"NV18-08-00149" Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Závěrečná zpráva o řešení grantu Agentury pro zdravotnický výzkum MZ ČR
Atherosclerosis and thrombosis are underlying causes of acute coronary syndrome and stroke. In clinical practice, several markers (such as LDL, HDL cholesterol, glycaemia, C-reactive protein etc.) of elevated risk are available, however, translation of the population risk to personal risk is rather questionable. For this reason, additional information to explain such condition is of a great interest. Advanced instrumental technique represented by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry will enable, based on chemometric assessment fingerprints of metabolome components, to identify the differences between patients ́ groups that are not evident when employing conventionally measured parameters. Blood samples will be obtained from patients with acute and subacute phase of acute coronary syndrome and stroke. The relationship between the generated data and the degree of oxidative stress will be searched. The possibly detected changes may represent the interface between the atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
Ateroskleróza a trombóza jsou podkladem akutního koronárního syndromu a cévní mozkové příhody. V klinické praxi se ke stratifikaci rizika používají různé markery (LDL, HDL cholesterol, glykémie, C-reaktivní protein atd.), nicméně transformace populačního do individuálního rizika může být diskutabilní. Přes „normální“ hodnoty těchto markerů je stále přítomno riziko příhody. Pokročilé techniky reprezentované ultraúčinnou kapalinovou chromatografií spojenou s tandemovou vysokorozlišovací hmotnostní spektrometrií umožní, na základě chemometricky vyhodnocených záznamů ́fingerprintů ́ složek metabolomu, hledání rozdílů mezi skupinami pacientů, které se v základních, běžně měřených parametrech, významně neliší. Vzorky krve budou odebírány pacientům v akutní a subakutní fází akutního koronárního syndromu a cévní mozkové příhody a budou srovnávány s kontrolní skupinou. Výsledky budou vztaženy ke stupni oxidačního stresu. Provedený předběžný screening ukázal změny především na úrovni lipidomu, které mohou reprezentovat spojnici mezi aterosklerózou a aterotrombózou.
- Klíčová slova
- ateroskleróza, atherosclerosis, oxidační stres, oxidative stress, cévní mozková příhoda, Akutní koronární syndrom, Acute coronary syndrome, Hmotnostní spektrometrie, Mass Spectrometry, aterotrombóza, lipidomika, fibrinogen, atherothrombosis, acute stroke, lipidomics, fibrinogen,
- NLK Publikační typ
- závěrečné zprávy o řešení grantu AZV MZ ČR
Fibrinogen, an abundant plasma glycoprotein, is involved in the final stage of blood coagulation. Decreased fibrinogen levels, which may be caused by mutations, are manifested mainly in bleeding and thrombotic disorders. Clinically relevant mutations of fibrinogen are listed in the Human Fibrinogen Database. For the αC-connector (amino acids Aα240-410, nascent chain numbering), we have extended this database, with detailed descriptions of the clinical manifestations among members of reported families. This includes the specification of bleeding and thrombotic events and results of coagulation assays. Where available, the impact of a mutation on clotting and fibrinolysis is reported. The collected data show that the Human Fibrinogen Database reports considerably fewer missense and synonymous mutations than the general COSMIC and dbSNP databases. Homozygous nonsense or frameshift mutations in the αC-connector are responsible for most clinically relevant symptoms, while heterozygous mutations are often asymptomatic. Symptomatic subjects suffer from bleeding and, less frequently, from thrombotic events. Miscarriages within the first trimester and prolonged wound healing were reported in a few subjects. All mutations inducing thrombotic phenotypes are located at the identical positions within the consensus sequence of the tandem repeats.
Alterations in lipid metabolism mediated by oxidative stress play a key role in the process of atherosclerosis and superimposed thrombosis; these can lead to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Multiple studies have shown that the formation of atheromatous lesions is initiated by oxidation of low-density lipoproteins incorporated into the intima of the vessel wall. Here, we studied lipids in plasma samples from three cohorts: 61 patients with ACS (group A), 49 patients with AIS (group D), and 82 controls (group K). Untargeted lipidomics based on high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) was employed to obtain comprehensive information on whether relationships exist between these patient categories based on lipid patterns. In addition, malondialdehyde (MDA) as a standard marker of oxidative stress was monitored. The most characteristic lipids in group K were fatty acyls of hydroxyfatty acids (FAHFAs). As expected, MDA concentrations were the lowest in group K. Our findings can better explain ongoing pathologies, both acute and chronic, with the potential for future diagnosis and treatment.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
During coagulation, the soluble fibrinogen is converted into insoluble fibrin. Fibrinogen is a multifunctional plasma protein, which is essential for hemostasis. Various oxidative posttranslational modifications influence fibrinogen structure as well as interactions between various partners in the coagulation process. The aim was to examine the effects of oxidative stress conditions on fibrin clot formation in arterial atherothrombotic disorders. We studied the changes in in vitro fibrin network formation in three groups of patients-with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), with significant carotid artery stenosis (SCAS), and with acute ischemic stroke (AIS), as well as a control group. The level of oxidative stress marker malondialdehyde measured by LC-MS/MS was higher in SCAS and AIS patients compared with controls. Turbidic methods revealed a higher final optical density and a prolonged lysis time in the clots of these patients. Electron microscopy was used to visualize changes in the in vitro-formed fibrin network. Fibers from patients with AIS were significantly thicker in comparison with control and ACS fibers. The number of fibrin fibers in patients with AIS was significantly lower in comparison with ACS and control groups. Thus, oxidative stress-mediated changes in fibrin clot formation, structure and dissolution may affect the effectiveness of thrombolytic therapy.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Fibrinogen is an abundant blood plasma protein that, inter alia, participates in blood coagulation. It polymerizes to form a fibrin clot that is among the major components of the thrombus. Fibrinogen reactions with various reactive metabolites may induce post-translational modifications (PTMs) into the protein structure that affect the architecture and properties of fibrin clots. We reviewed the previous literature to find the positions of PTMs of fibrinogen. For 7 out of 307 reported PTMs, we used molecular dynamics simulations to characterize their effect on the behavior of the fibrinogen coiled-coil domain. Interactions of the γ-coil with adjacent chains give rise to π-helices in Aα and Bβ chains of even unmodified fibrinogen. The examined PTMs suppress fluctuations of the γ-coil, which may affect the fibrinolysis and stiffness of the fibrin fibers. Citrullination of AαR104 and oxidations of γP70 and γP76 to glutamic semialdehyde unfold the α-helical structure of Aα and Bβ chains. Oxidation of γM78 to methionine sulfoxide induces the formation of an α-helix in the γ-coil region. Our findings suggest that certain PTMs alter the protein secondary structure. Thus, the altered protein structure may indicate the presence of PTMs in the molecule and consequently of certain metabolites within the system.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Atherosclerosis is a leading cause of major vascular events, myocardial infarction, and ischemic stroke. Tryptophan (TRP) catabolism was recognized as an important player in inflammation and immune response having together with oxidative stress (OS) significant effects on each phase of atherosclerosis. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship of plasma levels of TRP metabolites, inflammation, and OS in patients with neurovascular diseases (acute ischemic stroke (AIS), significant carotid artery stenosis (SCAS)) and in healthy controls. Blood samples were collected from 43 patients (25 with SCAS, 18 with AIS) and from 25 healthy controls. The concentrations of twelve TRP metabolites, riboflavin, neopterin (NEO, marker of inflammation), and malondialdehyde (MDA, marker of OS) were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Concentrations of seven TRP metabolites (TRP, kynurenine (KYN), 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK), 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA), anthranilic acid (AA), melatonin (MEL), tryptamine (TA)), NEO, and MDA were significantly different in the studied groups. Significantly lower concentrations of TRP, KYN, 3-HAA, MEL, TA, and higher MDA concentrations were found in AIS compared to SCAS patients. MDA concentration was higher in both AIS and SCAS group (p < 0.001, p = 0.004, respectively) compared to controls, NEO concentration was enhanced (p < 0.003) in AIS. MDA did not directly correlate with TRP metabolites in the study groups, except for 1) a negative correlation with kynurenine acid and 2) the activity of kynurenine aminotransferase in AIS patients (r = -0.552, p = 0.018; r = -0.504, p = 0.033, respectively). In summary, TRP metabolism is clearly more deregulated in AIS compared to SCAS patients; the effect of TRP metabolites on OS should be further elucidated.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH