52 záznamů v Medvik Filtry
. 2024 ; 33 (2) : e14011. [pub] 20230812

. 2023 ; 69 (5) : E25-E29. [pub] 20230912

. 2023 ; 14 (1) : 2709. [pub] 20230515

. 2022 ; 23 (3) : 192-197. [pub] 20220616

. 2022 ; 14 (-) : 1031-1047. [pub] 20220531

. 2022 ; 98 (23) : e2387-e2400. [pub] 20220418

. 2021 ; 44 (2) : . [pub] 20210212

. 2018 ; 26 (Suppl.) : S61-S66. (Trends in Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases in Eastern Slovakia)

. 2018 ; 26 (Suppl.) : S56-S60. (Trends in Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases in Eastern Slovakia)