Kognitívna porucha (KP) po ischemickej cievnej mozgovej príhode (CMP) je častým fenoménom. U niektorých pacientov môže KP pretrvávať aj dlhý čas po prekonanej CMP, čo sa v anglickej literatúre označuje ako PCSI - post stroke cognitive impairment. Ide o osobitnú nozologickú jednotku, ktorú je potrebné začať diagnostikovať už počas hospitalizácie, no definitívnu diagnózu je možné vykonať až následne kontrolným vyšetrením kognitívnych funkcií s odstupom šesť mesiacov od CMP. Článok prináša aktuálny prehľad o diagnostike, predikcii a terapii PSCI ako osobitnej nozologickej jednotky.
Cognitive impairment (CI) after stroke is a frequent phenomenon. In some patients, CI can persist for a long time after overcoming stroke, which is referred to in the English literature as PCSI - post stroke cognitive impairment. It is a special nosological entity that needs to be diagnosed already during hospitalization, but a definitive diagnosis can only be made subsequently by a control examination of cognitive functions six months after stroke. The following article provides an up-to-date overview of the diagnosis, prediction and therapy of PSCI as a special nosological unit.
- MeSH
- cévní mozková příhoda * diagnóza komplikace patofyziologie MeSH
- demence diagnóza etiologie MeSH
- diferenciální diagnóza MeSH
- kognitivní dysfunkce * diagnóza etiologie farmakoterapie patofyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- management nemoci MeSH
- neurozobrazování klasifikace metody MeSH
- testy pro posouzení mentálních funkcí a demence MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Cíl: Cílem výzkumu bylo posouzení kognitivních funkcí u seniorů v domovech pro seniory prostřednictvím standardizovaných testů – Montrealský kognitivní test (MoCA) a Pojmenování obrázků a jejich vybavení (POBAV). Metodika: Výzkum zahrnoval 76 klientů ze tří domovů pro seniory. Hodnocení kognitivních funkcí bylo provedeno standardizovanými testy MoCA a POBAV (ježková verze). Statistické zpracování bylo provedeno na hladině významnosti a = 0,05. Výsledky: Průměrný skór v MoCA byl 20 bodů, průměrné výsledky u POBAV byly 3/5. Normální kognitivní stav mělo dle MoCA (při hraničním skóre ≤ 24 bodů) 21 % seniorů a dle POBAV dosáhlo normy 25 % dotázaných. U obou testů MoCA a POBAV nebyl zjištěn statisticky významný rozdíl v úrovni kognitivních funkcí v závislosti na pohlaví, vzdělání ani na délce pobytu v domově pro seniory. Byl však prokázán statisticky významný rozdíl v úrovni kognitivních funkcí v závislosti na věku, kognitivním tréninku i na kondičním cvičení a bylo zjištěno, že osoby absolvující kognitivní trénink a kondiční cvičení dosahují v obou testech lepších výsledků. Byla potvrzena shoda v detekci kognitivní poruchy pomocí MoCA a POBAV v 97 % případů. Mezi testy MoCA a POBAV byla zjištěna významná korelace. Pearsonův korelační koeficient mezi testy MoCA a POBAV – Chyby v pojmenování obrázků, znázorňuje negativní korelaci –0,625 (p < 0,001). Pearsonův korelační koeficient mezi testy MoCA a POBAV – Správně vybavené obrázky, představuje pozitivní korelaci 0,86 (p < 0,001). Závěr: Časný záchyt a monitoring kognitivního deficitu pomocí screeningových testů by měly být nedílnou součástí při poskytování dlouhodobé péče u seniorů. Test POBAV je vhodnou volbou pro včasný záchyt kognitivního deficitu a může sloužit jako srovnatelná alternativa testu MoCA.
Aim: The aim of the research was to assess cognitive functions of elderly people in nursing homes using standardized tests – Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and Picture Naming and Immediate Recall (PICNIR). Methodology: The study included 76 clients from three nursing homes. The assessment of cognitive functions was carried out using the standardized tests MoCA and PICNIR (Hedgehog Version). Statistical processing was performed at a significance level of α = 0.05. Results: The average score in MoCA was 20 points, and the average results in PICNIR were 3/5. According to MoCA (with a threshold score of ≤ 24 points), 21% of elderly people had a normal cognitive state, and according to PICNIR, 25% of respondents reached the norm. No statistically significant difference in the level of cognitive functions was found in either the MoCA or PICNIR tests in relation to sex, education, or length of stay in the nursing home. However, a statistically significant difference in the level of cognitive functions was demonstrated in relation to age, cognitive training, and physical exercise, and it was found that individuals undergoing cognitive training and physical exercise achieved better results in both tests. A concordance in the detection of cognitive impairment using MoCA and PICNIR was confirmed in 97% of cases. A significant correlation was found between the MoCA and PICNIR tests. The Pearson correlation coefficient between MoCA and PICNIR – Mistakes in Naming demonstrated a negative correlation of –0.625 (P < 0.001). The Pearson correlation coefficient between MoCA and PICNIR – Correctly Recalled Picture Names indicated a positive correlation of 0.86 (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Early detection and monitoring of cognitive deficits using screening tests should be an integral part of providing long-term care for elderly people. The PICNIR test is a suitable choice for early detection of cognitive deficits and can serve as a comparable alternative to the MoCA test.
- MeSH
- domovy pro seniory statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- epidemiologické studie MeSH
- kognice MeSH
- korelace dat MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neurokognitivní poruchy * diagnóza epidemiologie MeSH
- neuropsychologické testy * statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- testy pro posouzení mentálních funkcí a demence statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) is a widely used measure that captures somatic symptoms of coronavirus-related anxiety. In a large-scale collaboration spanning 60 countries (Ntotal = 21,513), we examined the CAS's measurement invariance and assessed the convergent validity of CAS scores in relation to the fear of COVID-19 (FCV-19S) and the satisfaction with life (SWLS-3) scales. We utilized both conventional exact invariance tests and alignment procedures, with results revealing that the single-factor model fit the data well in almost all countries. Partial scalar invariance was supported in a subset of 56 countries. To ensure the robustness of results, given the unbalanced samples, we employed resampling techniques both with and without replacement and found the results were more stable in larger samples. The alignment procedure demonstrated a high degree of measurement invariance with 9% of the parameters exhibiting noninvariance. We also conducted simulations of alignment using the parameters estimated in the current model. Findings demonstrated reliability of the means but indicated challenges in estimating the latent variances. Strong positive correlations between CAS and FCV-19S estimated with all three different approaches were found in most countries. Correlations of CAS and SWLS-3 were weak and negative but significantly differed from zero in several countries. Overall, the study provided support for the measurement invariance of the CAS and offered evidence of its convergent validity while also highlighting issues with variance estimation. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
- MeSH
- COVID-19 * diagnóza MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- psychometrie metody MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- strach MeSH
- úzkost * diagnóza MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
BACKGROUND: The spread of tau pathology closely correlates with the disease course and cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Tau-targeting immunotherapies are being developed to stop the spread of tau pathology and thus halt disease progression. In this post hoc analysis of the ADAMANT clinical trial, we examined the performance of AADvac1, an active immunotherapy targeting the microtubule-binding region (MTBR) of tau, in a subgroup of participants with elevated plasma p-tau217, indicating AD-related neuropathological changes. METHODS: ADAMANT was a 24-month, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, double-blinded, multicenter, phase 2 clinical trial in subjects with mild AD. The trial participants were randomized 3:2 to receive six doses of AADvac1 or placebo at 4-week intervals, followed by five booster doses at 14-week intervals. The primary outcome was safety. The secondary outcomes were the Clinical Dementia Rating-Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB), the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study - Activities of Daily Living score for Mild Cognitive Impairment 18-item version (ADCS-ADL-MCI-18), and immunogenicity. Volumetric MRI, plasma neurofilament light (NfL), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were exploratory outcomes. The inclusion criterion for this post-hoc analysis was a baseline plasma p-tau217 level above the cutoff for AD. RESULTS: Among 196 ADAMANT participants, 137 were positive for plasma p-tau217 (mean age 71.4 years, 59% women). AADvac1 was safe and well tolerated in this subgroup. AADvac1 reduced the rate of accumulation of log-plasma NfL by 56% and that of GFAP by 73%. The treatment differences in the CDR-SB and ADCS-ADL-MCI-18 scores favored AADvac1 but were not statistically significant. AADvac1 had no effect on whole-brain volume but nonsignificantly reduced the loss of brain cortical tissue in several regions. Importantly, the impact on the study outcomes was more pronounced in participants with higher anti-tau antibody levels. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that AADvac1 tau immunotherapy can reduce plasma biomarkers of neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation. These findings and possible observations on brain atrophy and cognition are hypothesis-generating and warrant further evaluation in a larger clinical trial. TRIAL REGISTRATION: EudraCT 2015-000630-30 (primary) and NCT02579252.
- MeSH
- aktivní imunoterapie metody MeSH
- Alzheimerova nemoc * krev terapie imunologie MeSH
- biologické markery krev MeSH
- dvojitá slepá metoda MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- proteiny tau * krev MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- testy pro posouzení mentálních funkcí a demence MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- klinické zkoušky, fáze II MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie MeSH
Pochopení vztahu mezi senzomotorickými proměnnými a exerkiny, které ovlivňují funkci mozku a kognici, nám umožňuje hlouběji porozumět biologickému procesu stárnutí. Hlavním cílem této studie bylo zjistit, jak silně jsou mozkový neurotrofický faktor (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF), irisin, svalová hmota a svalová síla asociovány s výsledky testů vybraných kognitivních funkcí u starších žen a jak dobře je predikují. Padesát sedm starších žen (průměrný věk 70,4 ± 4,1 roku) absolvovalo baterii neuropsychologických testů, měření izometrické dynamometrie a bioelektrické impedance. Hladiny v krevním séru sledovaných exerkinů byly stanoveny enzymatickým imunosorbentním testem (ELISA). Pro testování predikcí byly využity hierarchické vícenásobné regresní modely. Odhadli jsme, že rozptyl 46,1 % v krátkodobé paměti byl zapříčiněn hladinami BDNF v séru, přičemž druhým statisticky významným prediktorem byl věk (beta = –0,22; p = 0,030). Síla dolních končetin (lower limb strength, LLS) prokázala významnou prediktivní sílu jak u paměti – bezprostřední vybavení (beta = 0,39; p = 0,004), tak u paměti – oddálené vybavení (beta = 0,45; p = 0,001). Hladiny BDNF v séru byly významným prediktorem u oddáleného vybavení (beta = 0,29; p = 0,048). Přidání hladin BDNF do modelu prokázalo významné zvýšení jeho prediktivní síly o přibližně 5,6 % (p = 0,048) u paměti – oddálené vybavení. Index kosterní svalové hmoty (skeletal muscle index, SMI) a úroveň vzdělání byly významnými prediktory mentální flexibility. Byla zjištěna silná pozitivní asociace mezi hladinami BDNF, irisinem, svalovou silou a kognitivní funkcí, přičemž irisin a svalová síla jsou silnými prediktory hladin BDNF u starších žen. Studie byla realizována s podporou grantu Univerzity Karlovy – PRIMUS/19/HUM/012, Specifického vysokoškolského výzkumu SVV 260599, projektu COOPERATIO a Grantové agentury UK číslo grantu 268321. Korespondenční adresa: PhDr. Veronika Holá Katedra gymnastiky a úpolových sportů FTVS UK José Martího 269/31 162 52 Praha 6-Veleslavín e-mail: veronika.hola@ftvs.cuni.cz
Understanding the relationship between sensorimotor variables and exerkines related to brain function and cognition may help better understand biological ageing. The main aim of this study was to determine how strongly brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), irisin, muscle mass and muscle strength are associated and predict scores on selected cognitive domain tests in older women. Fifty seven older women (mean age 70.4 ± 4.1 years) underwent a battery of cognitive and psychological tests and measurements of isometric dynamometry and bioelectrical impedance. Serum exerkines levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Hierarchical multiple regression models were used to test the predictions. We estimated that 46.1% of the variance in short-term memory was accounted for by serum BDNF levels, with age being the second statistically significant predictor (Beta = -0.22; p = 0.030). Lower limb strength (LLS) showed significant predictive power in both immediate (Beta = 0.39; p = 0.004) and delayed memory (Beta = 0.45; p = 0.001), serum BDNF levels were a significant predictor in delayed memory (Beta = 0.29; p = 0.048). Adding serum BDNF levels to the model showed a significant increase in predictive power of approximately 5.6% (p = 0.048) in delayed memory. Skeletal muscle index (SMI) and education level were significant predictors of mental flexibility. A strong positive association between BDNF levels, irisin, muscle strength, and cognitive function was found, with irisin and muscle strength being strong predictors of BDNF levels in older women.
- Klíčová slova
- irisin,
- MeSH
- fibronektinová doména typu III fyziologie MeSH
- kognice fyziologie MeSH
- kognitivní stárnutí * fyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mozkový neurotrofický faktor krev MeSH
- neuropsychologické testy * statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- paměť fyziologie MeSH
- prognóza MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- regresní analýza MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- svalová atrofie etiologie MeSH
- svalová síla fyziologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
AIMS: Tailored education is recommended for cardiac patients, yet little is known about information needs in areas of the world where it is most needed. This study aims to assess (i) the measurement properties of the Information Needs in Cardiac Rehabilitation short version (INCR-S) scale and (ii) patient's information needs globally. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this cross-sectional study, English, simplified Chinese, Portuguese, or Korean versions of the INCR-S were administered to in- or out-patients via Qualtrics (January 2022-November 2023). Members of the International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation community facilitated recruitment. Importance and knowledge sufficiency of 36 items were rated. Links to evidence-based lay education were provided where warranted. A total of 1601 patients from 19 middle- and high-income countries across the world participated. Structural validity was supported upon factor analysis, with five subscales extracted: symptom response/medication, heart diseases/diagnostic tests/treatments, exercise and return-to-life roles/programmes to support, risk factors, and healthy eating/psychosocial management. Cronbach's alpha was 0.97. Construct validity was supported through significantly higher knowledge sufficiency ratings for all items and information importance ratings for all subscales in cardiac rehabilitation (CR) enrolees vs. non-enrolees (all P < 0.001). All items were rated as very important-particularly regarding cardiac events, nutrition, exercise benefits, medications, symptom response, risk factor control, and CR-but more so in high-income countries in the Americas and Western Pacific. Knowledge sufficiency ranged from 30.0 to 67.4%, varying by region and income class. Ratings were highest for medications and lowest for support groups, resistance training, and alternative medicine. CONCLUSION: Identification of information needs using the valid and reliable INCR-S can inform educational approaches to optimize patients' health outcomes across the globe.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- kardiovaskulární rehabilitace * normy metody MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nemoci srdce rehabilitace diagnóza psychologie MeSH
- odhad potřeb * MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychometrie * MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- vzdělávání pacientů jako téma * MeSH
- zdraví - znalosti, postoje, praxe * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- validační studie MeSH
BACKGROUND: Semantic and short-term episodic memory are impaired in some brain disorders including Alzheimer's disease. OBJECTIVE: Development and validation of an almost self-administered, but cognitively demanding four-minute test identifying very mild cognitive impairment (vMCI). METHODS: The innovative hedgehog PICture Naming and Immediate Recall (PICNIR) consisted of two parts. The first task was to write down the names of 20 black-and-white pictures to evaluate long-term semantic memory and language. The second task involves immediate recall and writing the names of as many previously named pictures as possible in one minute. The PICNIR is assessed using the number of naming errors (NE) and correctly recalled picture names (PICR). The PICNIR and a neuropsychological battery were administered to 190 elderly individuals living independently in the community. They were divided into those with vMCI (n = 43 with Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) 24 ± 3 points) and sociodemographically matched cognitively normal (CN) individuals (n = 147 with MoCA 26 ± 3). Both subgroups had predicted mean Mini-Mental State Examination scores of 28-29 points. RESULTS: Compared to CN, vMCI participants made more NE (0.3 ± 0.6 versus 0.6 ± 0.9; p = 0.02) and recalled fewer PICR (8.9 ± 2.2 versus 6.8 ± 2.2; p < 0.000001). Discriminative validity was satisfactory using the area under the ROC curve (AUC): 0.76 for PICR, 0.74 for MoCA, 0.67 for MoCA-five-word recall, and 0.59 for NE. The AUCs of PICR and MoCA were comparable and larger than those of MoCA five-point recall or NE. Logical Memory scores, RAVLT scores, Digit symbol, and animal fluency correlated with PICR. CONCLUSIONS: The picture-based PICNIR is an ultra-brief, sensitive cognitive test valid for assessing very mild cognitive impairment. Its effectiveness should be validated for other languages and cultures.
- MeSH
- epizodická paměť * MeSH
- kognitivní dysfunkce * diagnóza psychologie MeSH
- krátkodobá paměť fyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neuropsychologické testy * statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- rozpomínání * fyziologie MeSH
- sémantika MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- testy pro posouzení mentálních funkcí a demence statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is characterized by profound and early deficits in social cognition (SC) and executive functions (EF). To date it remains unclear whether deficits of the respective cognitive domains are based on the degeneration of distinct brain regions. In 103 patients with a diagnosis of bvFTD (possible/probable/definite: N = 40/58/5) from the frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) consortium Germany cohort (age 62.5±9.4 years, gender 38 female/65 male) we applied multimodal structural imaging, i.e. voxel-based morphometry, cortical thickness (CTH) and networks of structural covariance via source based morphometry. We cross-sectionally investigated associations with performance in a modified Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET; reflective of theory of mind - ToM) and five different tests reflective of EF (i.e. Hamasch-Five-Point Test, semantic and phonemic Fluency, Trail Making Test, Stroop interference). Finally, we investigated the conjunction of RMET correlates with functional networks commonly associated with SC respectively ToM and EF as extracted meta-analytically within the Neurosynth database. RMET performance was mainly associated with gray matter volume (GMV) and CTH within temporal and insular cortical regions and less within the prefrontal cortex (PFC), whereas EF performance was mainly associated with prefrontal regions (GMV and CTH). Overlap of RMET and EF associations was primarily located within the insula, adjacent subcortical structures (i.e. putamen) and the dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC). These patterns were more pronounced after adjustment for the respective other cognitive domain. Corroborative results were obtained in analyses of structural covariance networks. Overlap of RMET with meta-analytically extracted functional networks commonly associated with SC, ToM and EF was again primarily located within the temporal and insular region and the dlPFC. In addition, on a meta-analytical level, strong associations were found for temporal cortical RMET correlates with SC and ToM in particular. These data indicate a temporo-frontal dissociation of bvFTD related disturbances of ToM and EF, with atrophy of the anterior temporal lobe being critically involved in ToM deficits. The consistent overlap within the insular cortex may be attributable to the multimodal and integrative role of this region in socioemotional and cognitive processing.
- MeSH
- exekutivní funkce * fyziologie MeSH
- frontotemporální demence * patologie diagnostické zobrazování patofyziologie psychologie MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- magnetická rezonanční tomografie * MeSH
- mozek diagnostické zobrazování patologie MeSH
- neuropsychologické testy * MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- sociální kognice MeSH
- teorie mysli * fyziologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Love is a phenomenon that occurs across the world and affects many aspects of human life, including the choice of, and process of bonding with, a romantic partner. Thus, developing a reliable and valid measure of love experiences is crucial. One of the most popular tools to quantify love is Sternberg's 45-item Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45), which measures three love components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. However, our literature review reveals that most studies (64%) use a broad variety of shortened versions of the TLS-45. Here, aiming to achieve scientific consensus and improve the reliability, comparability, and generalizability of results across studies, we developed a short version of the scale-the TLS-15-comprised of 15 items with 5-point, rather than 9-point, response scales. In Study 1 (N = 7,332), we re-analyzed secondary data from a large-scale multinational study that validated the original TLS-45 to establish whether the scale could be truncated. In Study 2 (N = 307), we provided evidence for the three-factor structure of the TLS-15 and its reliability. Study 3 (N = 413) confirmed convergent validity and test-retest stability of the TLS-15. Study 4 (N = 60,311) presented a large-scale validation across 37 linguistic versions of the TLS-15 on a cross-cultural sample spanning every continent of the globe. The overall results provide support for the reliability, validity, and cross-cultural invariance of the TLS-15, which can be used as a measure of love components-either separately or jointly as a three-factor measure.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of the Uniform Data Set (UDS) 2 battery in distinguishing between individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) attributable to Alzheimer's disease (MCI-AD) and those with MCI due to other causes (MCI-nonAD), based on contemporary AT(N) biomarker criteria. Despite the implementation of the novel UDS 3 battery, the UDS 2 battery is still used in several non-English-speaking countries. METHODS: We employed a cross-sectional design. A total of 113 Czech participants with MCI underwent a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, including cerebrospinal fluid biomarker evaluation, resulting in two groups: 45 individuals with prodromal AD (A+T+) and 68 participants with non-Alzheimer's pathological changes or normal AD biomarkers (A-). Multivariable logistic regression analyses were employed with neuropsychological test scores and demographic variables as predictors and AD status as an outcome. Model 1 included UDS 2 scores that differed between AD and non-AD groups (Logical Memory delayed recall), Model 2 employed also Letter Fluency and Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). The two models were compared using area under the receiver operating characteristic curves. We also created separate logistic regression models for each of the UDS 2 scores. RESULTS: Worse performance in delayed recall of Logical Memory significantly predicted the presence of positive AD biomarkers. In addition, the inclusion of Letter Fluency RAVLT into the model significantly enhanced its discriminative capacity. CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrate that using Letter Fluency and RAVLT alongside the UDS 2 battery can enhance its potential for differential diagnostics.
- MeSH
- Alzheimerova nemoc * diagnóza mozkomíšní mok MeSH
- amyloidní beta-protein mozkomíšní mok MeSH
- biologické markery * mozkomíšní mok MeSH
- diferenciální diagnóza MeSH
- kognitivní dysfunkce * diagnóza etiologie MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neuropsychologické testy * normy statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- proteiny tau mozkomíšní mok MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH