- Publication type
- Meeting Abstract MeSH
- MeSH
- History, 20th Century MeSH
- History, 21st Century MeSH
- Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography history methods MeSH
- Radiopharmaceuticals * history classification MeSH
- Radioisotopes history classification MeSH
- Check Tag
- History, 20th Century MeSH
- History, 21st Century MeSH
- Publication type
- Historical Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
- Czechoslovakia MeSH
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate our experience with the use of Magseed, the magnetic metallic marker, as a localization technique followed by Sentimag probe detection in patients with solitary intra-abdominal local metastases with subsequent resection of the lesions. METHODS: Five patients underwent resection after the lesion was marked with the Magseed magnetic marker. Prior to the surgery, a computed tomography scan of the chest and abdomen and/or positron emission tomography was performed to rule out the dissemination of the disease. The indication for surgery was evaluated in a meeting of a multidisciplinary team, and the placement of the magnetic marker under computed tomography control had been performed the day before the planned procedure. RESULTS: The present preliminary outcomes have revealed that Magseed might be a promising technique that is feasible and safe, particularly when the postsurgical anatomic conditions in the abdominal cavity are altered and the lesions are not visible or palpable. Surgical extirpation of lesions occurred without complications in each case. In all the cases, the resection was complete and curative, and one wound infection in all (20%), without any major complications, had occurred. The mean hospital stay was 6.6 days. CONCLUSION: Magseed utilization, as a localization technique, followed by Sentimag probe detection in intra-abdominal tumors has not been reported before. Improving the visualization and, consequently, the precise marking of the lesion with subsequent radical removal can prevent insufficient or excessive removal of healthy tissue, leading to a faster diagnosis and better overall clinical outcomes.
- MeSH
- Abdominal Cavity * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Magnetic Phenomena MeSH
- Tomography, X-Ray Computed MeSH
- Positron-Emission Tomography * MeSH
- Radionuclide Imaging MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Breast cancer is diagnosed through a patient's Breast Self-Examination (BSE), Clinical Breast Examination (CBE), or para-clinical methods. False negativity of PCM in breast cancer diagnostics leads to a persisting problem associated with breast tumors diagnosed only in advanced stages. As the tumor volume/size at which it becomes invasive is not clear, BSE and CBE play an exceedingly important role in the early diagnosis of breast cancer. The quality and effectiveness of BSE and CBE depend on several factors, among which breast stiffness is the most important one. In this study, the authors present four methods for evaluating breast stiffness pathology during mammography examination based on the outputs obtained during the breast compression process, id est, without exposing the patient to X-Ray radiation. Based on the subjective assessment of breast stiffness by experienced medical examiners, a novel breast stiffness classification was designed, and the best method of its objective measurement was calibrated to fit the scale. Hence, this study provides an objective tool for the identification of patients who, being unable to perform valid BSE, could benefit from an increased frequency of mammography screening. Dum vivimus servimus.
- MeSH
- Early Detection of Cancer * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Mammography MeSH
- Breast Neoplasms * diagnosis MeSH
- Mass Screening methods MeSH
- Breast Self-Examination MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Radiation-associated angiosarcoma (RAAS) is a rare and serious complication of breast irradiation. Due to the rarity of the condition, clinical experience is limited and publications on this topic include only retrospective studies or case reports. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All patients diagnosed with RAAS between January 2000 and December 2017 in twelve centers across the Czech Republic and Slovakia were evaluated. RESULTS: Data of 53 patients were analyzed. The median age at diagnosis was 72 (range 44-89) years. The median latency period between irradiation and diagnosis of RAAS was 78 (range 36-172) months. The median radiation dose was 57.6 (range 34-66) Gy. The whole breast radiation therapy with radiation boost to the tumor bed was the most common radiotherapy regimen. Total mastectomy due to RAAS was performed in 43 patients (81%), radical excision in 8 (15%); 2 patients were not surgically treated due to unresectable disease. Adjuvant chemotherapy followed surgical therapy of RAAS in 18 patients, 3 patients underwent adjuvant radiotherapy. The local recurrence rate of RAAS was 43% and the median time from surgery to the onset of recurrence was 7.5 months (range 3-66 months). The 3-year survival rate was 56%, the 5-year survival rate was only 33%. 46% of patients died during the follow-up period. CONCLUSION: The present data demonstrate that RAAS is a rare condition with high local recurrence rate (43%) and mortality (the 5-year survival rate was 33%.). Early diagnosis of RAAS based on biopsy is crucial for treatment with radical intent. Surgery with negative margins constitutes the most important part of the therapy; the role of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy is still unclear.
- MeSH
- Radiotherapy, Adjuvant * adverse effects MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Hemangiosarcoma * radiotherapy MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Neoplasm Recurrence, Local MeSH
- Mastectomy MeSH
- Breast Neoplasms * radiotherapy MeSH
- Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced * epidemiology MeSH
- Follow-Up Studies MeSH
- Retrospective Studies MeSH
- Mastectomy, Segmental MeSH
- Aged, 80 and over MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Aged, 80 and over MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Multicenter Study MeSH
Úvod: Role chirurgické biopsie sentinelové uzliny (SLNB) u pacientek s karcinomem prsu po neoadjuvantní chemoterapii (NAC) je v současné době předmětem diskuzí. Cílem naší práce bylo zjistit falešnou negativitu (FNR) SLNB, přesnost ultrazvukového vyšetření při hodnocení stavu lymfatických uzlin a přesnost peroperační kryobiopsie sentinelové uzliny (SLN). Metody: Prospektivní multicentrická studie, která probíhala v letech 2018−2020 na třech pracovištích v ČR. Celkem bylo hodnoceno 59 pacientek. Výsledky: Falešná negativita SLNB u skupiny pacientek cN1 před NAC a ycN0 po NAC byla 12,5 %. FNR peroperačního histologického vyšetření SLN byla 38,5 %. FNR ultrazvukového vyšetření axilárních lymfatických uzlin u pacientek po NAC byla 35,5 %, falešná pozitivita byla 16,7 %. Incidence zánětlivých komplikací v našem souboru byla 3,3 %. Závěr: Falešná negativita SLNB u skupiny pacientek cN1 před NAC a ycN0 po NAC přesahuje tolerovatelnou hranici 10 %. FNR peroperačního histologického vyšetření SLN je vysoká, definitivní histologické vyšetření SLN může změnit původní diagnosticko-terapeutický plán. Ultrazvukové vyšetření axilárních lymfatických uzlin je u pacientek po NAC metoda s vysokou falešnou negativitou i pozitivitou, a nemusí tedy korespondovat s peroperačním nálezem. Incidence zánětlivých komplikací v našem souboru u pacientek po NAC je srovnatelná s literárními údaji o četnosti komplikací pacientek bez NAC.
Introduction: The role of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in patients with breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is currently under discussion. The aim of our study was to determine the false negativity rate (FNR) of SLNB, the accuracy of ultrasound examination in the evaluation of the status of lymph nodes and the accuracy of perioperative cryobiopsy of the sentinel lymph node (SLN). Methods: Prospective multicentre study, which took place in years 2018−2020 at three centres in the Czech Republic. A total of 59 patients were evaluated. Results: The FNR of SLNB in the group of patients with cN1 before NAC and ycN0 after NAC was 12.5%. The FNR of perioperative histological examination of the SLN was 38.5%. The FNR of ultrasound examination of axillary lymph nodes in patients after NAC was 35.5%, and the false positivity rate was 16.7%. The incidence of inflammatory complications in our cohort was 3.3%. Conclusion: The FNR of SLNB in the group of patients with cN1 before NAC and ycN0 after NAC exceeds the tolerable limit of 10%. The FNR of perioperative histological examination of the SLN is high; definitive histological examination of the SLN may change the original diagnostic-therapeutic plan. Ultrasound examination of the axillary lymph nodes in patients after NAC is a method with high false negativity and positivity and may not correspond with the perioperative finding. The incidence of inflammatory complications in our cohort in patients after NAC is comparable to literature data on the frequency of complications in patients without NAC.
- Keywords
- axilární disekce,
- MeSH
- Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy * methods MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Multicenter Studies as Topic MeSH
- Breast Neoplasms * surgery diagnosis drug therapy MeSH
- Neoadjuvant Therapy MeSH
- Predictive Value of Tests MeSH
- Prospective Studies MeSH
- Reproducibility of Results MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Granulomatózní mastitida (GM) je vzácné benigní zánětlivé onemocnění prsu, které bylo poprvé popsáno Kesslerem a Wollochem v roce 1972. Klinicky se může projevovat jako jednostranná, občas bolestivá, zvětšující se rezistence prsu nebo jako tvrdá nepravidelná masa. Pro hodnocení GM je sonografie nejužitečnější diagnostickou metodou. K jisté verifikaci tohoto onemocnění však vede až odebrání bioptického vzorku. Histologicky je GM charakterizována nekaseifikujícími granulomy, často ve spojení s tvorbou mikroabscesů a píštěle. Pokud jde o preferenci léčby, existuje značná heterogenita, což může vysvětlit vysokou míru recidivy, která se se blíží až k 50 %. Taková vysoká míra recidivy je alarmující a dokazuje, že současné způsoby léčby nejsou optimální. Ve světě jsou diskutovány 2 možnosti léčby: konzervativní strategie zahrnující medikamentózní terapii kortikosteroidy proti chirurgickému přístupu ve smyslu parciální nebo totální mastektomie. Všechny možnosti konzervativní léčby jsou spojeny s vysokým rizikem recidivy a většina pacientů nakonec vyžaduje chirurgický výkon. Rozhodující pro úspěšnou léčbu je důkladná excize zánětlivé tkáně, přičemž negativní chirurgické okraje jsou spojeny s nízkou mírou recidivy. Operační přístup ke GM vyžaduje dostatečnou radikalitu a předpokládá znalosti v oblasti rekonstrukční chirurgie prsu, podobně jako při onkochirurgických záchovných operacích prsu. Pro pacienty s obavami z rozsáhlejší chirurgické intervence však mohou být přijatelné alternativy léčby GM s užíváním perorálních steroidů. V tomto článku prezentujeme 6 kazuistik pacientů léčených na našem pracovišti.
Granulomatous mastitis (GM) is a rare benign inflammatory disease of the breast, first described by Kessler and Wolloch in 1972. Clinically, it can present as unilateral, sometimes painful, increasing breast resistance, or as a hard, irregular mass. Sonography is the most useful diagnostic method for GM evaluation. The only method for definitive diagnosis is the use of biopsy. In histological findings, GM is characterized by non-caseifying granulomas, often associated with microabscess and fistula formation. There is considerable heterogeneity in treatment options; this may explain the high recurrence rate which is close to 50%. Such a high recurrence rate is alarming and proves that current treatments are suboptimal. Two treatment options are discussed worldwide: conservative strategies involving drug therapy with corticosteroids versus a surgical approach involving partial or total mastectomy. All conservative treatment options are associated with a high risk of recurrence, and most patients require surgery in the end. Thorough excision of inflammatory tissue is crucial for successful treatment while negative surgical margins are associated with a low recurrence rate. The surgical approach to GM requires sufficient radicality and presumes knowledge in the field of reconstructive breast surgery, similarly to oncosurgical breast conservation operations. However, alternatives to GM treatment with oral steroids may be acceptable for patients concerned about surgery. This article presents six case reports of patients treated at our department.
- MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Granulomatous Mastitis * surgery drug therapy MeSH
- Adrenal Cortex Hormones therapeutic use MeSH
- Organ Sparing Treatments methods MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Úvod: Sebaceózní karcinom (SC) je raritní maligní nádor vycházející z mazových žláz postihující nejčastěji oblast hlavy a krku, výjimečně trup. Kazuistika: Předkládáme případ 63leté pacientky, která byla operována pro SC v oblasti pravého prsu. Pacientka podstoupila radikální operační výkon, odstranění nádoru s kůží, podkožím a velkým prsním svalem. Pacientka je osm měsíců od operace v dobrém klinickém stavu a bez známek lokální recidivy či progrese nádoru. Závěr: Pacienti se vzácnými nádory by měli být komplexně léčeni a celoživotně sledováni ve specializovaných centrech, kde působí multidisciplinární lékařské týmy schopné erudovaně diagnostikovat, rozpoznat, léčit a dispenzarizovat pacienty.
Introduction: Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare malignant tumor of the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous carcinoma occurs mainly in the head and neck region, rarely in trunk. Case report: We present a case report of 63-year-old patient, operated on for sebaceous carcinoma in the right breast area. The patient underwent radical surgery, removal of the tumor with the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and the large pectoral muscle. The patient is in good clinical condition eight months after the surgery. She is being constantly monitored and so far, there are neither signs of local recurrence nor tumor progression. Conclusion: Patients with rare tumors should be treated comprehensively with subsequent lifelong dispensarisation in specialized centers. Multidisciplinary medical teams are able to eruditely diagnose, recognize, treat and dispense patients.
- Keywords
- sebaceózní karcinom prsu, sebaceózní karcinom,
- MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms * surgery diagnosis MeSH
- Breast Neoplasms * surgery diagnosis MeSH
- Mastectomy, Radical MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Check Tag
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
Vaccinium myrtillus L. (bilberry) fruit is a blue-colored berry with a high content of anthocyanins. These bioactive secondary metabolites are considered to play a major role in the health-promoting properties of bilberries. Our in vivo study was designed to assess the possible influence of bilberry extract on drug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs). Rats were exposed to bilberry extract in drinking water at two concentrations (0.15 and 1.5 g/L). Selected DMEs were determined (mRNA expression and enzymatic activity) after 29 and 58 days in rat liver. In addition, a panel of antioxidant, physiological, biochemical and hematological parameters was studied; these parameters did not demonstrate any impact of bilberry extract on the health status of rats. A significant increase in activity was observed in cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C11 (131% of control) and CYP2E1 (122% of control) after a 29-day administration, while the consumption of a higher concentration for a longer time led to a mild activity decrease. Slight changes were observed in some other DMEs, but they remained insignificant from a physiological perspective. According to our results, we conclude that the consumption of bilberries as a food supplement should not pose a risk of interacting with co-administered drugs based on their metabolism.
- MeSH
- Antioxidants pharmacology MeSH
- Rats MeSH
- Rats, Wistar MeSH
- Plant Extracts pharmacology MeSH
- Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System drug effects metabolism MeSH
- Vaccinium myrtillus chemistry MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Rats MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Wheat is one of the most important agricultural crops worldwide. Recently, anthocyanin-rich wheat genotypes were introduced to the market as a food with added value. In the experiment described here, two different genotypes with blue grain were studied (UC66049 and Skorpion). The aim of the investigation was to determine whether a 72-day-long intake of anthocyanin-rich wheat can influence the drug-metabolizing microsomal cytochromes P450 (using standard drug substrates of rat/human liver microsomal cytochromes P450) and antioxidant status, which indicated the ability of the rats' liver to metabolize drugs or xenobiotics. Consumption of an anthocyanin-rich diet moderately increased the activity and mRNA expression of the studied CYPs by 20-55% relative to the control (with the exception of CYP2B1/2). The health status of rats was good; the weight gain was lower in the group with anthocyanin-rich UC66049 grain compared to the other two groups (control and Skorpion-fed one). The antioxidant power of plasma was mildly but significantly higher in the test groups, other antioxidant parameters remained unaffected, except for an increased level of total SH groups. Based on our observations, there will most likely be no significant influence of the consumption of anthocyanin-rich wheat on the metabolism of xenobiotics and drugs.
- MeSH
- Anthocyanins pharmacology MeSH
- Antioxidants metabolism MeSH
- Weight Gain drug effects MeSH
- Microsomes, Liver enzymology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- RNA, Messenger genetics MeSH
- Oxidative Stress MeSH
- Rats, Wistar MeSH
- Triticum genetics metabolism MeSH
- Feeding Behavior drug effects MeSH
- Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System genetics metabolism MeSH
- Xenobiotics metabolism MeSH
- Ferric Compounds metabolism MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH