Demografický trend už dlhodobo jednoznačne poukazuje na nárast starnúcej populácie. Proces starnutia je neodmysliteľne spájaný so zmenami na rôznych úrovniach, polymorbiditou, geriatrickými syndrómami, zhoršením mobility, sebestačnosti, či poklesom kognitívnych funkcií. V súvislosti s geriatrickými syndrómami sa v geriatrickej odbornej verejnosti stretávame s fenoménom krehkosti, čo je synonymom obmedzenia funkčnej a adaptačnej kapacity. Práve preto v prevencii fyzickej závislosti a možných rizík u krehkého seniora sa do popredia dostávajú ošetrovateľské intervencie, ktoré majú naozaj svoje významné miesto. Ich realizácia je determinovaná pozíciou súčasnej úlohy sestry v rôznych formách a nástrojoch starostlivosti.
- Klíčová slova
- The demographic trend has been clearly pointing to an increase in the aging population for a long time. The aging process is inherently associated with changes at various levels, polymorbidity, geriatric syndromes, impaired mobility, self-sufficiency, or decline in congnitive functions. In the context of geriatric syndromes, the phenomenon of frailty, which is synonymous with limitation of functional and adaptive capacity, is encountered in the geriatric professional community. That is why, in the prevention of physical dependence and possible risks in frail seniors, nursing interventions come to the forefront, where they really have a prominent place. Their implementation is determined by the position of the nurse’s current role in different forms and tools of care.,
- MeSH
- geriatrické ošetřovatelství MeSH
- křehký senior MeSH
- role ošetřovatelky MeSH
- stárnutí MeSH
- MeSH
- chirurgické stomie MeSH
- elektronické předepisování MeSH
- klinické kompetence MeSH
- léky předepsané jiným zdravotnickým pracovníkem * ošetřování MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- role ošetřovatelky * MeSH
- sestry specialistky organizace a řízení MeSH
- zdravotnické prostředky zásobování a distribuce MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- MeSH
- klinické kompetence * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pracovní zátěž MeSH
- primární prevence MeSH
- primární zdravotní péče MeSH
- role ošetřovatelky MeSH
- vzdělávání pacientů jako téma MeSH
- zdravotní sestry * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- novinové články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Aim: The study aimed to describe nurses' roles, map their views, knowledge, and experiences, and clarify the factors influencing their work and personal life during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic. Design: A descriptive and cross-sectional design was used for the study. Methods: A representative sociological survey was conducted. A non-standardized questionnaire was used to collect data; the primary objective was to survey nurses' views, knowledge, and experiences gained during the Covid-19 pandemic and identify essential issues that must be addressed before the next pandemic. The questionnaire contained a total of 57 questions. The sample was constructed by quota sampling; the criteria for inclusion in the sample were the respondents' gender, age, and region. These characteristics were established as representative. The sample consisted of 1,197 nurses. Results: The most commonly reported factor influencing the work of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic was fear of transmitting the infection (63.6%). Fear of the unknown (59%) and increased workload (54.7%) were also frequently reported to be strong influencers. The responses of nurses were statistically significantly influenced by the type of medical facility in which they worked (p < 0.05) and where they worked during the Covid-19 pandemic (p < 0.001). Most respondents (89.6%) said Covid-19 represented increased physical and mental burdens. Almost the same proportion of respondents (88.4%) felt Covid-19 affected their social lives, and 76.7% reported that it also affected their personal lives. Conclusion: Healthcare facility management should ensure sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) is available before pandemics and pay close attention to the needs of staff regarding psychological counselling and crisis intervention during pandemics.
BACKGROUND: A previous randomized controlled trial (NeCR) has indicated the effectiveness of nurse-led eHealth cardiac rehabilitation (CR) on modifying the behaviors of patients with coronary heart disease. However, limited qualitative studies explore the experiences of using eHealth CR that led to such benefits. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to explore the experiences of patients who participated in the NeCR program. METHODS: A descriptive qualitative study was employed among 20 intervention group patients who used the eHealth CR website and ranked differently (0-35th percentile, >35th percentile, and > 70% percentile) in the improvement of health-promoting behaviors. RESULTS: Five themes emerged: the NeCR program has promoted behavior change and mitigated emotional distress post-CHD. Patients described how the NeCR influenced cognitive determinants (knowledge and skill acquisition, having a roadmap, self-monitoring, and self-evaluation and resolution) and offered social support (professional counseling and peer interaction via multimedia chat) toward such change. Patients also appreciated the high affordability, accessibility, reliability of the NeCR, and expressed psychological, contextual, and technical barriers. CONCLUSIONS: Providing eHealth CR during patient discharge is warranted as an affordable, accessible, and reliable alternative to obtain health benefits. Extensive behavior change techniques, actionable CR guidance, and increased awareness are widely perceived enablers. Offering professional support and moderation is critical for early post-discharge consultation and for introducing direct peer interaction to reassure patients.
- MeSH
- kardiovaskulární rehabilitace * metody MeSH
- koronární nemoc * rehabilitace MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- následná péče MeSH
- propuštění pacienta MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- role ošetřovatelky MeSH
- telemedicína * metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie MeSH
BACKGROUND: A previous randomized controlled trial (NeCR) has indicated the effectiveness of nurse-led eHealth cardiac rehabilitation (CR) on modifying the behaviors of patients with coronary heart disease. However, limited qualitative studies explore the experiences of using eHealth CR that led to such benefits. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to explore the experiences of patients who participated in the NeCR program. METHODS: A descriptive qualitative study was employed among 20 intervention group patients who used the eHealth CR website and ranked differently (0-35th percentile, >35th percentile, and > 70% percentile) in the improvement of health-promoting behaviors. RESULTS: Five themes emerged: the NeCR program has promoted behavior change and mitigated emotional distress post-CHD. Patients described how the NeCR influenced cognitive determinants (knowledge and skill acquisition, having a roadmap, self-monitoring, and self-evaluation and resolution) and offered social support (professional counseling and peer interaction via multimedia chat) toward such change. Patients also appreciated the high affordability, accessibility, reliability of the NeCR, and expressed psychological, contextual, and technical barriers. CONCLUSIONS: Providing eHealth CR during patient discharge is warranted as an affordable, accessible, and reliable alternative to obtain health benefits. Extensive behavior change techniques, actionable CR guidance, and increased awareness are widely perceived enablers. Offering professional support and moderation is critical for early post-discharge consultation and for introducing direct peer interaction to reassure patients.
- MeSH
- kardiovaskulární rehabilitace * metody MeSH
- koronární nemoc * rehabilitace MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- následná péče MeSH
- propuštění pacienta MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- role ošetřovatelky MeSH
- telemedicína * metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie MeSH
Aim: The study aimed to describe the various ways in which Italian midwives reconcile their profession's philosophical views about labor with the use of epidural analgesia in clinical practice. Design: Interpretive description. Methods: A purposeful sample of 41 midwives and 12 midwifery students participated in the study. Information about their perceptions and experiences of the use of epidural analgesia and how this practice aligns with their professional values were explored through in-depth interviews (n = 10 focus groups; n = 1 one-to-one interview). The constant comparative method was used to analyze the data. Results: With respect to aligning midwifery care with the administration of epidural analgesia, two midwifery positions were identified: the midwife that acted "in harmony" and the "disoriented midwife", defined by three dimensions: 1) the midwife's conception of her professional role; 2) the woman's attitude towards labor and; 3) the midwife's relationship and comfort with other professionals in the labor room. Conclusion: The results of this research highlight how difficult it can be for a midwife to reconcile a specific philosophical view of labor with the use of epidural analgesia. These findings can provide useful insights to help midwives in the challenging task of combining epidural analgesia with their philosophical view of labor to offer a better birth experience to women.
- MeSH
- epidurální analgezie * psychologie MeSH
- filosofie ošetřovatelská MeSH
- kvalitativní výzkum MeSH
- percepce MeSH
- porodní asistentky * psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- postoj zdravotnického personálu MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- role ošetřovatelky MeSH
- rozhovory jako téma MeSH
- studenti ošetřovatelství psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Itálie MeSH
- MeSH
- domácí ošetřovatelství organizace a řízení MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neurorehabilitace metody MeSH
- osoby pečující o pacienty psychologie MeSH
- rehabilitace po cévní mozkové příhodě * MeSH
- role ošetřovatelky * MeSH
- vztahy mezi ošetřovatelkou a pacientem MeSH
- zdravotní sestry MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH