SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python

. 2020 Mar ; 17 (3) : 261-272. [epub] 20200203

Jazyk angličtina Země Spojené státy americké Médium print-electronic

Typ dokumentu historické články, časopisecké články, přehledy

Perzistentní odkaz

Grantová podpora
P 27703 Austrian Science Fund FWF - Austria


PubMed 32015543
PubMed Central PMC7056644
DOI 10.1038/s41592-019-0686-2
PII: 10.1038/s41592-019-0686-2 E-zdroje

SciPy is an open-source scientific computing library for the Python programming language. Since its initial release in 2001, SciPy has become a de facto standard for leveraging scientific algorithms in Python, with over 600 unique code contributors, thousands of dependent packages, over 100,000 dependent repositories and millions of downloads per year. In this work, we provide an overview of the capabilities and development practices of SciPy 1.0 and highlight some recent technical developments.

Anaconda Inc Austin TX USA

Anton Pannekoek Institute Amsterdam The Netherlands

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Lucas Heights NSW Australia

Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics University of California Berkeley Berkeley CA USA

Berkeley Institute for Data Science University of California Berkeley Berkeley CA USA

BioResource and Agricultural Engineering Department California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo CA USA

Bruker Biospin Corp Billerica MA USA

College of Information and Computing Sciences University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst MA USA

Department of Mathematics Brigham Young University Provo UT USA

Department of Mathematics University of California Los Angeles Los Angeles CA USA

Department of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn Technical University Tallinn Estonia

Division of Biostatistics University of California Berkeley Berkeley CA USA

Electrical Engineering Brigham Young University Provo UT USA

Enthought Inc Austin TX USA

Google LLC Cambridge MA USA

Google LLC Montreal Quebec Canada

Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte Brazil

Independent researcher Amsterdam the Netherlands

Independent researcher Belmont Massachusetts USA

Independent researcher Logan Utah USA

Independent researcher Montreal Quebec Canada

Independent researcher New York NY USA

Independent researcher San Francisco CA USA

Independent researcher Saue Estonia

Independent researcher Tokyo Japan

Independent researcher Toulouse France

Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences University of Washington Seattle WA USA

Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos NM USA

National Research University Higher School of Economics Moscow Russia

New Technologies Research Centre University of West Bohemia Plzeň Czech Republic

Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences The University of Texas at Austin Austin TX USA

Quansight LLC Austin TX USA

School of Psychology University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham UK

Space Dynamics Laboratory North Logan UT USA

Ultrasound Imaging Mayo Clinic Rochester MN USA

University of Jyväskylä Jyväskylä Finland

University of Washington Seattle WA USA

WayRay LLC Skolkovo Innovation Center Moscow Russia

Erratum v


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