PURPOSE: Obesity and its related severe comorbidities are increasing rapidly. The duodenal-jejunal bypass is an endoscopically implanted device (mimicking the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass) developed to support weight reduction and improve type 2 diabetes control. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective data analysis of consecutive patients undergoing duodenal-jejunal bypass (EndoBarrier®, DJB) implantation between 2013 and 2017 was performed to evaluate safety as well as short- and long-term efficacy. RESULTS: One hundred and twenty-one patients (mean BMI of 43.1 ± 7.2 kg/m2 and weight of 138.2 ± 28.6 kg) underwent DJB implantation. The mean dwelling time was 15.5 months, the mean total body weight loss (%TBWL) after explantation was 10.3% ± 7.9% (14.2 kg, p < 0.0001), and the mean BMI was 39.5 ± 7.3 kg/m2 (p < 0.0001). There was no significant weight gain 24 months after the explantation. Seventy-seven patients had type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with a mean HbA1c before implantation of 5.6% (n = 52). The mean HbA1c after explantation was 5.1% (p = 0.0001). Significant reductions in transaminase and lipid levels before and after explantation were observed. One complication occurred during implantation and another during explantation. In 16 patients, the device had to be extracted earlier than expected (7 for severe adverse events and 9 for adverse events; 13.2%). CONCLUSION: Despite an evident rate of adverse events, the DJB shows promise as a weight-loss procedure. Our results show that some patients implanted with the device maintained reduced weight even 24 months after explantation, while many improved T2DM control.
- MeSH
- diabetes mellitus 2. typu * chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- duodenum chirurgie MeSH
- glykovaný hemoglobin MeSH
- hmotnostní úbytek MeSH
- jejunum chirurgie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- morbidní obezita * chirurgie MeSH
- obezita chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- žaludeční bypass * metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Obezita je celosvětovým problémem s rostoucí prevalencí, což má vážné důsledky nejen pro zdraví jednotlivců, ale i pro společnost. Zvýšený výskyt nadváhy a obezity vede k vyšším nákladům na zdravotní péči a omezuje pracovní příležitosti jednotlivců, což má vliv na jejich kvalitu života. Léčba obezity zahrnuje různé přístupy, vč. diety, cvičení, farmakoterapie a chirurgických bariatrických zákroků. Mezi nové a slibné metody léčby patří endoskopická sleeve gastroplastika (ESG). ESG nabízí bezpečnou, minimálně invazivní metodu, která vede k redukci objemu žaludku a má dlouhodobé výsledky stran redukce hmotnosti. Díky značnému pokroku na poli endoskopie a endoskopické sutury lze očekávat nová zařízení, pomocí nichž ESG bude ještě bezpečnější, méně expert dependentní a její výsledky se budou významně přibližovat výsledkům bariatrické chirurgie.
Obesity is a global problem with a rising prevalence, which has serious implications not only for individuals‘ health but also for society as a whole. The increased incidence of overweight and obesity leads to higher healthcare costs and limits the employment opportunities of individuals, affecting their quality of life. The treatment of obesity encompasses various approaches, including diet, exercise, pharmacotherapy, and surgical bariatric procedures. New and promising methods of treatment include endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG). ESG offers a safe, minimally invasive method that reduces the volume of the stomach and has long-term results in terms of weight reduction. Thanks to significant advances in the field of endoscopy and endoscopic suturing, we can expect new and improved devices to be used in ESG. This will make ESG even safer, less dependent on the expertise of physicians, and its outcomes will significantly approach those of traditional bariatric surgery.
- MeSH
- anastomóza chirurgická metody škodlivé účinky MeSH
- duodenum * chirurgie MeSH
- jejunum * chirurgie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- audiovizuální média MeSH
- časopisecké články MeSH
- kazuistiky MeSH
BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) care and education might differ around Europe. Therefore, we conducted this European Variation In IBD PracticE suRvey (VIPER) to investigate potential differences between countries. METHODS: This trainee-initiated survey, run through SurveyMonkey®, consisted of 47 questions inquiring basic demographics, IBD training, and clinical care. Results were compared according to gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, for which countries were divided into 2 groups (low/high income, according to the World Bank). RESULTS: The online survey was completed by 1,285 participants from 40 European countries, with a majority of specialists (65.3%) working in academic institutions (50.4%). Significant differences in IBD-specific training (55.9% vs. 38.4%), as well as availability of IBD units (58.4% vs. 39.7%) and multidisciplinary meetings (73.2% vs. 40.1%), were observed between respondees from high and low GDP countries (p < 0.0001). In high GDP countries, IBD nurses are more common (85.9% vs. 36.0%), also mirrored by more nurse-led IBD clinics (40.6% vs. 13.7%; p < 0.0001). IBD dieticians (33.4% vs. 16.5%) and psychologists (16.8% vs. 7.5%) are mainly present in high GDP countries (p < 0.0001). In the current COVID era, telemedicine is available in 73.2% versus 54.1% of the high/low GDP countries, respectively (p < 0.0001). Treat-to-target approaches are implemented everywhere (85.0%), though access to biologicals and small molecules differs significantly. CONCLUSION: Much variability in IBD practice exists across Europe, with marked differences between high and low GDP countries. Further work is required to help address some of these inequalities, aiming to improve and standardize IBD care and training across Europe.
- MeSH
- biologické přípravky * MeSH
- COVID-19 * MeSH
- idiopatické střevní záněty * epidemiologie terapie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Evropa MeSH
Obezita je závažné onemocnění, jehož incidence nadále celosvětově roste. Onemocnění asociovaná s obezitou vedou ke snížení kvality života a vyšší mortalitě (vysoký krevní tlak, dyslipidemie, diabetes mellitus 2. typu a další). Léčba obezity je multidisciplinární a komplexní proces, který vyžaduje důslednou spolupráci pacienta. Změna životního stylu je stavebním kamenem úspěšné terapie obezity. Farmakologická terapie zažívá v posledních letech renesanci a její role, jak už v mo- noterapii, tak i v kombinaci s jinými metodami, bude postupně nabývat na významu. Endoskopická terapie je rychle se vyvíjecí podobor digestivní endoskopie, která nabízí celou řadu nových metod redukujících například objem žaludku nebo bypass tenkého střeva. Metody jsou efektivní a zároveň mají nízké riziko komplikací. Chirurgická terapie je na druhou stranu vysoce účinná, nicméně je zatížena vyšším výskytem komplikací. Bariatrická chirurgie je určena především pro pacienty s pokročilým stadiem obezity s komorbiditami. Cílem této publikace je dát souhrnný přehled dosavadních endoskopických a chirurgických metod v léčbě obezity.
Obesity is a serious disease whose incidence continues to rise worldwide. Obesity-associated diseases lead to reduced quality of life and increased mortality (high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, etc.). The treatment of obesity is a multidisciplinary and complex process that requires consistent patient cooperation. Lifestyle change is the cornerstone of successful obesity treatment. Pharmacological therapy has experienced a renaissance in recent years and its role, both in monotherapy and in combination with other methods, will gradually become more important. Endoscopic therapy is a rapidly evolving subfield of digestive endoscopy that offers a variety of new methods to reduce, for example, gastric volume or small bowel bypass. The methods are both effective and have a low risk of complications. Surgical therapy, on the other hand, is highly effective, but is burdened with a higher incidence of complications. Bariatric surgery is primarily for patients with advanced obesity with comorbidities. The aim of this publication is to give a comprehensive review of the current endoscopic and surgical methods in the treatment of obesity.
Umělá inteligence (AI) se stále více zapojuje do medicíny včetně gastroenterologie, což otevírá nové možnosti pro diagnostiku a léčbu onemocnění trávicího traktu. ChatGPT, AI model založený na architektuře GPT-4, má potenciál zrychlit diagnostiku a léčbu, personalizovat léčbu, vzdělávat a školit zdravotníky, podporovat rozhodování a zlepšovat komunikaci s pacienty. Avšak s využitím AI přicházejí i výzvy, jako omezená schopnost AI nahradit lidský úsudek, chyby v datech, otázky související s bezpečností a ochranou osobních údajů a náklady na implementaci. Budoucnost ChatGPT v gastroenterologii závisí na schopnosti zpracovávat a analyzovat velké množství dat pro identifikaci vzorů a tvorbu individuálních léčebných plánů. ChatGPT se díky pokroku v AI a strojovém učení stává přesnějším a efektivnějším, což umožní rychlejší diagnostiku a léčbu gastroenterologických onemocnění. V oblasti vzdělávání bude ChatGPT sloužit jako neocenitelný zdroj informací o nejnovějších výzkumných článcích a postupech. Přes výhody AI v gastroenterologii je důležité řešit otázky etiky, ochrany dat a spolupráce mezi AI a zdravotnickými odborníky. Zajištění správných protokolů a postupů umožní bezpečné a etické využití AI v medicíně. Ačkoli AI přináší významný potenciál pro zlepšení kvality péče, je třeba řešit výzvy spojené s ochranou dat, bezpečností a etikou.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being incorporated into medicine, including gastroenterology, opening new possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of digestive tract diseases. ChatGPT, an AI model based on the GPT-4 architecture, has the potential to accelerate diagnosis and treatment, personalize care, educate, and train healthcare professionals, support decision-making, and improve communication with patients. However, with the use of AI come challenges such as the limited ability of AI to replace human judgment, data errors, issues related to security and personal data protection, and implementation costs. The future of ChatGPT in gastroenterology depends on its ability to process and analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and create individual treatment plans. Thanks to advancements in AI and machine learning, ChatGPT is becoming more accurate and efficient, enabling faster diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterological diseases. In the field of education, ChatGPT will serve as an invaluable source of information on the latest research articles and procedures. Despite the benefits of AI in gastroenterology, it is essential to address issues of ethics, data protection, and collaboration between AI and healthcare professionals. Ensuring proper protocols and procedures will enable the safe and ethical use of AI in medicine. Although AI offers significant potential for improving the quality of care, it is necessary to address challenges associated with data protection, security, and ethics.
- Klíčová slova
- ChatGPT,
- MeSH
- algoritmy MeSH
- analýza dat MeSH
- gastroenterologie * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- umělá inteligence * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynecological malignancy in developed countries. The present study aimed to determine the frequency of germline pathogenic variants (PV) in patients with EC. In this multicenter retrospective cohort study, germline genetic testing (GGT) was performed in 527 patients with EC using a next generation sequencing panel targeting 226 genes, including 5 Lynch syndrome (LS) and 14 hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) predisposition genes, and 207 candidate predisposition genes. Gene-level risks were calculated using 1,662 population-matched controls (PMCs). Patients were sub-categorized to fulfill GGT criteria for LS, HBOC, both or none. A total of 60 patients (11.4%) carried PV in LS (5.1%) and HBOC (6.6%) predisposition genes, including two carriers of double PV. PV in LS genes conferred a significantly higher EC risk [odds ratio (OR), 22.4; 95% CI, 7.8-64.3; P=1.8×10-17] than the most frequently altered HBOC genes BRCA1 (OR, 3.9; 95% CI, 1.6-9.5; P=0.001), BRCA2 (OR, 7.4; 95% CI, 1.9-28.9; P=0.002) and CHEK2 (OR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.0-9.9; P=0.04). Furthermore, >6% of patients with EC not fulfilling LS or HBOC GGT indication criteria carried a PV in a clinically relevant gene. Carriers of PV in LS genes had a significantly lower age of EC onset than non-carriers (P=0.01). Another 11.0% of patients carried PV in a candidate gene (the most frequent were FANCA and MUTYH); however, their individual frequencies did not differ from PMCs (except for aggregated frequency of loss-of-function variants in POLE/POLD1; OR, 10.44; 95% CI, 1.1-100.5; P=0.012). The present study demonstrated the importance of GGT in patients with EC. The increased risk of EC of PV carriers in HBOC genes suggests that the diagnosis of EC should be included in the HBOC GGT criteria.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH