Minimally invasive oxygen-ozone (O2-O3) therapy utilizing the biochemical effects of O2-O3 mixture is commonly used in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. The literature dealing with O2-O3 therapy of spinal pain focuses mainly on the lumbosacral region. The aim of this review is to evaluate the efficacy of O2-O3 therapy in musculoskeletal pain in the neck region. The Medline (PubMed), SCOPUS, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases were searched for clinical studies, using the free text terms: ozone, neck, cervical, spine, pain, disc, hernia, nucleolysis, paravertebral, treatment, and various combinations of them. In total, seven studies (two randomized controlled trials and five observational studies) were found. These studies dealt with the intradiscal or intramuscular paravertebral application of O2-O3 mixture in patients with myofascial pain syndrome, cervical disc hernias, and chronic neck pain. All these studies proved a significant decrease in neck pain (evaluated by Visual Analog Scale or Numerical Rating Scale), and most of them showed improvement in functional status (measured by Oswestry Disability Index or Neck Disability Index). In addition, other pain assessment scales and function and quality of life measures (DN4 questionnaire, pain pressure threshold, cervical lateral flexion range of motion, Japanese Orthopedic Association scale, 12- and 36-Item Short Form Surveys, modified MacNab criteria, and analgesic drug intake reduction) were used. Changes in these measurements also mostly supported the efficacy of O2-O3 treatment. No significant complications of the treatment were reported. The available evidence is sparse, but despite this, the O2-O3 treatment of musculoskeletal neck pain can be considered potentially beneficial and relatively safe.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Chronic lumbosacral radicular pain (CLRP) as a possible adverse consequence of lumbar spine surgery represents a serious medical challenge. Pulsed radiofrequency of dorsal root ganglion (PRF-DRG) treatment is known to be effective in alleviating CLRP. This retrospective study compares the efficacy of a single CT-guided PRF-DRG procedure in the treatment of unilateral CLRP between patients without (non-PSS) and with (PSS) previous lumbar spine surgery. Non-PSS and PSS groups included 30 and 20 patients, respectively. Outcomes (pain intensity and disability) were evaluated by means of the visual analog scale (VAS) and Oswestry disability index (ODI) immediately after the procedure (VAS), as well as three and six months after the procedure, respectively. Non-PSS group showed a significant (p ˂ 0.001) decrease of VAS (median) at all follow-up intervals (from 6 to 4; 4; 4.5 points, respectively). The PSS group showed a significant yet transient VAS (median) decrease (from 6 to 5 points) immediately after the procedure only (p < 0.001). The decrease of VAS was more pronounced in the non-PSS group after three and six months (p = 0.0054 and 0.011, respectively) in intergroup comparison. A relative decrease of VAS ≥ 50% during follow-up was achieved in 40%; 43.3%; 26.7% (non-PSS), and 25%; 5%; 0% (PSS) of patients. ODI (median) significantly decreased in the non-PSS group (from 21.5 to 18 points) at three and six months (p = 0.014 and 0.021, respectively). In conclusion, previous lumbar spine surgery decreases the therapeutic efficacy of PRF-DRG procedure in CLRP patients.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Mycobacterium chelonae, a rapidly growing nontuberculous mycobacterium, is usually described as a causative agent of soft tissue infections (postsurgical, posttraumatic, posttransplantation, postinjection, catheter infection, etc.), but only rarely as a cause of osteomyelitis. The authors describe a case report of a 72-year-old man with osteomyelitis of the talus. Initially, the infection was assessed as a soft tissue infection, without any osteolytic changes on the X-ray. After cultivation with subsequent targeted molecular typing of the rpoB gene, M. chelonae was identified from the affected tissue. The bone involvement was subsequently detected on MRI and confirmed histologically with findings of the granulomatous tissue and acid-fast bacilli. The patient was initially treated intravenously with a combination of tigecycline, amikacin, and moxifloxacin for 4 weeks, after which the oral combination of doxycycline and moxifloxacin continued. Identification of the infecting pathogen using molecular typing thus helped to establish the correct diagnosis and represents a rarely described case of osteomyelitis caused by M. chelonae.
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
Zlomeniny páteře patří mezi častá poranění provázející všechny věkové skupiny. Nestabilní zlomeniny jsou léčeny chirurgicky se snahou o obnovení základních funkcí páteře. Stabilní fraktury se léčí ve většině případů konzervativně nebo pomocí minimálně invazivních technik. Bolest je přítomna u většiny nemocných a může být limitujícím faktorem pro časný návrat k běžným denním aktivitám. Mezi minimálně invazivní metody umožňující ovlivnění bolesti patří analgetické blokády, kyslíko-ozonová terapie (KOT), radiofrekvenční ablace (RFA) či augmentace skeletu polymetylmetakrylátovým (PMMA) cementem. Práce pak předkládá současný pohled medicíny založené na důkazech (EBM) na jednotlivé metody léčby bolesti, přičemž jsou probrány základní principy a aspekty jednotlivých metod. Na pracovišti autorů bylo provedeno za posledních 8 let více než 8800 zákroků léčby bolesti zad s CT navigací a 253 augmentačních zákroků. Nebyla zaznamenána klinicky významná komplikace.
Vertebral fracture is a common trauma can occur at any age group. Unstable fractures are treated surgically to restore the basic spinal functionality. In most cases, stable fractures are treated conservatively or by minimally invasive techniques. Pain is the most common symptom and can be a limiting factor for an early return to ones daily activities. Among the minimally invasive procedures for pain management are analgesis blockades, oxygenozone therapy, radiofrequency ablation or augmentation. This paper presents the current view of evidence-based medicine (EBM) on individual methods of pain treatment of which basic principles and aspects are discussed. Furthermore, the practical experiences of the author‘s workplace are presented. Over the past 8 years, more than 8,800 back pain treatments under CT guidance and 253 augmentation procedures have been performed at the authors‘ workplace. No clinically significant complication was observed.
- MeSH
- anestetika lokální aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- bolesti zad * diagnostické zobrazování etiologie terapie MeSH
- fraktury páteře diagnostické zobrazování patologie terapie MeSH
- intervenční radiografie klasifikace metody přístrojové vybavení MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- management bolesti * klasifikace přístrojové vybavení statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- medicína založená na důkazech metody MeSH
- oxygenoterapie metody přístrojové vybavení MeSH
- ozon terapeutické užití MeSH
- páteř diagnostické zobrazování patologie MeSH
- radiofrekvenční ablace metody přístrojové vybavení MeSH
- vertebroplastika MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Infections caused by Mycobacterium setense or Clostridium celerecrescens are extremely rare. In this report, for the first time a dual infection with these two pathogens is described. An 18-year-old female suffered multiple injuries, including an open comminuted fracture of the right humeral diaphysis after falling from a fifth-floor balcony in January 2019. Five months after the accident, a fistula appeared in the scar, reaching the bone tissue. M. setense and C. celerecrescens were cultured from sinus swabs and subsequently from perioperative samples. The patient was initially treated with a combination of intravenous antibiotics (ATBs): imipenem, amikacin, and ciprofloxacin. One month after the fracture fixation with a titanium nail, C. celerecrescens was again detected; therefore, metronidazole was added to the therapy. A triple combination of oral (PO) ATBs (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, moxifloxacin, and metronidazole) followed, 8 weeks after the initial intravenous therapy. C. celerecrescens was cultured again two times, most recently in November 2019, when surgical debridement was supplemented by the topical administration of cancellous bone impregnated with vancomycin. Signs of bone healing were found at follow-ups and ATB treatment was finished in March 2020 after a total of 9 months of therapy. To this day, there have been no signs of reinfection. This case thus illustrates the need for a combination of systemic and individualized local therapy in the treatment of complicated cases of dual infections with rare pathogens.
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
Mezenteriální ischemie patří mezi onemocnění cévního systému, které má i přes rozvoj moderní medicíny stále vysokou morbiditu a mortalitu. Základní vyšetřovací metodou při podezření na mezenteriální ischemii je dnes výpočetní tomografie. Dlouhodobé zkušenosti s endovaskulární léčbou přinesly důkazy jejího správného použití a indikací, a ovlivnily tak doporučené postupy. Moderní léčba mezenteriální ischemie je založena na hybridním přístupu a kombinací chirurgických a endovaskulárních technik.
Mesenteric ischemia is one of the diseases of the vascular system which, despite the development of modern medicine, still has high morbidity and mortality. The current primary imaging modality in the diagnosis of suspected mesenteric ischemia is computed tomography. Long-term experience with endovascular therapy has provided evidence of its use and indications and thus influenced the guidelines of mesenteric ischemia treatment. Modern treatment of mesenteric ischemia is based on a hybrid approach and a combination of surgical and endovascular techniques.
Enhancement of the subarachnoid space after intravenous administration of gadolinium contrast agent is not common. Enhancement usually occurs in pathological conditions that increase the permeability of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, most notably in meningitis. We herein describe possible subarachnoid enhancement in patients with no apparent effect on the meninges. These patients had clinical signs of Meniere's disease and underwent specific magnetic resonance imaging of the inner ear to possibly visualize endolymphatic hydrops. The endolymphatic space can be noninvasively imaged by intravenous administration of contrast agent, usually at a double dose, 4 hours before the scanning process. During this time, the contrast agent penetrates not only the perilymph but also the subarachnoid space, where the highest concentration occurs after 4 hours according to some studies.
Perkutánní vertebroplastika je minimálně invazivní zákrok, při kterém se do zlomeného či jinak postiženého obratle aplikuje polymethylmetakrylátový (PMMA) cement. Mezi hlavní indikace patří zejména osteoporotická zlomenina obratle, páteřní hemangiom, mnohočetný myelom a metastatické postižení páteře u vybrané skupiny nemocných. Vlastní zákrok vede ke stabilizaci obratle s analgetickým efektem. Práce předkládá současný pohled na vertebroplastiku u těchto základních indikačních skupin ve světle současných poznatků medicíny založené na důkazech (EBM). Jsou diskutovány a porovnávány výsledky studií týkajících se léčby osteoporotických zlomenin a dalších hlavních indikací perkutánní vertebroplastiky.
Percutaneous vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure, in which fractured or otherwise affected vertebra is filled with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement. The main indications include osteoporotic vertebral fracture, spinal hemangioma, multiple myeloma and selected groups of patients with metastatic spinal injuries. The procedure leads to the stabilization of the affected vertebrae and then to analgesic effect. Our work presents a current view of vertebroplasty in these basic indication groups in light of current knowledge of evidence-based medicine (EBM). We are discussing and comparing the results of the studies concerning the treatment of osteoporotic fractures and other main indications for percutaneous vertebroplasty.
Kontakt radiologa s infekčními pacienty je opomíjený vzhledem k jejich méně časté přímé interakci. V naší retrospektivní studii jsme se zaměřili na podíl doposud nediagnostikovaných COVID-19 pozitivních pacientů, kteří byli akutně vyšetřeni v naší ultrazvukové ambulanci na žádost Oddělení urgentní medicíny. V definovaném časovém období byl téměř každý dvacátý vyšetřený pacient COVID-19 pozitivní, aniž by radiolog provádějící ultrazvukové vyšetření o této skutečnosti věděl. Přibližně každý sedmý ze všech testovaných pacientů, kteří byli odeslání na akutní ultrasonografické vyšetření, měl pozitivní test na přítomnost viru SARS-CoV-2.
Contact of radiologist with infectious patients is sometimes overlooked, given their less frequent direct interactions. In our restrospective study we focused on the percentage of undiagnosed COVID-19 positive patients that were sent from ER department to be examined in our ambulance of acute ultrasonography. In a defined period of time, almost every twentieth examined patient was COVID-19 positive and the radiologist performing the sonography was not aware of this fact. Approximatelly one of seven of all tested patiens, that were acutely sonographicaly examined, had positive result for presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus.
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH