Kožní problémy spojené s ektoparazitární infestací patří mezi jedny z častých důvodů návštěvy veterinárních ambulancí. Každý veterinární lékař by proto měl být seznámen s klinickými příznaky, základní diagnostikou a možnostmi terapie ektoparazitóz u těchto druhů zvířat. Následující článek předkládá přehled běžně se vyskytujících ektoparazitů (roztoči, vši a všenky, blechy, myiázy) drobných savců a shrnuje možnosti terapie ektoparazitóz včetně kontraindikovaných přípravků.
Skin disease including ectoparasite infestation are one of the most common reason to visit a veterinarian with a small mammal patien. Clinical manifestation, diagnosis and therapy must be basic knowledge of every veterinarian dealing with small mammals patients. This article sumarizes overview of commonly diagnosed ectoparasites in small mammals (mites, lice, fleas, myiasis) and their therapeutic options including most important contraindicated drugs.
- Klíčová slova
- drobní savci,
- MeSH
- antiparazitární látky aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- infestace ektoparazity * diagnóza terapie veterinární MeSH
- parazitární nemoci u zvířat * diagnóza etiologie přenos terapie MeSH
- parazitární onemocnění kůže diagnóza terapie veterinární MeSH
- savci MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Intranuclear coccidiosis of testudines (known as TINC) is an emerging disease in chelonians. Although endogenous stages were repeatedly detected in various tissues, attempts to find the oocysts in faeces failed, leaving the question of the transmission and classification of the causative agent of TINC unresolved. We recorded small spherical oocysts (∼6-7 μm in diameter) of an eimeriid coccidium in faeces of a leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis). Sporulated oocysts were used for the experimental oral inoculation of juvenile coccidia-free tortoises representing 5 species (S. pardalis, Testudo graeca, T. hermanni, T. horsfieldii, and Geochelone sulcata). The oocysts' association with TINC was confirmed based on clinical signs, histopathological findings of intranuclear endogenous stages of the coccidium in many organs (including intestine), and by the partial 18S rDNA sequence analysis of the DNA isolated from organs of the experimentally infected animals and from a single naturally infected as well as from all experimentally infected tortoises. Breeding colonies of chelonians should be screened for this pathogen in order to prevent its further spread and unwanted introduction into endangered free-ranging chelonian populations.
- MeSH
- Eimeriidae klasifikace genetika izolace a purifikace fyziologie MeSH
- feces parazitologie MeSH
- kokcidióza parazitologie prevence a kontrola přenos veterinární MeSH
- oocysty MeSH
- parazitární nemoci u zvířat parazitologie prevence a kontrola přenos MeSH
- RNA ribozomální 18S genetika MeSH
- želvy parazitologie MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
This paper provides the first detailed description of a Tetracapsuloides species, Tetracapsuloides vermiformis n. sp., with vermiform stages in the bryozoan host, Fredericella sultana, and its experimental transmission from F. sultana to Cyprinus carpio. The suitability of morphological, biological and 18S rDNA sequence data for discrimination between malacosporean species is reviewed and recommendations are given for future descriptions. Presently, malacosporean species cannot be differentiated morphologically due to their cryptic nature and the lack of differential characters of spores and spore-forming stages in both hosts. We examined biological, morphological and molecular characters for the present description and for revising malacosporean taxonomy in general. As a result, Buddenbrockia plumatellae was split into two species, with its sac-like stages being ascribed to Buddenbrockia bryozoides n. comb. In addition to ribosomal DNA sequences multiple biological features rather than morphological characters are considered essential tools to improve malacosporean taxonomy in the future according to our analysis of the limited traits presently available.
- MeSH
- Bryozoa parazitologie MeSH
- interakce hostitele a parazita MeSH
- kapři MeSH
- Myxozoa genetika fyziologie MeSH
- nemoci ryb parazitologie MeSH
- organismy bez specifických patogenů MeSH
- parazitární nemoci u zvířat parazitologie přenos MeSH
- RNA ribozomální 18S genetika MeSH
- stadia vývoje MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
The consumption of horse meat has been epidemiologically linked to clinical toxoplasmosis in humans and neosporosis that may cause clinical illness in horses. Here we determined seroprevalence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908 and species of Neospora Dubey, Carpenter, Speer, Topper et Uggla, 1988 in horses from Italy. Blood samples were collected from 643 apparently healthy horses from 60 farms of 51 municipalities in southern Italy. The presence of antibodies against T. gondii and Neospora spp. were detected by indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT); a titre ≥ 50 was considered positive. The same sera were also tested for antibodies against Neospora spp. by a competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA); samples with ≥ 30% inhibition were considered positive. Antibodies against T. gondii and Neospora spp. were detected in 19 (3.0%) and 15 (2.3%) horses by IFAT, respectively, without statistical difference between gender, age and breeds (p-value ≥ 0.05). Antibodies against species of Neospora were detected in 70 (10.9%) horses by cELISA with statistical difference in gender (6.0-18.5%, p-value ≥ 0.05) and breeds (0-19.4%, p-value ≥ 0.05). Although T. gondii infection rates were low, the risk of human infection should not be dismissed, particularly in Italy where consumption of raw or undercooked horse meat has a long tradition.
- Klíčová slova
- neosporóza,
- MeSH
- červené maso parazitologie škodlivé účinky MeSH
- fluorescenční protilátková technika nepřímá MeSH
- koně parazitologie MeSH
- Neospora imunologie patogenita MeSH
- parazitární nemoci u zvířat etiologie imunologie přenos MeSH
- protilátky protozoální krev MeSH
- protozoální infekce zvířat etiologie imunologie přenos MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- séroepidemiologické studie * MeSH
- sérologické testy metody MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- Toxoplasma imunologie patogenita MeSH
- toxoplazmóza etiologie imunologie MeSH
- venae jugulares MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Itálie MeSH
A new haemogregarine species Hepatozoon affluomaloti sp. n. is described from erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of crag lizards Pseudocordylus melanotus (Smith) and Pseudocordylus subviridis (Smith) (Sauria: Cordylidae) from mountainous regions in the Eastern Free State, South Africa. This species can be distinguished from all other congeners based on its large size, staining properties and life cycle development in its vector, Culex (Afroculex) lineata (Theobald) (Diptera: Culicidae). Mature gamonts stain mostly uniformly pinkish-purple with Giemsa, sometimes containing darker azurophilic granules anterior and posterior to the nucleus. The reflexed posterior extremity of the gamont stage sometimes stains slightly deeper purple and the nucleus is dense and placed in the posterior third of the parasite body. Merogonic stages of this haemogregarine occur in the liver tissues of P. melanotus with dizoic meronts. Macromeronts contains 2-7 macromerozoites and micromeronts contains 9-24 micromerozoites. Sporogonic developmental stages found in the proposed final host and vector, C. lineata, include large oocysts, measuring 54 × 48 µm on average. Sporulating oocysts with 8 nuclei are present in mosquitoes 6-7 days post-feeding on infected lizards. Sporocysts with mature sporozoites measure 31.0 × 21.8 µm on average and each contains 2-8 large sporozoites. It is suggested that transmission of infective sporozoites is achieved through predation of lizards on mosquitoes.
- MeSH
- Apicomplexa * cytologie růst a vývoj ultrastruktura MeSH
- Culicidae parazitologie MeSH
- erytrocyty parazitologie MeSH
- hostitelská specificita MeSH
- játra parazitologie MeSH
- ještěři * parazitologie MeSH
- oocysty cytologie růst a vývoj ultrastruktura MeSH
- parazitární nemoci u zvířat krev přenos MeSH
- sporozoiti cytologie růst a vývoj ultrastruktura MeSH
- stadia vývoje MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- jižní Afrika MeSH
The release of any species into a novel environment can evoke transmission of parasites that do not normally parasitize the host as well as potentially introducing new parasites into the environment. Species introductions potentially incur such risks, yet little is currently known about the parasite fauna of introduced primate species over the long term. We describe the results of long-term monitoring of the intestinal parasite fauna of an unprovisioned, reproducing population of chimpanzees introduced 40 years earlier (1966-1969) onto Rubondo Island in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, a non-native habitat for chimpanzees. Two parasitological surveys (March 1997-October 1998 and October 2002-December 2005) identified Entamoeba spp. including E. coli, Iodamoeba buetschlii, Troglodytella abrassarti, Chilomastix mesnili, Trichuris sp., Anatrichosoma sp., Strongyloides spp., Strongylida fam. gen. sp., Enterobius anthropopitheci, Subulura sp., Ascarididae gen. sp., and Protospirura muricola. The parasite fauna of the Rubondo chimpanzees is similar to wild chimpanzees living in their natural habitats, but Rubondo chimpanzees have a lower prevalence of strongylids (9%, 3.8%) and a higher prevalence of E. anthropopitheci (8.6%, 17.9%) than reported elsewhere. Species prevalence was similar between our two surveys, with the exception of Strongyloides spp. being higher in the first survey. None of these species are considered to pose a serious health risk to chimpanzees, but continued monitoring of the population and surveys of the parasitic fauna of the two coinhabitant primate species and other animals, natural reservoir hosts of some of the same parasites, is important to better understand the dynamics of host-parasite ecology and potential long-term implications for chimpanzees introduced into a new habitat.
- MeSH
- Amoeba izolace a purifikace MeSH
- Ciliophora izolace a purifikace MeSH
- Entamoeba izolace a purifikace MeSH
- Enterobius izolace a purifikace MeSH
- feces parazitologie MeSH
- gastrointestinální trakt parazitologie MeSH
- hlístice izolace a purifikace MeSH
- interakce hostitele a parazita MeSH
- nemoci lidoopů parazitologie přenos MeSH
- Pan troglodytes parazitologie MeSH
- parazitární nemoci u zvířat farmakoterapie prevence a kontrola přenos MeSH
- Retortamonadidae izolace a purifikace MeSH
- Strongyloides izolace a purifikace MeSH
- Trichuris izolace a purifikace MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Tanzanie MeSH
- MeSH
- Culicidae parazitologie růst a vývoj MeSH
- Diptera parazitologie růst a vývoj MeSH
- dirofilarióza epidemiologie přenos MeSH
- hmyz - vektory * MeSH
- kousnutí a bodnutí hmyzem * komplikace parazitologie MeSH
- parazitární nemoci u zvířat * prevence a kontrola přenos MeSH
- psi MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- psi MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- MeSH
- dermatitida MeSH
- měkkýši, korýši MeSH
- parazitární nemoci u zvířat epidemiologie parazitologie přenos MeSH
- Schistosomatidae parazitologie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Rakousko MeSH
- MeSH
- dermatitida MeSH
- nemoci ptáků diagnóza parazitologie MeSH
- parazitární nemoci u zvířat přenos MeSH
- Schistosoma parazitologie přenos MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
- Evropa MeSH
Potřeba zorganizovat boj proti parazitozám odchovu zvířectva. Příkladem je výzkum pastevnictví a ochrana stád před parazitozami v SSSR. Popis boje proti mouchám, bodalkám, střečku, a zákožce svrabové. Z červových parazit|óz jsou nejdůležitější bronchovermilnosa a distomatosa. Odstranění ohnisek parasitos podmíněných nositeli z říše hlemýždí: Mülleriosy, cicrocoelosy a fasciolosy. Boj proti plovatce bahenní. Hubení hlodavců