spinach Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
U 18 látok typu aryloxyaminopropanolov – potenciálnych beta-adrenolytík aryloxyaminopropano-lového typu líšiacich sa obmenami v hydrofilnej, resp. lipofilnej časti molekuly, bol študovaný účinokna inhibíciu rýchlosti vývoja kyslíka v chloroplastoch špenátu – Spinacia oleracea L. Najvyššiuinhibičnú aktivitu vykazovali látky s n-oktyloxymetylovou a n-nonyloxymetylovou skupinou v po-lohe 3 aromatického jadra (IC50 = 67, resp. 120 mmol.dm -3 ). Látky so zabudovaným heterocyklom,resp. dimetylaminoskupinou v hydrofilnej časti molekuly a propoxymetylovou skupinou na aroma-tickom jadre boli neúčinné. Pomocou EPR spektroskopie sa zistilo, že testované látky interagujús intermediátmi Z + /D + , t.j. s tyrozínovými radikálmi TyrZ a TyrD, ktoré sú situované v D1 a D2proteínoch na donornej strane fotosystému 2. V prítomnosti vyšších koncentrácií študovanýchinhibítorov dochádza k uvoľňovaniu Mn 2+ ionov z komplexu rozkladajúceho vodu, ktorý je súčasťoufotosystému 2. Interakcia sledovaných látok s chlorofylom, ktorý sa nachádza vo fotosyntetickýchcentrách chloroplastov, sa potvrdila tiež fluorescenčnými meraniami.
The effect of 18 compounds of the aryloxyaminopropanol type – potencial beta-adrenolytics (differingeach from other by modifications in the hydrophilic and lipophilic part of the molecule) on theinhibition of oxygen evolution rate in spinach chloroplasts has been investigated. The compoundswith n-octyloxymethyl and n-nonyloxymethyl group in position 3 of aromatic ring were found toexhibit the highest inhibitory activity (IC50 = 67, resp. 120 mmol dm -3 ). The compounds containinga heterocycle or the dimethylamino group in the hydrophilic part of the molecule and withpropoxymethyl group on the aromatic ring were not active. Using EPR spectroscopy it was foundthat the studied compounds interact with Z + /D + intermediates, i.e. tyrosine radicals TyrZ and TyrDsituated in D1 and D2 proteins on the donor side of photosystem 2. Higher concentrations of thestudied inhibitors cause release of Mn 2+ ions from the oxygen evolving complex which is situated inphotosystem 2. The interaction of the tested compounds with chlorophyll occurring in the photo-synthetic centres has been confirmed by fluorescence measurements as well.
Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants, which may contain various contaminants including pharmaceuticals, is often used as a soil amendment. These contaminants may subsequently be taken up by plants. In the present study we examined uptake of select pharmaceuticals from sewage sludge applied to soils by spinach plants. Seven soils were amended with sewage sludge from two wastewater treatment plants (A and B). Concentrations of compounds in plant tissues (roots and leaves) of spinach planted 45 days in these soils under greenhouse conditions were evaluated after harvest. The largest bioaccumulation in the roots and leaves was observed for sertraline (bioaccumulation factors (BAF) of 3.3-37.9 and 1-13.4, respectively), tramadol (1.3-10.0 and 4.8-30.0), and carbamazepine (2.2-17.2 and 6.1-48.8) and its metabolite carbamazepine 10,11-epoxide (not-quantified to 7.3 and 9.3-96.7). Elevated bioaccumulation in spinach roots was also identified for telmisartan (3.0-20.3) and miconazole (4.3-15.1), and leaves for metoprolol acid (not-quantified to 24.3). BAF values resulting from application of sludge B were similar to or moderately higher than BAFs from sludge A. The BAF values of carbamazepine and carbamazepine 10,11-epoxide in all tissues were negatively correlated with soil cation exchange capacity (CEC). This negative correlation between BAF and CEC was also observed for tramadol (A-roots and B-leaves), citalopram (B-roots), and telmisartan (B-roots) or between BAF and clay content for metoprolol acid (A-leaves and B-roots), tramadol (B-roots and A-leaves) and venlafaxine (B-roots). However, in the case of some other compounds (i.e. sertraline, amitriptyline, mirtazapine, metoprolol), uptake and the subsequent translocation and transformation from 3 soils of a higher pH and base cation saturation (Stagnic Chernozem Siltic, Haplic Chernozem and Greyic Phaeozem) significantly differed from 4 soils with a lower pH and base cation saturation (Haplic Luvisol, Haplic Cambisol, Dystric Cambisol and Arenosol Epieutric). Such observations proved strong compound dependent influences of soil conditions on various compounds bioaccumulations in plants and necessity of studying these processes always in diverse soils.
- MeSH
- látky znečišťující půdu * MeSH
- odpadní voda MeSH
- odpadní vody MeSH
- půda * MeSH
- Spinacia oleracea MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
One of the elements showing strong beneficial effect on plants at low concentrations and toxic effects at higher concentrations is titanium (Ti). We investigated the interconnection between the Fe uptake and the Ti intoxication in model experiment on Fe-deficient spinach (Spinacia oleracea) plants to help to elucidate the mechanism of the biological activity of titanium in plants. The two different Ti (0 and 20 mg L⁻¹) and two different Fe (0 and 1.35 mg L⁻¹) concentrations in hydroponic medium were used in all four possible combinations. We compared chemical analysis of Ti and Fe in roots and shoots with the changes of the in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence. Although Fe and Ti concentration found in shoots of Ti-non-treated Fe-deficient plants was comparable with that in Ti-treated Fe-deficient plants, the soluble form of Ti present in the growth media had a negative effect on photosynthetic activity monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. The presence of Fe in growth medium significantly decreased the Ti concentration in shoots and increased the photosynthetic activity. Here, we propose that Ti affect components of electron transport chain containing Fe in their structure (particularly photosystem I) and decrease the photosystem II efficiency.
The growing interest in a healthy lifestyle and in environmental protection is changing habits regarding food consumption and agricultural practices. Good agricultural practice is indispensable, particularly for raw vegetables, and can include the use of plant probiotic bacteria for the purpose of biofertilization. In this work we analysed the probiotic potential of the rhizobial strain PEPV40, identified as Rhizobium laguerreae through the analysis of the recA and atpD genes, on the growth of spinach plants. This strain presents several in vitro plant growth promotion mechanisms, such as phosphate solubilisation and the production of indole acetic acid and siderophores. The strain PEPV40 produces cellulose and forms biofilms on abiotic surfaces. GFP labelling of this strain showed that PEPV40 colonizes the roots of spinach plants, forming microcolonies typical of biofilm initiation. Inoculation with this strain significantly increases several vegetative parameters such as leaf number, size and weight, as well as chlorophyll and nitrogen contents. Therefore, our findings indicate, for the first time, that Rhizobium laguerreae is an excellent plant probiotic, which increases the yield and quality of spinach, a vegetable that is increasingly being consumed raw worldwide.
- MeSH
- biofilmy MeSH
- celulosa biosyntéza MeSH
- fenotyp MeSH
- fylogeneze MeSH
- kořeny rostlin mikrobiologie MeSH
- probiotika * MeSH
- Rhizobium klasifikace fyziologie MeSH
- semenáček mikrobiologie MeSH
- Spinacia oleracea růst a vývoj mikrobiologie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
The light-driven splitting of water to oxygen (O2) is catalyzed by a protein-bound tetra-manganese penta-oxygen calcium (Mn4O5Ca) cluster in Photosystem II. In the current study, we used a large-scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric sensor array system, designated Bio-LSI, to perform two-dimensional imaging of light-induced O2 evolution from spinach leaves. The employed Bio-LSI chip consists of 400 sensor electrodes with a pitch of 250 μm for fast electrochemical imaging. Spinach leaves were illuminated to varying intensities of white light (400-700 nm) which induced oxygen evolution and subsequent electrochemical images were collected using the Bio-LSI chip. Bio-LSI images clearly showed the dose-dependent effects of the light-induced oxygen release from spinach leaves which was then significantly suppressed in the presence of urea-type herbicide 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Our results clearly suggest that light-induced oxygen evolution can be monitored using the chip and suggesting that the Bio-LSI is a promising tool for real-time imaging. To the best of our knowledge, this report is the first to describe electrochemical imaging of light-induced O2 evolution using LSI-based amperometric sensors in plants.
The aim of the work was to examine the effect of brassinosteroid (24-epibrassinolide; 24E) and ecdysteroid (20-hydroxyecdysone; 20E) on various parts of primary photosynthetic processes in maize and spinach. Additionally, the effect of steroids on gaseous exchange, pigment content and biomass accumulation was studied. The efficiency of the photosynthetic whole electron-transport chain responded negatively to the 24E or 20E treatment in both species, but there were interspecific differences regarding Photosystem (PS) II response. A positive effect on its oxygen-evolving complex and a slightly better energetical connectivity between PSII units were observed in maize whereas the opposite was true for spinach. The size of the pool of the PSI end electron acceptors was usually diminished due to 24E or 20E treatment. The treatment of plants with 24E or 20E applied individually positively influenced the content of photosynthetic pigments in maize (not in spinach). On the other hand, it did not affect gaseous exchange in maize but resulted in its reduction in spinach. Plants treated with combination of both steroids mostly did not significantly differ from the control plants. We have demonstrated for the first time that 20E applied in low (10nM) concentration can affect various parts of photosynthetic processes similarly to 24E and that brassinosteroids regulate not only PSII but also other parts of the photosynthetic electron transport chain - but not necessarily in the same way.
- MeSH
- brassinosteroidy aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- ekdysteron aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- fotosyntéza účinky léků genetika MeSH
- fotosystém II - proteinový komplex účinky léků genetika MeSH
- kukuřice setá účinky léků růst a vývoj MeSH
- listy rostlin účinky léků metabolismus MeSH
- oxidace-redukce MeSH
- rostlinné proteiny biosyntéza MeSH
- Spinacia oleracea účinky léků růst a vývoj MeSH
- steroidy heterocyklické aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Consumption of heavy metals, especially lead (Pb) contaminated food is a serious threat to human health. Higher Pb uptake by the plant affects the quality, growth and yield of crops. However, inoculation of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) along with a mixture of organic amendments and biochar could be an effective way to overcome the problem of Pb toxicity. That's why current pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of compost mixed biochar (CB) and ACC deaminase producing PGPR on growth and yield of spinach plants under artificially induced Pb toxicity. Six different treatments i.e., control, Alcaligenes faecalis (PGPR1), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (PGPR2), compost + biochar (CB), PGPR1 + CB and PGPR2 + CB were applied under 250 mg Pb kg-1 soil. Results showed that inoculation of PGPRs (Alcaligenes faecalis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) alone and along with CB significantly enhanced root fresh (47%) and dry weight (31%), potassium concentration (11%) in the spinach plant. Whereas, CB + Bacillus amyloliquefaciens significantly decreased (43%) the concentration of Pb in the spinach root over control. In conclusion, CB + Bacillus amyloliquefaciens has the potential to mitigate the Pb induced toxicity in the spinach. The obtained result can be further used in the planning and execution of rhizobacteria and compost mixed biochar-based soil amendment.
- MeSH
- Alcaligenes faecalis enzymologie izolace a purifikace metabolismus MeSH
- Bacillus amyloliquefaciens enzymologie izolace a purifikace metabolismus MeSH
- bakteriální proteiny metabolismus MeSH
- chlorofyl metabolismus MeSH
- draslík analýza MeSH
- dřevěné a živočišné uhlí chemie MeSH
- koncentrace vodíkových iontů MeSH
- kořeny rostlin růst a vývoj metabolismus mikrobiologie MeSH
- látky znečišťující půdu chemie metabolismus toxicita MeSH
- lyasy štěpící vazby C-C metabolismus MeSH
- olovo chemie metabolismus toxicita MeSH
- půda chemie MeSH
- půdní mikrobiologie MeSH
- Spinacia oleracea chemie účinky léků mikrobiologie MeSH
- symbióza MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH