22 záznamů v Medvik Filtry
. 2022 ; 7 (2) : 112-117.

. 2019 ; 34 (4) : 391-403. [pub] 20180927

. 2019 ; 110 (-) : 104292. [pub] 20190801

. 2018 ; 120 (1) : 28-32. [pub] 20171110

. 2018 ; 60 (2) : 192-197.

. 2018 ; 78 (5) : 183-190.

. 2017 ; 95 (-) : 346-354. [pub] 20170912

. 2015 ; () : S40. (49th International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society, 52nd Lojda Symposium on Histochemistry. Olomouc, September 6-8, 2015)

. 2015 ; () : S15. (49th International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society, 52nd Lojda Symposium on Histochemistry. Olomouc, September 6-8, 2015)