Retinitis Pigmentosa [retinopathia pigmentosa]


primární pigmentová degenerace
retinitis pigmentosa
tapetoretinální degenerace
typická retinopathia pigmentosa


Pigmentary Retinopathy
Tapetoretinal Degeneration

Persistent link

Hereditary, progressive degeneration of the retina due to death of ROD PHOTORECEPTORS initially and subsequent death of CONE PHOTORECEPTORS. It is characterized by deposition of pigment in the retina.

note entry term ROD CONE DYSTROPHIES: CONE-ROD DYSTROPHIES is also available
D012174 MeSH Browser

C Diseases
C11 Eye Diseases 1 481
C11.270.019 Aicardi Syndrome
C11.270.040 Albinism 17
C11.270.060 Aniridia 17
C11.270.142 Choroideremia 3
C11.270.147 Coloboma 14
C11.270.151 Cone Dystrophy
C11.270.468 Gyrate Atrophy 1
C11.270.612 Retinal Degeneration 75
C11.270.660 Retinal Dysplasia 4
C11.270.684 Retinitis Pigmentosa 53
C11.270.684.249 Alstrom Syndrome 1
C11.270.684.624 Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 18
C11.270.862 Retinoblastoma 159
C11.270.872 Stargardt Disease 6
C11.768 Retinal Diseases 401
C11.768.585 Retinal Degeneration 75
C11.768.585.658 Retinal Dystrophies 6
C11.768.585.658.250 Cone-Rod Dystrophies
C11.768.585.658.500 Retinitis Pigmentosa 53
C11.768.585.658.500.627 Kearns-Sayre Syndrome 11
C11.768.585.658.500.813 Usher Syndromes 8
C16.320.290.019 Aicardi Syndrome
C16.320.290.040 Albinism 17
C16.320.290.078 Aniridia 17
C16.320.290.142 Choroideremia 3
C16.320.290.152 Cone-Rod Dystrophies
C16.320.290.235 Duane Retraction Syndrome 9
C16.320.290.410 Graves Ophthalmopathy 57
C16.320.290.468 Gyrate Atrophy 1
C16.320.290.612 Optic Nerve Hypoplasia 1
C16.320.290.660 Retinal Dysplasia 4
C16.320.290.684 Retinitis Pigmentosa 53
C16.320.290.684.249 Alstrom Syndrome 1
C16.320.290.684.500 Usher Syndromes 8
C16.320.290.724 Stargardt Disease 6
C16.320.290.842 Weill-Marchesani Syndrome 1