- Publication type
- Meeting Abstract MeSH
A case report of ventriculoperitoneal shunt infection caused by Candida lusitaniae in a 6-year-old patient with cerebral astrocytoma and obstructive hydrocephalus is presented briefly with emphasis on the course of antifungal treatment. Seven isolates recovered subsequently from the cerebrospinal fluid were studied retrospectively. To confirm identity, isolates were typed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and melting curve of random amplified polymorphic DNA (McRAPD). Further, the ability to form biofilm and its susceptibility to systemic antifungals were evaluated. Using McRAPD, identity of C. lusitaniae isolates showing slight microevolutionary changes in karyotypes was undoubtedly confirmed; successful application of numerical interpretation of McRAPD for typing is demonstrated here for the first time. The strain was also recognized as a strong biofilm producer. Moreover, minimum biofilm inhibitory concentrations were very high, in contrast to low antifungal minimum inhibitory concentrations of isolates. It can be concluded that McRAPD seems to be a simple and reliable method not only for identification but also for typing of yeasts. A ventriculoperitoneal shunt colonized by C. lusitaniae was revealed as the source of this nosocomial infection, and the ability of the strain to form biofilm on its surface likely caused treatment failure.
- MeSH
- Antifungal Agents pharmacology MeSH
- Astrocytoma complications drug therapy microbiology pathology surgery MeSH
- Biofilms drug effects growth & development MeSH
- Candida drug effects genetics isolation & purification MeSH
- Nucleic Acid Denaturation MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Hydrocephalus complications drug therapy microbiology pathology surgery MeSH
- Cross Infection complications drug therapy microbiology pathology surgery MeSH
- Candidiasis complications drug therapy microbiology pathology surgery MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Microbial Sensitivity Tests MeSH
- Mycological Typing Techniques MeSH
- Brain Neoplasms complications drug therapy microbiology pathology surgery MeSH
- Electrophoresis, Gel, Pulsed-Field MeSH
- Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique MeSH
- Treatment Failure MeSH
- Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt adverse effects MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Case Reports MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
U pacientov s hnačkami v FNsP Bratislava sledovali výsledky vyšetrení na prítomnosť enterotoxínu A produkovaného kmeňmi toxínu Clostridium difficile v stolici. Rovnako tam sledovali počty hlásených nemocničných nákaz s touto etiológiou. V rokoch 2006-2008 bolo takto vyšetrených 1 331 vzoriek hnačkovitej stolice. Počas sledovaného obdobia sa zvyšovali počty vyšetrení, ako aj počty pozitívnych vyšetrení. V rokoch 2006, 2007 a 2008 sa zistilo 3, 7 a 27 hnačkových ochorení vyvolaných enterotoxínom A na 10 000 hospitalizovaných pacientov v FNsP Bratislava. Zistený narastajúci trend počtu týchto ochorení je v súlade s údajmi o výskyte týchto ochorení v nemocniciach USA, Kanady a Európy. S súlade s týmito údajmi bol zistený aj vyšší vek pacientov s hnačkovým ochorením, ktorý je okrem užívania antibiotík jedným zo základných rizikových faktorov prispievajúcich k vzniku tohto ochorenia. Jeho prevenciou je obmedzenie preskripcie antibiotík a dôsledné dodržiavanie hygienicko-epidemiologického režimu v nemocniciach.
In patients with diarrhea in FNsP Bratislava we monitored the results of examinations for presence of enterotoxin A produced by Clostridium difficile strains in stools. We also monitored the number of reported nosocomial infections with this etiology. In the years 2006-2008 we examined 1331 samples of diarrhoeic stools. In the years 2006, 2007 and 2008 three, seven and 27 diarrhoeic diseases caused by enterotoxin A were detected per 10 000 hospitalized patients in FNsP Bratislava. Increasing trend of this diseases correlates with data in hospitals in the USA, Canada and Europe. Regarding these data higher age of patients with diarrhea was found that is besides antibiotics one of the basic risk factors contributing to this illness. Prevention is to limit antibiotics administration and radical hygiene and epidemiological regime in hospitals.
Antibiotická rezistencia sa stala celosvetovou hrozbou. Analýza príčin súčasnej akcelerácie negatívneho vývoja rezistencie ukazuje, že rozhodujúcim spôsobom, ako možno stúpanie rezistencie spomaliť, môže byť len účelné a uvážlivé používanie antibiotík. Predpokladom účelnej preskripcie antibiotík je poznanie mechanizmov rezistencie baktérií a aktuálny prehľad o miestnom stave citlivosti najčastejších pôvodcov infekcií. Autori si v práci kladú za cieľ vymedziť základné pojmy a charakterizovať kľúčové mechanizmy rezistencie, s ktorými sa u nás stretávame. Práca nemôže podať vyčerpávajúci obraz o stave rezistencie na antibiotiká v Slovenskej republike. Obsahuje však stručnú informáciu o prístupe ku centrálnej národnej databáze antibiotickej rezistencie na internete (http//www.snars.sk), kde možno získať všetky potrebné údaje.
Antibiotic resistance became a global threat. Analysis of reasons leading to the critical situation has confirmed that only a prudent antibiotic use can slow down the spread of resistance. Careful evaluation of local resistance situation and a good knowledge of underlying resistance mechanisms is a prerequisite for rational antibiotic prescribing. The most significant antibiotic resistance mechanisms are discussed here. However, the article cannot provide the complete overview of the antibiotic resistance in the Slovak Republic. Short information invites antibiotic prescribers to visit the Slovak National Resistance Surveillance database on internet (http//www.snars.sk), containing actual antibiotic susceptibility surveillance data.
- MeSH
- Amikacin pharmacokinetics therapeutic use MeSH
- Aminoglycosides genetics MeSH
- Enterococcus faecalis enzymology genetics metabolism MeSH
- Enzymes genetics MeSH
- Research Support as Topic MeSH
- Gentamicins pharmacokinetics therapeutic use MeSH
- Genes genetics MeSH
- Cross Infection etiology drug therapy MeSH
- Drug Resistance genetics drug effects MeSH
- Publication type
- Comparative Study MeSH
- MeSH
- Infant MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Lung Diseases etiology MeSH
- Liver Transplantation adverse effects MeSH
- Check Tag
- Infant MeSH
- Humans MeSH