OBJECTIVE: Significant attention has been devoted to knowledge of and attitudes toward epilepsy among teachers, and the importance of their previous experience with epilepsy has been proved. However, no information about a specific group of homeroom teachers is available despite their importance in forming a positive climate in class and preventing related stigma. Thus, we aim to evaluate knowledge of and attitudes towards epilepsy in this group and compare the results with previously studied groups of 136 teachers in training and 123 primary school teachers not having, in most cases, experience with children with epilepsy. METHODS: One hundred and four homeroom teachers of children with epilepsy attending mainstream schools were involved in the study. They fulfilled an 18-item knowledge test, a 5-item questionnaire focusing on epilepsy-related self-confidence, and a 21-item Czech version of the Attitudes Towards People with Epilepsy scale. All instruments were used and validated in our previous research focusing on the other groups of teachers, making possible the direct comparison of the results. RESULTS: We found that homeroom teachers had significantly better knowledge of epilepsy (total score of 11.75 ± 2.29 points compared with 10.21 ± 2.08 points for primary school teachers and 9.60 ± 2.08 points for teachers in training) as well as more positive attitudes (30.81 ± 11.11 vs. 24.80 ± 11.01, and 25.81 ± 10.20, respectively). Regarding self-confidence, homeroom teachers were comparable with primary school teachers (total score of 18.31 ± 3.74 compared with 17.71 ± 3.86) but significantly better than teachers in training (16.37 ± 3.20). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that despite having a higher level of epilepsy-related knowledge, self-confidence, and attitudes, homeroom teachers still have significant shortages in some specific issues, especially regarding the ability to recognize the adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs. Tailored education interventions focusing on these groups and topics are thus highly needed.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- epilepsie * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- školy MeSH
- učitelé MeSH
- zdraví - znalosti, postoje, praxe * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
OBJECTIVE: Sufficient public knowledge about epilepsy is a starting point for reducing epilepsy-related stigma and improving quality of life of people with this condition. Thus, interventions aimed at improving such knowledge are greatly needed. However, there is a significant lack of such interventions and none have been applied to preschool children. We aimed to develop effective interventions using the educational board game Action Zone! and a technique known as educational story, and by focusing on the acquisition of knowledge about epilepsy in children aged 5-6 years with no previous knowledge of epilepsy. METHODS: Knowledge about epilepsy was measured using a 20-item test consisting of questions selected from educational game and an 11-item test used successfully in our previous intervention study focused on children aged 9-11 years. Both measures exhibited acceptable internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha of 0.72 and 0.67. In total, 296 children participated in three intervention studies (educational game, educational story, and a revised version of educational story). Level of knowledge was assessed immediately after each intervention and again one month later. RESULTS: We found that all interventions were effective (p = 0.001) in comparison of retest results with baseline of zero level of knowledge based on the statements of children before intervention. Intervention based on educational game resulted in a higher percentage of correct responses in comparison with educational story (p = 0.020). However, the revised version of educational story developed using participatory action research was superior in comparison with the original version (p < 0.001) and fully comparable with educational game (p = 0.864). CONCLUSIONS: The results showed the aforesaid interventions were significant and effective ways to establish basic knowledge about epilepsy in the given age group.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- epilepsie * MeSH
- kvalita života * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- společenské stigma MeSH
- zdraví - znalosti, postoje, praxe MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
OBJECTIVE: In order to introduce a complex system of monitoring and evaluation of the heath-related quality of life (HRQoL) of children and adolescents with epilepsy (CWE) and their families in the Czech Republic, we aimed to validate the Czech versions of two appropriate instruments - the Impact of Pediatric Epilepsy Scale (IPES) and the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory for Adolescents (QOLIE-AD-48). METHODS: The verification of the 11-item IPES was carried out in the group of parents of 248 CWE aged 2-18 years. One hundred and thirty-five CWE from the given group aged 11-18 years then completed the 48-item QOLIE-AD-48. Internal consistency, test-retest reliability (with a three-month interval) and the factorial structure of the Czech versions were determined and compared with the original instruments. RESULTS: We found that the Czech version of the IPES exhibited very good psychometric properties including high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha, α, of 0.93), high test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC, of 0.76) and the same 3-factor structure as the original instrument. The superiority of this 3-factor solution over the alternate 2-factor model proposed for some language versions of the IPES was determined using confirmatory factor analysis. We found 8 items in the Czech version of the QOLIE-AD-48 belonging to original Attitudes towards epilepsy and Social support subscales that do not fit well with the Czech version due to their low correlation with the total score and insufficient test-retest reliability and should be omitted. For the remaining 40 items, we have determined high internal consistency (α = 0.95) and test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.82). Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the 6-factor solution derived from the original instrument (without two removed subscales) was appropriate for the Czech version. The individual subscales exhibited high internal consistency with α = 0.61-0.91. The external validation of both instruments was confirmed based on a significant correlation between test results and physicians' reports of the characteristics of the child's epilepsy. CONCLUSIONS: The Czech versions of both instruments studied are reliable and valid, and can be used in the next research focusing on the effect of different treatment approaches on the HRQoL of CWE and their families.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- doxorubicin analogy a deriváty MeSH
- epilepsie * diagnóza MeSH
- jazyk (prostředek komunikace) MeSH
- kvalita života * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychometrie MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Epilepsie je chronické neurologické onemocnění s řadou negativních dopadů na školní docházku nemocných dětí. Školní prostředí se zásadním způsobem podílí na stigmatizaci doprovázející tuto nemoc. Jednotlivé rizikové faktory související s dětmi s epilepsií samotnými, jejich rodiči, učiteli a spolužáky nebyly dosud dostatečně studovány; komplexní struktura školního života dětí s epilepsií podmíněná vzájemnými vazbami mezi zmíněnými proměnnými tak zůstává nejasná. Prvním cílem naší studie je poskytnout přehled nejdůležitějších současných poznatků o dané problematice. Ve druhé části pak představujeme studii, jejímž výstupem bude detailní strukturální model zohledňující relevantní proměnné vztahující se k životu dětí s epilepsií v prostředí školy, vč. kvantifikace jejich vzájemných vazeb. Tento komplexní model by měl posloužit jako teoretický základ pro plánování cílených intervencí vedoucích ke zvýšení kvality života těchto dětí prostřednictvím redukce stigmatu souvisejícího nejen se samotnou nemocí, ale i se znalostmi a postoji rodičů, učitelů a spolužáků. V závěru studie předkládáme doporučení pro další výzkum i praxi v této oblasti.
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder with many negative sequelae related to the school attendance of affected children. School environment plays a fundamental role in the stigmatization accompanying this disease. Individual risk factors related to children with epilepsy themselves, their parents, teachers and classmates have not been sufficiently studied yet; the complex structure of the school life of children with epilepsy determined by the mutual coupling of the particular variables thus remains unclear. The first objective of this review article is to provide an overview of the most important findings related to this topic. The second objective is to introduce a complex study in which outcome will be a detailed structural model taking into consideration the most important variables related to the life of children with epilepsy in a school and quantifying the links between them. Such a complex model should serve as a theoretical background for planing tailored interventions to improve the quality of life of these children by means of reducing the stigma related not only to the disease itself but also to report the parents‘ teachers‘ and classmaes' knowledge. Recommendations for further research as well as clinical practice in this field are given at the end of the study.
- Klíčová slova
- strukturální modely,
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- epilepsie * psychologie MeSH
- kvalita života MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- rodiče MeSH
- školky MeSH
- společenské stigma * MeSH
- učitelé MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Problematice stresu je věnována značná pozornost. Proto je třeba mít k dispozici jednoduchý a přitom spolehlivý nástroj umožňující stanovit aktuální hladinu stresu. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je představit prvotní psychometrické ověření české verze Škály vnímaného stresu vyvinuté původně Cohenem v roce 1983, která je v tomto směru jednou z nejčastěji užívaných metod. Ověření dotazníku obsahujícího 10 položek bylo realizováno na vzorku zahrnujícím 358 respondentů z řad studentů vysokých škol. Statistické zpracování zahrnovalo mimo jiné i stanovení vnitřní konzistence dotazníku a konfirmační faktorovou analýzu. Česká verze dotazníku vykazovala vysokou míru vnitřní konzistence, když Cronbachovo alfa bylo 0,871. Konfirmační faktorová analýza potvrdila v literatuře preferovanou dvoufaktorovou strukturu dotazníku a ukázala, že uvedený model dosahuje vyhovujících výsledků v absolutních i relativních indexech shody modelu s daty stejně jako v indexech vystihujících úspornost modelu. Česká verze Škály vnímaného stresu je tak reliabilním a validním nástrojem umožňujícím měření aktuální hladiny vnímaného stresu.
Recently, a great attention has been devoted to stress. Thus, it is worth to have a simple and reliable tool measuring the current level of perceived stress. The aim of this paper is to present a validation of the Czech version of the Perceived Stress Scale which was developed by Cohen in 1983 and is a widely used instrument in this field. Verification of the questionnaire containing 10 items was carried out on a group of 358 university students. The statistical analysis included besides other things determination of the internal consistency and confirmatory factor analysis. The Czech version exhibited a high level of internal consistency with Cronbach´s alpha of 0.871. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure preferred also in the literature and showed adequate values of both absolute and relative fit indices as well as indices of parsimony. The Czech version of the Perceived Stress Scale is valid and reliable instrument enabling measurement of perceived stress.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- psychický stres * MeSH
- psychologické testy MeSH
- psychometrie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Cíl: Ačkoliv je stigmatu souvisejícímu s poruchami autistického spektra (PAS) věnována poměrně značná pozornost, stále je patrný nedostatek nástrojů umožňujících tento koncept efektivně měřit. Cílem této studie bylo provést na specifické skupině studentů vysokých škol předběžné ověření 24položkového dotazníku adaptovaného ze škály stigmatu u epilepsie a získat tak nástroj měřící míru vnímané stigmatizace související sPAS. Materiál a metoda: Ověření bylo realizováno na vzorku 328 studentů (50 % muži, 50 % ženy) různých oborů dvou českých vysokých škol (40 % humanitní obory, 32 % technické obory, 28 % přírodovědné obory). Výsledky: Bylo zjištěno, že dotazník má v dané skupině velmi dobré psychometrické vlastnosti včetně vysoké vnitřní konzistence (Cronbachovo alfa 0,836). test-retest reliability (Pearsonův korelační koeficient 0,62) a jasně definované třífaktorové struktury. Průměrná míra stigmatizace byla 52 % a nezávisela na oboru studia ani znalosti někoho s PAS (p > 0,05). Závěr: Srovnáním s předchozím výzkumem zaměřeným na epilepsii byla prokázána podstatně větší míra vnímané stigmatizace u PAS, což naznačuje, že by bylo vhodné připravit a realizovat efektivní intervence vedoucí k redukci tohoto stigmatu.
Objective: Although significant attention has been devoted to considerable stigma associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), there is still a significant lack of instruments enabling a valid measurement of this concept. We aimed to carry out a preliminary verification of the 24-item questionnaire based on a stigma scale of epilepsy on a specific group of Czech university students, and to obtain an instrument for evaluation of perceived ASD-related stigma. Methods: The research was carried out in the group of 328 university students (50% of them were women and 50% men) of different specializations (40 % of respondents studied social science and humanities, 32% engineering and 28% natural sciences). Results: We found that the instrument exhibited very good psychometric properties including high internal consistency (Cronbachs alpha of 0.836) and test-retest reliability (Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.62) and well-defined three-factor structure. The average level of stigmatization was 52% and no effect of field of study and knowledge of someone having ASD was observed here. Conclusions: Comparison with our previous research focused on epilepsy revealed higher level of stigmatization related to ASD suggesting that an effective intervention aiming on reduction of the perceived ASD-related stigma would be highly needed.
- MeSH
- epilepsie psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- poruchy autistického spektra * psychologie MeSH
- postoj MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky využití MeSH
- psychologický odstup MeSH
- psychometrie MeSH
- společenské stigma * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
Although significant attention has been devoted to analyzing stigma associated with epilepsy, there is still a significant lack of valid and reliable instruments. We aimed to validate the 23-item Czech version of the Stigma Scale of Epilepsy (SSE; originally developed in Brazil), which has been used to evaluate epilepsy-related stigma in the general population. Verification of the SSE questionnaire was carried out in a group of 207 students aged 15-18 years of whom none had epilepsy. These students completed the SSE twice in a period of 3-6 months as part of standard test-retest evaluation practice. The instrument exhibits good psychometric properties including internal consistency higher than in the original version (Cronbach's alpha of 0.856 here compared with 0.81 reported in Brazil) and acceptable test-retest reliability. Using exploratory factor analysis (not provided for the original version), four factors were identified and corresponding subscales were described and interpreted. Two items did not fit into the structure and were eliminated. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to propose and verify the hierarchical 4-factor structure of the Czech version of SSE confirming the existence of a common factor corresponding to stigma. The results showed that the Czech version of SSE has good psychometric properties and can be used in further research and clinical practice.
- MeSH
- epilepsie psychologie MeSH
- faktorová analýza statistická MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychometrie * MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- společenské stigma * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Stigma has been related to epilepsy since ancient times. Despite the importance of this issue, only a few interventions focusing on the reduction of epilepsy-related stigma may be found in the literature. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of two interventions focused on the reduction of epilepsy-related stigma in children aged 9-11years. The first group of children involved in the study (n1=89) completed the 23-item Czech version of the SSE (Stigma Scale of Epilepsy) questionnaire and an 11-item multiple-choice knowledge test, then watched a video and completed the same questionnaire and test immediately after the intervention. The same procedure was used for the second group (n2=93) where a story was read by an instructor. Both groups were retested 6months later using the same methods. Both interventions resulted in long-term decrease of epilepsy-related stigma - the average value on SSE decreased from 55.15 points at baseline testing to 43.28 points in the 6-month follow-up for the case of the video (p<0.001) and from 48.68 points to 36.97 points for the case of the story (p<0.001). Knowledge about epilepsy was also significantly improved with the average result in the knowledge test increasing from 6.58 to 9.09 points in case of the video (p<0.001) and from 6.88 to 8.99 points in case of the story (p<0.001). The results showed that both aforementioned interventions were significant and effective ways to reduce epilepsy-related stigma in the given age group.
- MeSH
- audiovizuální záznam metody MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- epilepsie epidemiologie psychologie terapie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- společenské stigma * MeSH
- výběrové chování MeSH
- vyprávění * MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- vzdělávání pacientů jako téma metody MeSH
- zdraví - znalosti, postoje, praxe MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika epidemiologie MeSH
Cílem této studie bylo jednak prozkoumat souvislost bolesti krční páteře s náchylností k neuroticismu a rovněž s aktuálně vnímaným stresem, jednak pak ověřit účinnost rehabilitační léčby zaměřené na redukci této bolesti. 67 respondentů s chronickou bolestí vyplnilo na začátku rehabilitační léčby českou verzi 10položkového standardizovaného nástroje Neck Disability Index (NDI), měřícího míru omezení způsobených tímto stavem a rovněž 10položkovou Škálu vnímaného stresu PSS-10, určující aktuální hladinu stresu a 48 položkový dotazník MHQ pro stanovení psychoneurotických symptomů a rysů. Po zhruba šesti týdnech rehabilitační léčby následoval retest zahrnující dotazníky NDI a PSS-10. Párový t-test prokázal významný pokles míry bolesti krční páteře během rehabilitační léčby, když průměr u celkového skóru NDI poklesl z 26,0 na 19,6 bodu (p<0,001). Potvrdil se rovněž pokles aktuálně vnímaného stresu (průměr u celkového skóre poklesl z 17,72 na 16,58 bodu, p=0,002), související nejspíše s úlevou od bolesti, jak naznačuje významná korelace mezi změnou vnímaného stresu a změnou intenzity bolesti. Z hlediska faktorů souvisejících s mírou bolesti krční páteře se ukázala jako signifikantní míra vnímaného stresu a rovněž úzkost, deprese a somatická projekce měřené odpovídajícími subškálami dotazníku MHQ. Naopak jako nevýznamné se jevily ostatní psychoneurotické symptomy a rysy (fobie, obsese, hysterie), pohlaví a věk respondenta. Ukázali jsme tedy, že aktuální míra vnímaného stresu úzce souvisí s mírou bolesti krční páteře, jejímž významným prediktorem jsou některé psychoneurotické rysy a jež může být významné redukována vhodně zvolenou rehabilitační léčbou.
The study was aimed to investigate the relation between the neck pain on the one side and the psychoneurotic symptoms and traits, and also the perceived stress on the other side. The second goal was to verify how effective is a rehabilitation treatment focusing on a reduction of the neck pain. 67 respondents with chronic neck pain completed at the beginning of the treatment the 10-item Czech version of the Neck Disability Index (NDI), the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) measuring current level of perceived stress and also the 48-item Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire quantifying psychoneurotic symptoms and traits. A retest consisting of NDI and PSS followed after approximately six weeks of the treatment. The paired t-test confirmed statistically significant decrease in the total score of the NDI when the average value dropped from 26 to 19.6 points (p<0.001). We confirmed also the expected decrease in the level of the perceived stress when the average value of the PSS-10 dropped from 17.72 to 16.58 points (p=0.002). It was related probably to the release from the pain as suggested by a significant correlation between the changes in the intensity of the pain and the total scores of PSS-10. Regarding the factors related to the level of neck pain, we proved as statistically significant the level of the perceived stress and also the floating anxiety, depression and somatic anxiety measured by the corresponding subscales of the MHQ questionnaire. On the other hand, no significant correlation was found between the other psychoneurotic symptoms and traits (i.e., phobic anxiety, obsession and hysteria) as well as the gender and age of the respondents, and the total score of the NDI. In conclusion, we showed that the current level of perceived stress is clearly linked to the neck pain, which may be predicted by some psychoneurotic traits and could be significantly reduced by an appropriate rehabilitation treatment.
- Klíčová slova
- bolesti krční páteře,
- MeSH
- bolesti zad * etiologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- muskuloskeletální bolest etiologie MeSH
- neurotické poruchy * MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychický stres * MeSH
- rehabilitace MeSH
- výzkum MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
The aim of this study was to compare knowledge about, confidence with, and attitudes towards epilepsy and affected people between groups of freshmen and senior teachers in training (preservice teachers) at the Faculty of Education in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Two hundred thirty-six freshmen and 138 seniors completed the 21-item Scale of Attitudes Towards People with Epilepsy (ATPE), an 18-item multiple-choice test measuring their knowledge about epilepsy, and a 5-item questionnaire focused on confidence with epilepsy in a school environment. We found that despite a higher level of knowledge about epilepsy among seniors (mean score of 9.6 points compared with 8.48 points for freshmen, p<0.001), attitudes towards epilepsy, and also confidence in how to manage children affected with this disease did not differ significantly. The presented findings suggest that epilepsy-related training of preservice teachers should be more effective especially with respect to their ability to resolve problems that may happen to children with epilepsy in a class.
- MeSH
- akademický sbor * normy MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- epilepsie epidemiologie psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- studenti psychologie MeSH
- zdraví - znalosti, postoje, praxe * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH