Úvod: Duševní zdraví je důležitou součástí celkového zdraví. Dospívání je jedním z kritických období pro rozvíjení duševních ne-mocí. Kvalita života pacientů s duševními poruchami je výrazně ovlivněna stigmatizací. Cílem této studie je prozkoumat postoje dospívajících žijících na Slovensku vůči poruchám duševního zdraví.Metodika: Pro hodnocení postojů vůči duševním poruchám byl použit dotazník Mental Illnes Stigma Scale. Dotazník byl předán 550 studentům na šesti slovenských středních školách. Průměrný věk dotazovaných byl 17,45 ± 0,95 (60,18 % žen). Pro statistic-kou analýzu jsme využili: TANOVA, Studentův t-test a korelační analýzu.Výsledky: Vyšší úroveň stigmatizujících postojů vůči duševním poruchám byla zjištěna zejména v oblasti profesní efektivity a do-vedností, v možnostech léčby a zotavení se a též ve špatné hygieně. Nebyly zjištěny žádné významné sociodemografické rozdíly v postojích ke stigmatizaci. Výjimkou byla oblast špatné hygieny, kterou uvedlo větší množství respondentů mužského pohlaví (t = 3,71; p ≤ 0,001).Závěr: Podle odpovědí dospívajících žijících na Slovensku poukazují naše výsledky na relativně velkou prevalenci negativních po-stojů týkajících se profesních dovedností a efektivity lidí trpících duševní poruchou a vůči možnostem efektivní léčby. Prospěšné by bylo lepší vzdělávání v této oblasti nebo kampaň, která by pomohla snížit stigmatizaci lidí s duševním onemocněním a zlepšila by znalosti studentů ve věkové skupině, která byla dotazována.
Introduction: Mental health is an important component of overall health. Adolescence is one of the critical life periods for the development of mental illness. Quality of life among patients with mental health problems is significantly affected by stigmatization. This study aims to explore the perception and attitudes toward mental health disorders among adolescents in Slovakia.Methods: The Mental Illness Stigma Scale was used for assessing the attitudes related to mental illness. The questionnaire was administered to 550 students at six high schools in Slovakia. The average age of respondents was 17.45 ± 0.95 (60.18% females). ANOVA, Student’s t-test, and correlational analysis were used for statistical analysis.Results: In particular, higher levels of stigmatizing attitudes towards mental illness were found in the areas of Professional efficacy, Treatability and Recovery, as well as Poor Hygiene. There were no significant socio-demographic differences in the stigmatization attitudes, with the exception of the Poor Hygiene subscale, with male respondents scoring higher (t = –3.71, p ≤ 0.001).Conclusion: Our results indicate a relatively high prevalence of negative attitudes toward professional efficacy of mental health professionals and toward possibilities of effective treatment of mental health disorders among high school students. An educational intervention or campaign to reduce stigma toward mental illnesses and improve knowledge targeted at this specific age group would be beneficial.
- MeSH
- duševně nemocní MeSH
- duševní poruchy * MeSH
- duševní zdraví MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- postoj MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- společenské stigma * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Slovenská republika MeSH
The aim of the study is to examine the relationships between attitudes towards communication skills, self-evaluation of communication abilities, and sense of coherence among students of nursing. A cross-sectional correlational study design was employed. Altogether, 227 university nursing students participated in the study (20.53 ± 2.04; 96.9% females). Communication Skills Attitudes Scale (CSAS), Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC), and short self-evaluation scale of communication ability of own design were used. The results showed a high average score in the positive attitudes subscale and moderate negative attitudinal scores in the CSAS questionnaire, as well as positive self-evaluation of the communication abilities among students. The positive subscale of the CSAS was positively related to the sense of coherence (p = 0.05), while the negative subscale of the CSAS was negatively related to the sense of coherence (p ≤ 0.001). The study showed that sense of coherence is associated with more positive attitudes towards communication skills. Understanding the factors associated with the effective communication strategies provides an important base for improving the content of the current communication curriculum in nursing study programs.
The aim of the study is to examine the relationships between attitudes towards communication skills, self-evaluation of communication abilities, and sense of coherence among students of nursing. A cross-sectional correlational study design was employed. Altogether, 227 university nursing students participated in the study (20.53 ± 2.04; 96.9% females). Communication Skills Attitudes Scale (CSAS), Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC), and short self-evaluation scale of communication ability of own design were used. The results showed a high average score in the positive attitudes subscale and moderate negative attitudinal scores in the CSAS questionnaire, as well as positive self-evaluation of the communication abilities among students. The positive subscale of the CSAS was positively related to the sense of coherence (p = 0.05), while the negative subscale of the CSAS was negatively related to the sense of coherence (p ≤ 0.001). The study showed that sense of coherence is associated with more positive attitudes towards communication skills. Understanding the factors associated with the effective communication strategies provides an important base for improving the content of the current communication curriculum in nursing study programs.
- MeSH
- interprofesionální vztahy etika MeSH
- komunikace * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- sebepojetí MeSH
- studenti ošetřovatelství MeSH
- životní smysluplnost MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the differences in engagement and burnout syndrome in students ofnursing/midwifery and psychology in Slovakia. Design:A cross-sectional design was used. Methods: 171 university students on a baccalaureate program participated in the research (90.9% females; age 20.6 ± 1.3; 80 psychology students, 91 nursing/midwifery students). The School Burnout Inventory (SBI) andUtrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) were employed as measurement methods.Results:A significant negative association between levels of burnout and engagement (R = 0.42; p < 0.01) was found. A linear regression model showed a significant effect of engagement onburnout (β = -0.34; 95%CI: -0.50; -0.19). However, the total explained variance was only 19.4%. Students of psychology scored higher in engagement compared to nursing and midwifery students (t = 6.89; p < 0.001).Conversely, midwifery and nursing students had higher levels of burnout compared to the group of psychology students (t = -4.55; p < 0,001). Conclusion:Nursing is considered to be a high risk profession in terms of development of burnout, which was demonstrated in this study by the higher burnout, and lower engagement levels in nursing and midwifery students. Higher attention to coping mechanisms for stress and burnout symptoms among students of healthcare professions is required in the school curriculum, especially in nursing programs.
- Klíčová slova
- School Burnout Inventory, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale,
- MeSH
- angažovanost zaměstnanců * MeSH
- duševní vyhoření * etiologie psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- lineární modely MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychologie výchova MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- studenti ošetřovatelství psychologie MeSH
- studenti psychologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Slovenská republika MeSH
Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the available research evidence on the effectiveness of training methods used in communication and interpersonal skills enhancement in midwifery practice and study. Design: Review. Methods: A systematic search in SCOPUS and PubMed databases was performed, with the following selection criteria for studies: quantitative studies in English between the years 2006–2016, using the key words: communication enhancement, communication training, and midwifery in their abstract or title. Theoretical analyses of the problem and review articles were excluded. The search process resulted in the discovery of nine studies focusing on communication skills enhancement in midwifery. Results: All of the available studies confirmed positive effects on communication skills in general, particularly on self-confidence, selfawareness, subjective feelings of competency, and communication within the team. Roleplay with patient-actors proved to be more effective than patient simulators. Conclusion: Although positive effects of the communication training programs were reported in the articles reviewed, there was a high level of heterogeneity in the intervention methods, length and outcome measures used within the training programs. Research studies comparing the effectiveness of the different training methods, using objective outcome measures, and with good quality methodological background, are needed in this area in order to formulate clear recommendations for practice regarding effective interventions.
- MeSH
- babictví * výchova MeSH
- klinické kompetence MeSH
- komunikace MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- osoby simulující pacienta ve výuce MeSH
- porodní asistentky * výchova MeSH
- problémově orientovaná výuka MeSH
- studium ošetřovatelství - výzkum * MeSH
- studium ošetřovatelství metody MeSH
- výuka - hodnocení MeSH
- vztahy mezi ošetřovatelkou a pacientem MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Cieľom tejto štúdie bolo zistiť súvislosť medzi osobnosťou typu D a syndrómom vyhorenia u študentov pomáhajúcich profesií. Z teoretických východísk vyplýva, že osobnosť typu D je možné považovať za rizikovú z hľadiska rozvoja syndrómu vyhorenia, vzhľadom na negatívnu afektivitu a problémy v sociálnych interakciách typické pre tento typ osobnosti. Výskumný súbor zahŕňal 97 vysokoškolských študentov a študentiek psychológie, ošetrovateľstva a pôrodnej asistencie (95,9 % žien; priemerný vek 20,2±1,49). Ako výskumný nástroj bol použitý dotazník NS 14 (Type D Personality Subscale) pre zistenie osobnosti typu D a dotazník SBI (School Burnout Inventory) na meranie syndrómu vyhorenia v škole. Výsledky boli štatisticky spracované za pomoci lineárneho regresného modelu a Studentovho t- testu. Subškála Negatívna afektivita dotazníka NS 14významne predikovala úroveň syndrómu vyhorenia vo výskumnom súbore (β = 0,53; 95 % CI: 0,41;0,92), avšak subškála Sociálna inhibícia nebola preukázaná ako významný prediktor vyhorenia. Celková vysvetlená variancia v lineárnom regresnom modeli bola 26,9 %. Študenti, ktorí boli identifikovaní ako osobnosť typu D, skórovali výrazne vyššie v syndróme vyhorenia v porovnaní so študentmi bez charakteristík osobnosti typu D (t = –2,58; p<0,01). Výsledky štúdie ukazujú, že u jedincov s vysokým skóre v škále osobnosti typu D sú prítomné tiež zvýšené hladiny syndrómu vyhorenia. Osobnosť typu D sa vyznačuje použitím maladaptívnych stratégií zvládania v stresových situáciách, preto by mali byť do programov prevencie syndrómu vyhorenia zahrnuté špecializované intervenčné postupy zamerané na zvyšovanie sociálnych zručností, a to najmä pre ľudí so zvýšeným rizikom rozvoja vyhorenia.
Aim of this study was to examine the association between Type D personality and burnout syndrome among students of healthcare professions. In this context, Type D personality is considered as negative factor with regard to burnout syndrome due to negative affectivity and problematic social interactions typical for this type of personality. The research sample included 97 university students of psychology, nursing and midwifery (95.9 % females; age 20.2±1.49). Type D Personality Subscale (NS 14), and School Burnout Inventory (SBI) were used. Linear regression models and Student’s t-test were employed as statistical methods. Negative affectivity subscale of Type D questionnaire significantly predicted the burnout syndrome in our sample (β = 0,53; 95 % CI: 0,41;0,92), however, social inhibition subscale was not found to be significant burnout predictor. Total explained variance in the linear regression model was 26.9 %. Students who were identified as Type D personality scored significantly higher in burnout syndrome questionnaire (t= -2.58 p<0,01). A study results indicate that individuals with the Type D personality are at elevated risk for burnout syndrome. Type D personality is characterized by using maladaptive coping strategies in stress situations, thus specialized intervention programs targeted on increasing the social skills including positive coping strategies should be included in burnout prevention programs, especially for those who are at higher risk of burnout development
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- osobnost typu D * MeSH
- profesionální vyhoření * MeSH
- studenti zdravotnických povolání MeSH
- studenti psychologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Cieľ: Cieľom štúdie bolo preskúmať, či sociálno-psychologický výcvik zameraný na zvyšovanie sociálnych a copingových zručností má pozitívny vplyv na vyhorenie a mieru zaangažovanosti u študentov pomáhajúcich profesií. Design: Bol využitý kvázi experimentálny výskumný dizajn. Metodika: Účastníkmi výskumu bolo 97 študentov (20,2 ± 1,49; 95,9 % žien) psychológie, ošetrovateľstva a pôrodnej asistencie (50 študentov v experimentálnej skupine zúčastňujúcej sa výcviku, 47 študentov v kontrolnej skupine). Na meranie vyhorenia bola použitá Škála syndrómu vyhorenia v škole (SBI); ďalej boli použité Antonovského škála zmyslu pre integritu (SOC), Utrechtská škála pracovnej zaangažovanosti (UWES) a Baruthova škála protektívnych faktorov (BPFI). Na štatistické spracovanie údajov bola použitá korelačná analýza, Studentov t-test, a ANOVA s LSD post hoc testami. Výsledky: V experimentálnej skupine po absolvovaní výcviku sa ukázalo štatisticky významné zníženie úrovne syndrómu vyhorenia (95 % konfidenčný interval: 5.26;11.94), zvýšenie hladiny zmyslu pre integritu (95 % konfidenčný interval: -11,48; -3,37), a reziliencie (95 % konfidenčný interval: -7,92; -1,70), zatiaľ čo v kontrolnej skupine neboli zmeny zaznamenané. U zaangažovanosti sa predpoklady nepotvrdili. Záver: Výskumná štúdia poukázala na sociálno-psychologický výcvik ako na metódu s pozitívnym účinkom na mieru vyhorenia a súvisiace osobnostné charakteristiky u študentov pomáhajúcich profesií, a tým ako na možný a vhodný spôsob prevencie vyhorenia.
Aim: The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of psychosocial training, with a focus on increasing social and coping skills, on the levels of burnout and engagement in students in various healthcare professions. Design: A quasi-experimental design was used in the present study. Methods: 97 students (20.2 ± 1.49; 95.9% female) of psychology, nursing and midwifery participated in the research (50 students in an experimental group receiving psychosocial training, and 47 students in a control group). To measure burnout, the School Burnout Inventory (SBI), Antonovski Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) and Baruth Protective Factors Inventory (BPFI) were employed. Data were statistically analyzed using correlation analysis, Student's t-test, and the ANOVA with LSD post hoc tests. Results: A statistically significant decrease in burnout syndrome (95 % CI: 5.26; 11.94), and an increased sense of coherence (95 % CI: -11.48; -3.37) and resilience (95 % CI: -7.92; -1.70) were found in the experimental group of students after psychosocial training, while no significant changes were observed in the control group. Research assumptions regarding engagement were not confirmed. Conclusion: The research study has shown that psychosocial training as a method has a positive effect on burnout syndrome and related personality characteristics among students of the healthcare professions, and is thus a relevant and appropriate method of burnout prevention.
- MeSH
- adaptace psychologická MeSH
- angažovanost zaměstnanců MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- profesionální vyhoření * psychologie MeSH
- psychická odolnost MeSH
- sociální dovednosti MeSH
- studenti zdravotnických povolání psychologie MeSH
- životní smysluplnost MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- klinická studie MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Tourettov syndróm je celoživotné neuropsychiatrické ochorenie s nástupom v detskom veku, charakterizované prítomnosťou tikov, ktoré často sprevádzajú i poruchy správania a ďalšie komorbidné poruchy. Na jeho vzniku sa podieľajú zväčša genetické faktory, no nevylučuje sa ani vplyv epigenetických činiteľov. Ľudia s Tourettovým syndrómom trpia okrem tikov viacerými motorickými a inými špecifickými príznakmi v behaviorálnej a psychickej oblasti. Cieľom prehľadovej štúdie bolo priniesť zhrnutie aktuálnych poznatkov z vedeckej literatúry o kvalite života pacientov s týmto ochorením v najdôležitejších oblastiach, a pokúša sa tak priblížiť dopad tohto ochorenia na každodenný život. Pre získanie relevantných zdrojov odborných informácií a zostavenie prehľadu vedeckých štúdií publikovaných k danej téme boli využité odborné licencované databázy vedeckých časopisov a e-kníh – Medline, EBSCO complete, Springer a Blackwell. Tourettov syndróm nie je degeneratívnym ochorením, hoci ovplyvňuje viaceré oblasti vývinu a života. Početné výskumné štúdie prinášajú zistenia o všeobecne nižšej kvalite života pri tomto ochorení, pričom za jej najvýznamnejšie prediktory možno považovať závažnosť tikov, a tiež výskyt a závažnosť pridruženej komorbidity, najmä v zmysle obsedantne- kompulzívnej poruchy a porúch pozornosti a hyperaktivitu. Za dimenziu kvality života najviac negatívne ovplyvnenú ochorením možno považovať oblasť sociálneho fungovania. V dôsledku vykonávania tikov má Tourettov syndróm značný vplyv na vývin motorický, často je spájaný aj s problémami v oblasti kognitívnych schopností. Významný je však najmä dopad na sociálny a emocionálny vývin, v dôsledku čoho trpia prevažne dospievajúci pacienti úbytkom sebavedomia a nedostatkom skúseností v interakcií s ostatnými. Ako sa snaží poukázať aj táto štúdia, ľudia postihnutí Tourettovým syndrómom môžu za priaznivej podpory a primeraného prístupu svojho okolia viesť plnohodnotný život. Základom liečby je včasná a správna diagnóza; existuje značný počet alternatív v oblasti farmakoterapie a rehabilitácie a skvalitňovania celkového života s ochorením. Dôležitým faktorom ovplyvňujúcim kvalitu života je aj postoj a podpora rodiny a tiež odborníkov poskytujúcich starostlivosť.
Tourette syndrome is a lifelong neuropsychiatric disease exerting its onset in the childhood and characterized by the presence of tics, which are also frequently accompanied by behaviour disorders and further co-morbid conditions. Genetic factors frequently participate in its development, but epigenetic effects also cannot be excluded. In addition to tics, individuals with Tourette syndrome suffer from rather numerous locomotor and other specific symptoms in the behavioural and mental areas. The target of the present outline was to bring a summarization of topical knowledge from the scientific literature concerning the quality of life of patients with this disease in the most important fields and thus, to help explaining the impact of this disease on the everyday life. Professional licensed databases of scientific journals and e-books, such as Medline, EBSCO complete, Springer and Blackwell, were employed to acquire relevant sources of special information and compilation of the outline of scientific studies published in this field. Tourette syndrome is not a degenerative disease, but it affects several areas of the development and life. Numerous research studies bring data about a generally lower quality of life with this disease, where the most important predictors are the severity of tics and also occurrence and severity of associated co-morbidity, particularly in the sense of obsessivecompulsive disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The area of the social function can be considered as the most markedly negatively affected dimension of the quality of life. Due to tics, the Tourette syndrome considerably affects the locomotor development, which is frequently also associated with problems in the field of the cognitive capacity. There is, however, a particularly important impact on the social and emotional development, due to which particularly adolescent patients suffer from a reduction in their self-confidence and lack of experience in interactions with other people. The present study also attempts to show that people suffering from Tourette syndrome are able to live in adequate manner provided that they are appropriately and beneficially supported. Early and accurate diagnosis provides the background necessary for the treatment. There are numerous alternatives in the field of pharmacotherapy and rehabilitation and improving the general quality of the life in the presence of the disease. An important factor affecting the quality of life is also the attitude and support by the family and also professionals providing the care.
- Klíčová slova
- psychické problémy, recenzovaný článek, výzkumná studie,
- MeSH
- deprese MeSH
- poruchy příjmu potravy MeSH
- úzkost MeSH