BCIS Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Heart, ISSN 1355-6037 vol. 91, suppl. VI, December 2005
27 s. : il., tab. ; 30 cm
- MeSH
- balónková koronární angioplastika MeSH
- ischemická choroba srdeční terapie MeSH
- nemoci koronárních tepen MeSH
- Publikační typ
- směrnice MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- kardiologie
- angiologie
Cíl: Cílem práce je seznámit čtenáře se syndromem implantace kostního cementu, připomenout rizikové faktory a doporučené postupy. Typ práce: Přehledový článek s kazuistikou. Materiál a výsledky: Na prezentované kazuistice popisuje autor fatální průběh syndromu implantace kostního cementu. V následné diskuzi se pak zabývá etiologií vzniku a postupy, které mohou být použity jako prevence při vzniku syndromu implantace kostního cementu. Závěr: Bone cement implantation syndrome neboli syndrom implantace kostního cementu je reakce, která může nastat při použití kostního cementu. Projevuje se hypotenzí, hypoxií a může vyústit až v srdeční zástavu a smrt pacienta. Příčina BCIS není plně známa, ale nejspíše se na ní podílí více faktorů. Je dobré, pokud na něj operatér myslí před operací i během ní a u rizikových pacientů provede preventivní opatření, aby riziko vzniku BCIS snížil.
Aim: The aim of the work is to inform the readers about the bone cement implantation syndrome, and to remind them about various risk factors and recommended procedures. Type of work: Review article with a case report. Materials and results: The author illustrates a fatal course of bone cement implantation syndrome on a case report. In the following discussion, the author deals with the aetiology of origin and procedures, which may be applied as a prevention of bone cement implantation syndrome. Conclusion: Bone cement implantation syndrome is a reaction, which may occur with the use of bone cement. It is manifested with hypotension, hypoxia, and may result in cardiac arrest and death of the patient. The cause of BCIS is not precisely known, and is most probably multifactorial. It is advisable for the operating surgeons to bear this threat in mind and take preventive measures, in order to decrease the risk of BCIS development.
- Klíčová slova
- syndrom implantace kostního cementu, mikroembolizace, BCIS,
- MeSH
- fraktury krčku femuru * diagnostické zobrazování chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- hemiartroplastika metody přístrojové vybavení škodlivé účinky MeSH
- hypotenze etiologie MeSH
- kostní cementy * škodlivé účinky MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- methylmetakrylát škodlivé účinky MeSH
- noradrenalin terapeutické užití MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- směrnice pro lékařskou praxi jako téma MeSH
- syndrom * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Intraaortální balonková kontrapulzace (IABK) je nejčastější metodou mechanické podpory oběhu a je v klinické praxi využívána po více než 40 let. Rozšíření IABK bylo podloženo hlavně znalostmi jejího příznivého vlivu na hemodynamiku a daty z observačních studií. Většina studií, zkoumajících efekt IABK u infarktu myokardu s ST-elevacemi (STEMI) bez kardiogenního šoku, nezjistila benefit z této léčby. Nedávno provedená studie CRISP AMI neprokázala zmenšení infarktového ložiska u pacientů se STEMI bez šoku při zavedení IABK jako podpůrné léčby k primární perkutánní koronární intervenci (PCI). V recentně provedených metaanalýzách byla IABK u STEMI komplikovaného kardiogenním šokem spojená s poklesem mortality u pacientů léčených trombolýzou, zatímco u pacientů podstupujících primární PCI pozitivní efekt IABK pozorován nebyl. Ve studii IABP-SHOCK II použití IABK nesnížilo významně 30denní mortalitu u infarktu myokardu (IM) komplikovaného kardiogenním šokem léčeného časnou revaskularizací. Ve studii BCIS-1 vedlo elektivní použití IABK při vysoce rizikové PCI ke snížení dlouhodobé celkové mortality. Na základě současných znalostí nelze zavedení IABK u IM léčeného primární PCI rutinně doporučovat. Na druhou stranu elektivní zavedení IABK u vysoce rizikové PCI, stejně jako u pacientů se STEMI léčených trombolýzou, se zdá nadějné ve smyslu redukce dlouhodobé mortality. K vyjasnění přesné úlohy IABK v léčbě kardiogenního šoku by bylo vhodné provést další studie.
Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation (IABC) is the most common method of mechanical circulatory support and it has been used in clinical settings for more than four decades. The widespread use of IABC was based mainly on its favourable hemodynamic effects and observational data. The majority of studies analysing the effect of IABC in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) without cardiogenic shock did not show an efficacy benefit. The recent randomised CRISP AMI trial could not demonstrate a reduction of infarct size in patients with STEMI without shock and IABC placement as adjunctive treatment to primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). In recent meta-analyses, IABC in STEMI complicated by cardiogenic shock was associated with decreased mortality in patients treated with thrombolysis, whereas in patients undergoing primary PCI this beneficial effect of IABC was not observed. In the IABP-SHOCK II trial, the use of IABC did not significantly reduce 30-day mortality in cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction (MI) treated with early revascularization. In the BCIS-1 trial, elective IABC use during high-risk PCI was associated with reduction in all-cause mortality. According to current data, routine IABC use in unselected MI patients treated by primary PCI cannot be recommended. In contrast, elective IABC use during high-risk PCI and in thrombolysed STEMI patients seems promising in terms of mortality reduction. Other studies are needed to elucidate the role of IABC in cardiogenic shock.
- MeSH
- infarkt myokardu chirurgie terapie MeSH
- intraaortální balónková pumpa metody mortalita statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- kardiochirurgické výkony metody trendy MeSH
- kardiogenní šok chirurgie terapie MeSH
- kardiologie metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mortalita MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Over the last few decades, the Brain-Computer Interfaces have been gradually making their way to the epicenter of scientific interest. Many scientists from all around the world have contributed to the state of the art in this scientific domain by developing numerous tools and methods for brain signal acquisition and processing. Such a spectacular progress would not be achievable without accompanying technological development to equip the researchers with the proper devices providing what is absolutely necessary for any kind of discovery as the core of every analysis: the data reflecting the brain activity. The common effort has resulted in pushing the whole domain to the point where the communication between a human being and the external world through BCI interfaces is no longer science fiction but nowadays reality. In this work we present the most relevant aspects of the BCIs and all the milestones that have been made over nearly 50-year history of this research domain. We mention people who were pioneers in this area as well as we highlight all the technological and methodological advances that have transformed something available and understandable by a very few into something that has a potential to be a breathtaking change for so many. Aiming to fully understand how the human brain works is a very ambitious goal and it will surely take time to succeed. However, even that fraction of what has already been determined is sufficient e.g., to allow impaired people to regain control on their lives and significantly improve its quality. The more is discovered in this domain, the more benefit for all of us this can potentially bring.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
The Artificial intelligence (AI) may be a hot topic in community of individuals within the world because it appears to increase and challenge human thinkingrelated ability to carry or do one thing. Yet, it's amazing that human intelligence analysis mostly and therefore the analysis of assuming and behavior normally now debates on AI and therefore the connected associated with brooding about however folks think movements of Trans- and posthumanism. Transhumanism helps increase in an exceedingly great way the event of technologies that aim at powerfully rising human mental particularly thinking-related skills to carry or do one thing, accomplished or gained with effort by applying the science of nerves and therefore the brain strategies like transcranial magnetic stimulation, brain-computer connecting points of interacting with one thing (BCIs), deep-brain stimulation (DBS), associated with medical medicine and even nanotechnological strategies aimed toward brain repair or improvement of brain flexibility. The goal is to accomplish or gain with effort AN “afterhuman future,” during which current issues of human folks ought to finally be resolved.
Brain-computer interface (BCI) provides direct communication between the brain and an external device. BCI systems have become a trendy field of research in recent years. These systems can be used in a variety of applications to help both disabled and healthy people. Concerning significant BCI progress, we may assume that these systems are not very far from real-world applications. This review has taken into account current trends in BCI research. In this survey, 100 most cited articles from the WOS database were selected over the last 4 years. This survey is divided into several sectors. These sectors are Medicine, Communication and Control, Entertainment, and Other BCI applications. The application area, recording method, signal acquisition types, and countries of origin have been identified in each article. This survey provides an overview of the BCI articles published from 2016 to 2020 and their current trends and advances in different application areas.
- MeSH
- elektroencefalografie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mozek MeSH
- pomůcky pro komunikaci postižených * MeSH
- rozhraní mozek-počítač * MeSH
- uživatelské rozhraní počítače MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
This paper presents a gamified motor imagery brain-computer interface (MI-BCI) training in immersive virtual reality. The aim of the proposed training method is to increase engagement, attention, and motivation in co-adaptive event-driven MI-BCI training. This was achieved using gamification, progressive increase of the training pace, and virtual reality design reinforcing body ownership transfer (embodiment) into the avatar. From the 20 healthy participants performing 6 runs of 2-class MI-BCI training (left/right hand), 19 were trained for a basic level of MI-BCI operation, with average peak accuracy in the session = 75.84%. This confirms the proposed training method succeeded in improvement of the MI-BCI skills; moreover, participants were leaving the session in high positive affect. Although the performance was not directly correlated to the degree of embodiment, subjective magnitude of the body ownership transfer illusion correlated with the ability to modulate the sensorimotor rhythm.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
BACKGROUND: To compare the success rate of monocanalicular intubation (MCI) compared with bicanalicular silicone intubation (BCI) in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO) in infants and toddlers. METHODS: In a prospective, nonrandomized, comparative study, MCI (n = 35 eyes) through the inferior canaliculus or BCI (n = 35 eyes) were performed under general anaesthesia in children aged 10 to 36 months with CNLDO. The tubes were removed 3-4 months after tube placement, and the children were followed up for 6 months after the removal of tubes. Therapeutic success was defined as the fluorescein dye disappearance test grade 0-1, corresponding with a complete resolution of previous symptoms. Partial success was defined as improvement with some residual symptoms. RESULTS: Complete and partial improvement was achieved in 31/35 (88.57%) in the BCI group and 34/35 (97.14%) in the MCI group. The difference between the two groups was not significant (p = 0.584). Complications occurred in both groups. Dislodgement of the tube and premature removal was observed in four BCI cases, and loss of the tube was observed twice in the MCI group. Canalicular slitting was observed in five eyes in the BCI group. Granuloma pyogenicum observed in 2 cases with MCI revealed a few weeks after the tube removal. Corneal erosion in the inferior medial quadrant was observed in one MCI eye and revealed in a few days after the local treatment without tube removal. CONCLUSIONS: Both MCI and the BCI are effective methods for treating CNLDO. MCI has the advantage of a lower incidence of canalicular slit and easy placement.
- MeSH
- celková anestezie MeSH
- ductus nasolacrimalis abnormality patofyziologie MeSH
- fluorescein metabolismus MeSH
- intubace metody MeSH
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- obstrukce slzovodu vrozené patofyziologie terapie MeSH
- odstranění implantátu MeSH
- pooperační komplikace MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- silikonové elastomery MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- srovnávací studie MeSH
Few data are available about the regional or local extinction of tropical butterfly species. When confirmed, local extinction was often due to the loss of host-plant species. We used published lists and recent monitoring programs to evaluate changes in butterfly composition on Barro Colorado Island (BCI, Panama) between an old (1923-1943) and a recent (1993-2013) period. Although 601 butterfly species have been recorded from BCI during the 1923-2013 period, we estimate that 390 species are currently breeding on the island, including 34 cryptic species, currently only known by their DNA Barcode Index Number. Twenty-three butterfly species that were considered abundant during the old period could not be collected during the recent period, despite a much higher sampling effort in recent times. We consider these species locally extinct from BCI and they conservatively represent 6% of the estimated local pool of resident species. Extinct species represent distant phylogenetic branches and several families. The butterfly traits most likely to influence the probability of extinction were host growth form, wing size and host specificity, independently of the phylogenetic relationships among butterfly species. On BCI, most likely candidates for extinction were small hesperiids feeding on herbs (35% of extinct species). However, contrary to our working hypothesis, extinction of these species on BCI cannot be attributed to loss of host plants. In most cases these host plants remain extant, but they probably subsist at lower or more fragmented densities. Coupled with low dispersal power, this reduced availability of host plants has probably caused the local extinction of some butterfly species. Many more bird than butterfly species have been lost from BCI recently, confirming that small preserves may be far more effective at conserving invertebrates than vertebrates and, therefore, should not necessarily be neglected from a conservation viewpoint.
- MeSH
- ekosystém MeSH
- extinkce biologická * MeSH
- fylogeneze * MeSH
- motýli genetika fyziologie MeSH
- ostrovy MeSH
- taxonomické DNA čárové kódování * MeSH
- tropické klima MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- ostrovy MeSH
- Panama MeSH
Objective.Functional specialization is fundamental to neural information processing. Here, we study whether and how functional specialization emerges in artificial deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) during a brain-computer interfacing (BCI) task.Approach.We trained CNNs to predict hand movement speed from intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) and delineated how units across the different CNN hidden layers learned to represent the iEEG signal.Main results.We show that distinct, functionally interpretable neural populations emerged as a result of the training process. While some units became sensitive to either iEEG amplitude or phase, others showed bimodal behavior with significant sensitivity to both features. Pruning of highly sensitive units resulted in a steep drop of decoding accuracy not observed for pruning of less sensitive units, highlighting the functional relevance of the amplitude- and phase-specialized populations.Significance.We anticipate that emergent functional specialization as uncovered here will become a key concept in research towards interpretable deep learning for neuroscience and BCI applications.