Štúdia sa zaoberá porovnaním intenzity herného zaťaženia medzi jednotlivými hráčskymi pozíciami a polčasmi ženského basketbalového zápasu. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 10 basketbalistiek v seniorskej kategórií žien, ktorým sa na základe maximálnej srdcovej frekvencie (SFmax) stanovili 4 zóny intenzity zaťaženia. Telemetrický systém Suunto Team Pack bol použitý na monitorovanie srdcovej frekvencie (SF) v zápasových podmienkach. Basketbalistky dosiahli priemernú SF na úrovni 88,1 ± 3,9 % z SFmax z celkového hracieho času. Pri porovnaní hráčskych pozícií sme nezaznamenali štatisticky (p > 0,05) ani vecne významný rozdiel v jednotlivých zónach ako ani v % z SFmax (87,4 ± 3,6 vs. 87,8 ± 4,6 vs. 88,8 ± 3,5; rozohrávač vs. krídlo vs. pivot). Z hľadiska priebehu zápasu sme medzi 1. a 2. polčasom v jednotlivých zónach a v % z SFmax (87,7 ± 4,1 vs. 88,5 ± 3,7) taktiež nezistili signifikantný rozdiel (p > 0,05) a veľkosť účinku pri porovnaní polčasov poukazuje na malý efekt. Hráčky odohrali 76,3 % z celkového hracieho času so SF vyššou ako 85 % z SFmax. Výsledky poukazujú na vysoké fyziologické požiadavky kladené na hráčky počas basketbalových zápasov bez rozdielu medzi hráčskymi pozíciami. Tieto informácie môžu slúžiť pri plánovaní a riadení tréningového procesu ako aj pre komparáciu s tréningový zaťažením. Pri podobne orientovaných výskumoch odporúčame hodnotiť okrem vnútorných parametrov aj vzdialenostno-rýchlostné charakteristiky, čím dostaneme detailnejší pohľad na skúmanú problematiku.
The study compares intensity of game load among individual players' positions and between first and second half. Ten female basketball players in senior category participated in this study. Four intensity zones were determined based on maximal heart rate (HRmax). Telemetric device Suunto Team Pack was used for monitoring the heart rate (HR) during the games. The mean HR during the games reached 88.1±3.9% of HRmax of total time. When we compared players' positions in individual intensity zones we did not record statistical (p>0.05) nor practical significance and neither in % of HRmax (87.4±3.6 vs. 87.8±4.6 vs. 88.8±3.5; point guard vs. forward vs. center). Moreover, when we compared the 1st and the 2nd half in individual zones and in % of HRmax (87.7±4.1 vs. 88.5±3.7) we also did not record any statistical significance (p>0.05) and effect size coefficient shows small effect. Players spent 76.3% of total time with HR grater than 85% of HRmax. The results indicate high physiological demands on female basketball players during the games without taking into consideration the player's position. This information can be useful for planning and managing training process as well as for comparison with training load. In similar future research we recommend to also evaluate the time-motion analysis besides the internal response and thus a more detailed look at the examined subject in question may be reached.
- MeSH
- Basketball * MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Athletic Performance * physiology MeSH
- Heart Rate * physiology MeSH
- Telemetry methods MeSH
- Physical Fitness MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Príspevok sa zaoberá vplyvom zmeny pravidla o 3-bodovom území (zmena horizontálnej vzdialenosti z 6,25 m na 6,75 m od koša) na početnosť a úspešnosť streľby za 3 body, vo vekových kategóriách mužov do 16 rokov (U16) a do 18 rokov (U18). Výskumný súbor bol tvorený družstvami, ktoré sa zúčastnili Majstrovstiev Európy (ME) v rokoch 2009, 2010, 2011 a 2012 v kategóriách U16 a U18. Celkovo bolo analyzovaných 548 herných štatistík zo všetkých odohratých zápasov v oboch vekových kategóriách. Pri porovnaní početnosti 3-bodových pokusov pred (ME 2009, 2010) a po zmene pravidiel (ME 2011, 2012), sme zistili signifikantý rozdiel v kategórií U16 (21,32 5,58 vs. 18,31 0,28; p < 0,01), podobne ako v kategórií U18 (22,49 5,14 vs. 20,01 5,46; p < 0,01). V percentuálnej úspešnosti streľby za 3 body medzi porovnávanými ME 2009, 2010 a ME 2011, 2012 neboli zistené štatisticky významné rozdiely v U16 (28,03 10,17 % vs. 27,89 10,28 %; p > 0,05), ani v U18 (29,62 10,51 % vs. 29,24 9,77 %; p > 0,05). Výsledky indikujú, že pravdepodobne došlo k zmenám vo zvolených modeloch hry sledovaných družstiev, pričom v útočnej fáze hry bola preferovaná streľba za 2 body. Ďalej sa ukazuje, že časový interval medzi jednotlivými ME je dostatočne dlhé časové obdobie na adaptáciu sa hráčov novým pravidlám.
The article deals with the impact of the change of 3-point field goal shooting area rule (change of horizontal distance from 6.25 m to 6.75 m from the basket) on the number of attempts and the successfulness of the 3-point shooting in age categories under 16 (U16) and under 18 (U18) years old male basketball players. The research sample consists of teams which took part in European Championships (ECH) in years 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 in categories U16 and U18. Analyzed were 548 game statistics of all games played in both categories. When we compared the number of 3-point shooting attempts, before (ECH 2009, 2010) and after the change of rules (ECH 2011, 2012), we found a statistically significant difference in U16 (21.32 5.58 vs. 18.31 10.28; p < 0.01) and also in U18 (22.49 5.14 vs. 20.01 5.46; p < 0.01). When the percentage of 3-point shooting successfulness was compared between ECH 2009, 2010 and ECH 2011, 2012 the statistically significant differences were not determined in U16 (28.03 10.17 % vs. 27.89 10.28 %; p > 0.05) as well as in U18 (29.62 10.51 % vs. 29.24 9.77 %; p > 0.05). The results indicate that changes probably appeared in chosen models of game of monitored teams, therefore the preferred shooting in offensive phase of game was 2-point shooting. Furthermore, it was proved that the time period between individual ECH is long enough for the adaptation of players to the new rules.
V príspevku sa porovnáva úspešnosť streľby vzhľadom na rôznu intenzitu zápasového zaťaženia na súbore mladých basketbalistiek. Na stanovenie podielu srdcovej frekvencie v piatich bioenergetických pásmach sa použili hodnoty maximálnej srdcovej frekvencie diagnostikované vo vytrvalostnom člnkovom behu. V súťažnom zápase sa pomocou telemetrického systému zaznamenávala srdcová frekvencia každej hráčky pri streleckom pokuse. Najvyššie zastúpenie streleckých pokusov bolo v 4. (23,08 %) a 5. (44,23 %) pásme, čo poukazuje na vysoké fyziologické nároky počas súťažného zápasu. Úspešnosť streľby bola rôznorodá v každom bioenergetickom pásme. Najnižšia úspešnosť sa dosiahla v 2. pásme (25 %) pri ľahkom aeróbnom zaťažení, najvyššia úspešnosť v 3. pásme (66,66 %) pri intenzívnejšom aeróbnom zaťažení. V 4. a 5. pásme bola úspešnosť 41,65 % a 43,5 %, kde energia na svalovú prácu sa uvoľňuje aeróbno-anaeróbnym, resp. anaeróbnym spôsobom.
This article compares successfulness of shooting in relation to the different intensity of game load in girl's basketball team. To determine the heart rate's range in five bioenergetics' zones the figures for maximum heart rate from endurance shuttle run test were used. Each player's heart rate during the shooting attempt in the game was monitored by telemetric device. The highest number of shooting attempts were recorded in the 4 th (23,08 %) and the 5 th (44,23 %) zone, which shows high physiological demands during the game. The successfulness of shooting varied in each bioenergetics' zone. The lowest successfulness of shooting was reached in the 2 nd (25 %) zone, during light aerobic workout and the highest successfulness in 3 rd (66,66 %) during intensive aerobic workout. In 4 th and 5 th zone the successfulness was 41,65 % and 43,5 %, where the energy for muscle activity is released in aerobic-anaerobic or anaerobic manner
- Keywords
- basketbal, úspěšnost střelby, bioenergetická pásma, intenzita zápasového zatížení,
- MeSH
- Video Recording MeSH
- Basketball * MeSH
- Data Interpretation, Statistical MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Software MeSH
- Heart Rate physiology MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Telemetry MeSH
- Physical Exertion * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Female MeSH
PURPOSE: This study focuses on the relationship between speed (acceleration, maximum speed, and change of direction speed) and explosive power of lower limbs represented by countermovement jump (CMJ) in semi-elite football players. METHODS: Twenty semi-elite football players (n = 20; 25.1 ± 6.2 years) participated in the study. All participants were assessed using the following 5 tests: countermovement jump (CMJ), 5-0-5 Agility test with dominant lower limb turn and non-dominant lower limb turn, 10-meter linear sprint, 30-meter linear sprint. RESULTS: Pearson’s correlations (p ≤ 0.05) calculated the relationship between CMJ and speed tests. Subjects displayed a very large correlation between 10 and 30-meter sprints and CMJ (r = −0.75 and −0.76). There was a moderate correlation between 505 COD tests (non-dominant and dominant) and CMJ (r = −0.54 and −0.61, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: There are large to very large relationships between speed and power attributes in semi-elite soccer players, especially between linear speed and CMJ. Improving the explosiveness and power of lower limbs can lead to increasing velocity and enhancing sport-specific speed.
Cieľom prezentovanej štúdie je identifikovať rozdiely v intenzite zaťaženia v tréningovom procese v herných cvičeniach 4x4, 5x5 a v súťažnom zápase. Intenzita zaťaženia je vyjadrená na základe srdcovej frekvencie (SF). Na výskume participovalo desať basketbalistiek vekovej kategórie U14. Maximálna srdcová frekvencia (SFmax) bola určená basketbalistkám vo vytrvalostnom člnkovom behu. Na základe SFmax boli basketbalistkám stanovené 3 zóny intenzity zaťaženia (1. < 65 % z SFmax; 2. 65-85 % z SFmax, 3. > 85 % z SFmax). SF bola počas zápasu a tréningového procesu monitorovaná telemetrickým systémom Suunto Team Pack. Pri porovnaní intenzity zaťaženia v 2. (31,5±20,9 % vs. 29,1±20,6 % vs. 22,4±12,1 %; 4x4 vs. 5x5 vs. zápas) ako ani v 3. zóne (68,6±21,2 % vs. 70,9±20,6 % vs. 75,4±14,3 %; 4x4 vs. 5x5 vs. zápas) sme nezistili štatisticky významné rozdiely (p > 0,05) a koeficient vecnej významnosti poukazuje na malý efekt. V priemernej SF sme nepostrehli taktiež štatisticky významné rozdiely (89,8±4,1 % vs. 88,6±3,5 % vs. 88,3±3,7 % z SFmax; 4x4 vs. 5x5 vs. zápas) a vecná významnosť poukazuje na malý efekt. Herné cvičenia 4x4 a 5x5 zodpovedajú zápasovým nárokom po kondičnej ako aj technicko-taktickej stránke.
The aim of the study is to identify the differences of the intensity of load in small-sided games 4x4 and 5x5 and competitive game. The intensity of load is expressed on the basis of the heart rate (HR). Ten female basketball players of U14 category participated in this study. Endurance shuttle run test was used to set the maximal heart rate (HRmax). Three intensity zones were determined based on HRmax. HR and its development were monitored with the use of the telemetric device Suunto Team Pack during the training process and game. When we compared the intensity of load in 2nd (31.5±20.9 % vs. 29.1±20.6 % vs. 22.4±12.1 %; 4x4 vs. 5x5 vs. game) and 3rd zone (68.6±21.2 % vs. 70.9±20.6 % vs. 75.4±14.3 %; 4x4 vs. 5x5 vs. game) we did not detect any statistical significance (p>0.05) and the effect size coefficient shows small effect. Moreover, no statistically significant differences were detected in % of HRmax (89.8±4.1 % vs. 88.6±3.5 % vs. 88.3±3.7 % of HRmax; 4x4 vs. 5x5 vs. game) and effect size coefficient shows small effect too. Game-based training (4x4 and 5x5) meets the game demands when the conditioning and technical-tactical aspects are taken into account.
- MeSH
- Basketball * MeSH
- Physical Endurance MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Athletic Performance * MeSH
- Heart Rate * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Poznanie intenzity herného zaťaženia sa javí ako nevyhnutný faktor pre zefektívnenie tréningového procesu. Cieľom práce je zistiť, či existujú významné rozdiely v intenzite zaťaženia medzi hráčskymi pozíciami a medzi polčasmi v ženskom basketbale. 10 výkonnostných basketbalistiek bolo zahrnutých do výskumu. Na základe SFmax bol každej hráčke určený celkový hrací čas, ktorý odohrali v 3 intenzitných pásmach. Medzi hráčskymi pozíciami nebol zaznamenaný štatistický ani vecne významný rozdiel v žiadnom pásme, ako ani v priemernom % z SFmax (88.2 ± 3.5 vs. 87.8 ± 3.1 vs. 88.9 ± 3.4; rozohrávačky vs. krídla vs. pivotky). Medzi polčasmi nebol v pásmach ani v priemernom % z SFmax (88.6 ± 3.4 vs. 88.3 ± 3.3; 1. polčas vs. 2. polčas) taktiež zaznamenaný štatisticky významný rozdiel a vecná významnosť poukazuje na malý efekt. Na základe uvedených výsledkov môžu byť koncipované herné a kondičné tréningové programy.
Knowledge of the intensity of load in basketball appears to be an essential factor in composing an effective training process. The aim of this work is to ascertain whether there are any significant differences in load intensity between player positions and between 1st and 2nd half of the game in female basketball. 10 semi-elite female basketball players were included in this research. Total time of each player, in 3 intensity of load zones, was determined based on their HRmax. Differences between the individual player positions or in % of HRmax (guards vs. forwards vs. centers; 88.2 ± 3.5 vs. 87.8 ± 3.1 vs. 88.9 ± 3.4) were neither statistically nor practically significant. Moreover, the differences between the 1st and 2nd half in the zones and % of HRmax (88.6 ± 3.4 vs. 88.3 ± 3.3) were not statistically significant and the practical significance had small effect. These results can create a solid base for conditioning and also game-based training programs.
- Keywords
- hráčské pozice,
- MeSH
- Basketball * MeSH
- Time Factors MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Heart Rate MeSH
- Physical Exertion * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Cílem studie bylo zjistit a porovnat reaktivní agilitu ligových hráčů a hráčů regionálních soutěží a její změny vlivem sportovně-specifického rozcvičení. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 43 hráčů, kteří byli rozděleni do dvou skupin. Jednu skupinu tvořilo 22 hráčů z družstev hrající národní ligové soutěž (24,3 ± 5,6 let, výška 179,4 ± 8 cm, hmotnost 74,8 ± 10,4 kg), druhou skupinu 21 hráčů hrajících nižší regionální soutěže (26,7 ± 5,64 let, výška 180,2 ± 7,7 cm, hmotnost 77,8 ± 10,5 kg). Použili jsme Fitro agility test modifikovaný pro stolní tenis před a po rozcvičení. Pro analýzu dat byla použita dvoufaktorová ANOVA při opakovaných měřeních. Při porovnání reaktivní agility jsme zjistili signifikantní rozdíl před a po sportovně-specifickém rozcvičení jak u skupiny ligových hráčů (885,94 ± 122,69 ms před rozcvičením, 842,80 ± 119,48 ms po rozcvičení, zlepšení o 4,87 %, p < 0,0004), tak u skupiny hráčů nižších soutěží (932,96 ± 114,78 ms před rozcvičením, 871,90 ± 119,68 ms po rozcvi- čení, zlepšení o 6,54 %, p < 0,0002). I když ligový hráči dosáhli lepších výsledků, rozdíl mezi skupinami nebyl shledán signifikantní. Taktéž bylo zjištěno, že účinek sportovně-specifického rozcvičení není pro různé skupiny rozdílný. Sportovně-specifické rozcvičení (rozehrání) hraje důležitou roli pro zlepšení reaktivní agility a proto by nemělo být podceňováno.
The aim of the study was to determine and compare the reactive agility league players and players of regional competitions and its changes due to sport-specific warm-up. The research sample consisted of 43 players, who were divided into two groups. First group consisted of 22 players from teams playing in the national league competitions (24.3 ± 5.6 years, body height 179.4 ± 8 cm, body weight 74.8 ± 10.4 kg), the second group of 21 players playing lower regional competitions (26.7 ± 5.64 years, body height 180.2 ± 7.7 cm, body weight 77.8 ± 10.5 kg). We used Fitro agility test modified for table tennis before and after warm-up. For data analysis was used two-way ANOVA with repeated measures. When comparing reactive agility, we found significant difference before and after the sport-specific warm-up for group of league players (885.94 ± 122.69 ms before the warm-up, 842.80 ± 119.48 ms after the warm-up, an improvement of 4.87 %, p <0.0004) and also for the group of players from lower competitions (932.96 ± 114.78ms before the warm-up, 871.90 ± 119.68 ms after the warm-up, an improvement of 6.54 %, p < 0.0002). Although league players achieved better results, the difference between the groups was found not significant. The nonsignificant statistic values for interaction indicates, that league players did not respond to the sport-specific warm-up differently than players from lower competitions. Sport-specific warm-up is important for improving the reactive agility and therefore should not be underestimated.
- Keywords
- stolní tenis, reaktivní agilita,
- MeSH
- Time Factors MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Motor Skills physiology MeSH
- Task Performance and Analysis MeSH
- Movement physiology MeSH
- Racquet Sports * MeSH
- Reaction Time * MeSH
- Athletes MeSH
- Athletic Performance physiology statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Warm-Up Exercise * physiology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Publication type
- Comparative Study MeSH
There are limited studies examining the impacts of perfectionism and achievement motivation on collegiate athletes' extra training and academic achievement in a Chinese context. This study aimed to examine the association of perfectionism (five facets) with extra training and academic performance among Chinese collegiate athletes and identify the mediating role of achievement motivation (two attributes) in the relationship between perfectionism and extra training and academic performance. With a prospective study design, 243 eligible participants completed two-wave surveys from September to December 2021. Measures included demographics, perfectionism (concern over mistake, CM; doubts about action, DA; personal standard, PS; organization; parental expectation, PE), achievement motivation (motive for success, MS; motive for avoiding failure, MF), extra-training (minutes/week), and academic performance (GPA). Results showed that CM, DA, PS, and MS were associated with extra training among Chinese collegiate athletes, while the associations of DA and PS with extra training were mediated by MS. In addition, DA, PS, organization, and MS were associated with participants' GPA, while MS was a salient mediator for the contributions of DA and PS on participants GPA. Research findings give new insights to the psychological mechanisms of perfectionism and achievement motivation on collegiate athletes' extra training and academic performance, contributing to future studies in relevant domains.
- MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Motivation MeSH
- Perfectionism * MeSH
- Prospective Studies MeSH
- Athletes psychology MeSH
- Academic Performance * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- China MeSH
Basketball shooting is one of the most important offensive skills in basketball. Winning or losing a game mostly depends on the shooting effectiveness. The study aims to compare the selected kinematic variables of 2-point (2-pt) and 3-point (3-pt) jump shots (after making a cut and receiving the ball) and ascertain the differences between elite male under 16 and 18 (U16M, U18M) and female under 16 and 18 (U16F, U18F) basketball players. Overall, forty-eight young male and female basketball players participated in the study. 3D motion analysis using an inertial suit with the addition of utilizing a smart ball was performed for assessing the 2-pt and 3-pt shooting techniques. Players in male categories shot for 2-pt with a higher center of mass difference in the vertical direction (U16M 5.7 cm, U18M 3.9 cm vs. U16F 1.4 cm, U18F 0.6 cm), with higher release shoulder angle (U16M 110.9, U18M 113.8 vs. U16F 103, U18F 105), and with a higher entry angle of the ball (U16M 34, U18M 32 vs. U16F 30, U18F 30) when compared to female categories (p < 0.001). In the 3-pt shooting, there were differences between male and female categories in the shoulder angle when releasing the ball (p < 0.001). In the players shooting speed, there were differences between U16M vs. U18F (0.95 ± 0.1 vs. 0.88 ± 0.1; p = 0.03) and U16F vs. U18F (0.96 ± 0.06 vs. 0.88 ± 0.1; p = 0.02) players. Male categories shot 3-pt shots with a smaller center of mass difference in the horizontal direction when compared to 2-pt shots (p < 0.001). The entry angle was higher in successful shooting attempts compared to unsuccessful shooting attempts when shooting for 3-pt (p = 0.02). Player shooting speed was higher in all categories (except U18F) when shooting for 3-pt (p < 0.001). It appears that performers show difference in kinematic variables based on distance from the basket. Basketball coaches and players should work to minimize the kinematic differences between 2-pt and 3-pt shooting and to optimize the shooting technique.
- MeSH
- Basketball * MeSH
- Biomechanical Phenomena MeSH
- Motion MeSH
- Shoulder MeSH
- Check Tag
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH