Marks, Paul A* Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Journal of dermatological treatment, ISSN 0954-6634 vol. 10, suppl. 2, 1999
S28 s. : tab., il. ; 32 cm
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- dermatovenerologie
Bristol-Myers cancer symposia ; 7
209 s. : il.
UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology.New Series,vol.9.
594 s.,obr.,tab.,grafy. : Biliogr.,rejstřík.
New Series ; Volume 9
xix, 594 s. : il., tab.
Ares-Serono symposia. Challenges of modern medicine ; Vol. 1
IX, 299 s. : il. ; 26 cm
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- onkologie
- NLK Publikační typ
- kolektivní monografie
First published ix, 150 stran : ilustrace ; 29 cm
- MeSH
- bezpečnost MeSH
- fyziologie kůže MeSH
- kosmetické přípravky MeSH
- kosmetické techniky MeSH
- kožní nemoci MeSH
- kůže anatomie a histologie MeSH
- péče o kůži MeSH
- stárnutí kůže MeSH
- Publikační typ
- monografie MeSH
- obrazové publikace MeSH
- populární práce MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- dermatovenerologie
Účel prehľadu Účelom tohto prehľadového článku je poskytnúť čitateľom aktuálne informácie o súčasných odporúčaniach pre načasovanie transplantácie pľúc u pacientov s cystickou fibrózou pľúc v terminálnom štádiu a o odôvodnení, ktoré stojí za rozhodnutiami pre zaradenie na zoznam pacientov čakajúcich na transplantáciu. Nové poznatky Rada pre pľúcnu problematiku Medzinárodnej spoločnosti pre transplantáciu srdca a pľúc (Pulmonary Council of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation) nedávno vydala aktualizované smernice (guidelines) pre odporúčanie a výber pacientov vhodných na transplantáciu pľúc. Analýza publikovaná v roku 2007 však nastolila otázku, či transplantácia pľúc predĺži život detí s cystickou fibrózou. V článku sa podrobne rozvádzajú obavy vyjadrené v súvislosti s touto analýzou. Treba však upozorniť, že analýza sa týka situácie v USA a uskutočnila sa pred zavedením tzv. pľúcneho alokačného skóre, ktoré malo značný vplyv na prideľovanie orgánov určených na transplantáciu v tejto krajine. Súhrn Je pravdepodobné, že správne načasovaná transplantácia pľúc môže predĺžiť život rovnako dospelým ako aj deťom s cystickou fibrózou. Ďalší vývoj pľúcneho alokačného skóre má možnosť zvýšiť v USA šancu na prežitie po tomto výkone.
To update readers on current recommendations for timing of lung transplantation in individuals with end-stage cystic fibrosis lung disease and on the rationale behind listing decisions. RECENT FINDINGS: Guidelines for the referral and selection of patients suitable for lung transplantation were recently updated by the pulmonary council of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. However, an analysis published in 2007 has questioned whether lung transplantation extends life in children with cystic fibrosis. There are some concerns regarding this analysis, and these are discussed in detail. Most importantly, the analysis is specific to the United States and predates the introduction of the lung allocation score, which has had a marked impact on how transplant organs are allocated in this country. SUMMARY: It is likely that lung transplantation can extend life in both adults and children with cystic fibrosis, provided the procedure is correctly timed. Further development of the lung allocation score has the potential to increase the survival benefit from the procedure in the United States.
- MeSH
- alokace zdrojů MeSH
- cystická fibróza chirurgie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- směrnice jako téma MeSH
- transplantace plic MeSH
- výběr pacientů MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Spojené státy americké MeSH
Advances in cell aging and gerontology, ISSN 1566-3124 Vol. 10
viii, 202 s. : il.
This paper presents the results of a consensus-driven process identifying 50 priority research questions for historical ecology obtained through crowdsourcing, literature reviews, and in-person workshopping. A deliberative approach was designed to maximize discussion and debate with defined outcomes. Two in-person workshops (in Sweden and Canada) over the course of two years and online discussions were peer facilitated to define specific key questions for historical ecology from anthropological and archaeological perspectives. The aim of this research is to showcase the variety of questions that reflect the broad scope for historical-ecological research trajectories across scientific disciplines. Historical ecology encompasses research concerned with decadal, centennial, and millennial human-environmental interactions, and the consequences that those relationships have in the formation of contemporary landscapes. Six interrelated themes arose from our consensus-building workshop model: (1) climate and environmental change and variability; (2) multi-scalar, multi-disciplinary; (3) biodiversity and community ecology; (4) resource and environmental management and governance; (5) methods and applications; and (6) communication and policy. The 50 questions represented by these themes highlight meaningful trends in historical ecology that distill the field down to three explicit findings. First, historical ecology is fundamentally an applied research program. Second, this program seeks to understand long-term human-environment interactions with a focus on avoiding, mitigating, and reversing adverse ecological effects. Third, historical ecology is part of convergent trends toward transdisciplinary research science, which erodes scientific boundaries between the cultural and natural.
- MeSH
- biodiverzita MeSH
- dějiny 20. století MeSH
- dějiny 21. století MeSH
- dějiny starověku MeSH
- dějiny středověku MeSH
- ekologie dějiny trendy MeSH
- ekosystém MeSH
- kulturní antropologie dějiny trendy MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- přírodopis trendy MeSH
- výzkumný projekt MeSH
- Check Tag
- dějiny 20. století MeSH
- dějiny 21. století MeSH
- dějiny starověku MeSH
- dějiny středověku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- historické články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Kanada MeSH
- Švédsko MeSH
Childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE) is a rare, multisystem and potentially life-threatening autoimmune disorder with significant associated morbidity. Evidence-based guidelines are sparse and management is often based on clinical expertise. SHARE (Single Hub and Access point for paediatric Rheumatology in Europe) was launched to optimise and disseminate management regimens for children and young adults with rheumatic diseases like cSLE. Here, we provide evidence-based recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of cSLE. In view of extent and complexity of cSLE and its various manifestations, recommendations for lupus nephritis and antiphospholipid syndrome will be published separately. Recommendations were generated using the EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism) standard operating procedure. An expert committee consisting of paediatric rheumatologists and representation of paediatric nephrology from across Europe discussed evidence-based recommendations during two consensus meetings. Recommendations were accepted if >80% agreement was reached. A total of 25 recommendations regarding key approaches to diagnosis and treatment of cSLE were made. The recommendations include 11 on diagnosis, 9 on disease monitoring and 5 on general treatment. Topics included: appropriate use of SLE classification criteria, disease activity and damage indices; adequate assessment of autoantibody profiles; secondary macrophage activation syndrome; use of hydroxychloroquine and corticosteroid-sparing regimens; and the importance of addressing poor adherence. Ten recommendations were accepted regarding general diagnostic strategies and treatment indications of neuropsychiatric cSLE. The SHARE recommendations for cSLE and neuropsychiatric manifestations of cSLE have been formulated by an evidence-based consensus process to support uniform, high-quality standards of care for children with cSLE.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- medicína založená na důkazech normy MeSH
- mezinárodní spolupráce MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- směrnice pro lékařskou praxi jako téma * MeSH
- systémový lupus erythematodes diagnóza terapie MeSH
- věk při počátku nemoci MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Evropa MeSH