The recent pandemic has shown that protecting the general population from hazardous substances or pathogens can be a challenging and urgent task. The key element to adequate protection is appropriately sized, well-fitted and sufficiently distributed personal protective equipment (PPE). While these conditions are followed for adult PPE wearers, they are less considered when it comes to protecting subadults. In this study, the assessment of the fit and design improvements of a 3D-printed facial half mask for subadult wearers (4-18 years) is designed. The target population was represented by 1137 subadults, aged 4.06-18.94 years, for whom 3D face models were acquired. The half mask tested, which was originally provided in one subadult size, did not fit appropriately the target population. This finding prompted the creation of four size categories using the age-dependent distribution of the centroid size calculated from 7 facial landmarks. For each size category, a modified half-mask virtual design was created, including resizing and reshaping, and fit was evaluated visually and numerically using averaged and random 3D face representatives.Practitioner summary: The reason for this study was to describe procedures which led to design improvement of an existing half-mask and provide respiratory protection for subadults. To address this, fit was assessed using an innovative metric approach. Four sizes were then created based on centroid size, resulting in improved fit and design.Abbreviations: CH: cheilion landmark; CS: centroid size; EX: exocanthion landmark; GN: gnathion landmark; N: nasion landmark; PPE: personal protective equipment; PR: pronasale landmark; RPE: respiratory protective equipment.
- MeSH
- 3D tisk MeSH
- COVID-19 prevence a kontrola MeSH
- design vybavení * MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- masky * MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- obličej MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- prostředky na ochranu dýchání MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Inspired by the standard computed tomography, a new method of 3D X-ray imaging embedded in FIB-SEM microscope is proposed. The unique combination of TEM-like specimen stage enabling in lens STEM detection (referred to as CompuStage), nanomanipulator (referred to as EasyLift) facilitating in-situ sample transfer from bulk sample to TEM-like stage and pixelated in-situ Timepix X-ray detector in Helios G4 FX FIB-SEM system offers an unprecedented workflow. Motivated by common circular CT scan known from microCT world, the object under study is placed on CompuStage rod which enables two possible rotation (in TEM/SEM terminology called tilt) movements - α-tilt - rotation of the CompuStage rod around its axis, and β-tilt - rotation around axis perpendicular to CompuStage rod. β-tilt rotation enables a circular movement of the sample while α-tilt sets the correct position of sample with respect to target and detector. Thin metal lamella of suitable material welded to EasyLift manipulator needle is used as an X-ray target. The final target-sample geometry - position, distance - can be fine-tuned using position control of CompuStage and EasyLift and in-situ monitored by SEM. Both sample and target can also be easily prepared in-situ. Radiographs are recorded by Timepix detector with inherent noise-free operation and energy filtration. For the 3D reconstruction standard microCT reconstruction algorithm is used with the procedure adjusted for the format and quality of nanoCT images. The experiments were carried out on Helios G4 FX DualBeam using titanium and tungsten targets and various semiconductor samples. The ultimate resolution of the proposed method in orders of tens of nanometers was achieved both by the possibility of close target to sample positioning and of adjustment of primary beam energy down to low energies reducing the interaction volume in the target. Since the lower energy radiation is well suited for life-science, the method was also tested on several bio-samples using silver target. The silver target, thanks to its massive low energy Lα line, allowed to distinguish subtle structures in the resin embedded stained mouse brain and also to observe and reconstruct canaliculi in the mouse bone (earlier reported by Dierolf et al. 2010, Nature 467 436).
- MeSH
- algoritmy MeSH
- fantomy radiodiagnostické MeSH
- femur ultrastruktura MeSH
- mikroskopie elektronová rastrovací * přístrojové vybavení metody MeSH
- myši MeSH
- počítačové zpracování obrazu metody MeSH
- rentgenová mikrotomografie * přístrojové vybavení metody MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- myši MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Úvod a cieľ: Materiály určené k definitívnemu plneniu koreňových kanálikov tvoria neoddeliteľnú súčasť vybavenia každej ordinácie zubného lekára, pričom sa v závislosti od svojho zloženia môžu odlišovať v niektorých svojich fyzikálnych, chemických a biologických vlastnostiach. Tam, kde niektoré materiály svojimi vlastnosťami excelujú, iné zas majú vážne nedostatky a naopak. To sa jednotliví výrobcovia snažia prekonať úpravou ich zloženia, prípadne prinášajú na trh materiály založené na odlišnej, novej báze. To však už tak zložitú prehľadnosť medzi jednotlivými typmi materiálov ešte viac komplikuje. Klinický pracovníci neraz stoja pred neľahkou úlohou vybrať si z tak širokej a komplikovanej palety materiálov jeden, ktorý by spĺňal ich požiadavky na spracovateľnosť, stabilitu, biokompatibilitu, antibakteriálne pôsobenie a v neposlednej rade finančnú náročnosť následného ošetrenia. Úlohou tohto článku je pomôcť klinickým pracovníkom v orientácii medzi jednotlivými typmi materiálov používanými v súčasnej endodoncii k definitívnemu plneniu koreňového kanálika a taktiež uľahčiť výber ideálneho materiálu do ich praxe. V prvej časti tohto článku bola pozornosť venovaná konvenčným a viac tradičným materiálom založeným na hydroxide vápenatom, zinkoxid eugenole a zlatému štandardu v endodoncii, materiálom založeným na polyepoxidových živiciach, pričom bolo pojednávané o vlastnostiach, ako je doba tuhnutia, ich pH pri tuhnutí, radioopacita, rozpustnosť a náchylnosť k vzniku netesností koreňovej výplne v čase, objemové zmeny prebiehajúce pri a po stuhnutí týchto materiálov, cytotoxicita, antibakterálne vlastnosti a schopnosť týchto materiálov zafarbovať v čase tvrdé zubné tkanivá. Materiály, metódy: Druhá časť článku sa zaoberá materiálmi založenými na metakrylátových živiciach, silikónoch a na záver je pozornosť obrátená na najnovší trend súčasnej endodoncie – biokeramické materiály. Po porovnaní vlastností jednotlivých materiálov, ktorým je táto časť článku venovaná, možno povedať, že metakrylátové sealery majú mierne antibakteriálne vlastnosti, nezafarbujú tvrdé zubné tkanivá, ale taktiež vykazujú miernu náchylnosť k vzniku netesností a stredne vysokú až vysokú cytotoxicitu. Sealery na báze silikónov sa zas vyznačujú výbornou biokompatibilitou, malým sklonom k zafarbovaniu tvrdých zubných tkanív, minimálnou rozpustnosťou v tkanivových tekutinách a taktiež len veľmi malou tendenciou k vzniku netesností, avšak ich antibakteriálne účinky sú malé, prípadne žiadne. Nové biokeramické materiály vynikajú predovšetkým výbornými antibakteriálnymi vlastnosťami, nízkou mierou rozpustnosti a náchylnosťou k netesnostiam, ako aj nízkym rizikom zafarbovania tvrdých zubných tkanív, taktiež však vykazujú určitú mieru cytotoxicity.
Introduction and aims: Materials intended for the definitive filling of root canals form an integral part of the equipment of every dentist's office, and may differ in some of their physical, chemical and biological properties, depending on their composition. Where some materials excel in their properties, others have serious shortcomings and, conversely, what individual manufacturers try to overcome by modifying their composition, or bring to market materials based on a different, new basis. However, this further complicates the already complex clarity between the individual types of materials. Clinicians often face the difficult task of choosing from such a wide and complicated range of materials one that would meet their requirements for workability, stability, biocompatibility, antibacterial action and, last but not least, the financial complexity of subsequent treatment. The purpose of this article is to help clinicians in the orientation between the different types of materials used in current endodontics to definitively fill the root canal and also to facilitate the selection of the ideal material for their practice. In the first part of this article, attention was paid to conventional and more traditional materials based on calcium hydroxide, zinc oxideugenol and the gold standard in endodontics, materials based on polyepoxide resins, discussing properties such as setting time, their solidification pH, radiopacity, solubility and susceptibility. to the formation of root filling leaks over time, volume changes occurring during and after solidification of these materials, cytotoxicity, antibacterial properties and the ability of these materials to stain hard dental tissues over time. Materials, methods: The second part of the article deals with materials based on methacrylate resins, silicones and in the end attention is focused on the latest trend of current endodontics – bioceramic materials. By comparing the properties of the individual materials to which this part of the article is devoted, it can be said that methacrylate sealers have mild antibacterial properties, do not stain hard dental tissues, but also show a slight susceptibility to leaks and medium to high cytotoxicity. Silicone-based sealants, in turn, are characterized by excellent biocompatibility, low tendency to discolor hard tooth tissue, minimal solubility in tissue fluids, and also very little tendency to leak, but their antibacterial properties are negligible or non-existent. The new, bioceramic materials excel in particular with excellent antibacterial properties, low solubility and susceptibility to leaks, as well as a low risk of staining of hard dental tissues, but they also show a certain degree of cytotoxicity.
- Klíčová slova
- metakrylátový sealer, silikónový sealer, biokeramický sealer,
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- silikony MeSH
- výplňové materiály kořenových kanálků * chemie terapeutické užití MeSH
- zubní materiály MeSH
- zubní porcelán MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
The greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) is a flagship species for the protection of hibernation and summer maternity roosts in the Western Palearctic region. A range of pathogenic agents is known to put pressure on populations, including the white-nose syndrome fungus, for which the species shows the highest prevalence and infection intensity of all European bat species. Here, we perform analysis of blood parameters characteristic for the species during its natural annual life cycle in order to establish reference values. Despite sexual dimorphism and some univariate differences, the overall multivariate pattern suggests low seasonal variation with homeostatic mechanisms effectively regulating haematology and blood biochemistry ranges. Overall, the species displayed a high haematocrit and haemoglobin content and high concentration of urea, while blood glucose levels in swarming and hibernating bats ranged from hypo- to normoglycaemic. Unlike blood pH, concentrations of electrolytes were wide ranging. To conclude, baseline data for blood physiology are a useful tool for providing suitable medical care in rescue centres, for studying population health in bats adapting to environmental change, and for understanding bat responses to stressors of conservation and/or zoonotic importance.
- MeSH
- Chiroptera krev fyziologie MeSH
- hematokrit normy MeSH
- hematologické testy normy MeSH
- hibernace MeSH
- podnebí MeSH
- referenční hodnoty MeSH
- roční období MeSH
- sentinelové organismy fyziologie MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Arktida MeSH
BACKGROUND: Emergence of both viral zoonoses from bats and diseases that threaten bat populations has highlighted the necessity for greater insights into the functioning of the bat immune system. Particularly when considering hibernating temperate bat species, it is important to understand the seasonal dynamics associated with immune response. Body temperature is one of the factors that modulates immune functions and defence mechanisms against pathogenic agents in vertebrates. To better understand innate immunity mediated by phagocytes in bats, we measured respiratory burst and haematology and blood chemistry parameters in heterothermic greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis) and noctules (Nyctalus noctula) and homeothermic laboratory mice (Mus musculus). RESULTS: Bats displayed similar electrolyte levels and time-related parameters of phagocyte activity, but differed in blood profile parameters related to metabolism and red blood cell count. Greater mouse-eared bats differed from mice in all phagocyte activity parameters and had the lowest phagocytic activity overall, while noctules had the same quantitative phagocytic values as mice. Homeothermic mice were clustered separately in a high phagocyte activity group, while both heterothermic bat species were mixed in two lower phagocyte activity clusters. Stepwise regression identified glucose, white blood cell count, haemoglobin, total dissolved carbon dioxide and chloride variables as the best predictors of phagocyte activity. White blood cell counts, representing phagocyte numbers available for respiratory burst, were the best predictors of both time-related and quantitative parameters of phagocyte activity. Haemoglobin, as a proxy variable for oxygen available for uptake by phagocytes, was important for the onset of phagocytosis. CONCLUSIONS: Our comparative data indicate that phagocyte activity reflects the physiological state and blood metabolic and cellular characteristics of homeothermic and heterothermic mammals. However, further studies elucidating trade-offs between immune defence, seasonal lifestyle physiology, hibernation behaviour, roosting ecology and geographic patterns of immunity of heterothermic bat species will be necessary. An improved understanding of bat immune responses will have positive ramifications for wildlife and conservation medicine.
- MeSH
- biochemická analýza krve MeSH
- Chiroptera krev imunologie MeSH
- chování zvířat fyziologie MeSH
- fagocyty imunologie MeSH
- počet erytrocytů MeSH
- tělesná teplota * MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Úvod a ciel´: Súčasná endodoncia má k dispozícii nespočetné množstvo materiálov, určených k definitívnemu plneniu koreňových kanálikov, ktoré sa líšia svojím zložením a tiež aj svojimi fyzikálnymi, chemickými a biologickými vlastnosťami. Dentálny trh sa snaží o sústavnú inováciu niektorých materiálov úpravou ich zloženia, čo má za následok zmenu vlastností nových preparátov. Úlohou tohto článku je porovnať vybrané vlastnosti súčasných endodontických sealerov, a sprehľadniť tak klinickým pracovníkom situáciu, ktorá momentálne na trhu s týmito materiálmi panuje. V prvej časti tohto článku sa pojednáva o materiáloch založených na hydroxide vápenatom, zinkoxid eugenole, a na záver je pozornosť venovaná zlatému štandardu v endodoncii – polyepoxidovým materiálom. Pri porovnávaní jednotlivých vlastností týchto materiálov bola sledovaná ich doba tuhnutia, pH pri tuhnutí, radioopacita, rozpustnosť a náchylnosť k vzniku netesností koreňovej výplne v čase, objemové zmeny prebiehajúce pri a po stuhnutí týchto materiálov, cytotoxicita, antibakteriálne vlastnosti a schopnosť týchto materiálov zafarbovať tvrdé zubné tkanivá. Metódy, materiály: Porovnaním jednotlivých vlastností týchto materiálov možno konštatovať, že každý zo súčasných endodontických sealerov vyniká vlastnosťami, ktorými sa od ostatných výrazne odlišuje. Sealery na báze hydroxidu vápenatého vynikajú predovšetkým výrazným antibakteriálnym pôsobením a nízkou náchylnosťou k zafarbovaniu tvrdých zubných tkanív a nízkou, prípadne miernou cytotoxicitou, spôsobenou ich vysokým pH, prípadne ďalšími látkami obsiahnutými v zložení sealeru, naopak ale ich vysoká rozpustnosť a náchylnosť k vzniku netesností výrazne zhoršuje kvalitu koreňovej výplne. Zinkoxid eugenolové sealery majú výborné antibakteriálne vlastnosti, len v prvých dňoch svojho pôsobenia, ale negatívne ovplyvňujú prognózu endodontického ošetrenia svojou vysokou náchylnosťou k vzniku netesností a cytotoxicitou a taktiež nepriaznivo ovplyvňujú zafarbenie zvyšných tvrdých zubných tkanív. Polyepoxidové sealery svojou nízkou rozpustnosťou a nízkou náchylnosťou k vzniku netesností sú zárukou kvalitnej koreňovej výplne, avšak ich antibakteriálne vlastnosti sú len krátkodobé. Ich vysoká cytotoxicita nepriaznivo vplýva na bunky periapikálneho periodoncia a je vysoká náchylnosť k zafarbovaniu tvrdých zubných tkanív. Pri nedostatočnom odstránení prebytkov sealeru sa zhoršuje estetika endodonticky preliečeného zubu. Záver: Výber vhodného materiálu nie je jednoduchý a klinický pracovník musí zvážiť, ktoré z vlastností bude pri tomto výbere preferovať a ktorým bude naopak pripisovať menšiu mieru dôležitosti.
Introduction and aims: Today's endodontics has at its disposal a myriad of materials intended for the definitive filling of root canals, which differ in their composition as well as in their physical, chemical and biological properties. The dental market strives for continuous innovation of some materials by modifying their composition, which results in a change in the properties of new preparations. The aim of this article is to compare selected properties of current endodontic sealers and thus make it clear to clinicians about the current situation on the market with these materials. The first part of this article deals with materials based on calcium hydroxide, zinc oxide eugenol and finally, attention was paid to the gold standard in endodontics – polyepoxide material. When comparing the individual properties of these materials, their setting time, pH during solidification, radiopacity, solubility and susceptibility to root filling leaks over time, volume changes occurring during and after solidification of these materials, cytotoxicity, antibacterial properties and ability of these materials to color hard teeth were monitored tissues. Methods, materials: By comparing the individual properties of these materials, it can be stated that each of the current endodontic sealers excels in properties that significantly differ from the others. Sealers based on calcium hydroxide thus excel mainly in strong antibacterial action and low susceptibility to discoloration of hard dental tissues and low or mild cytotoxicity due to their high pH, or other substances contained in the sealer composition, but their high solubility and susceptibility to leaks significantly deteriorates the quality of the root filling. Zinc oxide eugenol sealers have excellent antibacterial properties, but only in the first days of their action, but on the other hand they negatively affect the prognosis of endodontic treatment with their high susceptibility to leaks and cytotoxicity and also adversely affect the staining of remaining hard dental tissues. Polyepoxide sealers, due to their low solubility and low susceptibility to leakage, guarantee a quality root filling, but their antibacterial properties, however high, are only short-lived, their high cytotoxicity adversely affects periapical periodontal cells and high susceptibility to hard tooth discoloration. Excess of sealer worsens the aesthetics of an endodontically treated tooth. Conclusion: The selection of a suitable material is therefore not easy and the clinician must consider which of the properties he will prefer in this selection and which he will instead attribute less importance to.
- Klíčová slova
- polyepoxid,
- MeSH
- eugenol MeSH
- hydroxid vápenatý MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pečetidlo pro jamky a fisury * MeSH
- zubní materiály MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Here, we present the results of a 2-year field trial aimed at testing the effect of overwintering on different feeds on the course of Nosema ceranae infection. In August 2015, four experimental bee colony groups were established. After the last honey harvest, each colony was provided with 20 kg of feed, either honey, sugar (3:2 solution in tap water), inverted syrup made of sucrose, or wheat starch syrup. Samples of live bees were collected from each beehive in August (before feeding), November, and May. The following year, feeding and sampling were performed in the same way. Bees were examined microscopically to estimate the percentage of Nosema-infected individuals in the sample and the spore number per bee. Fitness parameters were also measured in all colonies. In all hives, presence of N. ceranae was confirmed through polymerase chain reaction. Nosema apis was not detected in the apiary. Significant differences in nosematosis prevalence and/or intensity were observed between the experimental groups. For most parameters, best results were recorded in the group fed with honey. Worst fitness and highest nosematosis prevalence and intensity were found in colonies fed with wheat starch syrup.
Receptor tyrosine kinase PDGFRα is often constitutively activated in various tumours and is regarded as a drug target. Here, we present a collection of 2,6,9-trisubstituted purines with nanomolar potency against PDGFRα and strong and selective cytotoxicity in the human eosinophilic leukaemia cell line EOL-1 that expresses the FIP1L1-PDGFRA oncogene. In treated EOL-1 cells, the example compound 14q inhibited the autophosphorylation of PDGFRα and the phosphorylation of STAT3 and ERK1/2. Interestingly, we observed pronounced and even increased effects of 14q on PDGFRα and some of its downstream signalling pathways after drug washout. In accordance with suppressed PDGFRα signalling, treated cells were arrested in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and eventually underwent apoptosis. Our results show that substituted purines can be used as specific modulators of eosinophilic leukaemia.
- MeSH
- antitumorózní látky chemická syntéza chemie farmakologie MeSH
- apoptóza účinky léků MeSH
- buněčný cyklus účinky léků MeSH
- fosforylace účinky léků MeSH
- hypereozinofilní syndrom farmakoterapie metabolismus patologie MeSH
- inhibitory proteinkinas chemická syntéza chemie farmakologie MeSH
- léky antitumorózní - screeningové testy MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- molekulární struktura MeSH
- nádorové buňky kultivované MeSH
- proliferace buněk účinky léků MeSH
- puriny chemická syntéza chemie farmakologie MeSH
- růstový faktor odvozený z trombocytů - receptor alfa antagonisté a inhibitory genetika metabolismus MeSH
- vztah mezi dávkou a účinkem léčiva MeSH
- vztahy mezi strukturou a aktivitou MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
OBJECTIVES: Here we tested the hypothesis that multiple toxic and infectious stressors combine in their adverse effects to produce higher tissue responses of metallothioneins (MTs) in birds. METHODS: We used Japanese quails as a model avian species. The study is based on data obtained from single and combined exposures of Japanese quails to cyanobacterial biomass containing microcystins, lead and a live Newcastle disease vaccination virus. Eight groups of 5 birds were exposed to single, double and triple combinations of these stressors and compared with controls. Birds were euthanized after the 30-day exposure to collect brain, liver, kidney, and pectoral muscle for MTs measurement. RESULTS: Baseline levels of MTs differed in avian tissues. The gradient of MTs in control quails was pectoral muscle < liver < brain < kidney. Double and triple exposures induced higher levels of MTs. While increases of MTs were driven mainly by dietary exposure to cyanobacterial biomass and/or lead, Newcastle disease vaccination induced the least response. Induction of brain MTs was dominated by exposure to lead. Patterns of MTs responses were similar in the liver and pectoral muscle as well as in the kidney and brain. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding better responses of birds to oxidative stress induced by toxic and infectious stressors may have implications for avian conservation issues and disease risk assessment.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
BACKGROUND: While commercial poultry and captive birds are exposed to antimicrobials through direct medication, environmental pollution may result in contamination of wild birds. Fluoroquinolones are commonly used medications to treat severe avian bacterial infections; however, their adverse effects on birds remain understudied. Here, we examine toxicity of enrofloxacin and marbofloxacin during the egg incubation period using the chicken (Gallus Gallus domesticus) as a model avian species. Laboratory tests were based on eggs injected with 1, 10 and 100 μg of fluoroquinolones per 1 g of egg weight prior to the start of incubation and monitoring of chick blood biochemistry, reproductive parameters and heart rate during incubation. RESULTS: Eggs treated with fluoroquinolones displayed reduced hatchability due to embryonic mortality, particularly on day 13 of incubation. Total hatching success showed a similar pattern, with a significantly reduced hatchability in low and high exposure groups treated with both enrofloxacin and marbofloxacin. From 15 to 67% of chicks hatching in these groups exhibited joint deformities. Hatching one-day pre-term occurred with a prevalence of 31 to 70% in all groups treated with fluoroquinolones. Embryonic heart rate, measured on days 13 and 19 of incubation, increased in all enrofloxacin-treated groups and medium and high dose groups of marbofloxacin-treated eggs. Blood biochemistry of chicks sampled at hatch from medium dose groups showed hypoproteinaemia, decreased uric acid and increased triglycerides. Chicks from the enrofloxacin-treated group displayed mild hyperglycaemia and a two-fold rise in the blood urea nitrogen to uric acid ratio. Principal components analysis based on blood biochemistry clearly separated the control bird cluster from both enrofloxacin- and marbofloxacin-treated birds. CONCLUSIONS: Fluoroquinolones induce complex adverse effects on avian embryonic development, considerably reducing the performance of incubated eggs and hatching chicks. Cardiotoxicity, which quickens embryonic heart rate, meant that the total number of heart beats required for embryogenesis was achieved earlier than in the standard incubation period, resulting in pre-term hatching. Our data suggest that enrofloxacin has a higher potential for adverse effects than marbofloxacin. To conclude, care should be taken to prevent exposure of reproducing birds and their eggs to fluoroquinolones.
- MeSH
- antiinfekční látky toxicita MeSH
- enrofloxacin toxicita MeSH
- fluorochinolony toxicita MeSH
- hypoproteinemie chemicky indukované veterinární MeSH
- kur domácí * krev MeSH
- kuřecí embryo účinky léků MeSH
- nemoci drůbeže chemicky indukované MeSH
- rozmnožování účinky léků MeSH
- srdeční frekvence účinky léků MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- kuřecí embryo účinky léků MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH