PURPOSE: To update the 2011 ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum (CC) for education and training of medical physics experts (MPE)s working in radiotherapy (RT), in line with recent EU guidelines, and to provide a framework for European countries to develop their own curriculum. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Since September 2019, 27 European MPEs representing ESTRO, EFOMP and National Societies, with expertise covering all subfields of RT physics, have revised the CC for recent advances in RT. The ESTRO and EFOMP Education Councils, all European National Societies and international stakeholders have been involved in the revision process. RESULTS: A 4-year training period has been proposed, with a total of 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). Training entrance levels have been defined ensuring the necessary physics and mathematics background. The concept of competency-based education has been reinforced by introducing the CanMEDS role framework. The updated CC includes (ablative) stereotactic-, MR-guided- and adaptive RT, particle therapy, advanced automation, complex quantitative data analysis (big data/artificial intelligence), use of biological images, and personalized treatments. Due to the continuously increasing RT complexity, more emphasis has been given to quality management. Clear requirements for a research project ensure a proper preparation of MPE residents for their central role in science and innovation in RT. CONCLUSION: This updated, 3rd edition of the CC provides an MPE training framework for safe and effective practice of modern RT, while acknowledging the significant efforts needed in some countries to reach this level. The CC can contribute to further harmonization of MPE training in Europe.
- MeSH
- biofyzika záření výchova MeSH
- kurikulum MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- radiační onkologie * výchova MeSH
- umělá inteligence * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Evropa MeSH
- MeSH
- defibrilátory implantabilní * MeSH
- kardiostimulátor * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory * radioterapie MeSH
- radioterapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- směrnice pro lékařskou praxi MeSH
odborného stanoviska poskytuje rámcový přehled potenciálních poruch funkce kardiostimulátorů a kardioverterů-defibrilátorů v souvislosti s radioterapií a navrhuje metodický postup pro průběh celého procesu radioterapie u pacientů s implantovanými kardiostimulátory nebo kardiovertery-defibrilátory. Je určen pro radiační onkology, kardiology, arytmology, radiologické fyziky a techniky, biomedicínské techniky a inženýry, radiologické asistenty, zdravotní sestry a další zdravotnické pracovníky, kteří se podílejí na léčbě těchto pacientů
The summary of the consesus document provides the framework that analyzes the potential failure modes of implanted cardiac devices (implantable cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators - cardiac implantable electronic devices) in context of radiotherapy procedures and proposes the methodology for patient management in every step of the entire radiotherapy process. The summary is intended for radiation oncologists, cardiologists, arrhythmologists, medical physicists, dosimetrists, clinical engineers and technicians, nurses and other health professionals, that partake in the treatment of patients with such devices.
- MeSH
- bezpečnost pacientů MeSH
- defibrilátory implantabilní * MeSH
- kardiostimulátor * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- management péče o pacienta MeSH
- radioterapie * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- směrnice pro lékařskou praxi MeSH
PURPOSE: ESTRO-EFOMP intend to update the core curriculum (CC) for education and training of medical physicists in radiotherapy in line with the European Commission (EC) guidelines on Medical Physics Experts (MPE), the CanMEDS methodology and recent developments in radiotherapy. As input, a survey of the current structure of radiotherapy MPE national training schemes (NTS) in Europe was carried out. METHODS: A 35-question survey was sent to all European medical physics national societies (NS) with a focus on existence of an NTS, its format and duration, required entry-level education, and financial support for trainees. RESULTS: Twenty-six of 36 NS responded. Twenty had an NTS. Minimum required pre-training education varied from BSc in physics or related sciences (5/2) to MSc in medical physics, physics or related sciences (6/5/2) with 50-210 ECTS in fundamental physics and mathematics. The training period varied from 1 to 5 years (median 3 years with 50% dedicated to radiotherapy). The ratio of time spent on university lectures versus hospital training was most commonly 25%/75%. In 14 of 20 countries with an NTS, a research project was mandatory. Residents were paid in 17 of 20 countries. The recognition was mostly obtained by examination. Medical physics is recognised as a healthcare profession in 19 of 26 countries. CONCLUSIONS: The NTS entrance level, duration and curriculum showed significant variations. This survey serves to inform the design of the updated CC to define a realistic minimum training level for safe and effective practice aiming at further harmonization in line with EC guidelines.
- MeSH
- biofyzika záření MeSH
- kurikulum MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- radiační onkologie * MeSH
- stupeň vzdělání MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Evropa MeSH
There are various different detectors, which can be used for radiotherapy measurements, and more are about to be adopted. Hybrid pixel detectors (HPD) have been originally developed for the high energy physics. However, over the last few years they also expanded in the medical physics. Novel 2D detector Pantherpix is a HPD designed specifically for the radiotherapy. In this article, its properties are characterised and an assessment of its use in radiotherapy photon beams is provided. Properties such as response stability, response linearity, angular dependence and energy dependence were studied. In order to prove sufficient clinical quality for relative dosimetry, further measurements were undertaken (i.e. dose profiles and collimator scatter factors). Acquired results were compared with ion chamber and gafchromic film results. Namely the applicability of PhPix for cobalt beam therapy, which is still widely used (and will be used in near future) in economically less developed countries, is considered.
- MeSH
- celková dávka radioterapie MeSH
- radiometrie * MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Plan evaluation is a key step in the radiotherapy treatment workflow. Central to this step is the assessment of treatment plan quality. Hence, it is important to agree on what we mean by plan quality and to be fully aware of which parameters it depends on. We understand plan quality in radiotherapy as the clinical suitability of the delivered dose distribution that can be realistically expected from a treatment plan. Plan quality is commonly assessed by evaluating the dose distribution calculated by the treatment planning system (TPS). Evaluating the 3D dose distribution is not easy, however; it is hard to fully evaluate its spatial characteristics and we still lack the knowledge for personalising the prediction of the clinical outcome based on individual patient characteristics. This advocates for standardisation and systematic collection of clinical data and outcomes after radiotherapy. Additionally, the calculated dose distribution is not exactly the dose delivered to the patient due to uncertainties in the dose calculation and the treatment delivery, including variations in the patient set-up and anatomy. Consequently, plan quality also depends on the robustness and complexity of the treatment plan. We believe that future work and consensus on the best metrics for quality indices are required. Better tools are needed in TPSs for the evaluation of dose distributions, for the robust evaluation and optimisation of treatment plans, and for controlling and reporting plan complexity. Implementation of such tools and a better understanding of these concepts will facilitate the handling of these characteristics in clinical practice and be helpful to increase the overall quality of treatment plans in radiotherapy.
The Exradin W1 plastic scintillator (Standard Imaging) was examined for measurement suitability in high-energy photon beams, high-energy electron beams and tomotherapy in terms of dose to water for reference fields. For photon beams, pulse repetition rate dependence, calibration stability, noise from the photodiode enclosure, detector motion during treatment, output factors, off-axis doses and percentage depth doses were tested. For electron and tomotherapy beams, energy non-dependence was verified. All features make the detector suitable in small and non-standards fields, and for electron beams.
This work proposes a new method for pseudo-3D verification of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) dose distributions. Unlike commercial solutions, it uses measured doses only for gamma evaluation. Its resolution is far better than with electronic detectors within the measured plane and comparable in other directions. It is readily available at clinics because it uses existing resources-a slab phantom and EBT3 films. The method was tested on six IMRT clinical cases. An in-house code for 2D and pseudo-3D gamma analysis was written in MATLAB and compared to OmniPro I'mRT.
- MeSH
- celková dávka radioterapie MeSH
- fantomy radiodiagnostické * MeSH
- filmová dozimetrie přístrojové vybavení metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory prostaty radioterapie MeSH
- plánování radioterapie pomocí počítače přístrojové vybavení metody MeSH
- radioterapie s modulovanou intenzitou přístrojové vybavení metody MeSH
- záření gama MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
The most important dosimetry quantity that is determined at radiotherapy centers is the absorbed dose to water for external beams. Fixed tolerances for absorbed doses measured under reference conditions with an ionization chamber for high-energy photon and electron beams are usually 2 and 3%, respectively, regardless of uncertainties of the input variables and other conditions during evaluation. In reality, this agreement should be evaluated considering the uncertainties of the input variables because they affect the size of the random deviations of the measurements from their true values. The aim of this work was to develop a new approach to evaluate the agreement between measured and reported values based on statistical interference rather than to use fixed tolerance levels. The proposed method considers different scenarios that can occur during the evaluation of agreement. Because the method is described in general, it can be used in all similar situations when partial uncertainties can be established.
- MeSH
- celková dávka radioterapie MeSH
- kalibrace MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory radioterapie MeSH
- nejistota MeSH
- plánování radioterapie pomocí počítače metody normy MeSH
- radioterapie s modulovanou intenzitou metody normy MeSH
- statistické modely * MeSH
- vysokoenergetická radioterapie normy MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Introduction: Within an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) co-ordinated research project (CRP), a remote end-to-end dosimetric quality audit for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)/ volumetric arc therapy (VMAT) was developed to verify the radiotherapy chain including imaging, treatment planning and dose delivery. The methodology as well as the results obtained in a multicentre pilot study and national trial runs conducted in close cooperation with dosimetry audit networks (DANs) of IAEA Member States are presented.Material and methods: A solid polystyrene phantom containing a dosimetry insert with an irregular solid water planning target volume (PTV) and organ at risk (OAR) was designed for this audit. The insert can be preloaded with radiochromic film and four thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). For the audit, radiotherapy centres were asked to scan the phantom, contour the structures, create an IMRT/VMAT treatment plan and irradiate the phantom. The dose prescription was to deliver 4 Gy to the PTV in two fractions and to limit the OAR dose to a maximum of 2.8 Gy. The TLD measured doses and film measured dose distributions were compared with the TPS calculations.Results: Sixteen hospitals from 13 countries and 64 hospitals from 6 countries participated in the multicenter pilot study and in the national runs, respectively. The TLD results for the PTV were all within ±5% acceptance limit for the multicentre pilot study, whereas for national runs, 17 participants failed to meet this criterion. All measured doses in the OAR were below the treatment planning constraint. The film analysis identified seven plans in national runs below the 90% passing rate gamma criteria.Conclusion: The results proved that the methodology of the IMRT/VMAT dosimetric end-to-end audit was feasible for its intended purpose, i.e., the phantom design and materials were suitable; the phantom was easy to use and it was robust enough for shipment. Most importantly the audit methodology was capable of identifying suboptimal IMRT/VMAT delivery.
- MeSH
- celková dávka radioterapie MeSH
- fantomy radiodiagnostické * MeSH
- jaderná energie MeSH
- kritické orgány * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mezinárodní agentury MeSH
- pilotní projekty MeSH
- plánování radioterapie pomocí počítače metody MeSH
- počítačová rentgenová tomografie MeSH
- radiometrie metody normy MeSH
- radioterapie s modulovanou intenzitou metody normy MeSH
- revize kvality lékařské péče metody normy MeSH
- studie proveditelnosti MeSH
- zajištění kvality zdravotní péče MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH