PURPOSE: The aim of this neurophysiological study was to retrospectively analyze visual evoked potentials (VEPs) acquired during an examination for diagnosing optic nerve involvement in patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB). Attention was focused on LNB patients with peripheral facial palsy (PFP) and optic nerve involvement. METHODS: A total of 241 Czech patients were classified as having probable/definite LNB (193/48); of these, 57 were younger than 40 years, with a median age of 26.3 years, and 184 were older than 40 years, with a median age of 58.8 years. All patients underwent pattern-reversal (PVEP) and motion-onset (MVEP) VEP examinations. RESULTS: Abnormal VEP results were observed in 150/241 patients and were noted more often in patients over 40 years (p = 0.008). Muscle/joint problems and paresthesia were observed to be significantly more common in patients older than 40 years (p = 0.002, p = 0.030), in contrast to headache and decreased visual acuity, which were seen more often in patients younger than 40 years (p = 0.001, p = 0.033). Peripheral facial palsy was diagnosed in 26/241 LNB patients. Among patients with PFP, VEP peak times above the laboratory limit was observed in 22 (84.6%) individuals. Monitoring of patients with PFP and pathological VEP showed that the adjustment of visual system function occurred in half of the patients in one to more years, in contrast to faster recovery from peripheral facial palsy within months in most patients. CONCLUSION: In LNB patients, VEP helps to increase sensitivity of an early diagnostic process.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- faciální paralýza patofyziologie diagnóza MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- lymská neuroborelióza * patofyziologie diagnóza komplikace MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- nemoci zrakového nervu * patofyziologie diagnóza MeSH
- nervus opticus patofyziologie MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- zraková ostrost fyziologie MeSH
- zrakové evokované potenciály * fyziologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
In the age homogenous group of 13 healthy volunteers, we examined visual evoked potentials (VEP) visually evoked cognitive potentials (event-related potentials - ERP) and choice reaction time (CRT) five times during the day (from 10.00 a.m. up to midnight) to verify whether there are significant changes of the measured parameters of the cortical evoked potentials and CRT which might reflect the level of the mental fatigue. The electrophysiological testing was done with the use of a new portable VEP device named "VEPpeak" enabling to perform the examination outside standard labs in almost any conditions. It was found that the latency of ERP (P300 peak time) and CRT displayed significant prolongation toward midnight while VEP latency and all amplitudes did not change significantly. This pilot study supports our idea that the portable VEP device possibly might be used for the objective examination of mental fatigue that is needed in many situations. This should be confirmed in a larger study also including a comparison with non-electrophysiological fatigue testing.
- MeSH
- duševní únava MeSH
- evokované potenciály * fyziologie MeSH
- kognice MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pilotní projekty MeSH
- zrakové evokované potenciály * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Despite positive prior results obtained by using event-related potentials (ERPs) in psychiatric patients, they are not routinely used in the clinical setting. This may in part be due to problems regarding a lack of transportable equipment availability. It can be difficult for these patients to repeatedly visit electrophysiological laboratories. To address this issue, we propose using a new, fully portable device for visually evoked potentials (VEP) and cognitive function assessment, that can be used for quick examinations (https://www.veppeak.com). Our device, called "VEPpeak", is built into a headset with a color LED visual stimulator. It weighs 390 g and is connected to a notebook (PC) with evaluation software via USB. In this pilot study, we verified the device's usability in 31 patients with schizophrenia. We used the oddball paradigm with the recognition of colors for the P300 wave and choice reaction time evaluation. The examination lasted only about ten minutes. The results indicated good reproducibility of large cognitive potentials (P300) with prolonged P300 latencies and reduced amplitudes in patients compared to 15 control subjects. The P300 latency and reaction time prolongation in patients correlated with their age and the sedative effect of the pharmacotherapy.
INTRODUCTION: We developed a new portable device called "VEPpeak" for the examination of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to extend VEP examination beyond specialized electrophysiological laboratories and to simplify the use of this objective, noninvasive, and low-cost method for diagnostics of visual and central nervous system dysfunctions. METHODS: VEPpeak consists of a plastic headset with a total weight of 390 g containing four EEG amplifiers, an A/D converter, a control unit, and a visual LED stimulator built in the front, vertically adjustable peak. The device is powered and controlled via USB connection from a standard PC/notebook using custom software for visual stimuli generation and for VEP recording and processing. Up to four electrodes can be placed at any scalp location or in combination with two dry electrodes incorporated into the headset. External visual stimulators, such as a tablet, can be used with synchronization. Feasibility and validation studies were conducted with 86 healthy subjects and 76 neuro-ophthalmological patients including 67 who were during the same session also tested with a conventional VEP system. RESULTS: VEPpeak recordings to standard (pattern-reversal) and non-standard (motion-onset, red-green alternation) were robust and repeatable and obtained also in immobilized patients. Good comparability of results was achieved between VEPpeak and standard examination. Some systematic differences in peak latencies and amplitudes are consistent with differences in stimulus characteristics of the two compared systems. DISCUSSION: VEPpeak provides an inexpensive system for clinical use requiring portability. In addition to ISCEV standard VEP protocols, free choice of stimuli and bio-signal recordings make the device universal for many electrophysiological purposes.
Cíl: Zrakové evokované potenciály (visual evoked potentials; VEP) představují objektivní, neinvazivní a levnou diagnostickou metodu, zejména v neurooftalmologii. Mnoho diagnostických aplikací je však limitováno tím, že k jejich vyšetření se dosud používá robustní, obtížně transportovatelné zařízení, přičemž imobilní nebo jinak handicapovaní pacienti nemohou navštěvovat specializované laboratoře. Cílem naší práce bylo vyvinout snadno přenosný, levný VEP přístroj použitelný prakticky kdekoliv. Metodika: Všechny části posledního prototypu přístroje (vestavěný zrakový stimulátor, snímací elektrody, čtyřkanálový EEG zesilovač, analogově-číslicový převodník a řídicí jednotka) s celkovou hmotností 390 g jsou uloženy v náhlavním nosiči (umělohmotný „kšilt“ s upínacím páskem). Snímací a vyhodnocovací software pro natáčení a vyhodnocení VEP je použitelný na standardním notebooku (PC). Parametry přístroje splňují doporučení mezinárodních společností pro klinickou elektrofyziologii zraku a klinickou neurofyziologii, ale také umožňují nové aplikace dosud běžně nepoužívaných variant evokovaných potenciálů. Testování přístroje zatím proběhlo u 91 kontrolních osob a 135 neurooftalmologických pacientů. Výsledky: Pilotní studie prokázaly srovnatelné parametry VEP a diagnostickou senzitivitu jako u standardního zařízení (shoda nálezů v 93 % případů). Byla ověřena možnost použití přístroje v různých prostředích, u lůžka pacienta i pro laické samovyšetření. Závěr: Přenosný přístroj pro VEP výrazně zvyšuje dostupnost vyšetření, a tím umožňuje daleko širší diagnostické aplikace této metody.
Aim: Visual evoked potentials (VEP) represent an objective non-invasive and inexpensive diagnostic method, particularly in neuro-ophthalmology. A lot of possible diagnostic applications are limited because they are only examined with the use of robust equipment which is hardly transportable and immobile and handicapped patients cannot visit the specialized labs. The aim of our research work was the development of a portable inexpensive VEP device that could be used almost anywhere. Methods: All parts of the last prototype of the device (built-in visual stimulator, recording electrodes, 4-channel EEG amplifier, analog-digital converter, and control unit) with a total weight of 390 g are placed in a headset (plastic “shield” with an adjustable strap). The software for VEP recording and evaluation is used on a standard notebook (PC). The parameters of the device fulfill recommendations of the international societies for clinical electrophysiology of vision and clinical neurophysiology also enabling new applications of so far not routinely used variants of evoked potentials. Testing of the device was done so far in 91 control subjects and 135 neuroophthalmological patients. Results: Pilot studies proved comparable parameters of VEP and diagnostic sensitivity as in standard devices (equal results in 93% of cases). It was verified that the device is usable in various environments, at the patient’s bedside, and also for basic self-examination. Conclusion: The portable device for VEP significantly increases the availability of their examination and thus enables much broader diagnostic applications of this method.
- MeSH
- diagnostické techniky neurologické přístrojové vybavení statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- diagnostické techniky oftalmologické přístrojové vybavení statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- zrakové evokované potenciály * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- klinická studie MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Závěrečná zpráva o řešení grantu Agentury pro zdravotnický výzkum MZ ČR
Examination of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) is an objective, non-invasive diagnostic method used mainly in Neuro-ophthalmology. But existing devices for VEPs examination are expensive, non-transferable, requiring professional staff. Thus, the standard VEPs examination is not possible outside specialised labs, which limits its diagnostic applications. It could be solved by our “Mobile device for examination of visual evoked potentials” that we developed on principles of our 3 patents (CZ 304882, 304875 and CZ 303192). Prototypes of this device were successfully tested in healthy subjects. With the help of this project we intend to verify diagnostic usability of the device (sensitivity and specificity) in comparison with the standard VEPs, first in Optic nerve involvements and Schizophrenia. Positive results (based on “ROC analysis”) would enable serial production of the device, wider extension of VEPs for early diagnostics of neuro-ophthalmological and psychiatric disorders and also usage for a cheap home self-examination of patients requiring monitoring of some CNS dysfunctions.
Vyšetření zrakových evokovaných potenciálů (VEPs) je objektivní neinvazivní diagnostická metoda, využívaná zejména v neuro-oftalmologii. Existující zařízení pro vyšetřování VEPs jsou však drahá, nepřenositelná a náročná na obsluhu. Proto není standardní vyšetření VEPs možné mimo specializované laboratoře, což limituje jeho diagnostické využití. Toto omezení může řešit naše “Mobilní zařízení pro vyšetření zrakových evokovaných potenciálů”, které jsme vyvinuli na principech našich tří patentů (CZ 304882, CZ 304875 a CZ 303192). Prototypy tohoto zařízení byly úspěšně testovány u zdravých osob. Nyní chceme s pomocí navrhovaného projektu ověřit diagnostickou použitelnost zařízení (senzitivitu a specificitu) ve srovnání se standardními VEPs, nejprve u postižení zrakových nervů a schizofrenie. Pozitivní výsledky (na základě „ROC“ analýzy) by umožnily sériovou výrobu zařízení, větší rozšíření VEPs v časné diagnostice neuro-oftalmologických a psychiatrických chorob i využití pro levné domácí samovyšetření pacientů s potřebou dlouhodobého monitorování některých mozkových dysfunkcí.
We designed and synthesized nucleosides bearing aminophenyl- or aminonaphthyl-3-methoxychromone fluorophores attached at position 5 of cytosine or thymine and converted them to nucleoside triphosphates. The fluorophores showed solvatochromic fluorescence with strong fluorescence at 433-457 nm in non-polar solvents and very weak fluorescence at 567 nm in alcohols. The nucleosides and nucleotides also showed only negligible fluorescence in alcohols or water. The triphosphates were substrates for DNA polymerase in the enzymatic synthesis of modified DNA probes that showed only very weak fluorescence in aqueous buffer but a significant light-up and blue shift were observed when they interacted with proteins (histone H3.1 or p53 for double-stranded DNA probes or single-strand binding protein for single-stranded oligonucleotide probes). Hence, nucleotides have good potential in the construction of DNA sensors for studying protein-DNA interactions. The modified dNTPs were also transported into cells using a cyclodextrin-based transporter but they were not incorporated into the genomic DNA.
BACKGROUND: For patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a special intraocular lens implantation partially compensates for the loss in the central part of the visual field. For six months, we evaluated changes in neurophysiological parameters in patients implanted with a "Scharioth macula lens" (SML; a center near high add + 10 D and peripheral plano carrier bifocal lens designed to be located between the iris and an artificial lens). METHODS: Fourteen patients (5 M, 9 F, 63-87 years) with dry AMD were examined prior to and at 3 days after, as well as 1, 2, and 6 months after, implantation using pattern-reversal, motion-onset, and cognitive evoked potentials, psychophysical tests evaluating distant and near visual acuity, and contrast sensitivity. RESULTS: Near visual acuity without an external aid was significantly better six months after implantation than before implantation (Jaeger table median (lower; upper quartile): 4 (1; 6) vs. 15 (13; 17)). Distant visual acuity was significantly altered between the pre- (0.7 (0.5; 0.8) logMAR) and last postimplantation visits (0.8 (0.7; 0.8) logMAR), which matched prolongation of the P100 peak time (147 (135; 151) ms vs. 161 (141; 166) ms) of 15 arc min pattern-reversal VEPs and N2 peak time (191.5 (186.5; 214.5) ms vs. 205 (187; 218) ms) of peripheral motion-onset VEPs. CONCLUSION: SML implantation significantly improved near vision. We also observed a slight but significant decrease in distant and peripheral vision. The most efficient electrophysiological approach to test patients with SML was the peripheral motion-onset stimulation, which evoked repeatable and readable VEPs.
- MeSH
- elektroretinografie MeSH
- implantace nitrooční čočky MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- makulární degenerace * MeSH
- nitrooční čočky * MeSH
- zraková ostrost MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Cíl: Prezentovat pilotní výsledky studie zabývající se zlepšením kvality života u pacientů se stabilní makulopatií prostřednictvím implantace intraokulární makulární čočky, zrakovou rehabilitací a modulací zrakové plasticity transkraniální elektrickou stimulací (tES). Metodika a soubor: Do studie bude během 3 let zařazeno 20 pacientů se stabilní makulopatií, nejčastěji věkem podmíněnou makulární degenerací, kteří jsou již po operaci katarakty. V prvním roce projektu prošlo vstupním vyšetřením 17 pacientů, z nichž vhodní do studie byli čtyři. Všichni splnili indikační kritéria k implantaci Schariothovy makulární čočky (SML) a tato čočka jim byla implantována do lépe vidoucího oka. Třetí den po operaci byla započata aktivní tES a byla aplikována 20 krát během prvního měsíce u poloviny náhodně vybraných pacientů. U ostatních byla stimulace pouze předstíraná-placebo skupina. Se všemi pacienty byla ihned po implantaci zahájena intenzivní zraková rehabilitace. Tyto intervence trvaly jeden měsíc od implantace. Pacienti byli pravidelně vyšetřováni jak elektrofyziologickými metodami, tak oftalmologicky. Výsledky: Před implantací byla průměrná korigovaná zraková ostrost očí, které poté podstoupily implantaci SML, na dálku 0,23 a do blízka naturálně Jaegrova tabulka č. (J.č.) 15, s +3,0sf J.č.10,5 a s +6,0sf J.č.4,5. Po operaci a zrakové rehabilitaci byla zraková ostrost do dálky za 3 týdny 0,13, za 2 měsíce 0,2 a za půl roku 0,14. Do blízka četli pacienti po 3 týdnech průměrně naturálně J.č.7,5, za 2 měsíce J.č.7 a za 6 měsíců byli schopni číst text průměrné velikosti J.č.5. Závěr: Vzhledem k malému počtu pacientů v souboru nelze s jistotou zhodnotit efekt implantace SML současně s profesionálně vedenou zrakovou rehabilitací na samotný zrak i na spokojenost pacientů. Tito nemocní by jinak v důsledku onemocnění centra sítnic byli velmi limitováni ve svých každodenních činnostech a SML je jednou z možností řešení. Význam transkraniální elektrické stimulace u těchto nemocných je předmětem dalšího výzkumu, jehož výsledky budou dále prezentovány. Prokázali jsme bezpečnost použitých metod.
Purpose: To present pilot results of the project in which the primary goal is to optimize way how to increase the quality of life of patients with the stable maculopathy by implanting intraocular Scharioth macular lens (SML) and modulating visual plasticity by a transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) together with a visual rehabilitation. Materials and Methods: The study will include 20 patients with stable maculopathy (mainly age-related macular degeneration - AMD) who underwent cataract surgery in past and are eligible for SML implantation. The duration of the project is 3 years. During the first year of the project 17 patients were screened, SML implantation was recommended to 4 of them. They met the indication criteria of SML implantation and SML was implanted into the better seeing eye. The third postoperative day, the tES sessions started and were applied 20 times in the first month after SML implantation. The stimulation was delivered in double blind design (a stimulated and a shame group). Visual exercises and rehabilitation took place during the tES. The patients were examined ophthalmologically and also using electrophysiological methods. Results: Before the implantation, the best corrected distance visual acuity was 0.23. At near it was Jaeger number 15 uncorrected, with +3.0 sphere dioptres J.No.10.5 and with +6.0 sph dpt J.No. 4.5. After the surgery and visual rehabilitation BCVA was 0.13 after 3 weeks, 0.2 after 2 months and 0.14 after 6 months. At near it was uncorrected J.No.7.5 after 3 weeks, J.No.7 after 2 months and J.No.5 after 6 months. Conclusion: According to a few participants, the impact of SML implantation together with intensive visual rehabilitation on vision at near and on satisfaction of patients with AMD could not be significantly established. Nevertherless, these patients are limited in their daily activities and SML is one of the solutions for them. The project is ongoing and blinded still, there is also a need of more participants to assess the effect of tES on vision, the results will be presented. We have proven the safety of methods used in the project.
- Klíčová slova
- Schariothova makulární čočka, transkraniální stimulace,
- MeSH
- dvojitá slepá metoda MeSH
- elektrostimulační terapie * MeSH
- fakoemulzifikace * MeSH
- implantace nitrooční čočky MeSH
- kvalita života MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- makulární degenerace * terapie MeSH
- nitrooční čočky * MeSH
- zraková ostrost MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- randomizované kontrolované studie MeSH
PURPOSE: The aim of this neurophysiological study was to monitor changes in the visual and cognitive function of HIV-infected patients treated with combination antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: Eleven adult Czech HIV+ patients, with a mean age of 35 years and CD4 cell count ≥ 230 × 106 cells/L of blood at the time of enrollment, underwent four to six examinations over the course of 2.5 years to evaluate pattern-reversal and motion-onset visual evoked potentials (P-VEPs and M-VEPs), visually driven oddball event-related potentials (ERPs) and Montreal Cognitive Assessments. In addition to evaluating the intraindividual change in the observed parameters, we also compared patient data to data from eleven age- and gender-matched controls. RESULTS: We did not find any significant differences in P-VEPs between the patients and controls or in the paired comparison of the first and last visit. The only significant finding for P-VEPs was a linear trend in prolongation of the 20' P-VEP P100 peak time. In M-VEPs, we found a significant intergroup difference in the N160 peak time recorded during the first visit for peripheral M-VEPs only. During the last visit, all N160 peak times for patients differed significantly from those of the control group. The only intervisit difference close to the level of significance was for peripheral M-VEPs, which confirmed the trend analysis. No significant differences between patients and controls were found in the ERPs, but the P300 peak time showed a significant difference between the first and last visits, as confirmed by the trend. Patient reaction time was not significantly delayed at the first visit; however, it was prolonged with time, as confirmed by the trend. CONCLUSION: Our aim was to evaluate whether antiretroviral treatment in HIV+ patients is sufficient to preserve brain visual function. The optic nerve and primary visual cortex function tested by the P-VEPs seem to be preserved. The prolongation of the M-VEPs suggests an individually detectable decline in CNS function, but these changes did not show a progression during the follow-up. From a longitudinal perspective, the trends in peak time prolongation of the 20' P-VEP, peripheral M-VEP, ERP and reaction time suggest a faster decline than that caused by aging in healthy populations, as previously described in a cross-sectional study.
- MeSH
- antiretrovirové látky terapeutické užití MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- elektroretinografie MeSH
- evokované potenciály fyziologie MeSH
- HIV infekce farmakoterapie patofyziologie MeSH
- kognice fyziologie MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- longitudinální studie MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- počet CD4 lymfocytů MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- reakční čas fyziologie MeSH
- vnímání pohybu fyziologie MeSH
- zraková ostrost fyziologie MeSH
- zrakové evokované potenciály fyziologie MeSH
- zrakové korové centrum fyziologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH