Q63663864 Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Cíl: Observační studie pacientů diagnostikovaných s těžkou komunitní pneumonií (sCAP) sledovala hladiny interleukinu-17A a počtu T helper 17 (Th17) lymfocytů v periferní cirkulaci a tekutině z bronchoalveolární laváže (BAL) v časném průběhu komunitní pneumonie různé etiologie a porovnala je s charakteristikami pacientů a klinickým výsledkem. Materiál a metody: Kohorta 74 pacientů s těžkou komunitní pneumonií byla analyzována s identifikací jednotlivých původců pneumonie. Podle etiologie byli pacienti rozděleni do tří skupin: bakteriální, virové a smíšené etiologie. Počet Th17 lymfocytů a koncentrace IL-17A byly měřeny s využitím průtokové cytometrie a metody ELISA v periferní krvi a tekutině z BAL. Data byla porovnána podle etiologie sCAP a statistickou analýzou stanovena jejich korelace s 30a 90denní mortalitou. Výsledky: Statistická korelace mezi počtem Th17 lymfocytů a koncentrací IL-17A v krvi ani v tekutině z BAL s 30a 90denní mortalitou nebyla prokázána. Nicméně, zvýšený počet Th17 lymfocytů v periferní cirkulaci, nikoli však v tekutině z BAL, v časném průběhu sCAP koreloval se zvýšeným relativním rizikem úmrtí. Dalšími faktory zvyšujícími relativní riziko smrti byl věk a mužské pohlaví. Závěr: Hladiny Th17 a IL-17A v systémové cirkulaci v časném průběhu sCAP (v prvních 7 dnech od diagnózy) mohou korelovat s tíží a mortalitou sCAP.
Objective: Observational study of patients diagnosed with severe community acquired pneumonia (sCAP) carried out to evaluate levels of interleukin 17A (IL-17A) and T helper 17 (Th17) lymphocyte count in peripheral circulation and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) in the early course of sCAP of different etiology and to compare them with patient’s characteristics and outcome. Material and methods: Cohort of 74 patients with sCAP was analyzed and respective microbial etiology established. According to pathogens, 3 subgroups of patients were created: bacterial, viral and mixed etiology. Th17 count and IL-17A levels were measured using flow cytometry and ELISA in peripheral blood and BALF. Data were compared with respect to etiology and their correlation with 30and 90-day mortality was statistically analyzed. Results: There was no statistically significant correlation in Th17 count and IL-17A levels in blood and BALF between etiological subgroups of CAP and no correlation was found with respect to measured parameters and 30and 90-day mortality. Nevertheless, increased Th17 cell count and IL-17A levels in peripheral blood, but not in BALF, in the early course of sCAP are correlated with increased relative risk of death from sCAP. Other factors increasing relative risk of death in patients with sCAP found in our cohort were male sex and advanced age. Conclusions: Systemic Th17 count and IL-17A levels in the early course (up to 7 days from admission) of sCAP may be correlated with severity and outcome of sCAP.
- MeSH
- buňky Th17 * imunologie MeSH
- imunologické testy metody MeSH
- infekce získané v komunitě diagnóza imunologie mortalita MeSH
- interleukin-17 * analýza imunologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mikrobiologické techniky metody MeSH
- pneumonie * etiologie imunologie mortalita MeSH
- pozorovací studie jako téma metody MeSH
- prognóza MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- stupeň závažnosti nemoci MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Východiska a cíle: Nespočet studií prokázal neoddiskutovatelný přínos prokalcitoninu (PCT) v diagnostice sepse. V poslední době je navíc diskutován potenciální vztah koncentrací PCT k různým patogenům a ložiskům infekce. Hlavním cílem předkládané studie bylo porovnání hladin PCT u septických pacientů s dokumentovanou grampozitivní a gramnegativní bakteremií. Vyhodnotili jsme také koncentrace PCT ve vztahu k různým ložiskům infekce a jednotlivým patogenům. Metody: V dobře definované kohortě septických pacientů byly vyhodnoceny koncentrace PCT v čase klinické diagnózy sepse (PCT1) a za 24 hodin (PCT2) a porovnány s výsledky hemokultur a ložisky infekce. Výsledky: U 258 pacientů byla pozitivní hemokultura zdokumentována v 78 případech. Rozdíl v PCT1 i PCT2 mezi skupinami pacientů s dokumentovanou grampozitivní a gramnegativní hemokulturou nebyl statisticky významný. Ve skupině bakteremických pacientů byly nejvyšší koncentrace PCT1 i PCT2 zaznamenány u pacientů se sepsí způsobenou streptokoky a Escherichia coli v kontrastu s infekcemi způsobenými stafylokoky s nejnižšími zaznamenanými hladinami. Nejvyšší koncentrace PCT byly zaznamenány u pacientů s urosepsí se signifikantně vyššími hladinami PCT2 oproti všem ostatním sledovaným ložiskům sepse. Závěry: Schopnost PCT rozlišovat mezi grampozitivní a gramnegativní bakteremií u kriticky nemocných pacientů se sepsí je nízká. Koncentrace PCT korelují pravděpodobně spíše s jednotlivými typy patogenů a ložisky infekce než s výsledky Gramova barvení. Nejvyšší hladiny PCT byly zaznamenány u streptokoků. Signifikantně vyšší koncentrace PCT oproti všem ostatním ložiskům infekce byly zaznamenány u urosepsí 24 hodin od stanovení klinické diagnózy sepse.
Background and aim: Large number of studies proved undisputable role of procalcitonin (PCT) in sepsis diagnosis. Moreover, potential of procalcitonin to predict blood culture results according to Gram staining, different types of pathogens and foci of infection is discussed lately. The primary aim of our study was to compare the PCT levels in septic patients with documented Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteraemia. We also evaluated the PCT levels according to different foci of infection and with different types of pathogens. Material and Methods: Procalcitonin levels measured at the time of sepsis diagnosis (PCT1) and after 24 hours (PCT2) in welldefined cohort of septic patients were statistically evaluated according to the results of blood cultures and foci of infection. Results: Out of 258 patients, 180 had negative and 78 positive blood culture. The difference in PCT1 and PCT2 levels between gram-negative (GN) and gram-positive (GP) bacteraemia was not significant. The highest values of PCT1 as well as PCT2 in culturepositive cases were found in patients infected with Streptococcus spp. followed by Escherichia Coli in contrast to Staphylococcus spp. with the lowest PCT concentrations. Highest procalcitonin levels were observed in urosepsis with PCT2 concentrations significantly higher than in all other foci of infection. Conclusion: PCT discriminatory power to differentiate between GN and GP bacteraemia in septic patients appears to be low. PCT concentrations correlates probably more closely to different type of pathogens with highest PCT levels in Streptococci spp. and foci of infection rather than result of the Gram stain. In our study population, urosepsis showed statistically significant higher PCT concentrations 24 hours following sepsis diagnosis when compared to other site of infection.
The use of convalescent plasma (CP) appeared to be a promising, easily available and safe way of treatment of severe COVID-19 at the onset of the pandemic in early 2020. Conducted in 2020 and 2021, our study of 52 severely to critically ill COVID-19 patients who received CP plasma as a treatment and of 97 controls found no difference in 30-day or 90-day mortality rates. A significant viral load drop in most patients (4.7 log10 [p<0.001] copies/ml) was observed following CP administration. Retrospective analysis of selected inflammatory markers and immunoglobulins showed higher C-reactive protein levels among the study group, and their decrease on Day 7.
- MeSH
- COVID-19 * terapie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pasivní imunizace MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- sérologická léčba covidu-19 MeSH
- virová nálož MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to obtain data on demands on the intensive care capacities to treat COVID-19 patients, and to identify predictors for in-hospital mortality. METHODS: The prospective observational multicentre study carried out from 1 March till 30 June 2020 included adult patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection with respiratory failure requiring ventilatory support or high-flow nasal oxygen therapy (HFNO). RESULTS: Seventy-four patients, 46 males and 28 females, median age 67.5 (Q1-Q3: 56-75) years, were included. Sixty-four patients (86.5%) had comorbidity. Sixty-six patients (89.2%) were mechanically ventilated, four of them received extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy. Eight patients (10.8%) were treated with non-invasive ventilation and HFNO only. The median of intensive care unit (ICU) stay was 22.5 days. Eighteen patients (24.3%) needed continuous renal replacement therapy. Thirty patients (40.5%) died. Age and acute kidney injury were identified as independent predictors of in-hospital death, and chronic kidney disease showed trend towards statistical significance for poor outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Sufficient number of intensive care beds, organ support equipment and well-trained staff is a decisive factor in managing the COVID-19 epidemic. The study focused on the needs of intensive care in the COVID-19 patients. Advanced age and acute kidney injury were identified as independent predictors for in-hospital mortality. When compared to clinical course and ICU management of patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia caused by other pathogens, we observed prolonged need for ventilatory support, high rate of progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome and significant mortality in studied population.
- MeSH
- COVID-19 * MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mortalita v nemocnicích MeSH
- péče o pacienty v kritickém stavu MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- pozorovací studie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Myristic acid was identified as a metabolite with the highest diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in the metabolome of patients with bacteraemia. Subsequently, its significant decrease was observed in patients in septic shock not responding to treatment. In our study we have captured myristic acid serum level kinetics in 96 hours following accidental intravenous self-administration of eubiotic Hylak forte causing infection-like systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). To our knowledge, this is the first time the kinetics of myristic acid levels is presented in a septic patient. Myristic acid was evaluated in comparison with other inflammatory biomarkers and with its level in a control group of healthy subjects. Myristic acid levels during septic response were significantly elevated in comparison with the control group. The peak level was recorded almost immediately after the insult with a gradual decrease within 96 hours. Myristic acid appears to be a promising biomarker in sepsis diagnostics, further research by our group into this topic is ongoing.
- MeSH
- biologické markery analýza metabolismus MeSH
- kinetika MeSH
- kyselina myristová metabolismus MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- sepse metabolismus MeSH
- septický šok metabolismus MeSH
- syndrom MeSH
- zánět metabolismus MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH