Aims: Professional polo-water athletes are exposed to chlorine in the swimming pool. Chlorine is an irritant agent, so polo-water athletes commonly experience irritative eye symptoms. Hyaluronic acid and glycuronate enoxolone exert anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective activity. Therefore, the present practical experience explored the efficacy and safety of eye drops containing both components. Material and Methods: The current study included 59 professional polo-water athletes. The ocular surface disease index (OSDI) and dry eye-related quality of life (QoL) score (DEQS) questionnaires were used to assess the efficacy. Subjects took the eye drops for one month. The study consisted of a baseline visit (T0) and an end-treatment one (T1). Results: Athletes experienced a significant improvement in symptoms and QoL as assessed by OSDI and DEQS scores (p < 0.001 for both). Conclusion: The present study showed that professional polo-water athletes frequently experience ocular discomfort associated with swimming pool attendance. Eye drops with hyaluronic acid and glycuronate enoxolone can significantly relieve eye symptoms and improve the quality of life in these athletes.
Chloridové ióny sa podieľajú na regulácií objemu buniek, sekrécii telesných tekutín a udržaní acidobázickej rovnováhy. Hypo/hyperchlorémia u novorodencov a dojčiat je emergentná situácia vyžadujúca dôkladnú diferenciálnu diagnostiku na zistenie kauzálnej príčiny stavu. K vzácnym príčinám poruchy vylučovania chloridových iónov patrí kongenitálna chloridorea (CLD), ktorá je charakterizovaná torpídnymi objemnými hnačkami, vysokou koncentráciou chloridov v stolici a metabolickou alkalózou. CLD je zriedkavé autozómovo‑recesívne ochorenie zapríčinené mutáciou SLC26A3 génu lokalizovaného na chromózome 7q31, ktorý kóduje transmembránový proteín v intestinálnych bunkách. Genetický defekt spôsobuje poruchu črevnej absorpcie chloridov a sekrécie bikarbonátov. Profúzne hnačky zapríčiňujú významné straty vody a elektrolytov, čo vedie k volumovej deplécií, hyperreninémii, hyperaldosteronizmu, renálnym stratám kália a u niektorých aj k rozvoju chronickej nefropatie. Autori prezentujú vzácne kazuistiky 2 bratov s geneticky potvrdenou CLD. Obidve deti sa narodili s nižšou pôrodnou hmotnosťou a krátko po narodení vyžadovali hospitalizáciu pre distendované bruško a hnačky so závažnou dehydratáciou a elektrolytovou dysbalanciou. V laboratórnom obraze dominovala signifikantná hypochlorémia (76 mmol/l resp. 78 mmol/l) a extrémna metabolická alkalóza (pH 7,63; HCO3 46 mmol/l resp. pH 7,73; HCO3 40 mmol/l). Vylúčili sme renálne straty chloridov a cystickú fibrózu; vyšetrenie koncentrácie chloridov v stolici na našom pracovisku nebolo dostupné. Po substitučnej liečbe sa biochemické abnormality čiastočne upravili, vodnaté stolice pretrvávajú ďalej. V ďalšom vývoji pacienti slabšie prospievali a pre epizódy dehydratácie boli opakovane hospitalizovaní na poda‑nie parenterálnej liečby. Renálne funkcie sú vo veku 6 resp. 2 roky primerané, ale starší chlapec má známky počínajúcej nefrokalcinózy. Priamym sekvenovaním kódujucej oblasti génu SLC26A3 sa u obidvoch súrodencov detegoval rovnaký genotyp – doteraz neopísaný variant c.629_63Ildel (p. Ile210del) a patogénny variant v géne SLC26A3 v heterozygótnom stave. Pri perzistujúcich vodnatých hnačkách, hypochlorémii, hypokaliémii a metabolickej alkalóze treba myslieť na kongenitálnu chloridorheu. Diagnóza sa opiera o charakteristický klinický obraz vodnatých hnačiek od novorodeneckého veku, dôkaz vysokej koncentrácie chloridov v stolici > 90 mmol/l a molekulovo‑genetické vyšetrenie. Pacienti s CLD vyžadujú pravidelné nefrologické sledovanie pre riziko rozvoja chronickej nefropatie a funkčné poškodenie tubulov.Kľúčové slová: alkalóza, hypochlorémia, kongenitalne chloridové hnačky.
Chloride ions are involved in regulating cell volume, secreting body fluids and maintaining acid-base balance. Hypo/hyperchloraemia in neonates and infants is an emergent situation requiring careful differential diagnosis to detect a cause of the condition. The rare causes of severe hypochloremia include congenital chloridorhea (CLD), characterized by profound bulky diarrhea, high chloride concentration in stool, and severe metabolic alkalosis. CLD is a rare autosomal recessive disease caused by the mutation of the SLC26A3 gene located on chromosome 7q31, which encodes the transmembrane protein in intestinal cells. Genetic defect causes a disorder of intestinal chloride absorption and bicarbonate secretion. Profound diarrhea induces significant losses of water and electrolytes, leading to volume depletion, hyperreninemia, hyperaldosteronism, renal loss of potassium and occasionally to the development of chronic nephropathy. The authors present rare cases of two brothers with genetically confirmed CLD. Both children were born with lower birth weight and shortly after birth required administration to ICU because of notable distended abdomen and diarrhea with severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Significant hypochloraemia (76 mmol/l or 78 mmol/l) and extreme metabolic alkalosis (pH 7.63; HCO3 46 mmol/l and pH 7.73; HCO3 40 mmol/l resp.) were dominant laboratory features. Renal chloride losses and cystic fibrosis were excluded; the chloride concentration test in stool was not available. After intravenous suplementation of electrolytes, the biochemical abnormalities were partially normalized and watery stools persist. In further development, the frequent episodes of dehydratation reguiring the parenteral treatment were present. Renal functions are at age 6 or 2 years resp. normal, but USG signs of nephrocalcinosis in the older boy have been observed. By molecular genetic testing the same genotype in both siblings was identified the previously not described variant c.629_63Ildel (p.Ile210del) and the pathogenic variant in the heterozygous state of the SLC26A3 gene. In persistent watery diarrhea, hypochloraemia, hypokalaemia and metabolic alkalosis, a congenital chloridorhea should be consider. The diagnosis is based on a typical clinical picture of watery diarrhea from neonatal age, evidence of a high chloride concentration in stool > 90 mmol/l and molecular-genetic examination. CLD patients require regular nephrologic monitoring for the risk of chronic nephropathy or functional tubular damage.
- Klíčová slova
- hypochloremie,
- MeSH
- alkalóza genetika patofyziologie terapie MeSH
- chlor metabolismus MeSH
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průjem kojenců * genetika komplikace MeSH
- vrozené poruchy metabolismu * MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
ISCO using activated sodium persulphate is a widely used technology for treating chlorinated solvent source zones. In sensitive areas, however, high groundwater sulphate concentrations following treatment may be a drawback. In situ biogeochemical transformation, a technology that degrades contaminants via reduced iron minerals formed by microbial activity, offers a potential solution for such sites, the bioreduction of sulphate and production of iron sulphides that abiotically degrade chlorinated ethenes acting as a secondary technology following ISCO. This study assesses this approach in the field using hydrochemical and molecular tools, solid phase analysis and geochemical modelling. Following a neutralisation and bioaugmentation, favourable conditions for iron- and sulphate-reducers were created, resulting in a remarkable increase in their relative abundance. The abundance of dechlorinating bacteria (Dehalococcoides mccartyi, Dehalobacter sp. and Desulfitobacterium spp.) remained low throughout this process. The activity of iron- and sulphate-reducers was further stimulated through application of magnetite plus starch and microiron plus starch, resulting in an increase in ferrous iron concentration (from
- MeSH
- chemické látky znečišťující vodu analýza metabolismus MeSH
- chlor metabolismus MeSH
- Chloroflexi metabolismus MeSH
- čištění vody metody MeSH
- Desulfitobacterium metabolismus MeSH
- ethyleny metabolismus MeSH
- halogenace MeSH
- oxidace-redukce MeSH
- Peptococcaceae metabolismus MeSH
- podzemní voda analýza chemie mikrobiologie MeSH
- regenerace a remediace životního prostředí metody MeSH
- rozpouštědla metabolismus MeSH
- sírany metabolismus MeSH
- sloučeniny sodíku MeSH
- tetrachlorethylen analýza metabolismus MeSH
- trichlorethylen analýza metabolismus MeSH
- železo metabolismus MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Six chlorinated bispyridinium mono-oximes, analogous to potent charged reactivators K027, K048, and K203, were synthesized with the aim of improving lipophilicity and reducing the p Ka value of the oxime group, thus resulting in a higher oximate concentration at pH 7.4 compared to nonchlorinated analogues. The nucleophilicity was examined and the p Ka was found to be lower than that of analogous nonchlorinated oximes. All the new compounds efficiently reactivated human AChE inhibited by nerve agents cyclosarin, sarin, and VX. The most potent was the dichlorinated analogue of oxime K027 with significantly improved ability to reactivate the conjugated enzyme due to improved binding affinity and molecular recognition. Its overall reactivation of sarin-, VX-, and cyclosarin-inhibited AChE was, respectively, 3-, 7-, and 8-fold higher than by K027. Its universality, PAMPA permeability, favorable acid dissociation constant coupled with its negligible cytotoxic effect, and successful ex vivo scavenging of nerve agents in whole human blood warrant further analysis of this compound as an antidote for organophosphorus poisoning.
- MeSH
- acetylcholinesterasa chemie metabolismus MeSH
- butyrylcholinesterasa metabolismus MeSH
- chemické jevy MeSH
- chlor chemie MeSH
- cholinesterasové inhibitory farmakologie MeSH
- isomerie MeSH
- konformace proteinů MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádorové buněčné linie MeSH
- nervová bojová látka farmakologie MeSH
- oximy chemická syntéza chemie metabolismus farmakologie MeSH
- reaktivátory cholinesterázy chemická syntéza chemie metabolismus farmakologie MeSH
- simulace molekulového dockingu MeSH
- vztahy mezi strukturou a aktivitou MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Disinfection aims at maximal inactivation of target organisms and the sustainable suppression of their regrowth. Whereas many disinfection efforts achieve efficient inactivation when the effect is measured directly after treatment, there are questions about the sustainability of this effect. One aspect is that the treated bacteria might recover and regain the ability to grow. In an environmental context, another question is how amenable surviving bacteria are to predation by omnipresent bacteriophages. Provisional data suggested that bacteria when subjected to sublethal heat stress might develop a phage-resistant phenotype. The result made us wonder about the susceptibility to phage-mediated lysis for bacteria exposed to a gradient of chlorine and UV-LED disinfection strengths. Whereas bacteria exposed to low sublethal chlorine doses still underwent phage-mediated lysis, the critical chlorine Ct of 0.5 mg min/L eliminated this susceptibility and induced phage resistance in the cells that survived treatment. In the case of UV, even the smallest tested dose of 2.8 mJ/cm2 abolished phage lysis leading to direct regrowth. Results suggest that bacteria surviving disinfection might have higher environmental survival chances directly after treatment compared to non-treated cells. A reason could possibly lie in their compromised metabolism that is essential for phage replication.
- MeSH
- bakteriolýza účinky léků účinky záření MeSH
- chlor fyziologie MeSH
- dezinfekce MeSH
- Escherichia coli * účinky léků účinky záření virologie MeSH
- fyziologický stres MeSH
- kolifágy izolace a purifikace fyziologie MeSH
- mikrobiální viabilita účinky léků účinky záření MeSH
- počet mikrobiálních kolonií MeSH
- průtoková cytometrie MeSH
- ultrafialové záření * MeSH
- vysoká teplota * MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is a persistent pollutant which has been widely used as a pesticide and a wood preservative. As PCP is toxic and is present in significant quantities in the environment, there is considerable interest in elimination of PCP from waters. One of the promising methods is the application of ferrate. Ferrate is an oxidant and coagulant. It can be applied as a multi-purpose chemical for water and wastewater treatment as it degrades a wide range of environmental pollutants. Moreover, ferrate is considered a green oxidant and disinfectant. This study focuses on the kinetics of PCP degradation by ferrate under different pH conditions. The formation of degradation products is also considered. The second-order rate constants of the PCP reaction with ferrate increased from 23 M(-1) s(-1) to 4,948 M(-1) s(-1) with a decrease in pH from 9 to 6. At neutral pH the degradation was fast, indicating that ferrate could be used for rapid removal of PCP. The total degradation of PCP was confirmed by comparing the initial PCP molarity with the molarity of chloride ions released. We conclude no harmful products are formed during ferrate treatment as all PCP chlorine was released as chloride. Specifically, no polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans were detected.
Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi contribute to the survival of host trees on metal-rich soils by reducing the transfer of toxic metals into roots. However, little is known about the ability of ECM fungi to accumulate elements in ectomycorrhizae (ECMs). Here we report Ag, As, Cd, Cl, Cu, Sb, V, and Zn contents in wild-grown Norway spruce ECMs collected in a smelter-polluted area at Lhota near Příbram, Czech Republic. The ECMs data were compared with the element concentrations determined in the corresponding non-mycorrhizal fine roots, soils, and soil extracts. Bioaccumulation factors were calculated to differentiate the element accumulation ability of ECMs inhabited by different mycobionts, which were identified by ITS rDNA sequencing. Among the target elements, the highest contents were observed for Ag, Cl, Cd, and Zn; Imleria badia ECMs showed the highest capability to accumulate these elements. ECMs of Amanita muscaria, but not of other species, accumulated V. The analysis of the proportions of I. badia and A. muscaria mycelia in ECMs by using species-specific quantitative real-time PCR revealed variable extent of the colonization of roots, with median values close to 5% (w/w). Calculated Ag, Cd, Zn and Cl concentrations in the mycelium of I. badia ECMs were 1 680, 1 510, 2 670, and 37,100 mg kg(-1) dry weight, respectively, indicating substantial element accumulation capacity of hyphae of this species in ECMs. Our data strengthen the idea of an active role of ECM fungi in soil-fungal-plant interactions in polluted environments.
- MeSH
- chlor metabolismus MeSH
- kořeny rostlin metabolismus MeSH
- látky znečišťující půdu metabolismus MeSH
- mycelium metabolismus MeSH
- mykorhiza metabolismus MeSH
- polokovy metabolismus MeSH
- těžké kovy metabolismus MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Application of Fenton's reagent and enhanced reductive dechlorination are currently the most common remediation strategies resulting in removal of chlorinated ethenes. In this study, the influence of such techniques on organohalide-respiring bacteria was assessed at a site contaminated by chlorinated ethenes using a wide spectrum of molecular genetic markers, including 16S rRNA gene of the organohalide-respiring bacteria Dehaloccocoides spp., Desulfitobacterium and Dehalobacter; reductive dehalogenase genes (vcrA, bvcA) responsible for dechlorination of vinyl chloride and sulphate-reducing and denitrifying bacteria. In-situ application of hydrogen peroxide to induce a Fenton-like reaction caused an instantaneous decline in all markers below detection limit. Two weeks after application, the bvcA gene and Desulfitobacterium relative abundance increased to levels significantly higher than those prior to application. No significant decrease in the concentration of a range of chlorinated ethenes was observed due to the low hydrogen peroxide dose used. A clear increase in marker levels was also observed following in-situ application of sodium lactate, which resulted in a seven-fold increase in Desulfitobacterium and a three-fold increase in Dehaloccocoides spp. after 70 days. An increase in the vcrA gene corresponded with increase in Dehaloccocoides spp. Analysis of selected markers clearly revealed a positive response of organohalide-respiring bacteria to biostimulation and unexpectedly fast recovery after the Fenton-like reaction.
- MeSH
- Bacteria metabolismus MeSH
- bakteriální RNA genetika MeSH
- biodegradace MeSH
- chemické látky znečišťující vodu metabolismus MeSH
- chlor metabolismus MeSH
- chlorované uhlovodíky metabolismus MeSH
- genetické markery genetika MeSH
- katalýza * MeSH
- natriumlaktát aplikace a dávkování metabolismus MeSH
- oxidace-redukce MeSH
- RNA ribozomální 16S genetika MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Chlorine cycle in natural ecosystems involves formation of low and high molecular weight organic compounds of living organisms, soil organic matter and atmospherically deposited chloride. Chloroform (CHCl3) and adsorbable organohalogens (AOX) are part of the chlorine cycle. We attempted to characterize the dynamical changes in the levels of total organic carbon (TOC), AOX, chlorine and CHCl3 in a drinking water reservoir and in its tributaries, mainly at its spring, and attempt to relate the presence of AOX and CHCl3 with meteorological, chemical or biological factors. Water temperature and pH influence the formation and accumulation of CHCl3 and affect the conditions for biological processes, which are demonstrated by the correlation between CHCl3 and ΣAOX/Cl(-) ratio, and also by CHCl3/ΣAOX, CHCl3/AOXLMW, CHCl3/ΣTOC, CHCl3/TOCLMW and CHCl3/Cl(-) ratios in different microecosystems (e.g. old spruce forest, stagnant acidic water, humid and warm conditions with high biological activity). These processes start with the biotransformation of AOX from TOC, continue via degradation of AOX to smaller molecules and further chlorination, and finish with the formation of small chlorinated molecules, and their subsequent volatilization and mineralization. The determined concentrations of chloroform result from a dynamic equilibrium between its formation and degradation in the water; in the Hamry water reservoir, this results in a total amount of 0.1-0.7 kg chloroform and 5.2-15.4 t chloride. The formation of chloroform is affected by Cl(-) concentration, by concentrations and ratios of biogenic substrates (TOC and AOX), and by the ratios of the substrates and the product (feedback control by chloroform itself).
- MeSH
- chemické látky znečišťující vodu analýza MeSH
- chlor analýza MeSH
- chloroform analýza MeSH
- halogenované uhlovodíky analýza MeSH
- jezera analýza chemie MeSH
- karcinogeny analýza MeSH
- látky znečišťující vzduch analýza MeSH
- pitná voda analýza chemie MeSH
- plyny analýza MeSH
- řeky chemie MeSH
- skleníkový efekt MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH