Morphological and environmental differentiation as prezygotic reproductive barriers between parapatric and allopatric Campanula rotundifolia agg. cytotypes
Language English Country England, Great Britain Media print
Document type Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
PubMed Central
PII: 6374997 E-resources
- Keywords
- Campanula rotundifolia agg, allopatry, contact zone, cytotype distribution, diploid, environmental niche shift, hexaploid, morphological differentiation, parapatry, polyploidy, reproductive isolation, tetraploid,
- MeSH
- Campanulaceae * MeSH
- Diploidy MeSH
- Ploidies MeSH
- Polyploidy MeSH
- Tetraploidy * MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Reproductive isolation and local establishment are necessary for plant speciation. Polyploidy, the possession of more than two complete chromosome sets, creates a strong postzygotic reproductive barrier between diploid and tetraploid cytotypes. However, this barrier weakens between polyploids (e.g. tetraploids and hexaploids). Reproductive isolation may be enhanced by cytotype morphological and environmental differentiation. Moreover, morphological adaptations to local conditions contribute to plant establishment. However, the relative contributions of ploidy level and the environment to morphology have generally been neglected. Thus, the extent of morphological variation driven by ploidy level and the environment was modelled for diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid cytotypes of Campanula rotundifolia agg. Cytotype distribution was updated, and morphological and environmental differentiation was tested in the presence and absence of natural contact zones. METHODS: Cytotype distribution was assessed from 231 localities in Central Europe, including 48 localities with known chromosome counts, using flow cytometry. Differentiation in environmental niche and morphology was tested for cytotype pairs using discriminant analyses. A structural equation model was used to explore the synergies between cytotype, environment and morphology. KEY RESULTS: Tremendous discrepancies were revealed between the reported and detected cytotype distribution. Neither mixed-ploidy populations nor interploidy hybrids were detected in the contact zones. Diploids had the broadest environmental niche, while hexaploids had the smallest and specialized niche. Hexaploids and spatially isolated cytotype pairs differed morphologically, including allopatric tetraploids. While leaf and shoot morphology were influenced by environmental conditions and polyploidy, flower morphology depended exclusively on the cytotype. CONCLUSIONS: Reproductive isolation mechanisms vary between cytotypes. While diploids and polyploids are isolated postzygotically, the environmental niche shift is essential between higher polyploids. The impact of polyploidy and the environment on plant morphology implies the adaptive potential of polyploids, while the exclusive relationship between flower morphology and cytotype highlights the role of polyploidy in reproductive isolation.
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