- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Manželské neshody mohou být spojené s úzkostí u jednoho nebo obou partnerů. Nelze však přesně určit, jak se manželství podílí na vzniku a udržování těchto příznaků. Důležitost porozumění partnerským interakcím u pacientů s panickou poruchou nebo agorafobií je podporovaná řadou studií. Výsledky uvedené v tomto přehledu obecně naznačují, že partnerský vztah může ovlivňovat závažnost panické poruchy a agorafobie a naopak. Souvislost mezi panickou poruchou a vztahem mezi partnery je obousměrná: psychologické problémy nepříznivě ovlivňují vztahy a postoje partnera vůči pacientovi a významně ovlivňují jeho úzkost. Často je obtížné určit, co je příčinou, jaký je důsledek a kolik úzkosti se překrývá s partnerskými problémy. Zdá se také, že nedostatečná partnerská podpora souvisí se závažností panické poruchy a agorafobie, zatímco pozitivní sociální podpora může být pro pacienty prospěšná. Tyto výsledky zdůrazňují důležitost partnerů při pomoci lidem zotavit se z poruchy. Zdá se, že emoční vazba pacienta koreluje s výsledky psychoterapie. Intervence, které vedou k úpravám ve vztahu (např. odstranění vyhýbání se komunikaci), zlepšují výsledek léčby úzkostné poruchy. Naopak, pokud ve vztahu nedochází k rozvoji adaptivnějších vzorců, výsledky psychoterapie jsou horší. Život s někým, kdo trpí psychickou poruchou, může být pro příbuzné náročný, protože nemusí vědět, jak optimálně podporovat nebo reagovat na chování pacienta, a přitom nepodporovat udržování poruchy. Integrace partnerů do terapie, jakož i poskytnutí nástrojů (např. psychoedukace, psychoterapie pro partnera) k tomu, jak se vypořádat s příznaky poruchy, by mohla být prospěšná jak pro pacienta, tak pro partnera. Pro posouzení úrovně podpory by však bylo zapotřebí více studií zaměřených na to, který typ partnerské podpory je užitečný, a který naopak problémy udržuje.
Marital disagreements can be associated with anxiety in one or both partners. However, it is not possible to determine exactly how marriage contributes to the onset and maintenance of these symptoms. The importance of understanding partner interactions in patients with panic disorder or agoraphobia is supported by a number of studies. The results presented in this review generally suggest that a relationship may affect the severity of panic disorder and agoraphobia and vice versa. The relationship between panic disorder and the relationship between partners is bi-directional: psychological problems adversely affect the relationships and attitudes of the partner towards the patient and significantly affect his anxiety. It is often difficult to determine what is the cause, what is the consequence, and how much anxiety overlaps with the partner's problems. Insufficient partner support also seems to be related to the severity of panic disorder and agoraphobia, while positive social support can be beneficial for patients. These results emphasize the importance of partners in helping people recover from the disorder. The patient's emotional attachment seems to correlate with the results of psychotherapy. Interventions that lead to relationship adjustments (e. g. communication avoidance) improve the outcome of anxiety disorder treatment. Conversely, if the relationship does not develop more adaptive patterns, the results of psychotherapy are worse. Living with someone who suffers from a psychological problem can be challenging for relatives because they may not know how to optimally support or respond to the patient's behavior without supporting the maintenance of the disorder. Integrating partners into therapy as well as providing tools (psychoeducation, partner psychotherapy) to deal with the symptoms of the disorder could benefit both the patient and the partner. However, in order to assess the level of support, more studies would be needed to determine which type of partnership support is useful and which in turn maintains the problems.
- MeSH
- agorafobie psychologie terapie MeSH
- asertivita MeSH
- emoce MeSH
- interpersonální vztahy * MeSH
- kognitivně behaviorální terapie metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- manželé psychologie MeSH
- panická porucha * psychologie terapie MeSH
- připoutání k objektu MeSH
- společenské stigma MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
Úvod: Citová vazba vzniká v raném dětství mezi dítětem a primární pečující osobou a zásadním způsobem ovlivňuje sebehodnocení dítěte a jeho vnímání světa jako bezpečného místa. Cílem této přehledové studie je představit současný stav poznání týkající se vztahu mezi vazbou a obsedantně kompulzivní poruchou (OCD), průběhem poruchy a účinností léčby.
Introduction: Emotional attachment arises between the child and the primary caregiver in early childhood and fundamentally affects the child's self-esteem and their perception of the world as a safe place. The aim of this review is to present the current state of knowledge about the relationship between attachment and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the course of the disorder and the effectiveness of the treatment. Method: A literature search was performed using PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect databases using key search terms. Scientific texts were extracted for the period from January 1990 to the end of March 2020. Results: An insecure attachment reduces a personal sense of self-worth and can lead to perfectionism and compulsive behavior, which becomes a means of trying to secure and stabilize the value of self-concept and control the surrounding events. Both characteristics are common in patients with OCD. Uncertain attachment is further associated with maladaptive cognitive processes (such as excessive sense of responsibility, perfectionism, and mind control), which are also associated with OCD. Of the two dimensions that define uncertain adulthood attachment (anxiety and avoidance), attachment anxiety is more closely related to OCD. No research has been described in the articles we found to prove a direct link between the attachment and the severity of OCD. Insecure emotional attachment and OCD is complicated by frequent comorbid depression. Conclusions: Anxious emotional attachment is common in patients with OCD and interconnects with basic OCD symptomatology. From this perspective, strategies that promote feelings of safety, acceptance, and appreciation within a therapeutic relationship may be important in the treatment of OCD.
BACKGROUND: People who have an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) tend to manifest a need for excessive control over their partners and other relatives, which then constitutes a principal problem in their relationships. This behaviour probably relates to an unmet need for safety in their childhood. This review article aims to explore the interpersonal dimension of OCD. METHOD: Sources used in this review were acquired via PubMed from January 1990 to January 2020. The search terms included "obsessive compulsive disorder", "OCD", "marital problems", "marital conflicts", "marital attachment", and "partnership". Primary search with keywords in various combinations yielded 242 articles. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 68 articles were found eligible for further research, and a secondary search was performed by screening their reference lists for relevant articles. In total, 124 papers were included in the review. RESULTS: OCD patients often have interpersonal problems that are related to symptomatology and the excessive need for control over the relationship. The patient is often addicted to his/her loved ones and transmits his excessive concerns to them. The studies describe increased marital distress, less satisfaction with their partner and couples experiencing less intimacy. The communication style of people suffering from OCD often shows a tendency to control others extensively, which is probably related to their exaggerated need for safety. Individuals with preoccupied or avoidant attachment styles are more likely to become jealous and to consider any rival as threatening than those people who have a safe attachment style. CONCLUSION: Participation of the partner in the therapy can have positive effects. Furthermore, family-based exposure and response prevention programs might be useful for reducing OCD symptoms.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- konflikt v rodině psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- manželství psychologie MeSH
- obsedantně kompulzivní porucha psychologie terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Rozpoznání poruch nálady a jejich léčba se v posledních letech značně zlepšuje. V rámci veřejného zdraví a problematiky rozvoje depresivní poruchy je důležité výzkumně identifikovat rizikové faktory, které se podílejí na jejím vzniku. Jedním z rizikových faktorů je manželský nesoulad, avšak hlubší pochopení konkrétních činitelů v procesu vztahové problematiky, rozvoje a udržování depresivní poruchy je dosud málo známé. Pro zlepšení léčebných výstupů je zapotřebí dalšího výzkumu interpersonálních faktorů podílejících se na nástupu a průběhu depresivní poruchy.
Recognition of mood disorders and their treatment has improved considerably in recent years. In terms of public health and the development of depressive disorder, it is important to explore the risk factors involved in its development. One of the risk factors is marital discrepancy, however deeper understanding of specific factors in the process of relationship issues, development and maintenance of depressive disorder is still little known. Research into interpersonal factors affecting the onset and course of depression is therefore an important topic in research efforts.
- MeSH
- deprese * etiologie MeSH
- interpersonální vztahy * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- manželství * MeSH
- náchylnost k nemoci MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
BACKGROUND: Panic disorder and agoraphobia not only affect the patients themselves but also may have a detrimental effect on their intimate relationships. A problem arising in the intimate sphere could be a trigger, a modulator, a maintenance factor, or the result of the panic disorder and agoraphobia. The consequences of panic disorder include increased demands on the non-affected partner to adapt, which may prove to be too challenging for some to manage. Panic disorder and agoraphobia can also change earlier relationship patterns which may result in partnership dysfunction. This review explores the effect of panic disorder and agoraphobia upon partnership problems and satisfaction. METHOD: Relevant studies were identified via PubMed and Web of Science, published between January 1970 and April 2020. The search terms included "panic disorder", "agoraphobia", "marital problems", "marital conflicts" and "marital adjustment". Further references were found in reviews, books, and book chapters of the relevant papers. A total of 1154 articles were nominated by primary assortment using the keywords in different combinations. After selecting according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, evaluating the complete texts and searching for secondary documents, 173 papers were finally chosen. RESULTS: Problems in a relationship can act as a trigger for the development of the panic disorder and agoraphobia and could also function as modulating and maintenance factors. Panic disorder and agoraphobia often have a negative influence on the relationship and the non-affected partner. Partnership problems can be both a precursor and a consequence of panic disorder and agoraphobia.
- MeSH
- agorafobie MeSH
- konflikt v rodině MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- manželství MeSH
- osobní uspokojení MeSH
- panická porucha * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH