The article assesses differences in lifetime losses caused by premature deaths from cardiopulmonary disease in populations living in areas with different environmental burdens. The results provide different perspectives on data on total years lost and lifetime losses attributable to air pollution. Such lifetime losses in the industrial area related to cardiovascular causes of death are 7.6 or 5.1 years per male or female deceased, representing an average lifetime loss of 0.01907 years (i.e. 7 days) per 1 male or 0.01273 years (i.e. 4.6 days) per 1 female in the entire population. Losses related to cerebrovascular or respiratory causes of death are about 5.4 or 5.9 years per 1 deceased male or 3.9 or 5 years per 1 deceased female, respectively, which represents a loss of 0.00481 (1.8 days), or 0.00148 years (0.5 days) per 1 male or 0.00466 (1.7 days), or 0.00058 years (0.2 days) per 1 female.
- MeSH
- kardiovaskulární nemoci * chemicky indukované epidemiologie MeSH
- látky znečišťující vzduch * toxicita analýza MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nemoci dýchací soustavy * chemicky indukované epidemiologie MeSH
- pevné částice analýza MeSH
- předčasná smrt MeSH
- vystavení vlivu životního prostředí škodlivé účinky analýza MeSH
- znečištění ovzduší * škodlivé účinky analýza MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Migraine is a widespread neurological disorder, growing increasingly common. However, the pathogenesis of the disease is often unclear and the evidence for the role of various risk factors is limited. This study aimed to identify risk factors associated with migraine and to contribute towards a better understanding of this disease. METHODS: Data from 3,247 questionnaires were analyzed for associations between migraine and sex, age, BMI, degree of education, and air pollution, along with other factors such as contact with friends, physical condition, health, anxiety, and depression. A cross-sectional study was conducted with an approximately equal distribution of the sample by age, gender and two analysed regions. Data were presented using basic descriptive statistics using the chi-square test. The model output was presented using a crude odds ratio (OR) and a fully adjusted OR. Three hundred and eight-six individuals (12%) suffered from migraine. RESULTS: In an adjusted model, the presented study found associations between the prevalence of migraine and sex, age, and level of education. Individuals with migraine statistically significantly more often suffered from depression, anxiety and other selected factors. However, the assumed significant association between the occurrence of migraine and pollution in the region has not been found.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death in most developed countries. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are highly investigated molecules not only in CVD but also in other diseases. Several studies on miRNAs continue to reveal novel miRNAs that may play a role in CVD, in their pathogenesis in diagnosis or prognosis, but evidence for clinical implementation is still lacking. The aim of this study is to clarify the diagnostic potential of miRNAs in some CVDs.
- MeSH
- biologické markery MeSH
- kardiovaskulární nemoci * diagnóza genetika MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mikro RNA * genetika MeSH
- prognóza MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
BACKGROUND: The noninvasive collection of saliva samples for DNA analyses is simple, and its potential for research and diagnostic purposes is great. However, DNA isolates from such samples are often of inferior quality to those from blood. AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the robustness and sensitivity of the ddPCR instrument for genetic analyses from saliva samples of poor quality by comparing their results to those obtained using an established method from blood samples. METHODS: Blood and saliva were collected from 47 university students, which was followed by manual isolation of DNA and analysis on droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). Results of analyses were supplemented with values of fractional abundances. RESULTS: ddPCR proved to be highly suitable for analysis of even low-quality saliva samples (concentrations as low as 0.79 ng/μL), especially when augmented by fractional abundance data. This combination yielded 100% agreement with results obtained from blood samples. CONCLUSION: This study verified the applicability of ddPCR as a sensitive and robust method of genetic diagnostic testing even from low-quality saliva isolates. This makes it potentially suitable for a wide range of applications and facilitates the performance of large epidemiological studies, even if sampling or sample processing is suboptimal.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
DNA methylation is the most studied epigenetic mechanism that regulates gene expression, and it can serve as a useful biomarker of prior environmental exposure and future health outcomes. This study focused on DNA methylation profiles in a human cohort, comprising 125 nonsmoking city policemen (sampled twice), living and working in three localities (Prague, Ostrava and Ceske Budejovice) of the Czech Republic, who spent the majority of their working time outdoors. The main characterization of the localities, differing by major sources of air pollution, was defined by the stationary air pollution monitoring of PM2.5, B[a]P and NO2. DNA methylation was analyzed by a genome-wide microarray method. No season-specific DNA methylation pattern was discovered; however, we identified 13,643 differentially methylated CpG loci (DML) for a comparison between the Prague and Ostrava groups. The most significant DML was cg10123377 (log2FC = -1.92, p = 8.30 × 10-4) and loci annotated to RPTOR (total 20 CpG loci). We also found two hypomethylated loci annotated to the DNA repair gene XRCC5. Groups of DML annotated to the same gene were linked to diabetes mellitus (KCNQ1), respiratory diseases (PTPRN2), the dopaminergic system of the brain and neurodegenerative diseases (NR4A2). The most significant possibly affected pathway was Axon guidance, with 86 potentially deregulated genes near DML. The cluster of gene sets that could be affected by DNA methylation in the Ostrava groups mainly includes the neuronal functions and biological processes of cell junctions and adhesion assembly. The study demonstrates that the differences in the type of air pollution between localities can affect a unique change in DNA methylation profiles across the human genome.
- MeSH
- celogenomová asociační studie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- látky znečišťující vzduch škodlivé účinky MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- metylace DNA účinky léků MeSH
- policie * MeSH
- vystavení vlivu životního prostředí škodlivé účinky MeSH
- znečištění ovzduší škodlivé účinky MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
The aim of this work was to estimate the share of selected significant risk factors for respiratory cancer in the overall incidence of this disease and their comparison in two environmentally different burdened regions. A combination of a longitudinal cross-sectional population study with a US EPA health risk assessment methodology was used. The result of this procedure is the expression of lifelong carcinogenic risks and their contribution in the overall incidence of the disease. Compared to exposures to benzo[a]pyrene in the air and fibrogenic dust in the working air, several orders of magnitude higher share of the total incidence of respiratory cancer was found in radon exposures, for women 60% in the industrial area, respectively 100% in the non-industrial area, for men 24%, respectively 15%. The share of risks in workers exposed to fibrogenic dust was found to be 0.35% in the industrial area. For benzo[a]pyrene, the share of risks was below 1% and the share of other risk factors was in the monitored areas was up to 85%. The most significant share in the development of respiratory cancer in both monitored areas is represented by radon for women and other risk factors for men.
- MeSH
- hodnocení rizik MeSH
- inhalační expozice * statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- karcinogeny MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- prach MeSH
- pracovní expozice * statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- průmysl MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
BACKGROUND: Thrombophilic mutations in genes for factor V Leiden and factor II prothrombin are among the most important risk factors for developing the thromboembolic disease (TED), along with the use of oral contraceptives (OCs) or smoking. AIM: This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of risk factors in young women using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and, based on the results of this investigation, to perform a cost-benefit analysis of ddPCR-based screening in young women starting to take OCs compared to the treatment costs of patients who develop preventable TED in the Czech Republic. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, female university students filled in a questionnaire and provided a blood sample for DNA isolation and ddPCR analysis of both aforementioned genetic risk factors. The results, along with data from literature and web search, were used for cost-benefit analysis valid for the Czech Republic. RESULTS: Out of 148 participants, 30 (20%) were smokers and 49 (33%) took OCs. A mutation was confirmed in 6 women (4.1%) in the factor V gene and in 3 women (2%) in the factor II gene, respectively. A model calculation on a cohort of 50,000 women starting to use contraceptives in the Czech Republic every year showed that at maximum compliance, (i.e., non-use of OC and smoking cessation), screening could prevent 68 cases of TED over the course of the mean period of OC use (5.7 years). Economically, the costs of testing in this cohort (2.25 mil. USD) would be significantly lower than prevented treatment costs (16 mil. USD at maximum compliance); the cost-benefit break-even point would be at 14.1% compliance. CONCLUSION: The cost-benefit analysis based on our results indicates that screening for factor V Leiden and factor II prothrombin in young women before starting to use OCs would, in the conditions of the Czech Republic, likely be highly economically effective.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
The health impacts of suspended particulate matter (SPM) are significantly associated with size-the smaller the aerosol particles, the stronger the biological effect. Quantitative evaluation of fine and ultrafine particles (FP and UFP) is, therefore, an integral part of ongoing epidemiological studies. The mass concentrations of SPM fractions (especially PM2.5, PM1.0, PM0.25) were measured in an industrial area using cascade personal samplers and a gravimetric method, and their mass ratio was determined. The results of PM2.5, PM1.0 were also compared with the reference measurement at stationary stations. The mean ratios PM2.5/SPM, PM1.0/SPM, and PM1.0/PM2.5 were 0.76, 0.65, and 0.86, respectively. Surprisingly, a mass dominance of UFP with an aerodynamic diameter <0.25 μm (PM0.25) was found with mean ratios of 0.43, 0.57, 0.67 in SPM, PM2.5 and PM1.0. The method used showed satisfactory agreement in comparison with reference measurements. The respirable fraction may consist predominantly of UFP. Despite the measures currently being taken to improve air quality, the most biologically efficient UFP can escape and remain in the air. UFP are currently determined primarily as particle number as opposed to the mass concentration used for conventional fractions. This complicates their mutual comparison and determination of individual fraction ratios.
Povinností každého pracoviště, jež v rámci lékařského ozáření nakládá se zdroji ionizujícího záření, je mimo jiné dodržovat principy radiační ochrany včetně respektování pravidla ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable). Cílem této práce bylo posoudit úroveň optimalizace radiační ochrany zdravotnických pracovníků na PET/CT pracovištích s ohledem na obdrženou osobní dávku, používání pomůcek, stavební uspořádání pracoviště a také zkušenosti a zručnost pracovníků. Všechna PET/CT a PET/MR pracoviště v ČR včetně dvou pracovišť, která nepracují s pozitronovými radiofarmaky, byla oslovena, aby se pomocí vyplnění dvou elektronických dotazníků a poskytnutím dalších důležitých informací a dat zapojila do studie. Následně byla získaná data osobní dozimetrie (za respektování GDPR), informace o množství aplikované aktivity, odpovědi na subjektivní hodnocení situace vedoucími pracovníky a také obdržené plány stavebního uspořádání pracoviště zpracovány a porovnány. Pro orientační statistické zpracování byla použita regresní analýza. Sady hodnot byly porovnány neparametrickými testy Mann-Whitney a Kruskal-Wallis. Pro každého pracovníka byla vypočtena jeho průměrná efektivní a ekvivalentní dávka ve vztahu k aplikované aktivitě a také kolektivní dávka pro každé pracoviště. V dalším kroku byla vypočtena obdržená hodnota Hp(10) a HT z 1 GBq na jednoho pracovníka (v μSv). Z celkového počtu 22 oslovených pracovišť ČR a Slovenska odpovědělo na 1. dotazník 18 pracovišť. Návratnost u dotazníku č. 2 byla 55,6 %. Následně mohlo být do studie zahrnuto 10 pracovišť. Výsledky ukázaly rozdíly úrovně radiační ochrany mezi jednotlivými pracovišti. Hlavní roli zde hrají vybavenost a dostatek personálu. Rozdíly byly nalezeny také v obdržené dávce na kůži rukou. Nepotvrdila se domněnka, že práce s pozitronovými radiofarmaky přináší větší radiační zátěž a také se nepotvrdilo, že s pořízením automatických aplikačních systémů automaticky klesne kolektivní dávka. Důležitá je praktická zručnost a zkušenost pracovníků. Pro jednotlivá pracoviště byla navržena konkrétní doporučení pro zlepšení úrovně optimalizace.
It is responsibility of every workplace that utilize ionizing radiation sources under medical exposure to abide the principles of radiation protection, including compliance with the ALARA rule (As Low As Reasonably Achievable). The aim of this thesis was to assess the level of optimization of radiation protection of medical professionals on PET/CT departments with respect to the received personal dose, personal protective aids utilization, construction of the premises and also the experience and skills of the workers. All PET/CT and PET/MR departments in the Czech Republic, including two non-PET sites, were asked to participate in the study by completing two electronic questionnaires and providing other important information. Out of the total number of 22 surveyed departments in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 18 workplaces responded the first questionnaire. The return rate of the questionnaire 2 was 55,6 %. Subsequently, 10 sites were included in the study. Subsequently, the obtained personal dosimetry data (respecting GDPR), information about administered activities, responses to the subjective evaluation of the situation of executives and also received plans of the construction of the premises were processed and compared. A regression analysis was used for statistical assessment. The sets of values were compared by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests. For each worker the average effective and equivalent doses in relation to the applied activity was calculated as well as the collective dose for each workplace. In the next step, the received value of Hp(10) and HT was calculated from 1 GBq per worker (in It is responsibility of every workplace that utilize ionizing radiation sources under medical exposure to abide the principles of radiation protection, including compliance with the ALARA rule (As Low As Reasonably Achievable). The aim of this thesis was to assess the level of optimization of radiation protection of medical professionals on PET/CT departments with respect to the received personal dose, personal protective aids utilization, construction of the premises and also the experience and skills of the workers. All PET/CT and PET/MR departments in the Czech Republic, including two non-PET sites, were asked to participate in the study by completing two electronic questionnaires and providing other important information. Out of the total number of 22 surveyed departments in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 18 workplaces responded the first questionnaire. The return rate of the questionnaire 2 was 55,6 %. Subsequently, 10 sites were included in the study. Subsequently, the obtained personal dosimetry data (respecting GDPR), information about administered activities, responses to the subjective evaluation of the situation of executives and also received plans of the construction of the premises were processed and compared. A regression analysis was used for statistical assessment. The sets of values were compared by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests. For each worker the average effective and equivalent doses in relation to the applied activity was calculated as well as the collective dose for each workplace. In the next step, the received value of Hp(10) and HT was calculated from 1 GBq per worker (in μSv). The results revealed differences in the level of radiation protection between individual workplaces. Equipment and sufficient staff play a major role. Differences were also found in the dose received on the skin of the hands. The assumption that utilization of positron radiopharmaceuticals is connected to a greater radiation burden has not been confirmed, as well as that the acquisition of automatic delivery systems does not decrease the collective dose automatically. Practical skills and experience of employees are important. Specific recommendations to improve the level of optimization were proposed for individual departments.
BACKGROUND: Air pollution exposure is associated with reduced lung function and increased cardio-pulmonary mortality (CPM). OBJECTIVES: We analyzed the potential mediating effect of reduced lung function on the association between air pollution exposure and CPM. METHODS: We used data from the German SALIA cohort including 2527 elderly women (aged 51-56 years at baseline 1985-1994) with 22-year follow-up to CPM. Exposures to PM10, PM2.5, PM2.5 absorbance, NO2 and NOx were assessed by land-use regression modelling and back-extrapolated to estimate exposures at baseline. Lung function (FVC, FEV1) was measured by spirometry and transformed to GLI z-scores. Adjusted Cox proportional hazards and causal proportional hazards mediation analysis models were fitted. RESULTS: The survival analysis showed that reduced lung function (z-scores of FVC or FEV1 below 5% predicted) reflected significantly lower survival probability from CPM (p < 0.0001). Longterm exposures to NOx and NO2 were associated with increased risks of CPM (eg. HR = 1.215; 95%CI: 1.017-1.452 for IQR increase in NOx and HR = 1.209; 95%CI: 1.011-1.445 for IQR increase in NO2) after adjusting for reduced lung function and additional covariates. The associations of PM2.5 absorbance and CPM remained significant in models adjusted for FEV1/FVC, but the associations with PM10 and PM2.5 were not significant. The mediation analysis showed significant indirect effects of NO2 and NOx on CPM mediated through reduced FEV1 and FVC. The largest indirect effects were found for exposures to NO2 (HR = 1.037; 95%CI: 1.005-1.070) and NOx (HR = 1.028; 95%CI: 1.004-1.052) mediated through reduced FVC. The mediated proportion effect ranged from 13.9% to 19.6% in fully adjusted models. DISCUSSION: This study provides insights into the mechanism of reduced lung function in association between long-term air pollution exposure and CPM. The mediated effect was substantial for exposure to nitrogen oxides (NOx and NO2), but less pronounced for PM10 and PM2.5.
- MeSH
- kohortové studie MeSH
- látky znečišťující vzduch * škodlivé účinky analýza MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- následné studie MeSH
- pevné částice škodlivé účinky analýza MeSH
- plíce MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- vystavení vlivu životního prostředí analýza MeSH
- znečištění ovzduší * škodlivé účinky analýza MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH