o práci s cytostatiky. Celkem 5 z nich bylo vyšetřeno opakovaně po 2 letech, kdy zjištěné hodnoty poklesly na kontrolní úroveň. Závěr: Výsledky biomonitoringu je třeba hodnotit skupinově i individuálně, s ohledem na osobní anamnézu a možné neprofesní vlivy u jednotlivců a zejména v souvislosti s konkrétními výsledky měření z prostředí.
Background: A long-term occupational exposure of healthcare staff to cytostatics and ionizing radiation is associated with a possible manifestation of their genotoxic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects. Material and methods: A total number of 101 employees working with cytostatics or ionizing radiation were examined (some of them repeatedly) in a cancer treatment facility. The control group consisted of 119 persons excluded from the risk exposure. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with three pairs of whole-chromosomal probes and a pancrossomeric probe was used and the translocation frequency was determined. Results: The total number of chromosomal rearrangements of healthcare professionals and control group correlates with age. Taking into account the age dependence, an increased level of chromosomal reconstruction was found in the case of 11 individuals, 10 of which were female, working on the positions of pharmacist, general nurse, physician. A total of 9 of those case involved the work with cytostatics. Five of these cases were re-examined two years later and the observed levels dropped to the control level. Conclusion: The results of biomonitoring should be evaluated on a group basis and individually, taking into account the personal history and possible non-professional effects on individuals – in particular those related to specific environmental measurement results.
- MeSH
- chromozomální aberace MeSH
- cytogenetické vyšetření MeSH
- cytostatické látky * škodlivé účinky toxicita MeSH
- hybridizace in situ fluorescenční MeSH
- hygiena práce MeSH
- ionizující záření * MeSH
- látky znečišťující vzduch v pracovním prostředí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- monitorování životního prostředí MeSH
- onkologická péče - zařízení MeSH
- onkologické služby nemocnice MeSH
- pracovní expozice * MeSH
- radiační ochrana MeSH
- translokace genetická MeSH
- zdravotnický personál MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH