Phytopathology is a highly complex scientific discipline. Initially, its focus was on the study of plant-pathogen interactions in agricultural and forestry production systems. Host-pathogen interactions in natural plant communities were generally overlooked until the 1970s when plant pathologists and evolutionary biologists started to take an interest in these interactions, and their dynamics in natural plant populations, communities, and ecosystems. This article introduces the general principles of plant pathosystems, provides a basic critical overview of current knowledge of host-pathogen interactions in natural plant pathosystems, and shows how this knowledge is important for future developments in plant pathology especially as it applies in cropping systems, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Plant pathosystems can be further divided according to the structure and origin of control, as autonomous (wild plant pathosystems, WPPs) or deterministic (crop plant pathosystems, CPPs). WPPs are characterized by the disease triangle and closed-loop (feedback) controls, and CPPs are characterized by the disease tetrahedron and open-loop (non-feedback) controls. Basic general, ecological, genetic, and population structural and functional differences between WPPs and CPPs are described. It is evident that we lack a focus on long-term observations and research of diseases and their dynamics in natural plant populations, metapopulations, communities, ecosystems, and biomes, as well as their direct or indirect relationships to CPPs. Differences and connections between WPPs and CPPs, and why, and how, these are important for agriculture varies. WPP and CPP may be linked by strong biological interactions, especially where the pathogen is in common. This is demonstrated through a case study of lettuce (Lactuca spp., L. serriola and L. sativa) and lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae). In other cases where there is no such direct biological linkage, the study of WPPs can provide a deeper understanding of how ecology and genetics interacts to drive disease through time. These studies provide insights into ways in which farming practices may be changed to limit disease development. Research on interactions between pathosystems, the "cross-talk" of WPPs and CPPs, is still very limited and, as shown in interactions between wild and cultivated Lactuca spp.-B. lactucae associations, can be highly complex. The implications and applications of this knowledge in plant breeding, crop management, and disease control measures are considered. This review concludes with a discussion of theoretical, general and specific aspects, challenges and limits of future WPP research, and application of their results in agriculture.
The novel wheat powdery mildew and stripe rust resistance genes Pm5V/Yr5V are introgressed from Dasypyrum villosum and fine mapped to a narrowed region in 5VS, and their effects on yield-related traits were characterized. The powdery mildew and stripe rust seriously threaten wheat production worldwide. Dasypyrum villosum (2n = 2x = 14, VV), a relative of wheat, is a valuable resource of resistance genes for wheat improvement. Here, we describe a platform for rapid introgression of the resistance genes from D. villosum into the wheat D genome. A complete set of new wheat-D. villosum V (D) disomic substitution lines and 11 D/V Robertsonian translocation lines are developed and characterized by molecular cytogenetic method. A new T5DL·5V#5S line NAU1908 shows resistance to both powdery mildew and stripe rust, and the resistances associated with 5VS are confirmed to be conferred by seedling resistance gene Pm5V and adult-plant resistance gene Yr5V, respectively. We flow-sort chromosome arm 5VS and sequence it using the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 system that allows us to generate 5VS-specific markers for genetic mapping of Pm5V/Yr5V. Fine mapping shows that Pm5V and Yr5V are closely linked and the location is narrowed to an approximately 0.9 Mb region referencing the sequence of Chinese Spring 5DS. In this region, a NLR gene in scaffold 24,874 of 5VS orthologous to TraesCS5D02G044300 is the most likely candidate gene for Pm5V. Soft- and hard-grained T5DL·5V#5S introgressions confer resistance to both powdery mildew and stripe rust in diverse wheat genetic backgrounds without yield penalty. Meanwhile, significant decrease in plant height and increase in yield were observed in NIL-5DL·5V#5S compared with that in NIL-5DL·5DS. These results indicate that Pm5V/Yr5V lines might have the potential value to facilitate wheat breeding for disease resistance.
The plant genome can produce long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), some of which have been identified as important regulators of gene expression. To better understand the response mechanism of rice plants to Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) infection, we performed a comparative transcriptome analysis between the RBSDV-infected and non-infected rice plants. A total of 1342 mRNAs and 22 lncRNAs were identified to be differentially expressed after RBSDV infection. Most differentially expressed transcripts involved in the plant-pathogen interaction pathway were upregulated after RBSDV infection, indicating the activation of rice defense response by RBSDV. A network of differentially expressed lncRNAs (DElncRNAs) and mRNAs (DEmRNAs) was then constructed. In this network, there are 56 plant-pathogen interaction-related DEmRNAs co-expressing with 20 DElncRNAs, suggesting these DElncRNAs and DEmRNAs may play essential roles in rice innate immunity against RBSDV. Moreover, some of the lncRNA-mRNA regulatory relationships were experimentally verified in rice calli by a quick and effective method established in this study. Three DElncRNAs were selected to be tested, and the results indicated that five mRNAs were found to be regulated by them. Together, we give a whole landscape of rice mRNAs and lncRNAs in response to RBSDV infection, and a feasible method to rapidly verify the lncRNA-mRNA regulatory relationship in rice.
- MeSH
- messenger RNA genetika metabolismus MeSH
- nemoci rostlin genetika virologie MeSH
- regulace genové exprese u rostlin * MeSH
- RNA dlouhá nekódující genetika metabolismus MeSH
- RNA rostlin genetika metabolismus MeSH
- rostlinné viry genetika fyziologie MeSH
- stanovení celkové genové exprese MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Stem rust is an important disease of wheat that can be controlled using resistance genes. The gene SuSr-D1 identified in cultivar 'Canthatch' suppresses stem rust resistance. SuSr-D1 mutants are resistant to several races of stem rust that are virulent on wild-type plants. Here we identify SuSr-D1 by sequencing flow-sorted chromosomes, mutagenesis, and map-based cloning. The gene encodes Med15, a subunit of the Mediator Complex, a conserved protein complex in eukaryotes that regulates expression of protein-coding genes. Nonsense mutations in Med15b.D result in expression of stem rust resistance. Time-course RNAseq analysis show a significant reduction or complete loss of differential gene expression at 24 h post inoculation in med15b.D mutants, suggesting that transcriptional reprogramming at this time point is not required for immunity to stem rust. Suppression is a common phenomenon and this study provides novel insight into suppression of rust resistance in wheat.
- MeSH
- Basidiomycota patogenita MeSH
- chromozomy rostlin genetika MeSH
- duplikace genu MeSH
- exprese genu MeSH
- fenotyp MeSH
- imunita rostlin genetika MeSH
- lipnicovité klasifikace genetika MeSH
- mapování chromozomů MeSH
- mediátorový komplex genetika MeSH
- mutace MeSH
- nemoci rostlin genetika imunologie mikrobiologie MeSH
- odolnost vůči nemocem genetika MeSH
- pšenice genetika imunologie mikrobiologie MeSH
- regulace genové exprese u rostlin MeSH
- rostlinné geny genetika MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. MeSH
A facultative parasite of cereals, Fusarium culmorum is a soil-, air- and seed-borne fungus causing foot and root rot, fusarium seedling blight, and especially Fusarium head blight, a spike disease leading to decreased yield and mycotoxin contamination of grain. In the present study, we tested changes in expression of wheat genes (B2H2, ICS, PAL, and PR2) involved in defence against diseases. We first compared expression of the analysed genes in seedlings of non-inoculated and artificially inoculated wheat (variety Bohemia). The second part of the experiment compared expression of these genes in seedlings grown under various treatment conditions. These treatments were chosen to determine the effects of prochloraz, sodium bicarbonate, ergosterol, aescin and potassium iodide on expression of the analysed defence genes. In addition to the inoculated and non-inoculated cultivar Bohemia, we additionally examined two other varieties of wheat with contrasting resistance to Fusarium sp. infection. These were the blue aleurone layer variety Scorpion that is susceptible to Fusarium sp. infection and variety V2-49-17 with yellow endosperm and partial resistance to Fusarium sp. infection. In this manner, we were able to compare potential effects of inductors upon defence gene expression among three varieties with different susceptibility to infection but also between inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings of a single variety. The lowest infection levels were detected in the sodium bicarbonate treatment. Sodium bicarbonate had not only negative influence on Fusarium growth but also positively affected expression of plant defence genes. Expression of the four marker genes shown to be important in plant defence was significantly affected by the treatments. The greatest upregulation in comparison to the water control was identified under all treatments for the B2H2 gene. Only expression of PAL under the ergosterol and prochloraz treatments were not statistically significant.
- MeSH
- Fusarium imunologie MeSH
- hydrogenuhličitan sodný farmakologie MeSH
- nemoci rostlin genetika imunologie mikrobiologie MeSH
- odolnost vůči nemocem genetika MeSH
- pšenice genetika MeSH
- semenáček genetika mikrobiologie MeSH
- stanovení celkové genové exprese * MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Wheat-rye T1BL.1RS translocation is widespread worldwide as the genes on 1RS arm have positive effect on stress resistance, grain yield and adaptation ability of wheat. Nowadays, the T1BL.1RS wheat cultivars have become susceptible to rust diseases because of the monophyletic ('Petkus') origin of 1RS. Here we report and discuss the production and detailed investigation of a new T1BL.1RS translocation line carrying 1RS with widened genetic base originating from Secale cereanum. Line '179' exhibited improved spike morphology traits, resistance against stripe rust and leaf rust, as well as higher tillering capacity, fertility and dietary fiber (arabynoxylan) content than the parental wheat genotype. Comparative analyses based on molecular cytogenetic methods and molecular (SSR and DArTseq) makers indicate that the 1RS arm of line '179' is a recombinant of S. cereale and S. strictum homologues, and approximately 16% of its loci were different from that of 'Petkus' origin. 162 (69.5%) 1RS-specific markers were associated with genes, including 10 markers with putative disease resistance functions and LRR domains found on the subtelomeric or pericentromeric regions of 1RS. Line '179' will facilitate the map-based cloning of the resistance genes, and it can contribute to healthy eating and a more cost-efficient wheat production.
KEY MESSAGE: Lr76 and Yr70 have been fine mapped using the sequence of flow-sorted recombinant 5D chromosome from wheat-Ae. umbellulata introgression line. The alien introgression has been delineated to 9.47-Mb region on short arm of wheat chromosome 5D. Leaf rust and stripe rust are among the most damaging diseases of wheat worldwide. Wheat cultivation based on limited number of rust resistance genes deployed over vast areas expedites the emergence of new pathotypes warranting a continuous deployment of new resistance genes. In this paper, fine mapping of Aegilops umbellulata-derived leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes Lr76 and Yr70 is being reported. We flow sorted and paired-end sequenced 5U chromosome of Ae. umbellulata, recombinant chromosome 5D (5DIL) from wheat-Ae. umbellulata introgression line pau16057 and 5DRP of recurrent parent WL711. Chromosome 5U reads were mapped against the reference Chinese Spring chromosome 5D sequence, and alien-specific SNPs were identified. Chromosome 5DIL and 5DRP sequences were de novo assembled, and alien introgression-specific markers were designed by selecting 5U- and 5D-specific SNPs. Overall, 27 KASP markers were mapped in high-resolution population consisting of 1404 F5 RILs. The mapping population segregated for single gene each for leaf rust and stripe rust resistance. The physical order of the SNPs in pau16057 was defined by projecting the 27 SNPs against the IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 sequence. Based on this physical map, the size of Ae. umbellulata introgression was determined to be 9.47 Mb on the distal most end of the short arm of chromosome 5D. This non-recombining alien segment carries six NB-LRR encoding genes based on NLR annotation of assembled chromosome 5DIL sequence and IWGSC RefSeq v1.1 gene models. The presence of SNPs and other sequence variations in these genes between pau16057 and WL711 suggested that they are candidates for Lr76 and Yr70.
- MeSH
- Aegilops genetika MeSH
- Basidiomycota růst a vývoj patogenita MeSH
- chromozomy rostlin MeSH
- fenotyp MeSH
- genetické markery MeSH
- genová introgrese MeSH
- jednonukleotidový polymorfismus MeSH
- listy rostlin genetika mikrobiologie MeSH
- mapování chromozomů MeSH
- nemoci rostlin genetika mikrobiologie MeSH
- odolnost vůči nemocem genetika MeSH
- pšenice genetika mikrobiologie MeSH
- rekombinace genetická MeSH
- rostlinné geny MeSH
- šlechtění rostlin MeSH
- telomery genetika MeSH
- vysoce účinné nukleotidové sekvenování MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
The phytohormone salicylic acid (SA) has a crucial role in plant physiology. Its role is best described in the context of plant response to pathogen attack. During infection, SA is rapidly accumulated throughout the green tissues and is important for both local and systemic defences. However, some genetic/metabolic variations can also result in SA overaccumulation in plants, even in basal conditions. To date, more than forty Arabidopsis thaliana mutants have been described as having enhanced endogenous SA levels or constitutively activated SA signalling pathways. In this study, we established a collection of mutants containing different SA levels due to diverse genetic modifications and distinct gene functions. We chose prototypic SA-overaccumulators (SA-OAs), such as bon1-1, but also "non-typical" ones such as exo70b1-1; the selection of OA is accompanied by their crosses with SA-deficient lines. Here, we extensively studied the plant development and SA level/signalling under various growth conditions in soil and in vitro, and showed a strong negative correlation between rosette size, SA content and PR1/ICS1 transcript signature. SA-OAs (namely cpr5, acd6, bon1-1, fah1/fah2 and pi4kβ1β2) had bigger rosettes under high light conditions, whereas WT plants did not. Our data provide new insights clarifying a link between SA and plant behaviour under environmental stresses. The presented SA mutant collection is thus a suitable tool to shed light on the mechanisms underlying trade-offs between growth and defence in plants.
- MeSH
- Arabidopsis genetika metabolismus mikrobiologie MeSH
- interakce hostitele a patogenu MeSH
- kyselina salicylová metabolismus MeSH
- mutace * MeSH
- nemoci rostlin genetika mikrobiologie MeSH
- proteiny huseníčku genetika metabolismus MeSH
- regulace genové exprese u rostlin * MeSH
- regulátory růstu rostlin metabolismus MeSH
- signální transdukce genetika MeSH
- vývoj rostlin genetika MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
A segment of Triticum militinae chromosome 7G harbors a gene(s) conferring powdery mildew resistance which is effective at both the seedling and the adult plant stages when transferred into bread wheat (T. aestivum). The introgressed segment replaces a piece of wheat chromosome arm 4AL. An analysis of segregating materials generated to positionally clone the gene highlighted that in a plant heterozygous for the introgression segment, only limited recombination occurs between the introgressed region and bread wheat 4A. Nevertheless, 75 genetic markers were successfully placed within the region, thereby confining the gene to a 0.012 cM window along the 4AL arm. In a background lacking the Ph1 locus, the localized rate of recombination was raised 33-fold, enabling the reduction in the length of the region containing the resistance gene to a 480 kbp stretch harboring 12 predicted genes. The substituted segment in the reference sequence of bread wheat cv. Chinese Spring is longer (640 kbp) and harbors 16 genes. A comparison of the segments' sequences revealed a high degree of divergence with respect to both their gene content and nucleotide sequence. Of the 12 T. militinae genes, only four have a homolog in cv. Chinese Spring. Possible candidate genes for the resistance have been identified based on function predicted from their sequence.
- MeSH
- anotace sekvence MeSH
- Ascomycota fyziologie MeSH
- chléb MeSH
- chromozomy rostlin genetika MeSH
- genetická variace * MeSH
- genetické lokusy * MeSH
- klonování DNA MeSH
- mapování chromozomů MeSH
- nemoci rostlin genetika imunologie mikrobiologie MeSH
- odolnost vůči nemocem genetika MeSH
- pšenice genetika imunologie mikrobiologie MeSH
- rostlinné geny * MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Viroids are small non-capsidated, single-stranded, covalently-closed circular noncoding RNA replicons of 239-401 nucleotides that exploit host factors for their replication, and some cause disease in several economically important crop plants, while others appear to be benign. The proposed mechanisms of viroid pathogenesis include direct interaction of the genomic viroid RNA with host factors and post-transcriptional or transcriptional gene silencing via viroid-derived small RNAs (vd-sRNAs) generated by the host defensive machinery. Humulus lupulus (hop) plants are hosts to several viroids among which Hop latent viroid (HLVd) and Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) are attractive model systems for the study of viroid-host interactions due to the symptomless infection of the former and severe symptoms induced by the latter in this indicator host. To better understand their interactions with hop plant, a comparative transcriptomic analysis based on RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was performed to reveal the transcriptional alterations induced as a result of single HLVd and CBCVd infection in hop. Additionally, the effect of HLVd on the aggressiveness of CBCVd that underlies severe stunting in hop in a mixed infection was studied by transcriptomic analysis. Our analysis revealed that CBCVd infection resulted in dynamic changes in the activity of genes as compared to single HLVd infection and their mixed infection. The differentially expressed genes that are involved in defense, phytohormone signaling, photosynthesis and chloroplasts, RNA regulation, processing and binding; protein metabolism and modification; and other mechanisms were more modulated in the CBCVd infection of hop. Nevertheless, Gene Ontology (GO) classification and pathway enrichment analysis showed that the expression of genes involved in the proteolysis mechanism is more active in a mixed infection as compared to a single one, suggesting co-infecting viroids may result in interference with host factors more prominently. Collectively, our results provide a deep transcriptome of hop and insight into complex single HLVd, CBCVd, and their coinfection in hop-plant interactions.
- MeSH
- Humulus genetika virologie MeSH
- nemoci rostlin genetika virologie MeSH
- transkriptom * MeSH
- viroidy patogenita MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH